from __future__ import annotations import concurrent.futures import logging import math import random import time import typing import urllib.parse from import GeneralAudioStream from import GeneralWritableStream from import StreamId from import AbsChunkedInputStream from import AesAudioDecrypt from import NoopAudioDecrypt from import SuperAudioFormat from import ChannelManager from librespot.common import Utils from librespot.proto import StorageResolve_pb2 as StorageResolve if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from import AudioDecrypt from import HaltListener from librespot.cache.CacheManager import CacheManager from librespot.core.Session import Session from librespot.proto import Metadata_pb2 as Metadata class CdnManager: _LOGGER: logging = logging.getLogger(__name__) _session: Session def __init__(self, session: Session): self._session = session def get_head(self, file_id: bytes): resp = self._session.client().get( self._session.get_user_attribute( "head-files-url", "{file_id}").replace( "{file_id}", Utils.bytes_to_hex(file_id))) if resp.status_code != 200: raise IOError("{}".format(resp.status_code)) body = resp.content if body is None: raise IOError("Response body is empty!") return body def stream_external_episode(self, episode: Metadata.Episode, external_url: str, halt_listener: HaltListener): return CdnManager.Streamer( self._session, StreamId.StreamId(episode), SuperAudioFormat.MP3, CdnManager.CdnUrl(self, None, external_url), self._session.cache(), NoopAudioDecrypt(), halt_listener, ) def stream_file( self, file: Metadata.AudioFile, key: bytes, url: str, halt_listener: HaltListener, ): return CdnManager.Streamer( self._session, StreamId.StreamId(file), SuperAudioFormat.get(file.format), CdnManager.CdnUrl(self, file.file_id, url), self._session.cache(), AesAudioDecrypt(key), halt_listener, ) def get_audio_url(self, file_id: bytes): resp = self._session.api().send( "GET", "/storage-resolve/files/audio/interactive/{}".format( Utils.bytes_to_hex(file_id)), None, None, ) if resp.status_code != 200: raise IOError(resp.status_code) body = resp.content if body is None: raise IOError("Response body is empty!") proto = StorageResolve.StorageResolveResponse() proto.ParseFromString(body) if proto.result == StorageResolve.StorageResolveResponse.Result.CDN: url = random.choice(proto.cdnurl) self._LOGGER.debug("Fetched CDN url for {}: {}".format( Utils.bytes_to_hex(file_id), url)) return url raise CdnManager.CdnException( "Could not retrieve CDN url! result: {}".format(proto.result)) class CdnException(Exception): pass class InternalResponse: _buffer: bytearray _headers: typing.Dict[str, str] def __init__(self, buffer: bytearray, headers: typing.Dict[str, str]): self._buffer = buffer self._headers = headers class CdnUrl: __cdnManager = None __fileId: bytes _expiration: int _url: str def __init__(self, cdn_manager, file_id: bytes, url: str): self.__cdnManager: CdnManager = cdn_manager self.__fileId = file_id self.set_url(url) def url(self): if self._expiration == -1: return self._url if self._expiration <= int(time.time() * 1000) + 5 * 60 * 1000: self._url = self.__cdnManager.get_audio_url(self.__fileId) return self.url def set_url(self, url: str): self._url = url if self.__fileId is not None: token_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) token_query = urllib.parse.parse_qs(token_url.query) token_list = token_query.get("__token__") try: token_str = str(token_list[0]) except TypeError: token_str = "" if token_str != "None" and len(token_str) != 0: expire_at = None split = token_str.split("~") for s in split: try: i = s.index("=") except ValueError: continue if s[:i] == "exp": expire_at = int(s[i + 1:]) break if expire_at is None: self._expiration = -1 self.__cdnManager._LOGGER.warning( "Invalid __token__ in CDN url: {}".format(url)) return self._expiration = expire_at * 1000 else: try: i = token_url.query.index("_") except ValueError: self._expiration = -1 self.__cdnManager._LOGGER.warning( "Couldn't extract expiration, invalid parameter in CDN url: {}" .format(url)) return self._expiration = int(token_url.query[:i]) * 1000 else: self._expiration = -1 class Streamer( GeneralAudioStream.GeneralAudioStream, GeneralWritableStream.GeneralWritableStream, ): _session: Session _streamId: StreamId.StreamId _executorService = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() _audioFormat: SuperAudioFormat _audioDecrypt: AudioDecrypt _cdnUrl = None _size: int _buffer: typing.List[bytearray] _available: typing.List[bool] _requested: typing.List[bool] _chunks: int _internalStream: CdnManager.Streamer.InternalStream _haltListener: HaltListener def __init__( self, session: Session, stream_id: StreamId.StreamId, audio_format: SuperAudioFormat, cdn_url, cache: CacheManager, audio_decrypt: AudioDecrypt, halt_listener: HaltListener, ): self._session = session self._streamId = stream_id self._audioFormat = audio_format self._audioDecrypt = audio_decrypt self._cdnUrl = cdn_url self._haltListener = halt_listener resp = self.request(range_start=0, range_end=ChannelManager.CHUNK_SIZE - 1) content_range = resp._headers.get("Content-Range") if content_range is None: raise IOError("Missing Content-Range header!") split = Utils.split(content_range, "/") self._size = int(split[1]) self._chunks = int( math.ceil(self._size / ChannelManager.CHUNK_SIZE)) first_chunk = resp._buffer self._available = [False for _ in range(self._chunks)] self._requested = [False for _ in range(self._chunks)] self._buffer = [bytearray() for _ in range(self._chunks)] self._internalStream = CdnManager.Streamer.InternalStream( self, False) self._requested[0] = True self.write_chunk(first_chunk, 0, False) def write_chunk(self, chunk: bytes, chunk_index: int, cached: bool) -> None: if self._internalStream.is_closed(): return self._session._LOGGER.debug( "Chunk {}/{} completed, cached: {}, stream: {}".format( chunk_index + 1, self._chunks, cached, self.describe())) self._buffer[chunk_index] = self._audioDecrypt.decrypt_chunk( chunk_index, chunk) self._internalStream.notify_chunk_available(chunk_index) def stream(self) -> AbsChunkedInputStream: return self._internalStream def codec(self) -> SuperAudioFormat: return self._audioFormat def describe(self) -> str: if self._streamId.is_episode(): return "episode_gid: {}".format( self._streamId.get_episode_gid()) return "file_id: {}".format(self._streamId.get_file_id()) def decrypt_time_ms(self) -> int: return self._audioDecrypt.decrypt_time_ms() def request_chunk(self, index: int) -> None: resp = self.request(index) self.write_chunk(resp._buffer, index, False) def request(self, chunk: int = None, range_start: int = None, range_end: int = None) -> CdnManager.InternalResponse: if chunk is None and range_start is None and range_end is None: raise TypeError() if chunk is not None: range_start = ChannelManager.CHUNK_SIZE * chunk range_end = (chunk + 1) * ChannelManager.CHUNK_SIZE - 1 resp = self._session.client().get( self._cdnUrl._url, headers={ "Range": "bytes={}-{}".format(range_start, range_end) }, ) if resp.status_code != 206: raise IOError(resp.status_code) body = resp.content if body is None: raise IOError("Response body is empty!") return CdnManager.InternalResponse(bytearray(body), resp.headers) class InternalStream(AbsChunkedInputStream): streamer = None def __init__(self, streamer, retry_on_chunk_error: bool): self.streamer: CdnManager.Streamer = streamer super().__init__(retry_on_chunk_error) def buffer(self) -> typing.List[bytearray]: return self.streamer._buffer def size(self) -> int: return self.streamer._size def requested_chunks(self) -> typing.List[bool]: return self.streamer._requested def available_chunks(self) -> typing.List[bool]: return self.streamer._available def chunks(self) -> int: return self.streamer._chunks def request_chunk_from_stream(self, index: int) -> None: self.streamer._executorService.submit( lambda: self.streamer.request_chunk(index)) def stream_read_halted(self, chunk: int, _time: int) -> None: if self.streamer._haltListener is not None: self.streamer._executorService.submit( lambda: self.streamer._haltListener.stream_read_halted( chunk, _time)) def stream_read_resumed(self, chunk: int, _time: int) -> None: if self.streamer._haltListener is not None: self.streamer._executorService.submit( lambda: self.streamer._haltListener. stream_read_resumed(chunk, _time))