from import HaltListener from import ChannelManager from librespot.standard.InputStream import InputStream import math import threading import time import typing class AbsChunkedInputStream(InputStream, HaltListener): preload_ahead: typing.Final[int] = 3 preload_chunk_retries: typing.Final[int] = 2 max_chunk_tries: typing.Final[int] = 128 wait_lock: threading.Condition = threading.Condition() retries: typing.List[int] retry_on_chunk_error: bool chunk_exception = None wait_for_chunk: int = -1 _pos: int = 0 _mark: int = 0 closed: bool = False _decoded_length: int = 0 def __init__(self, retry_on_chunk_error: bool): self.retries: typing.Final[typing.List[int]] = [ 0 for _ in range(self.chunks()) ] self.retry_on_chunk_error = retry_on_chunk_error def is_closed(self) -> bool: return self.closed def buffer(self) -> typing.List[bytearray]: raise NotImplementedError() def size(self) -> int: raise NotImplementedError() def close(self) -> None: self.closed = True with self.wait_lock: self.wait_lock.notify_all() def available(self): return self.size() - self._pos def mark_supported(self) -> bool: return True def mark(self, read_ahead_limit: int) -> None: self._mark = self._pos def reset(self) -> None: self._pos = self._mark def pos(self) -> int: return self._pos def seek(self, where: int) -> None: if where < 0: raise TypeError() if self.closed: raise IOError("Stream is closed!") self._pos = where self.check_availability(int(self._pos / ChannelManager.CHUNK_SIZE), False, False) def skip(self, n: int) -> int: if n < 0: raise TypeError() if self.closed: raise IOError("Stream is closed!") k = self.size() - self._pos if n < k: k = n self._pos += k chunk = int(self._pos / ChannelManager.CHUNK_SIZE) self.check_availability(chunk, False, False) return k def requested_chunks(self) -> typing.List[bool]: raise NotImplementedError() def available_chunks(self) -> typing.List[bool]: raise NotImplementedError() def chunks(self) -> int: raise NotImplementedError() def request_chunk_from_stream(self, index: int) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() def should_retry(self, chunk: int) -> bool: if self.retries[chunk] < 1: return True if self.retries[chunk] > self.max_chunk_tries: return False return self.retry_on_chunk_error def check_availability(self, chunk: int, wait: bool, halted: bool) -> None: if halted and not wait: raise TypeError() if not self.requested_chunks()[chunk]: self.request_chunk_from_stream(chunk) self.requested_chunks()[chunk] = True for i in range(chunk + 1, min(self.chunks() - 1, chunk + self.preload_ahead) + 1): if self.requested_chunks( )[i] and self.retries[i] < self.preload_chunk_retries: self.request_chunk_from_stream(i) self.requested_chunks()[chunk] = True if wait: if self.available_chunks()[chunk]: return retry = False with self.wait_lock: if not halted: self.stream_read_halted(chunk, int(time.time() * 1000)) self.chunk_exception = None self.wait_for_chunk = chunk self.wait_lock.wait() if self.closed: return if self.chunk_exception is not None: if self.should_retry(chunk): retry = True else: raise AbsChunkedInputStream.ChunkException if not retry: self.stream_read_halted(chunk, int(time.time() * 1000)) if retry: time.sleep(math.log10(self.retries[chunk])) self.check_availability(chunk, True, True) def read(self, b: bytearray = None, offset: int = None, length: int = None) -> int: if b is None and offset is None and length is None: return self.internal_read() if not (b is not None and offset is not None and length is not None): raise TypeError() if self.closed: raise IOError("Stream is closed!") if offset < 0 or length < 0 or length > len(b) - offset: raise IndexError("offset: {}, length: {}, buffer: {}".format( offset, length, len(b))) elif length == 0: return 0 if self._pos >= self.size(): return -1 i = 0 while True: chunk = int(self._pos / ChannelManager.CHUNK_SIZE) chunk_off = int(self._pos % ChannelManager.CHUNK_SIZE) self.check_availability(chunk, True, False) copy = min(len(self.buffer()[chunk]) - chunk_off, length - i) b[offset + 0:copy] = self.buffer()[chunk][chunk_off:chunk_off + copy] i += copy self._pos += copy if i == length or self._pos >= self.size(): return i def internal_read(self) -> int: if self.closed: raise IOError("Stream is closed!") if self._pos >= self.size(): return -1 chunk = int(self._pos / ChannelManager.CHUNK_SIZE) self.check_availability(chunk, True, False) b = self.buffer()[chunk][self._pos % ChannelManager.CHUNK_SIZE] self._pos = self._pos + 1 return b def notify_chunk_available(self, index: int) -> None: self.available_chunks()[index] = True self._decoded_length += len(self.buffer()[index]) with self.wait_lock: if index == self.wait_for_chunk and not self.closed: self.wait_for_chunk = -1 self.wait_lock.notify_all() def notify_chunk_error(self, index: int, ex): self.available_chunks()[index] = False self.requested_chunks()[index] = False self.retries[index] += 1 with self.wait_lock: if index == self.wait_for_chunk and not self.closed: self.chunk_exception = ex self.wait_for_chunk = -1 self.wait_lock.notify_all() def decoded_length(self): return self._decoded_length class ChunkException(IOError): @staticmethod def from_stream_error(stream_error: int): return AbsChunkedInputStream.ChunkException( "Failed due to stream error, code: {}".format(stream_error))