from __future__ import annotations import concurrent.futures import logging import queue import threading import typing from import AudioFile from librespot.common import Utils from librespot.core import PacketsReceiver, Session from librespot.crypto import Packet from librespot.standard import (BytesInputStream, BytesOutputStream, Closeable, Runnable) class ChannelManager(Closeable, PacketsReceiver.PacketsReceiver): CHUNK_SIZE: int = 128 * 1024 _LOGGER: logging = logging.getLogger(__name__) _channels: typing.Dict[int, Channel] = {} _seqHolder: int = 0 _seqHolderLock: threading.Condition = threading.Condition() _executorService: concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor = ( concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() ) _session: Session = None def __init__(self, session: Session): self._session = session def request_chunk(self, file_id: bytes, index: int, file: AudioFile): start = int(index * self.CHUNK_SIZE / 4) end = int((index + 1) * self.CHUNK_SIZE / 4) channel = ChannelManager.Channel(self, file, index) self._channels[channel.chunkId] = channel out = BytesOutputStream() out.write_short(channel.chunkId) out.write_int(0x00000000) out.write_int(0x00000000) out.write_int(0x00004E20) out.write_int(0x00030D40) out.write(file_id) out.write_int(start) out.write_int(end) self._session.send(Packet.Type.stream_chunk, out.buffer) def dispatch(self, packet: Packet) -> None: payload = BytesInputStream(packet.payload) if packet.is_cmd(Packet.Type.stream_chunk_res): chunk_id = payload.read_short() channel = self._channels.get(chunk_id) if channel is None: self._LOGGER.warning( "Couldn't find channel, id: {}, received: {}".format( chunk_id, len(packet.payload) ) ) return channel._add_to_queue(payload) elif packet.is_cmd(Packet.Type.channel_error): chunk_id = payload.read_short() channel = self._channels.get(chunk_id) if channel is None: self._LOGGER.warning( "Dropping channel error, id: {}, code: {}".format( chunk_id, payload.read_short() ) ) return channel.stream_error(payload.read_short()) else: self._LOGGER.warning( "Couldn't handle packet, cmd: {}, payload: {}".format( packet.cmd, Utils.Utils.bytes_to_hex(packet.payload) ) ) def close(self) -> None: self._executorService.shutdown() class Channel: _channelManager: ChannelManager chunkId: int _q: queue.Queue = queue.Queue() _file: AudioFile _chunkIndex: int _buffer: BytesOutputStream = BytesOutputStream() _header: bool = True def __init__( self, channel_manager: ChannelManager, file: AudioFile, chunk_index: int ): self._channelManager = channel_manager self._file = file self._chunkIndex = chunk_index with self._channelManager._seqHolderLock: self.chunkId = self._channelManager._seqHolder self._channelManager._seqHolder += 1 self._channelManager._executorService.submit( lambda: ChannelManager.Channel.Handler(self) ) def _handle(self, payload: BytesInputStream) -> bool: if len(payload.buffer) == 0: if not self._header: self._file.write_chunk( bytearray(payload.buffer), self._chunkIndex, False ) return True self._channelManager._LOGGER.debug("Received empty chunk, skipping.") return False if self._header: length: int while len(payload.buffer) > 0: length = payload.read_short() if not length > 0: break header_id = payload.read_byte() header_data = - 1) self._file.write_header( int.from_bytes(header_id, "big"), bytearray(header_data), False ) self._header = False else: self._buffer.write( return False def _add_to_queue(self, payload): self._q.put(payload) def stream_error(self, code: int) -> None: self._file.stream_error(self._chunkIndex, code) class Handler(Runnable): _channel: ChannelManager.Channel = None def __init__(self, channel: ChannelManager.Channel): self._channel = channel def run(self) -> None: self._channel._channelManager._LOGGER.debug( "ChannelManager.Handler is starting" ) with self._channel._q.all_tasks_done: self._channel._channelManager._channels.pop(self._channel.chunkId) self._channel._channelManager._LOGGER.debug( "ChannelManager.Handler is shutting down" )