deepsource-autofix[bot] 0741dbdd43
Format code with yapf
This commit fixes the style issues introduced in 2790f48 according to the output
from yapf.

2021-09-12 04:58:42 +00:00

119 lines
3.7 KiB

from Cryptodome import Random
import binascii
import math
def bytes_to_hex(buffer: bytes) -> str:
Convert bytes to hex
buffer: Bytes to convert
return binascii.hexlify(buffer).decode()
def hex_to_bytes(s: str) -> bytes:
return binascii.unhexlify(s)
def int_to_bytes(i: int):
Convert an integer to a byte(s)
i: Integer to convert
width = i.bit_length()
width += 8 - ((width % 8) or 8)
fmt = '%%0%dx' % (width // 4)
return b"\x00" if i == 0 else binascii.unhexlify(fmt % i)
def random_hex_string(length: int):
buffer = Random.get_random_bytes(int(length / 2))
return bytes_to_hex(buffer)
class Base62:
standard_base = 256
target_base = 62
alphabet: bytes
lookup: bytearray
def __init__(self, alphabet: bytes):
self.alphabet = alphabet
def create_instance_with_inverted_character_set():
return Base62(Base62.CharacterSets.inverted)
def encode(self, message: bytes, length: int = -1):
indices = self.convert(message, self.standard_base, self.target_base,
return self.translate(indices, self.alphabet)
def decode(self, encoded: bytes, length: int = -1):
prepared = self.translate(encoded, self.lookup)
return self.convert(prepared, self.target_base, self.standard_base,
def translate(self, indices: bytes, dictionary: bytes):
translation = bytearray(len(indices))
for i in range(len(indices)):
translation[i] = dictionary[int.from_bytes(indices[i].encode(),
return translation
def convert(self, message: bytes, source_base: int, target_base: int,
length: int):
estimated_length = self.estimate_output_length(
len(message), source_base, target_base) if length == -1 else length
out = b""
source = message
while len(source) > 0:
quotient = b""
remainder = 0
for b in source:
accumulator = int(b & 0xff) + remainder * source_base
digit = int(
(accumulator - (accumulator % target_base)) / target_base)
remainder = int(accumulator % target_base)
if len(quotient) > 0 or digit > 0:
quotient += bytes([digit])
out += bytes([remainder])
source = quotient
if len(out) < estimated_length:
size = len(out)
for _ in range(estimated_length - size):
out += bytes([0])
return self.reverse(out)
if len(out) > estimated_length:
return self.reverse(out[:estimated_length])
return self.reverse(out)
def estimate_output_length(self, input_length: int, source_base: int,
target_base: int):
return int(
math.ceil((math.log(source_base) / math.log(target_base)) *
def reverse(self, arr: bytes):
length = len(arr)
reversed_arr = bytearray(length)
for i in range(length):
reversed_arr[length - i - 1] = arr[i]
return bytes(reversed_arr)
def create_lookup_table(self):
self.lookup = bytearray(256)
for i in range(len(self.alphabet)):
self.lookup[self.alphabet[i]] = i & 0xff
class CharacterSets:
gmp = b'0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
inverted = b'0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'