// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright The Miniflux Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package ui // import "miniflux.app/ui" import ( "errors" "net/http" "miniflux.app/config" "miniflux.app/http/cookie" "miniflux.app/http/request" "miniflux.app/http/response/html" "miniflux.app/http/route" "miniflux.app/locale" "miniflux.app/logger" "miniflux.app/model" "miniflux.app/ui/session" ) func (h *handler) oauth2Callback(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { clientIP := request.ClientIP(r) printer := locale.NewPrinter(request.UserLanguage(r)) sess := session.New(h.store, request.SessionID(r)) provider := request.RouteStringParam(r, "provider") if provider == "" { logger.Error("[OAuth2] Invalid or missing provider") html.Redirect(w, r, route.Path(h.router, "login")) return } code := request.QueryStringParam(r, "code", "") if code == "" { logger.Error("[OAuth2] No code received on callback") html.Redirect(w, r, route.Path(h.router, "login")) return } state := request.QueryStringParam(r, "state", "") if state == "" || state != request.OAuth2State(r) { logger.Error(`[OAuth2] Invalid state value: got "%s" instead of "%s"`, state, request.OAuth2State(r)) html.Redirect(w, r, route.Path(h.router, "login")) return } authProvider, err := getOAuth2Manager(r.Context()).FindProvider(provider) if err != nil { logger.Error("[OAuth2] %v", err) html.Redirect(w, r, route.Path(h.router, "login")) return } profile, err := authProvider.GetProfile(r.Context(), code) if err != nil { logger.Error("[OAuth2] %v", err) html.Redirect(w, r, route.Path(h.router, "login")) return } logger.Info("[OAuth2] [ClientIP=%s] Successful auth for %s", clientIP, profile) if request.IsAuthenticated(r) { loggedUser, err := h.store.UserByID(request.UserID(r)) if err != nil { html.ServerError(w, r, err) return } if h.store.AnotherUserWithFieldExists(loggedUser.ID, profile.Key, profile.ID) { logger.Error("[OAuth2] User #%d cannot be associated because it is already associated with another user", loggedUser.ID) sess.NewFlashErrorMessage(printer.Printf("error.duplicate_linked_account")) html.Redirect(w, r, route.Path(h.router, "settings")) return } authProvider.PopulateUserWithProfileID(loggedUser, profile) if err := h.store.UpdateUser(loggedUser); err != nil { html.ServerError(w, r, err) return } sess.NewFlashMessage(printer.Printf("alert.account_linked")) html.Redirect(w, r, route.Path(h.router, "settings")) return } user, err := h.store.UserByField(profile.Key, profile.ID) if err != nil { html.ServerError(w, r, err) return } if user == nil { if !config.Opts.IsOAuth2UserCreationAllowed() { html.Forbidden(w, r) return } if h.store.UserExists(profile.Username) { html.BadRequest(w, r, errors.New(printer.Printf("error.user_already_exists"))) return } userCreationRequest := &model.UserCreationRequest{Username: profile.Username} authProvider.PopulateUserCreationWithProfileID(userCreationRequest, profile) user, err = h.store.CreateUser(userCreationRequest) if err != nil { html.ServerError(w, r, err) return } } sessionToken, _, err := h.store.CreateUserSessionFromUsername(user.Username, r.UserAgent(), clientIP) if err != nil { html.ServerError(w, r, err) return } logger.Info("[OAuth2] [ClientIP=%s] username=%s (%s) just logged in", clientIP, user.Username, profile) h.store.SetLastLogin(user.ID) sess.SetLanguage(user.Language) sess.SetTheme(user.Theme) http.SetCookie(w, cookie.New( cookie.CookieUserSessionID, sessionToken, config.Opts.HTTPS, config.Opts.BasePath(), )) html.Redirect(w, r, route.Path(h.router, "unread")) }