// OnClick attaches a listener to the elements that match the selector. function onClick(selector, callback, noPreventDefault) { document.querySelectorAll(selector).forEach((element) => { element.onclick = (event) => { if (!noPreventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } callback(event); }; }); } function onAuxClick(selector, callback, noPreventDefault) { document.querySelectorAll(selector).forEach((element) => { element.onauxclick = (event) => { if (!noPreventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } callback(event); }; }); } // make logo element as button on mobile layout function checkMenuToggleModeByLayout() { const logoElement = document.querySelector(".logo"); if (!logoElement) return; const homePageLinkElement = document.querySelector(".logo > a"); if (document.documentElement.clientWidth < 620) { const navMenuElement = document.getElementById("header-menu"); const navMenuElementIsExpanded = navMenuElement.classList.contains("js-menu-show"); const logoToggleButtonLabel = logoElement.getAttribute("data-toggle-button-label"); logoElement.setAttribute("role", "button"); logoElement.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"); logoElement.setAttribute("aria-label", logoToggleButtonLabel); logoElement.setAttribute("aria-expanded", navMenuElementIsExpanded?"true":"false"); homePageLinkElement.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); } else { logoElement.removeAttribute("role"); logoElement.removeAttribute("tabindex"); logoElement.removeAttribute("aria-expanded"); logoElement.removeAttribute("aria-label"); homePageLinkElement.removeAttribute("tabindex"); } } function fixVoiceOverDetailsSummaryBug() { document.querySelectorAll("details").forEach((details) => { const summaryElement = details.querySelector("summary"); summaryElement.setAttribute("role", "button"); summaryElement.setAttribute("aria-expanded", details.open? "true": "false"); details.addEventListener("toggle", () => { summaryElement.setAttribute("aria-expanded", details.open? "true": "false"); }); }); } // Show and hide the main menu on mobile devices. function toggleMainMenu(event) { if (event.type === "keydown" && !(event.key === "Enter" || event.key === " ")) { return; } if (event.currentTarget.getAttribute("role")) { event.preventDefault(); } const menu = document.querySelector(".header nav ul"); const menuToggleButton = document.querySelector(".logo"); if (menu.classList.contains("js-menu-show")) { menu.classList.remove("js-menu-show"); menuToggleButton.setAttribute("aria-expanded", false); } else { menu.classList.add("js-menu-show"); menuToggleButton.setAttribute("aria-expanded", true); } } // Handle click events for the main menu (
  • and ). function onClickMainMenuListItem(event) { const element = event.target; if (element.tagName === "A") { window.location.href = element.getAttribute("href"); } else { const linkElement = element.querySelector("a") || element.closest("a"); window.location.href = linkElement.getAttribute("href"); } } // Change the button label when the page is loading. function handleSubmitButtons() { document.querySelectorAll("form").forEach((element) => { element.onsubmit = () => { const button = element.querySelector("button"); if (button) { button.textContent = button.dataset.labelLoading; button.disabled = true; } }; }); } // Show modal dialog with the list of keyboard shortcuts. function showKeyboardShortcuts() { const template = document.getElementById("keyboard-shortcuts"); if (template !== null) { ModalHandler.open(template.content, "dialog-title"); } } // Mark as read visible items of the current page. function markPageAsRead() { const items = DomHelper.getVisibleElements(".items .item"); const entryIDs = []; items.forEach((element) => { element.classList.add("item-status-read"); entryIDs.push(parseInt(element.dataset.id, 10)); }); if (entryIDs.length > 0) { updateEntriesStatus(entryIDs, "read", () => { // Make sure the Ajax request reach the server before we reload the page. const element = document.querySelector(":is(a, button)[data-action=markPageAsRead]"); let showOnlyUnread = false; if (element) { showOnlyUnread = element.dataset.showOnlyUnread || false; } if (showOnlyUnread) { window.location.href = window.location.href; } else { goToPage("next", true); } }); } } /** * Handle entry status changes from the list view and entry view. * Focus the next or the previous entry if it exists. * @param {string} item Item to focus: "previous" or "next". * @param {Element} element * @param {boolean} setToRead */ function handleEntryStatus(item, element, setToRead) { const toasting = !element; const currentEntry = findEntry(element); if (currentEntry) { if (!setToRead || currentEntry.querySelector(":is(a, button)[data-toggle-status]").dataset.value == "unread") { toggleEntryStatus(currentEntry, toasting); } if (isListView() && currentEntry.classList.contains('current-item')) { switch (item) { case "previous": goToListItem(-1); break; case "next": goToListItem(1); break; } } } } // Add an icon-label span element. function appendIconLabel(element, labelTextContent) { const span = document.createElement('span'); span.classList.add('icon-label'); span.textContent = labelTextContent; element.appendChild(span); } // Change the entry status to the opposite value. function toggleEntryStatus(element, toasting) { const entryID = parseInt(element.dataset.id, 10); const link = element.querySelector(":is(a, button)[data-toggle-status]"); const currentStatus = link.dataset.value; const newStatus = currentStatus === "read" ? "unread" : "read"; link.querySelector("span").textContent = link.dataset.labelLoading; updateEntriesStatus([entryID], newStatus, () => { let iconElement, label; if (currentStatus === "read") { iconElement = document.querySelector("template#icon-read"); label = link.dataset.labelRead; if (toasting) { showToast(link.dataset.toastUnread, iconElement); } } else { iconElement = document.querySelector("template#icon-unread"); label = link.dataset.labelUnread; if (toasting) { showToast(link.dataset.toastRead, iconElement); } } link.replaceChildren(iconElement.content.cloneNode(true)); appendIconLabel(link, label); link.dataset.value = newStatus; if (element.classList.contains("item-status-" + currentStatus)) { element.classList.remove("item-status-" + currentStatus); element.classList.add("item-status-" + newStatus); } }); } // Mark a single entry as read. function markEntryAsRead(element) { if (element.classList.contains("item-status-unread")) { element.classList.remove("item-status-unread"); element.classList.add("item-status-read"); const entryID = parseInt(element.dataset.id, 10); updateEntriesStatus([entryID], "read"); } } // Send the Ajax request to refresh all feeds in the background function handleRefreshAllFeeds() { const url = document.body.dataset.refreshAllFeedsUrl; if (url) { window.location.href = url; } } // Send the Ajax request to change entries statuses. function updateEntriesStatus(entryIDs, status, callback) { const url = document.body.dataset.entriesStatusUrl; const request = new RequestBuilder(url); request.withBody({ entry_ids: entryIDs, status: status }); request.withCallback((resp) => { resp.json().then(count => { if (callback) { callback(resp); } if (status === "read") { decrementUnreadCounter(count); } else { incrementUnreadCounter(count); } }); }); request.execute(); } // Handle save entry from list view and entry view. function handleSaveEntry(element) { const toasting = !element; const currentEntry = findEntry(element); if (currentEntry) { saveEntry(currentEntry.querySelector(":is(a, button)[data-save-entry]"), toasting); } } // Send the Ajax request to save an entry. function saveEntry(element, toasting) { if (!element || element.dataset.completed) { return; } element.textContent = ""; appendIconLabel(element, element.dataset.labelLoading); const request = new RequestBuilder(element.dataset.saveUrl); request.withCallback(() => { element.textContent = ""; appendIconLabel(element, element.dataset.labelDone); element.dataset.completed = true; if (toasting) { const iconElement = document.querySelector("template#icon-save"); showToast(element.dataset.toastDone, iconElement); } }); request.execute(); } // Handle bookmark from the list view and entry view. function handleBookmark(element) { const toasting = !element; const currentEntry = findEntry(element); if (currentEntry) { toggleBookmark(currentEntry, toasting); } } // Send the Ajax request and change the icon when bookmarking an entry. function toggleBookmark(parentElement, toasting) { const buttonElement = parentElement.querySelector(":is(a, button)[data-toggle-bookmark]"); if (!buttonElement) { return; } buttonElement.textContent = ""; appendIconLabel(buttonElement, buttonElement.dataset.labelLoading); const request = new RequestBuilder(buttonElement.dataset.bookmarkUrl); request.withCallback(() => { const currentStarStatus = buttonElement.dataset.value; const newStarStatus = currentStarStatus === "star" ? "unstar" : "star"; let iconElement, label; if (currentStarStatus === "star") { iconElement = document.querySelector("template#icon-star"); label = buttonElement.dataset.labelStar; if (toasting) { showToast(buttonElement.dataset.toastUnstar, iconElement); } } else { iconElement = document.querySelector("template#icon-unstar"); label = buttonElement.dataset.labelUnstar; if (toasting) { showToast(buttonElement.dataset.toastStar, iconElement); } } buttonElement.replaceChildren(iconElement.content.cloneNode(true)); appendIconLabel(buttonElement, label); buttonElement.dataset.value = newStarStatus; }); request.execute(); } // Send the Ajax request to download the original web page. function handleFetchOriginalContent() { if (isListView()) { return; } const buttonElement = document.querySelector(":is(a, button)[data-fetch-content-entry]"); if (!buttonElement) { return; } const previousElement = buttonElement.cloneNode(true); buttonElement.textContent = ""; appendIconLabel(buttonElement, buttonElement.dataset.labelLoading); const request = new RequestBuilder(buttonElement.dataset.fetchContentUrl); request.withCallback((response) => { buttonElement.textContent = ''; buttonElement.appendChild(previousElement); response.json().then((data) => { if (data.hasOwnProperty("content") && data.hasOwnProperty("reading_time")) { document.querySelector(".entry-content").innerHTML = ttpolicy.createHTML(data.content); const entryReadingtimeElement = document.querySelector(".entry-reading-time"); if (entryReadingtimeElement) { entryReadingtimeElement.textContent = data.reading_time; } } }); }); request.execute(); } function openOriginalLink(openLinkInCurrentTab) { const entryLink = document.querySelector(".entry h1 a"); if (entryLink !== null) { if (openLinkInCurrentTab) { window.location.href = entryLink.getAttribute("href"); } else { DomHelper.openNewTab(entryLink.getAttribute("href")); } return; } const currentItemOriginalLink = document.querySelector(".current-item :is(a, button)[data-original-link]"); if (currentItemOriginalLink !== null) { DomHelper.openNewTab(currentItemOriginalLink.getAttribute("href")); const currentItem = document.querySelector(".current-item"); // If we are not on the list of starred items, move to the next item if (document.location.href != document.querySelector(':is(a, button)[data-page=starred]').href) { goToListItem(1); } markEntryAsRead(currentItem); } } function openCommentLink(openLinkInCurrentTab) { if (!isListView()) { const entryLink = document.querySelector(":is(a, button)[data-comments-link]"); if (entryLink !== null) { if (openLinkInCurrentTab) { window.location.href = entryLink.getAttribute("href"); } else { DomHelper.openNewTab(entryLink.getAttribute("href")); } return; } } else { const currentItemCommentsLink = document.querySelector(".current-item :is(a, button)[data-comments-link]"); if (currentItemCommentsLink !== null) { DomHelper.openNewTab(currentItemCommentsLink.getAttribute("href")); } } } function openSelectedItem() { const currentItemLink = document.querySelector(".current-item .item-title a"); if (currentItemLink !== null) { window.location.href = currentItemLink.getAttribute("href"); } } function unsubscribeFromFeed() { const unsubscribeLinks = document.querySelectorAll("[data-action=remove-feed]"); if (unsubscribeLinks.length === 1) { const unsubscribeLink = unsubscribeLinks[0]; const request = new RequestBuilder(unsubscribeLink.dataset.url); request.withCallback(() => { if (unsubscribeLink.dataset.redirectUrl) { window.location.href = unsubscribeLink.dataset.redirectUrl; } else { window.location.reload(); } }); request.execute(); } } /** * @param {string} page Page to redirect to. * @param {boolean} fallbackSelf Refresh actual page if the page is not found. */ function goToPage(page, fallbackSelf) { const element = document.querySelector(":is(a, button)[data-page=" + page + "]"); if (element) { document.location.href = element.href; } else if (fallbackSelf) { window.location.reload(); } } /** * * @param {(number|event)} offset - many items to jump for focus. */ function goToPrevious(offset) { if (offset instanceof KeyboardEvent) { offset = -1; } if (isListView()) { goToListItem(offset); } else { goToPage("previous"); } } /** * * @param {(number|event)} offset - How many items to jump for focus. */ function goToNext(offset) { if (offset instanceof KeyboardEvent) { offset = 1; } if (isListView()) { goToListItem(offset); } else { goToPage("next"); } } function goToFeedOrFeeds() { if (isEntry()) { goToFeed(); } else { goToPage('feeds'); } } function goToFeed() { if (isEntry()) { const feedAnchor = document.querySelector("span.entry-website a"); if (feedAnchor !== null) { window.location.href = feedAnchor.href; } } else { const currentItemFeed = document.querySelector(".current-item :is(a, button)[data-feed-link]"); if (currentItemFeed !== null) { window.location.href = currentItemFeed.getAttribute("href"); } } } // Sentinel values for specific list navigation const TOP = 9999; const BOTTOM = -9999; /** * @param {number} offset How many items to jump for focus. */ function goToListItem(offset) { const items = DomHelper.getVisibleElements(".items .item"); if (items.length === 0) { return; } if (document.querySelector(".current-item") === null) { items[0].classList.add("current-item"); items[0].focus(); return; } for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (items[i].classList.contains("current-item")) { items[i].classList.remove("current-item"); // By default adjust selection by offset let itemOffset = (i + offset + items.length) % items.length; // Allow jumping to top or bottom if (offset == TOP) { itemOffset = 0; } else if (offset == BOTTOM) { itemOffset = items.length - 1; } const item = items[itemOffset]; item.classList.add("current-item"); DomHelper.scrollPageTo(item); item.focus(); break; } } } function scrollToCurrentItem() { const currentItem = document.querySelector(".current-item"); if (currentItem !== null) { DomHelper.scrollPageTo(currentItem, true); } } function decrementUnreadCounter(n) { updateUnreadCounterValue((current) => { return current - n; }); } function incrementUnreadCounter(n) { updateUnreadCounterValue((current) => { return current + n; }); } function updateUnreadCounterValue(callback) { document.querySelectorAll("span.unread-counter").forEach((element) => { const oldValue = parseInt(element.textContent, 10); element.textContent = callback(oldValue); }); if (window.location.href.endsWith('/unread')) { const oldValue = parseInt(document.title.split('(')[1], 10); const newValue = callback(oldValue); document.title = document.title.replace( /(.*?)\(\d+\)(.*?)/, function (match, prefix, suffix, offset, string) { return prefix + '(' + newValue + ')' + suffix; } ); } } function isEntry() { return document.querySelector("section.entry") !== null; } function isListView() { return document.querySelector(".items") !== null; } function findEntry(element) { if (isListView()) { if (element) { return element.closest(".item"); } return document.querySelector(".current-item"); } return document.querySelector(".entry"); } function handleConfirmationMessage(linkElement, callback) { if (linkElement.tagName != 'A' && linkElement.tagName != "BUTTON") { linkElement = linkElement.parentNode; } linkElement.style.display = "none"; const containerElement = linkElement.parentNode; const questionElement = document.createElement("span"); function createLoadingElement() { const loadingElement = document.createElement("span"); loadingElement.className = "loading"; loadingElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(linkElement.dataset.labelLoading)); questionElement.remove(); containerElement.appendChild(loadingElement); } const yesElement = document.createElement("button"); yesElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(linkElement.dataset.labelYes)); yesElement.onclick = (event) => { event.preventDefault(); createLoadingElement(); callback(linkElement.dataset.url, linkElement.dataset.redirectUrl); }; const noElement = document.createElement("button"); noElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(linkElement.dataset.labelNo)); noElement.onclick = (event) => { event.preventDefault(); const noActionUrl = linkElement.dataset.noActionUrl; if (noActionUrl) { createLoadingElement(); callback(noActionUrl, linkElement.dataset.redirectUrl); } else { linkElement.style.display = "inline"; questionElement.remove(); } }; questionElement.className = "confirm"; questionElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(linkElement.dataset.labelQuestion + " ")); questionElement.appendChild(yesElement); questionElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(", ")); questionElement.appendChild(noElement); containerElement.appendChild(questionElement); } function showToast(label, iconElement) { if (!label || !iconElement) { return; } const toastMsgElement = document.getElementById("toast-msg"); if (toastMsgElement) { toastMsgElement.replaceChildren(iconElement.content.cloneNode(true)); appendIconLabel(toastMsgElement, label); const toastElementWrapper = document.getElementById("toast-wrapper"); if (toastElementWrapper) { toastElementWrapper.classList.remove('toast-animate'); setTimeout(function () { toastElementWrapper.classList.add('toast-animate'); }, 100); } } } /** Navigate to the new subscription page. */ function goToAddSubscription() { window.location.href = document.body.dataset.addSubscriptionUrl; } /** * save player position to allow to resume playback later * @param {Element} playerElement */ function handlePlayerProgressionSave(playerElement) { const currentPositionInSeconds = Math.floor(playerElement.currentTime); // we do not need a precise value const lastKnownPositionInSeconds = parseInt(playerElement.dataset.lastPosition, 10); const recordInterval = 10; // we limit the number of update to only one by interval. Otherwise, we would have multiple update per seconds if (currentPositionInSeconds >= (lastKnownPositionInSeconds + recordInterval) || currentPositionInSeconds <= (lastKnownPositionInSeconds - recordInterval) ) { playerElement.dataset.lastPosition = currentPositionInSeconds.toString(); const request = new RequestBuilder(playerElement.dataset.saveUrl); request.withBody({ progression: currentPositionInSeconds }); request.execute(); } } /** * handle new share entires and already shared entries */ function handleShare() { const link = document.querySelector(':is(a, button)[data-share-status]'); const title = document.querySelector("body > main > section > header > h1 > a"); if (link.dataset.shareStatus === "shared") { checkShareAPI(title, link.href); } if (link.dataset.shareStatus === "share") { const request = new RequestBuilder(link.href); request.withCallback((r) => { checkShareAPI(title, r.url); }); request.withHttpMethod("GET"); request.execute(); } } /** * wrapper for Web Share API */ function checkShareAPI(title, url) { if (!navigator.canShare) { console.error("Your browser doesn't support the Web Share API."); window.location = url; return; } try { navigator.share({ title: title, url: url }); window.location.reload(); } catch (err) { console.error(err); window.location.reload(); } } function getCsrfToken() { const element = document.querySelector("body[data-csrf-token]"); if (element !== null) { return element.dataset.csrfToken; } return ""; }