// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright The Miniflux Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package rewrite // import "miniflux.app/v2/internal/reader/rewrite" import ( "strconv" "strings" "text/scanner" "miniflux.app/v2/internal/logger" "miniflux.app/v2/internal/model" "miniflux.app/v2/internal/urllib" ) type rule struct { name string args []string } // Rewriter modify item contents with a set of rewriting rules. func Rewriter(entryURL string, entry *model.Entry, customRewriteRules string) { rulesList := getPredefinedRewriteRules(entryURL) if customRewriteRules != "" { rulesList = customRewriteRules } rules := parseRules(rulesList) rules = append(rules, rule{name: "add_pdf_download_link"}) logger.Debug(`[Rewrite] Applying rules %v for %q`, rules, entryURL) for _, rule := range rules { applyRule(entryURL, entry, rule) } } func parseRules(rulesText string) (rules []rule) { scan := scanner.Scanner{Mode: scanner.ScanIdents | scanner.ScanStrings} scan.Init(strings.NewReader(rulesText)) for { switch scan.Scan() { case scanner.Ident: rules = append(rules, rule{name: scan.TokenText()}) case scanner.String: if l := len(rules) - 1; l >= 0 { text := scan.TokenText() text, _ = strconv.Unquote(text) rules[l].args = append(rules[l].args, text) } case scanner.EOF: return } } } func applyRule(entryURL string, entry *model.Entry, rule rule) { switch rule.name { case "add_image_title": entry.Content = addImageTitle(entryURL, entry.Content) case "add_mailto_subject": entry.Content = addMailtoSubject(entryURL, entry.Content) case "add_dynamic_image": entry.Content = addDynamicImage(entryURL, entry.Content) case "add_youtube_video": entry.Content = addYoutubeVideo(entryURL, entry.Content) case "add_invidious_video": entry.Content = addInvidiousVideo(entryURL, entry.Content) case "add_youtube_video_using_invidious_player": entry.Content = addYoutubeVideoUsingInvidiousPlayer(entryURL, entry.Content) case "add_youtube_video_from_id": entry.Content = addYoutubeVideoFromId(entry.Content) case "add_pdf_download_link": entry.Content = addPDFLink(entryURL, entry.Content) case "nl2br": entry.Content = replaceLineFeeds(entry.Content) case "convert_text_link", "convert_text_links": entry.Content = replaceTextLinks(entry.Content) case "fix_medium_images": entry.Content = fixMediumImages(entryURL, entry.Content) case "use_noscript_figure_images": entry.Content = useNoScriptImages(entryURL, entry.Content) case "replace": // Format: replace("search-term"|"replace-term") if len(rule.args) >= 2 { entry.Content = replaceCustom(entry.Content, rule.args[0], rule.args[1]) } else { logger.Debug("[Rewrite] Cannot find search and replace terms for replace rule %s", rule) } case "replace_title": // Format: replace_title("search-term"|"replace-term") if len(rule.args) >= 2 { entry.Title = replaceCustom(entry.Title, rule.args[0], rule.args[1]) } else { logger.Debug("[Rewrite] Cannot find search and replace terms for replace rule %s", rule) } case "remove": // Format: remove("#selector > .element, .another") if len(rule.args) >= 1 { entry.Content = removeCustom(entry.Content, rule.args[0]) } else { logger.Debug("[Rewrite] Cannot find selector for remove rule %s", rule) } case "add_castopod_episode": entry.Content = addCastopodEpisode(entryURL, entry.Content) case "base64_decode": if len(rule.args) >= 1 { entry.Content = applyFuncOnTextContent(entry.Content, rule.args[0], decodeBase64Content) } else { entry.Content = applyFuncOnTextContent(entry.Content, "body", decodeBase64Content) } case "parse_markdown": entry.Content = parseMarkdown(entry.Content) case "remove_tables": entry.Content = removeTables(entry.Content) case "remove_clickbait": entry.Title = removeClickbait(entry.Title) } } func getPredefinedRewriteRules(entryURL string) string { urlDomain := urllib.Domain(entryURL) for domain, rules := range predefinedRules { if strings.Contains(urlDomain, domain) { return rules } } return "" }