// Copyright 2020 Frédéric Guillot. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package proxy // import "miniflux.app/proxy" import ( "strings" "miniflux.app/config" "miniflux.app/reader/sanitizer" "miniflux.app/url" "github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery" "github.com/gorilla/mux" ) type urlProxyRewriter func(router *mux.Router, url string) string // ImageProxyRewriter replaces image URLs with internal proxy URLs. func ImageProxyRewriter(router *mux.Router, data string) string { return genericImageProxyRewriter(router, ProxifyURL, data) } // AbsoluteImageProxyRewriter do the same as ImageProxyRewriter except it uses absolute URLs. func AbsoluteImageProxyRewriter(router *mux.Router, host, data string) string { proxifyFunction := func(router *mux.Router, url string) string { return AbsoluteProxifyURL(router, host, url) } return genericImageProxyRewriter(router, proxifyFunction, data) } func genericImageProxyRewriter(router *mux.Router, proxifyFunction urlProxyRewriter, data string) string { proxyImages := config.Opts.ProxyImages() if proxyImages == "none" { return data } doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(data)) if err != nil { return data } doc.Find("img").Each(func(i int, img *goquery.Selection) { if srcAttrValue, ok := img.Attr("src"); ok { if !isDataURL(srcAttrValue) && (proxyImages == "all" || !url.IsHTTPS(srcAttrValue)) { img.SetAttr("src", proxifyFunction(router, srcAttrValue)) } } if srcsetAttrValue, ok := img.Attr("srcset"); ok { proxifySourceSet(img, router, proxifyFunction, proxyImages, srcsetAttrValue) } }) doc.Find("picture source").Each(func(i int, sourceElement *goquery.Selection) { if srcsetAttrValue, ok := sourceElement.Attr("srcset"); ok { proxifySourceSet(sourceElement, router, proxifyFunction, proxyImages, srcsetAttrValue) } }) output, err := doc.Find("body").First().Html() if err != nil { return data } return output } func proxifySourceSet(element *goquery.Selection, router *mux.Router, proxifyFunction urlProxyRewriter, proxyImages, srcsetAttrValue string) { imageCandidates := sanitizer.ParseSrcSetAttribute(srcsetAttrValue) for _, imageCandidate := range imageCandidates { if !isDataURL(imageCandidate.ImageURL) && (proxyImages == "all" || !url.IsHTTPS(imageCandidate.ImageURL)) { imageCandidate.ImageURL = proxifyFunction(router, imageCandidate.ImageURL) } } element.SetAttr("srcset", imageCandidates.String()) } func isDataURL(s string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(s, "data:") }