// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright The Miniflux Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package cli // import "miniflux.app/v2/cli" import ( "flag" "fmt" "miniflux.app/v2/config" "miniflux.app/v2/database" "miniflux.app/v2/locale" "miniflux.app/v2/logger" "miniflux.app/v2/storage" "miniflux.app/v2/ui/static" "miniflux.app/v2/version" ) const ( flagInfoHelp = "Show build information" flagVersionHelp = "Show application version" flagMigrateHelp = "Run SQL migrations" flagFlushSessionsHelp = "Flush all sessions (disconnect users)" flagCreateAdminHelp = "Create admin user" flagResetPasswordHelp = "Reset user password" flagResetFeedErrorsHelp = "Clear all feed errors for all users" flagDebugModeHelp = "Show debug logs" flagConfigFileHelp = "Load configuration file" flagConfigDumpHelp = "Print parsed configuration values" flagHealthCheckHelp = `Perform a health check on the given endpoint (the value "auto" try to guess the health check endpoint).` flagRefreshFeedsHelp = "Refresh a batch of feeds and exit" flagRunCleanupTasksHelp = "Run cleanup tasks (delete old sessions and archives old entries)" ) // Parse parses command line arguments. func Parse() { var ( err error flagInfo bool flagVersion bool flagMigrate bool flagFlushSessions bool flagCreateAdmin bool flagResetPassword bool flagResetFeedErrors bool flagDebugMode bool flagConfigFile string flagConfigDump bool flagHealthCheck string flagRefreshFeeds bool flagRunCleanupTasks bool ) flag.BoolVar(&flagInfo, "info", false, flagInfoHelp) flag.BoolVar(&flagInfo, "i", false, flagInfoHelp) flag.BoolVar(&flagVersion, "version", false, flagVersionHelp) flag.BoolVar(&flagVersion, "v", false, flagVersionHelp) flag.BoolVar(&flagMigrate, "migrate", false, flagMigrateHelp) flag.BoolVar(&flagFlushSessions, "flush-sessions", false, flagFlushSessionsHelp) flag.BoolVar(&flagCreateAdmin, "create-admin", false, flagCreateAdminHelp) flag.BoolVar(&flagResetPassword, "reset-password", false, flagResetPasswordHelp) flag.BoolVar(&flagResetFeedErrors, "reset-feed-errors", false, flagResetFeedErrorsHelp) flag.BoolVar(&flagDebugMode, "debug", false, flagDebugModeHelp) flag.StringVar(&flagConfigFile, "config-file", "", flagConfigFileHelp) flag.StringVar(&flagConfigFile, "c", "", flagConfigFileHelp) flag.BoolVar(&flagConfigDump, "config-dump", false, flagConfigDumpHelp) flag.StringVar(&flagHealthCheck, "healthcheck", "", flagHealthCheckHelp) flag.BoolVar(&flagRefreshFeeds, "refresh-feeds", false, flagRefreshFeedsHelp) flag.BoolVar(&flagRunCleanupTasks, "run-cleanup-tasks", false, flagRunCleanupTasksHelp) flag.Parse() cfg := config.NewParser() if flagConfigFile != "" { config.Opts, err = cfg.ParseFile(flagConfigFile) if err != nil { logger.Fatal("%v", err) } } config.Opts, err = cfg.ParseEnvironmentVariables() if err != nil { logger.Fatal("%v", err) } if flagConfigDump { fmt.Print(config.Opts) return } if config.Opts.LogDateTime() { logger.EnableDateTime() } if flagDebugMode || config.Opts.HasDebugMode() { logger.EnableDebug() } if flagHealthCheck != "" { doHealthCheck(flagHealthCheck) return } if flagInfo { info() return } if flagVersion { fmt.Println(version.Version) return } if config.Opts.IsDefaultDatabaseURL() { logger.Info("The default value for DATABASE_URL is used") } logger.Debug("Loading translations...") if err := locale.LoadCatalogMessages(); err != nil { logger.Fatal("Unable to load translations: %v", err) } logger.Debug("Loading static assets...") if err := static.CalculateBinaryFileChecksums(); err != nil { logger.Fatal("Unable to calculate binary files checksum: %v", err) } if err := static.GenerateStylesheetsBundles(); err != nil { logger.Fatal("Unable to generate Stylesheet bundles: %v", err) } if err := static.GenerateJavascriptBundles(); err != nil { logger.Fatal("Unable to generate Javascript bundles: %v", err) } db, err := database.NewConnectionPool( config.Opts.DatabaseURL(), config.Opts.DatabaseMinConns(), config.Opts.DatabaseMaxConns(), config.Opts.DatabaseConnectionLifetime(), ) if err != nil { logger.Fatal("Unable to initialize database connection pool: %v", err) } defer db.Close() store := storage.NewStorage(db) if err := store.Ping(); err != nil { logger.Fatal("Unable to connect to the database: %v", err) } if flagMigrate { if err := database.Migrate(db); err != nil { logger.Fatal(`%v`, err) } return } if flagResetFeedErrors { store.ResetFeedErrors() return } if flagFlushSessions { flushSessions(store) return } if flagCreateAdmin { createAdmin(store) return } if flagResetPassword { resetPassword(store) return } // Run migrations and start the daemon. if config.Opts.RunMigrations() { if err := database.Migrate(db); err != nil { logger.Fatal(`%v`, err) } } if err := database.IsSchemaUpToDate(db); err != nil { logger.Fatal(`You must run the SQL migrations, %v`, err) } // Create admin user and start the daemon. if config.Opts.CreateAdmin() { createAdmin(store) } if flagRefreshFeeds { refreshFeeds(store) return } if flagRunCleanupTasks { runCleanupTasks(store) return } startDaemon(store) }