// Copyright 2017 Frédéric Guillot. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package scraper // import "miniflux.app/reader/scraper" import ( "errors" "fmt" "io" "strings" "miniflux.app/config" "miniflux.app/http/client" "miniflux.app/logger" "miniflux.app/reader/readability" "miniflux.app/url" "github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery" ) // Fetch downloads a web page and returns relevant contents. func Fetch(websiteURL, rules, userAgent string, cookie string, allowSelfSignedCertificates, useProxy bool) (string, error) { content, err := fetchURL(websiteURL, rules, userAgent, cookie, allowSelfSignedCertificates, useProxy) if err != nil { return "", err } return followTheOnlyLink(websiteURL, content, rules, userAgent, cookie, allowSelfSignedCertificates, useProxy) } func fetchURL(websiteURL, rules, userAgent string, cookie string, allowSelfSignedCertificates, useProxy bool) (string, error) { clt := client.NewClientWithConfig(websiteURL, config.Opts) clt.WithUserAgent(userAgent) clt.WithCookie(cookie) if useProxy { clt.WithProxy() } clt.AllowSelfSignedCertificates = allowSelfSignedCertificates response, err := clt.Get() if err != nil { return "", err } if response.HasServerFailure() { return "", errors.New("scraper: unable to download web page") } if !isAllowedContentType(response.ContentType) { return "", fmt.Errorf("scraper: this resource is not a HTML document (%s)", response.ContentType) } if err = response.EnsureUnicodeBody(); err != nil { return "", err } sameSite := url.Domain(websiteURL) == url.Domain(response.EffectiveURL) // The entry URL could redirect somewhere else. websiteURL = response.EffectiveURL if rules == "" { rules = getPredefinedScraperRules(websiteURL) } var content string if sameSite && rules != "" { logger.Debug(`[Scraper] Using rules %q for %q`, rules, websiteURL) content, err = scrapContent(response.Body, rules) } else { logger.Debug(`[Scraper] Using readability for %q`, websiteURL) content, err = readability.ExtractContent(response.Body) } if err != nil { return "", err } return content, nil } func scrapContent(page io.Reader, rules string) (string, error) { document, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(page) if err != nil { return "", err } contents := "" document.Find(rules).Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) { var content string content, _ = goquery.OuterHtml(s) contents += content }) return contents, nil } func getPredefinedScraperRules(websiteURL string) string { urlDomain := url.Domain(websiteURL) for domain, rules := range predefinedRules { if strings.Contains(urlDomain, domain) { return rules } } return "" } func isAllowedContentType(contentType string) bool { contentType = strings.ToLower(contentType) return strings.HasPrefix(contentType, "text/html") || strings.HasPrefix(contentType, "application/xhtml+xml") } func followTheOnlyLink(websiteURL, content string, rules, userAgent string, cookie string, allowSelfSignedCertificates, useProxy bool) (string, error) { document, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(content)) if err != nil { return "", err } if len(document.Find("body").Nodes) == 0 { return content, nil } body := document.Find("body").Nodes[0] if body.FirstChild.NextSibling != nil || body.FirstChild.Data != "a" { return content, nil } // the body has only one child of var href string for _, attr := range body.FirstChild.Attr { if attr.Key == "href" { href = attr.Val break } } if href == "" { return content, nil } href, err = url.AbsoluteURL(websiteURL, href) if err != nil { return "", err } sameSite := url.Domain(websiteURL) == url.Domain(href) if sameSite { return fetchURL(href, rules, userAgent, cookie, allowSelfSignedCertificates, useProxy) } return fetchURL(href, rules, userAgent, "", false, false) }