// Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT. // 2017-11-20 18:31:16.974386894 -0800 PST m=+0.013534276 package template var templateViewsMap = map[string]string{ "about": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "About" }}{{ end }} {{ define "content"}}

{{ t "Version" }}

{{ t "Authors" }}

{{ end }} `, "add_subscription": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "New Subscription" }}{{ end }} {{ define "content"}} {{ if not .categories }}

{{ t "There is no category. You must have at least one category." }}

{{ else }}
{{ if .errorMessage }}
{{ t .errorMessage }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ end }} `, "categories": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Categories" }} ({{ .total }}){{ end }} {{ define "content"}} {{ if not .categories }}

{{ t "There is no category." }}

{{ else }}
{{ range .categories }}
  • {{ if eq .FeedCount 0 }} {{ t "No feed." }} {{ else }} {{ plural "plural.categories.feed_count" .FeedCount .FeedCount }} {{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ end }} `, "category_entries": `{{ define "title"}}{{ .category.Title }} ({{ .total }}){{ end }} {{ define "content"}} {{ if not .entries }}

{{ t "There is no article in this category." }}

{{ else }}
{{ range .entries }}
{{ if ne .Feed.Icon.IconID 0 }} {{ end }} {{ .Title }} {{ .Feed.Category.Title }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "pagination" .pagination }} {{ end }} {{ end }} `, "choose_subscription": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Choose a Subscription" }}{{ end }} {{ define "content"}}

{{ t "Choose a Subscription" }}

{{ range .subscriptions }}
({{ .Type }}) {{ .URL }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} `, "create_category": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "New Category" }}{{ end }} {{ define "content"}}
{{ if .errorMessage }}
{{ t .errorMessage }}
{{ end }}
{{ t "or" }} {{ t "cancel" }}
{{ end }} `, "create_user": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "New User" }}{{ end }} {{ define "content"}}
{{ if .errorMessage }}
{{ t .errorMessage }}
{{ end }}
{{ t "or" }} {{ t "cancel" }}
{{ end }} `, "edit_category": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Edit Category: %s" .category.Title }}{{ end }} {{ define "content"}}
{{ if .errorMessage }}
{{ t .errorMessage }}
{{ end }}
{{ t "or" }} {{ t "cancel" }}
{{ end }} `, "edit_feed": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Edit Feed: %s" .feed.Title }}{{ end }} {{ define "content"}} {{ if not .categories }}

{{ t "There is no category!" }}

{{ else }} {{ if ne .feed.ParsingErrorCount 0 }}

{{ t "Last Parsing Error" }}

{{ .feed.ParsingErrorMsg }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .errorMessage }}
{{ t .errorMessage }}
{{ end }}
{{ t "or" }} {{ t "cancel" }}
{{ end }} {{ end }}`, "edit_user": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Edit user: %s" .selected_user.Username }}{{ end }} {{ define "content"}}
{{ if .errorMessage }}
{{ t .errorMessage }}
{{ end }}
{{ t "or" }} {{ t "cancel" }}
{{ end }} `, "entry": `{{ define "title"}}{{ .entry.Title }}{{ end }} {{ define "content"}}

{{ .entry.Title }}

{{ template "entry_pagination" . }}
{{ noescape (proxyFilter .entry.Content) }}
{{ if .entry.Enclosures }} {{ end }}
{{ template "entry_pagination" . }}
{{ end }} `, "feed_entries": `{{ define "title"}}{{ .feed.Title }} ({{ .total }}){{ end }} {{ define "content"}} {{ if ne .feed.ParsingErrorCount 0 }}

{{ t "There is a problem with this feed" }}

{{ .feed.ParsingErrorMsg }}
{{ else if not .entries }}

{{ t "There is no article for this feed." }}

{{ else }}
{{ range .entries }}
{{ if ne .Feed.Icon.IconID 0 }} {{ end }} {{ .Title }} {{ .Feed.Category.Title }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "pagination" .pagination }} {{ end }} {{ end }} `, "feeds": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Feeds" }} ({{ .total }}){{ end }} {{ define "content"}} {{ if not .feeds }}

{{ t "You don't have any subscription." }}

{{ else }}
{{ range .feeds }}
{{ if ne .Icon.IconID 0 }} {{ end }} {{ .Title }} {{ .Category.Title }}
  • {{ domain .SiteURL }}
  • {{ t "Last check:" }}
  • {{ if ne .ParsingErrorCount 0 }}
  • {{ plural "plural.feed.error_count" .ParsingErrorCount .ParsingErrorCount }}
  • {{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ end }} `, "history": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "History" }} ({{ .total }}){{ end }} {{ define "content"}} {{ if not .entries }}

{{ t "There is no history at the moment." }}

{{ else }}
{{ range .entries }}
{{ if ne .Feed.Icon.IconID 0 }} {{ end }} {{ .Title }} {{ .Feed.Category.Title }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "pagination" .pagination }} {{ end }} {{ end }} `, "import": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Import" }}{{ end }} {{ define "content"}}
{{ if .errorMessage }}
{{ t .errorMessage }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} `, "login": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Sign In" }}{{ end }} {{ define "content"}}
{{ if .errorMessage }}
{{ t .errorMessage }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} `, "sessions": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Sessions" }}{{ end }} {{ define "content"}} {{ range .sessions }} {{ end }}
{{ t "Date" }} {{ t "IP Address" }} {{ t "User Agent" }} {{ t "Actions" }}
{{ elapsed .CreatedAt }} {{ .IP }} {{ .UserAgent }} {{ if eq .Token $.currentSessionToken }} {{ t "Current session" }} {{ else }} {{ t "Remove" }} {{ end }}
{{ end }} `, "settings": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Settings" }}{{ end }} {{ define "content"}}
{{ if .errorMessage }}
{{ t .errorMessage }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} `, "unread": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Unread Items" }} {{ if gt .countUnread 0 }}({{ .countUnread }}){{ end }} {{ end }} {{ define "content"}} {{ if not .entries }}

{{ t "There is no unread article." }}

{{ else }}
{{ range .entries }}
{{ if ne .Feed.Icon.IconID 0 }} {{ end }} {{ .Title }} {{ .Feed.Category.Title }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "pagination" .pagination }} {{ end }} {{ end }}`, "users": `{{ define "title"}}{{ t "Users" }}{{ end }} {{ define "content"}} {{ if eq (len .users) 1 }}

{{ t "You are the only user." }}

{{ else }} {{ range .users }} {{ if ne .ID $.user.ID }} {{ end }} {{ end }}
{{ t "Username" }} {{ t "Administrator" }} {{ t "Last Login" }} {{ t "Actions" }}
{{ .Username }} {{ if eq .IsAdmin true }}{{ t "Yes" }}{{ else }}{{ t "No" }}{{ end }} {{ if .LastLoginAt }} {{ else }} {{ t "Never" }} {{ end }} {{ t "Edit" }}, {{ t "Remove" }}
{{ end }} {{ end }} `, } var templateViewsMapChecksums = map[string]string{ "about": "56f1d45d8b9944306c66be0712320527e739a0ce4fccbd97a4c414c8f9cfab04", "add_subscription": "098ea9e492e18242bd414b22c4d8638006d113f728e5ae78c9186663f60ae3f1", "categories": "721b6bae6aa6461f4e020d667707fabe53c94b399f7d74febef2de5eb9f15071", "category_entries": "0bdcf28ef29b976b78d1add431896a8c56791476abd7a4240998d52c3efe1f35", "choose_subscription": "d37682743d8bbd84738a964e238103db2651f95fa340c6e285ffe2e12548d673", "create_category": "2b82af5d2dcd67898dc5daa57a6461e6ff8121a6089b2a2a1be909f35e4a2275", "create_user": "966b31d0414e0d0a547ef9ada428cbd24a91100bfed491f780c0461892a2489b", "edit_category": "cee720faadcec58289b707ad30af623d2ee66c1ce23a732965463250d7ff41c5", "edit_feed": "c5bc4c22bf7e8348d880395250545595d21fb8c8e723fc5d7cca68e25d250884", "edit_user": "f0f79704983de3ca7858bd8cda7a372c3999f5e4e0cf951fba5fa2c1752f9111", "entry": "32e605edd6d43773ac31329d247ebd81d38d974cd43689d91de79fffec7fe04b", "feed_entries": "9aff923b6c7452dec1514feada7e0d2bbc1ec21c6f5e9f48b2de41d1b731ffe4", "feeds": "ddcf12a47c850e6a1f3b85c9ab6566b4e45adfcd7a3546381a0c3a7a54f2b7d4", "history": "439000d0be8fd716f3b89860af4d721e05baef0c2ccd2325ba020c940d6aa847", "import": "73b5112e20bfd232bf73334544186ea419505936bc237d481517a8622901878f", "login": "568f2f69f248048f3e55e9bbc719077a74ae23fe18f237aa40e3de37e97b7a41", "sessions": "7fcd3bb794d4ad01eb9fa515660f04c8e79e1568970fd541cc7b2de8a76e1542", "settings": "9c89bfd70ff288b4256e5205be78a7645450b364db1df51d10fee3cb915b2c6b", "unread": "b6f9be1a72188947c75a6fdcac6ff7878db7745f9efa46318e0433102892a722", "users": "5bd535de3e46d9b14667d8159a5ec1478d6e028a77bf306c89d7b55813eeb625", }