// Copyright 2018 Frédéric Guillot. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package template // import "miniflux.app/template" import ( "fmt" "html/template" "net/mail" "strings" "time" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "miniflux.app/config" "miniflux.app/filter" "miniflux.app/http/route" "miniflux.app/model" "miniflux.app/url" ) type funcMap struct { cfg *config.Config router *mux.Router } // Map returns a map of template functions that are compiled during template parsing. func (f *funcMap) Map() template.FuncMap { return template.FuncMap{ "dict": dict, "hasKey": hasKey, "truncate": truncate, "isEmail": isEmail, "baseURL": func() string { return f.cfg.BaseURL() }, "rootURL": func() string { return f.cfg.RootURL() }, "hasOAuth2Provider": func(provider string) bool { return f.cfg.OAuth2Provider() == provider }, "route": func(name string, args ...interface{}) string { return route.Path(f.router, name, args...) }, "noescape": func(str string) template.HTML { return template.HTML(str) }, "proxyFilter": func(data string) string { return filter.ImageProxyFilter(f.router, f.cfg, data) }, "proxyURL": func(link string) string { proxyImages := f.cfg.ProxyImages() if proxyImages == "all" || (proxyImages != "none" && !url.IsHTTPS(link)) { return filter.Proxify(f.router, link) } return link }, "domain": func(websiteURL string) string { return url.Domain(websiteURL) }, "hasPrefix": func(str, prefix string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(str, prefix) }, "contains": func(str, substr string) bool { return strings.Contains(str, substr) }, "isodate": func(ts time.Time) string { return ts.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") }, "theme_color": func(theme string) string { return model.ThemeColor(theme) }, // These functions are overrided at runtime after the parsing. "elapsed": func(timezone string, t time.Time) string { return "" }, "t": func(key interface{}, args ...interface{}) string { return "" }, "plural": func(key string, n int, args ...interface{}) string { return "" }, } } func newFuncMap(cfg *config.Config, router *mux.Router) *funcMap { return &funcMap{cfg, router} } func dict(values ...interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) { if len(values)%2 != 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("dict expects an even number of arguments") } dict := make(map[string]interface{}, len(values)/2) for i := 0; i < len(values); i += 2 { key, ok := values[i].(string) if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("dict keys must be strings") } dict[key] = values[i+1] } return dict, nil } func hasKey(dict map[string]string, key string) bool { if value, found := dict[key]; found { return value != "" } return false } func truncate(str string, max int) string { runes := 0 for i := range str { runes++ if runes > max { return str[:i] + "…" } } return str } func isEmail(str string) bool { _, err := mail.ParseAddress(str) if err != nil { return false } return true }