// Copyright 2017 Frédéric Guillot. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package fever import ( "strconv" "strings" "time" "github.com/miniflux/miniflux/integration" "github.com/miniflux/miniflux/logger" "github.com/miniflux/miniflux/model" "github.com/miniflux/miniflux/server/core" "github.com/miniflux/miniflux/storage" ) type baseResponse struct { Version int `json:"api_version"` Authenticated int `json:"auth"` LastRefresh int64 `json:"last_refreshed_on_time"` } func (b *baseResponse) SetCommonValues() { b.Version = 3 b.Authenticated = 1 b.LastRefresh = time.Now().Unix() } /* The default response is a JSON object containing two members: api_version contains the version of the API responding (positive integer) auth whether the request was successfully authenticated (boolean integer) The API can also return XML by passing xml as the optional value of the api argument like so: http://yourdomain.com/fever/?api=xml The top level XML element is named response. The response to each successfully authenticated request will have auth set to 1 and include at least one additional member: last_refreshed_on_time contains the time of the most recently refreshed (not updated) feed (Unix timestamp/integer) */ func newBaseResponse() baseResponse { r := baseResponse{} r.SetCommonValues() return r } type groupsResponse struct { baseResponse Groups []group `json:"groups"` FeedsGroups []feedsGroups `json:"feeds_groups"` } type feedsResponse struct { baseResponse Feeds []feed `json:"feeds"` FeedsGroups []feedsGroups `json:"feeds_groups"` } type faviconsResponse struct { baseResponse Favicons []favicon `json:"favicons"` } type itemsResponse struct { baseResponse Items []item `json:"items"` Total int `json:"total_items"` } type unreadResponse struct { baseResponse ItemIDs string `json:"unread_item_ids"` } type savedResponse struct { baseResponse ItemIDs string `json:"saved_item_ids"` } type linksResponse struct { baseResponse Links string `json:"links"` } type group struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` } type feedsGroups struct { GroupID int64 `json:"group_id"` FeedIDs string `json:"feed_ids"` } type feed struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` FaviconID int64 `json:"favicon_id"` Title string `json:"title"` URL string `json:"url"` SiteURL string `json:"site_url"` IsSpark int `json:"is_spark"` LastUpdated int64 `json:"last_updated_on_time"` } type item struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` FeedID int64 `json:"feed_id"` Title string `json:"title"` Author string `json:"author"` HTML string `json:"html"` URL string `json:"url"` IsSaved int `json:"is_saved"` IsRead int `json:"is_read"` CreatedAt int64 `json:"created_on_time"` } type favicon struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Data string `json:"data"` } // Controller implements the Fever API. type Controller struct { store *storage.Storage } // Handler handles Fever API calls func (c *Controller) Handler(ctx *core.Context, request *core.Request, response *core.Response) { switch { case request.HasQueryParam("groups"): c.handleGroups(ctx, request, response) case request.HasQueryParam("feeds"): c.handleFeeds(ctx, request, response) case request.HasQueryParam("favicons"): c.handleFavicons(ctx, request, response) case request.HasQueryParam("unread_item_ids"): c.handleUnreadItems(ctx, request, response) case request.HasQueryParam("saved_item_ids"): c.handleSavedItems(ctx, request, response) case request.HasQueryParam("items"): c.handleItems(ctx, request, response) case request.HasQueryParam("links"): c.handleLinks(ctx, request, response) case request.FormValue("mark") == "item": c.handleWriteItems(ctx, request, response) case request.FormValue("mark") == "feed": c.handleWriteFeeds(ctx, request, response) case request.FormValue("mark") == "group": c.handleWriteGroups(ctx, request, response) default: response.JSON().Standard(newBaseResponse()) } } /* A request with the groups argument will return two additional members: groups contains an array of group objects feeds_groups contains an array of feeds_group objects A group object has the following members: id (positive integer) title (utf-8 string) The feeds_group object is documented under “Feeds/Groups Relationships.” The “Kindling” super group is not included in this response and is composed of all feeds with an is_spark equal to 0. The “Sparks” super group is not included in this response and is composed of all feeds with an is_spark equal to 1. */ func (c *Controller) handleGroups(ctx *core.Context, request *core.Request, response *core.Response) { userID := ctx.UserID() logger.Debug("[Fever] Fetching groups for userID=%d", userID) categories, err := c.store.Categories(userID) if err != nil { response.JSON().ServerError(err) return } feeds, err := c.store.Feeds(userID) if err != nil { response.JSON().ServerError(err) return } var result groupsResponse for _, category := range categories { result.Groups = append(result.Groups, group{ID: category.ID, Title: category.Title}) } result.FeedsGroups = c.buildFeedGroups(feeds) result.SetCommonValues() response.JSON().Standard(result) } /* A request with the feeds argument will return two additional members: feeds contains an array of group objects feeds_groups contains an array of feeds_group objects A feed object has the following members: id (positive integer) favicon_id (positive integer) title (utf-8 string) url (utf-8 string) site_url (utf-8 string) is_spark (boolean integer) last_updated_on_time (Unix timestamp/integer) The feeds_group object is documented under “Feeds/Groups Relationships.” The “All Items” super feed is not included in this response and is composed of all items from all feeds that belong to a given group. For the “Kindling” super group and all user created groups the items should be limited to feeds with an is_spark equal to 0. For the “Sparks” super group the items should be limited to feeds with an is_spark equal to 1. */ func (c *Controller) handleFeeds(ctx *core.Context, request *core.Request, response *core.Response) { userID := ctx.UserID() logger.Debug("[Fever] Fetching feeds for userID=%d", userID) feeds, err := c.store.Feeds(userID) if err != nil { response.JSON().ServerError(err) return } var result feedsResponse result.Feeds = make([]feed, 0) for _, f := range feeds { result.Feeds = append(result.Feeds, feed{ ID: f.ID, FaviconID: f.Icon.IconID, Title: f.Title, URL: f.FeedURL, SiteURL: f.SiteURL, IsSpark: 0, LastUpdated: f.CheckedAt.Unix(), }) } result.FeedsGroups = c.buildFeedGroups(feeds) result.SetCommonValues() response.JSON().Standard(result) } /* A request with the favicons argument will return one additional member: favicons contains an array of favicon objects A favicon object has the following members: id (positive integer) data (base64 encoded image data; prefixed by image type) An example data value: image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAObm5gAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw== The data member of a favicon object can be used with the data: protocol to embed an image in CSS or HTML. A PHP/HTML example: echo ''; */ func (c *Controller) handleFavicons(ctx *core.Context, request *core.Request, response *core.Response) { userID := ctx.UserID() logger.Debug("[Fever] Fetching favicons for userID=%d", userID) icons, err := c.store.Icons(userID) if err != nil { response.JSON().ServerError(err) return } var result faviconsResponse for _, i := range icons { result.Favicons = append(result.Favicons, favicon{ ID: i.ID, Data: i.DataURL(), }) } result.SetCommonValues() response.JSON().Standard(result) } /* A request with the items argument will return two additional members: items contains an array of item objects total_items contains the total number of items stored in the database (added in API version 2) An item object has the following members: id (positive integer) feed_id (positive integer) title (utf-8 string) author (utf-8 string) html (utf-8 string) url (utf-8 string) is_saved (boolean integer) is_read (boolean integer) created_on_time (Unix timestamp/integer) Most servers won’t have enough memory allocated to PHP to dump all items at once. Three optional arguments control determine the items included in the response. Use the since_id argument with the highest id of locally cached items to request 50 additional items. Repeat until the items array in the response is empty. Use the max_id argument with the lowest id of locally cached items (or 0 initially) to request 50 previous items. Repeat until the items array in the response is empty. (added in API version 2) Use the with_ids argument with a comma-separated list of item ids to request (a maximum of 50) specific items. (added in API version 2) */ func (c *Controller) handleItems(ctx *core.Context, request *core.Request, response *core.Response) { var result itemsResponse userID := ctx.UserID() timezone := ctx.UserTimezone() logger.Debug("[Fever] Fetching items for userID=%d", userID) builder := c.store.GetEntryQueryBuilder(userID, timezone) builder.WithoutStatus(model.EntryStatusRemoved) builder.WithLimit(50) builder.WithOrder("id") builder.WithDirection(model.DefaultSortingDirection) sinceID := request.QueryIntegerParam("since_id", 0) if sinceID > 0 { builder.WithGreaterThanEntryID(int64(sinceID)) } maxID := request.QueryIntegerParam("max_id", 0) if maxID > 0 { builder.WithOffset(maxID) } csvItemIDs := request.QueryStringParam("with_ids", "") if csvItemIDs != "" { var itemIDs []int64 for _, strItemID := range strings.Split(csvItemIDs, ",") { strItemID = strings.TrimSpace(strItemID) itemID, _ := strconv.Atoi(strItemID) itemIDs = append(itemIDs, int64(itemID)) } builder.WithEntryIDs(itemIDs) } entries, err := builder.GetEntries() if err != nil { response.JSON().ServerError(err) return } builder = c.store.GetEntryQueryBuilder(userID, timezone) builder.WithoutStatus(model.EntryStatusRemoved) result.Total, err = builder.CountEntries() if err != nil { response.JSON().ServerError(err) return } for _, entry := range entries { isRead := 0 if entry.Status == model.EntryStatusRead { isRead = 1 } isSaved := 0 if entry.Starred { isSaved = 1 } result.Items = append(result.Items, item{ ID: entry.ID, FeedID: entry.FeedID, Title: entry.Title, Author: entry.Author, HTML: entry.Content, URL: entry.URL, IsSaved: isSaved, IsRead: isRead, CreatedAt: entry.Date.Unix(), }) } result.SetCommonValues() response.JSON().Standard(result) } /* The unread_item_ids and saved_item_ids arguments can be used to keep your local cache synced with the remote Fever installation. A request with the unread_item_ids argument will return one additional member: unread_item_ids (string/comma-separated list of positive integers) */ func (c *Controller) handleUnreadItems(ctx *core.Context, request *core.Request, response *core.Response) { userID := ctx.UserID() logger.Debug("[Fever] Fetching unread items for userID=%d", userID) builder := c.store.GetEntryQueryBuilder(userID, ctx.UserTimezone()) builder.WithStatus(model.EntryStatusUnread) entries, err := builder.GetEntries() if err != nil { response.JSON().ServerError(err) return } var itemIDs []string for _, entry := range entries { itemIDs = append(itemIDs, strconv.FormatInt(entry.ID, 10)) } var result unreadResponse result.ItemIDs = strings.Join(itemIDs, ",") result.SetCommonValues() response.JSON().Standard(result) } /* The unread_item_ids and saved_item_ids arguments can be used to keep your local cache synced with the remote Fever installation. A request with the saved_item_ids argument will return one additional member: saved_item_ids (string/comma-separated list of positive integers) */ func (c *Controller) handleSavedItems(ctx *core.Context, request *core.Request, response *core.Response) { userID := ctx.UserID() logger.Debug("[Fever] Fetching saved items for userID=%d", userID) builder := c.store.GetEntryQueryBuilder(userID, ctx.UserTimezone()) builder.WithStarred() entryIDs, err := builder.GetEntryIDs() if err != nil { response.JSON().ServerError(err) return } var itemsIDs []string for _, entryID := range entryIDs { itemsIDs = append(itemsIDs, strconv.FormatInt(entryID, 10)) } result := &savedResponse{ItemIDs: strings.Join(itemsIDs, ",")} result.SetCommonValues() response.JSON().Standard(result) } /* A request with the links argument will return one additional member: links contains an array of link objects A link object has the following members: id (positive integer) feed_id (positive integer) only use when is_item equals 1 item_id (positive integer) only use when is_item equals 1 temperature (positive float) is_item (boolean integer) is_local (boolean integer) used to determine if the source feed and favicon should be displayed is_saved (boolean integer) only use when is_item equals 1 title (utf-8 string) url (utf-8 string) item_ids (string/comma-separated list of positive integers) */ func (c *Controller) handleLinks(ctx *core.Context, request *core.Request, response *core.Response) { userID := ctx.UserID() logger.Debug("[Fever] Fetching links for userID=%d", userID) result := &linksResponse{Links: ""} result.SetCommonValues() response.JSON().Standard(result) } /* mark=item as=? where ? is replaced with read, saved or unsaved id=? where ? is replaced with the id of the item to modify */ func (c *Controller) handleWriteItems(ctx *core.Context, request *core.Request, response *core.Response) { userID := ctx.UserID() logger.Debug("[Fever] Receiving mark=item call for userID=%d", userID) entryID := request.FormIntegerValue("id") if entryID <= 0 { return } builder := c.store.GetEntryQueryBuilder(userID, ctx.UserTimezone()) builder.WithEntryID(entryID) builder.WithoutStatus(model.EntryStatusRemoved) entry, err := builder.GetEntry() if err != nil { response.JSON().ServerError(err) return } if entry == nil { return } switch request.FormValue("as") { case "read": c.store.SetEntriesStatus(userID, []int64{entryID}, model.EntryStatusRead) case "unread": c.store.SetEntriesStatus(userID, []int64{entryID}, model.EntryStatusUnread) case "saved": if err := c.store.ToggleBookmark(userID, entryID); err != nil { response.JSON().ServerError(err) return } settings, err := c.store.Integration(userID) if err != nil { response.JSON().ServerError(err) return } go func() { integration.SendEntry(entry, settings) }() } response.JSON().Standard(newBaseResponse()) } /* mark=? where ? is replaced with feed or group as=read id=? where ? is replaced with the id of the feed or group to modify before=? where ? is replaced with the Unix timestamp of the the local client’s most recent items API request */ func (c *Controller) handleWriteFeeds(ctx *core.Context, request *core.Request, response *core.Response) { userID := ctx.UserID() logger.Debug("[Fever] Receiving mark=feed call for userID=%d", userID) feedID := request.FormIntegerValue("id") if feedID <= 0 { return } builder := c.store.GetEntryQueryBuilder(userID, ctx.UserTimezone()) builder.WithStatus(model.EntryStatusUnread) builder.WithFeedID(feedID) before := request.FormIntegerValue("before") if before > 0 { t := time.Unix(before, 0) builder.Before(&t) } entryIDs, err := builder.GetEntryIDs() if err != nil { response.JSON().ServerError(err) return } err = c.store.SetEntriesStatus(userID, entryIDs, model.EntryStatusRead) if err != nil { response.JSON().ServerError(err) return } response.JSON().Standard(newBaseResponse()) } /* mark=? where ? is replaced with feed or group as=read id=? where ? is replaced with the id of the feed or group to modify before=? where ? is replaced with the Unix timestamp of the the local client’s most recent items API request */ func (c *Controller) handleWriteGroups(ctx *core.Context, request *core.Request, response *core.Response) { userID := ctx.UserID() logger.Debug("[Fever] Receiving mark=group call for userID=%d", userID) groupID := request.FormIntegerValue("id") if groupID < 0 { return } builder := c.store.GetEntryQueryBuilder(userID, ctx.UserTimezone()) builder.WithStatus(model.EntryStatusUnread) builder.WithCategoryID(groupID) before := request.FormIntegerValue("before") if before > 0 { t := time.Unix(before, 0) builder.Before(&t) } entryIDs, err := builder.GetEntryIDs() if err != nil { response.JSON().ServerError(err) return } err = c.store.SetEntriesStatus(userID, entryIDs, model.EntryStatusRead) if err != nil { response.JSON().ServerError(err) return } response.JSON().Standard(newBaseResponse()) } /* A feeds_group object has the following members: group_id (positive integer) feed_ids (string/comma-separated list of positive integers) */ func (c *Controller) buildFeedGroups(feeds model.Feeds) []feedsGroups { feedsGroupedByCategory := make(map[int64][]string) for _, feed := range feeds { feedsGroupedByCategory[feed.Category.ID] = append(feedsGroupedByCategory[feed.Category.ID], strconv.FormatInt(feed.ID, 10)) } result := make([]feedsGroups, 0) for categoryID, feedIDs := range feedsGroupedByCategory { result = append(result, feedsGroups{ GroupID: categoryID, FeedIDs: strings.Join(feedIDs, ","), }) } return result } // NewController returns a new Fever API. func NewController(store *storage.Storage) *Controller { return &Controller{store: store} }