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{{ define "base" }}
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{{ if .user }}{{ if not .user.KeyboardShortcuts }}data-disable-keyboard-shortcuts="true"{{ end }}{{ end }}>
{{ if .user }}
<a class="skip-to-content-link" href="#main">
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<header class="header">
<summary aria-label="{{ t "menu.title" }}">
<div class="logo"><a aria-label="{{ t "menu.home_page" }}" href="{{ route .user.DefaultHomePage }}">Mini<span>flux</span></a></div>
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<li {{ if eq .menu "unread" }}class="active"{{ end }} title="{{ t "tooltip.keyboard_shortcuts" "g u" }}">
<a href="{{ route "unread" }}" data-page="unread">{{ t "menu.unread" }}
{{ if gt .countUnread 0 }}
<span class="unread-counter-wrapper">(<span class="unread-counter">{{ .countUnread }}</span>)</span>
{{ end }}
<li {{ if eq .menu "starred" }}class="active"{{ end }} title="{{ t "tooltip.keyboard_shortcuts" "g b" }}">
<a href="{{ route "starred" }}" data-page="starred">{{ t "menu.starred" }}</a>
<li {{ if eq .menu "history" }}class="active"{{ end }} title="{{ t "tooltip.keyboard_shortcuts" "g h" }}">
<a href="{{ route "history" }}" data-page="history">{{ t "menu.history" }}</a>
<li {{ if eq .menu "feeds" }}class="active"{{ end }} title="{{ t "tooltip.keyboard_shortcuts" "g f" }}">
<a href="{{ route "feeds" }}" data-page="feeds">{{ t "menu.feeds" }}
{{ if gt .countErrorFeeds 0 }}
<span class="error-feeds-counter-wrapper">(<span class="error-feeds-counter">{{ .countErrorFeeds }}</span>)</span>
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ route "addSubscription" }}" title="{{ t "tooltip.keyboard_shortcuts" "+" }}">
<li {{ if eq .menu "categories" }}class="active"{{ end }} title="{{ t "tooltip.keyboard_shortcuts" "g c" }}">
<a href="{{ route "categories" }}" data-page="categories">{{ t "menu.categories" }}</a>
<li {{ if eq .menu "settings" }}class="active"{{ end }} title="{{ t "tooltip.keyboard_shortcuts" "g s" }}">
<a href="{{ route "settings" }}" data-page="settings">{{ t "menu.settings" }}</a>
{{ if not hasAuthProxy }}
<a href="{{ route "logout" }}" title="{{ t "tooltip.logged_user" .user.Username }}">{{ t "menu.logout" }}</a>
{{ end }}
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<details {{ if $.searchQuery }}open{{ end }}>
<summary>{{ t "search.label" }}</summary>
<form action="{{ route "searchEntries" }}" aria-labelledby="search-input-label">
<label class="sr-only" for="search-input" id="search-input-label">{{ t "search.label" }}</label>
<input type="search" name="q" id="search-input" {{ if $.searchQuery }}value="{{ .searchQuery }}"{{ end }} required>
<button type="submit">{{ t "search.submit" }}</button>
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<!-- <a href="#" data-action="search">&laquo;&nbsp;{{ t "search.label" }}</a> -->
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{{ end }}
{{ if .flashMessage }}
<div class="flash-message alert alert-success">{{ .flashMessage }}</div>
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{{ if .flashErrorMessage }}
<div class="flash-error-message alert alert-error">{{ .flashErrorMessage }}</div>
{{ end }}
<main id="main">
{{template "content" .}}
<template id="keyboard-shortcuts">
<div id="modal-left">
<button class="btn-close-modal" aria-label="Close">x</button>
<h3 tabindex="-1" id="dialog-title">{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.title" }}</h3>
<div class="keyboard-shortcuts">
<p>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.subtitle.sections" }}</p>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_unread" }} = <strong>g + u</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_starred" }} = <strong>g + b</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_history" }} = <strong>g + h</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_feeds" }} = <strong>g + f</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_categories" }} = <strong>g + c</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_settings" }} = <strong>g + s</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.show_keyboard_shortcuts" }} = <strong>?</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "menu.add_feed" }} = <strong>+</strong></li>
<p>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.subtitle.items" }}</p>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_previous_item" }} = <strong>p</strong>, <strong>k</strong>, <strong>&#x23F4;</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_next_item" }} = <strong>n</strong>, <strong>j</strong>, <strong>&#x23F5;</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_feed" }} = <strong>F</strong></li>
<p>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.subtitle.pages" }}</p>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_previous_page" }} = <strong>h</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_next_page" }} = <strong>l</strong></li>
<p>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.subtitle.actions" }}</p>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.open_item" }} = <strong>o</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.open_original" }} = <strong>v</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.open_original_same_window" }} = <strong>V</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.open_comments" }} = <strong>c</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.open_comments_same_window" }} = <strong>C</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_read_status_next" }} = <strong>m</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_read_status_prev" }} = <strong>M</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.mark_page_as_read" }} = <strong>A</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.download_content" }} = <strong>d</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_bookmark_status" }} = <strong>f</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.save_article" }} = <strong>s</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_entry_attachments" }} = <strong>a</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.scroll_item_to_top" }} = <strong>z + t</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.refresh_all_feeds" }} = <strong>R</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.remove_feed" }} = <strong>#</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.go_to_search" }} = <strong>/</strong></li>
<li>{{ t "page.keyboard_shortcuts.close_modal" }} = <strong>Esc</strong></li>
<template id="icon-read">{{ icon "read" }}</template>
<template id="icon-unread">{{ icon "unread" }}</template>
<template id="icon-star">{{ icon "star" }}</template>
<template id="icon-unstar">{{ icon "unstar" }}</template>
<template id="icon-save">{{ icon "save" }}</template>
<div id="toast-wrapper" role="alert" aria-live="assertive" aria-atomic="true">
<span id="toast-msg"></span>
{{ end }}