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2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
package Project;
use Carp;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
my ($junk, $name, $type, $solution) = @_;
my $good_types = {
lib => 1,
exe => 1,
dll => 1,
confess("Bad project type: $type\n") unless exists $good_types->{$type};
my $self = {
name => $name,
type => $type,
guid => Win32::GuidGen(),
files => {},
references => [],
libraries => [],
suffixlib => [],
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
includes => '',
defines => ';',
solution => $solution,
disablewarnings => '4018;4244;4273',
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
bless $self;
return $self;
sub AddFile {
my ($self, $filename) = @_;
$self->{files}->{$filename} = 1;
sub AddFiles {
my $self = shift;
my $dir = shift;
while (my $f = shift) {
$self->{files}->{$dir . "\\" . $f} = 1;
sub ReplaceFile {
my ($self, $filename, $newname) = @_;
my $re = "\\\\$filename\$";
foreach my $file ( keys %{ $self->{files} } ) {
# Match complete filename
if ($filename =~ /\\/) {
if ($file eq $filename) {
delete $self->{files}{$file};
$self->{files}{$newname} = 1;
elsif ($file =~ m/($re)/) {
delete $self->{files}{$file};
$self->{files}{ "$newname\\$filename" } = 1;
confess("Could not find file $filename to replace\n");
sub RemoveFile {
my ($self, $filename) = @_;
my $orig = scalar keys %{ $self->{files} };
delete $self->{files}->{$filename};
if ($orig > scalar keys %{$self->{files}} ) {
confess("Could not find file $filename to remove\n");
sub AddReference {
my $self = shift;
while (my $ref = shift) {
push @{$self->{references}},$ref;
$self->AddLibrary("__CFGNAME__\\" . $ref->{name} . "\\" . $ref->{name} . ".lib");
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
sub AddLibrary {
my ($self, $lib, $dbgsuffix) = @_;
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
push @{$self->{libraries}}, $lib;
if ($dbgsuffix) {
push @{$self->{suffixlib}}, $lib;
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
sub AddIncludeDir {
my ($self, $inc) = @_;
if ($self->{includes} ne '') {
$self->{includes} .= ';';
$self->{includes} .= $inc;
sub AddDefine {
my ($self, $def) = @_;
$def =~ s/"/""/g;
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
$self->{defines} .= $def . ';';
sub FullExportDLL {
my ($self, $libname) = @_;
$self->{builddef} = 1;
$self->{def} = ".\\__CFGNAME__\\$self->{name}\\$self->{name}.def";
$self->{implib} = "__CFGNAME__\\$self->{name}\\$libname";
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
sub UseDef {
my ($self, $def) = @_;
$self->{def} = $def;
sub AddDir {
my ($self, $reldir) = @_;
my $MF;
my $t = $/;undef $/;
open($MF,"$reldir\\Makefile") || open($MF,"$reldir\\GNUMakefile") || croak "Could not open $reldir\\Makefile\n";
my $mf = <$MF>;
$mf =~ s{\\\s*[\r\n]+}{}mg;
if ($mf =~ m{^(?:SUB)?DIRS[^=]*=\s*(.*)$}mg) {
foreach my $subdir (split /\s+/,$1) {
next if $subdir eq "\$(top_builddir)/src/timezone"; #special case for non-standard include
$self->AddDir($reldir . "\\" . $subdir);
while ($mf =~ m{^(?:EXTRA_)?OBJS[^=]*=\s*(.*)$}m) {
my $s = $1;
my $filter_re = qr{\$\(filter ([^,]+),\s+\$\(([^\)]+)\)\)};
while ($s =~ /$filter_re/) {
# Process $(filter a b c, $(VAR)) expressions
my $list = $1;
my $filter = $2;
$list =~ s/\.o/\.c/g;
my @pieces = split /\s+/, $list;
my $matches = "";
foreach my $p (@pieces) {
if ($filter eq "LIBOBJS") {
if (grep(/$p/, @main::pgportfiles) == 1) {
$p =~ s/\.c/\.o/;
$matches .= $p . " ";
else {
confess "Unknown filter $filter\n";
$s =~ s/$filter_re/$matches/;
foreach my $f (split /\s+/,$s) {
next if $f =~ /^\s*$/;
next if $f eq "\\";
next if $f =~ /\/SUBSYS.o$/;
$f =~ s/,$//; # Remove trailing comma that can show up from filter stuff
next unless $f =~ /.*\.o$/;
$f =~ s/\.o$/\.c/;
if ($f =~ /^\$\(top_builddir\)\/(.*)/) {
$f = $1;
$f =~ s/\//\\/g;
$self->{files}->{$f} = 1;
else {
$f =~ s/\//\\/g;
$self->{files}->{"$reldir\\$f"} = 1;
$mf =~ s{OBJS[^=]*=\s*(.*)$}{}m;
# Match rules that pull in source files from different directories
my $replace_re = qr{^([^:\n\$]+\.c)\s*:\s*(?:%\s*: )?\$(\([^\)]+\))\/(.*)\/[^\/]+$};
while ($mf =~ m{$replace_re}m) {
my $match = $1;
my $top = $2;
my $target = $3;
$target =~ s{/}{\\}g;
my @pieces = split /\s+/,$match;
foreach my $fn (@pieces) {
if ($top eq "(top_srcdir)") {
eval { $self->ReplaceFile($fn, $target) };
elsif ($top eq "(backend_src)") {
eval { $self->ReplaceFile($fn, "src\\backend\\$target") };
else {
confess "Bad replacement top: $top, on line $_\n";
$mf =~ s{$replace_re}{}m;
# See if this Makefile contains a description, and should have a RC file
if ($mf =~ /^PGFILEDESC\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/m) {
my $desc = $1;
my $ico;
if ($mf =~ /^PGAPPICON\s*=\s*(.*)$/m) { $ico = $1; }
$/ = $t;
sub AddResourceFile {
my ($self, $dir, $desc, $ico) = @_;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
my $d = ($year - 100) . "$yday";
if (Solution::IsNewer("$dir\\win32ver.rc",'src\port\win32ver.rc')) {
print "Generating win32ver.rc for $dir\n";
open(I,'src\port\win32ver.rc') || confess "Could not open win32ver.rc";
open(O,">$dir\\win32ver.rc") || confess "Could not write win32ver.rc";
my $icostr = $ico?"IDI_ICON ICON \"src/port/$ico.ico\"":"";
while (<I>) {
if ($self->{type} eq "dll") {
print O;
sub Save {
my ($self) = @_;
# If doing DLL and haven't specified a DEF file, do a full export of all symbols
# in the project.
if ($self->{type} eq "dll" && !$self->{def}) {
$self->FullExportDLL($self->{name} . ".lib");
# Dump the project
open(F, ">$self->{name}.vcproj") || croak("Could not write to $self->{name}.vcproj\n");
print F <<EOF;
my @dirstack = ();
my %uniquefiles;
foreach my $f (sort keys %{ $self->{files} }) {
confess "Bad format filename '$f'\n" unless ($f =~ /^(.*)\\([^\\]+)\.[r]?[cyl]$/);
my $dir = $1;
my $file = $2;
# Walk backwards down the directory stack and close any dirs we're done with
while ($#dirstack >= 0) {
if (join('\\',@dirstack) eq substr($dir, 0, length(join('\\',@dirstack)))) {
last if (length($dir) == length(join('\\',@dirstack)));
last if (substr($dir, length(join('\\',@dirstack)),1) eq '\\');
print F ' ' x $#dirstack . " </Filter>\n";
pop @dirstack;
# Now walk forwards and create whatever directories are needed
while (join('\\',@dirstack) ne $dir) {
my $left = substr($dir, length(join('\\',@dirstack)));
$left =~ s/^\\//;
my @pieces = split /\\/, $left;
push @dirstack, $pieces[0];
print F ' ' x $#dirstack . " <Filter Name=\"$pieces[0]\" Filter=\"\">\n";
print F ' ' x $#dirstack . " <File RelativePath=\"$f\"";
if ($f =~ /\.y$/) {
my $of = $f;
$of =~ s/\.y$/.c/;
$of =~ s{^src\\pl\\plpgsql\\src\\gram.c$}{src\\pl\\plpgsql\\src\\pl_gram.c};
print F '>' . GenerateCustomTool('Running bison on ' . $f, 'cmd /V:ON /c src\tools\msvc\pgbison.bat ' . $f, $of) . '</File>' . "\n";
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
elsif ($f =~ /\.l$/) {
my $of = $f;
$of =~ s/\.l$/.c/;
$of =~ s{^src\\pl\\plpgsql\\src\\scan.c$}{src\\pl\\plpgsql\\src\\pl_scan.c};
print F '>' . GenerateCustomTool('Running flex on ' . $f, 'src\tools\msvc\pgflex.bat ' . $f,$of) . '</File>' . "\n";
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
elsif (defined($uniquefiles{$file})) {
# File already exists, so fake a new name
my $obj = $dir;
$obj =~ s/\\/_/g;
print F "><FileConfiguration Name=\"Debug|Win32\"><Tool Name=\"VCCLCompilerTool\" ObjectFile=\".\\debug\\$self->{name}\\$obj" . "_$file.obj\" /></FileConfiguration><FileConfiguration Name=\"Release|Win32\"><Tool Name=\"VCCLCompilerTool\" ObjectFile=\".\\release\\$self->{name}\\$obj" . "_$file.obj\" /></FileConfiguration></File>\n";
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
else {
$uniquefiles{$file} = 1;
print F " />\n";
while ($#dirstack >= 0) {
print F ' ' x $#dirstack . " </Filter>\n";
pop @dirstack;
sub GenerateCustomTool {
my ($desc, $tool, $output, $cfg) = @_;
if (!defined($cfg)) {
return GenerateCustomTool($desc, $tool, $output, 'Debug') .
GenerateCustomTool($desc, $tool, $output, 'Release');
return "<FileConfiguration Name=\"$cfg|Win32\"><Tool Name=\"VCCustomBuildTool\" Description=\"$desc\" CommandLine=\"$tool\" AdditionalDependencies=\"\" Outputs=\"$output\" /></FileConfiguration>";
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
sub WriteReferences {
my ($self, $f) = @_;
print $f " <References>\n";
foreach my $ref (@{$self->{references}}) {
print $f " <ProjectReference ReferencedProjectIdentifier=\"$ref->{guid}\" Name=\"$ref->{name}\" />\n";
print $f " </References>\n";
sub WriteHeader {
my ($self, $f) = @_;
print $f <<EOF;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<VisualStudioProject ProjectType="Visual C++" Version="8.00" Name="$self->{name}" ProjectGUID="$self->{guid}">
<Platforms><Platform Name="Win32"/></Platforms>
$self->WriteConfiguration($f, 'Debug', { defs=>'_DEBUG;DEBUG=1;', wholeopt=>0 , opt=>0, strpool=>'false', runtime=>3 });
$self->WriteConfiguration($f, 'Release', { defs=>'', wholeopt=>0, opt=>3, strpool=>'true', runtime=>2 });
print $f <<EOF;
sub WriteConfiguration
my ($self, $f, $cfgname, $p) = @_;
my $cfgtype = ($self->{type} eq "exe")?1:($self->{type} eq "dll"?2:4);
my $libcfg = (uc $cfgname eq "RELEASE")?"MD":"MDd";
my $libs = '';
foreach my $lib (@{$self->{libraries}}) {
my $xlib = $lib;
foreach my $slib (@{$self->{suffixlib}}) {
if ($slib eq $lib) {
$xlib =~ s/\.lib$/$libcfg.lib/;
$libs .= $xlib . " ";
$libs =~ s/ $//;
$libs =~ s/__CFGNAME__/$cfgname/g;
print $f <<EOF;
<Configuration Name="$cfgname|Win32" OutputDirectory=".\\$cfgname\\$self->{name}" IntermediateDirectory=".\\$cfgname\\$self->{name}"
ConfigurationType="$cfgtype" UseOfMFC="0" ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="FALSE" CharacterSet="2" WholeProgramOptimization="$p->{wholeopt}">
<Tool Name="VCCLCompilerTool" Optimization="$p->{opt}"
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
RuntimeLibrary="$p->{runtime}" DisableSpecificWarnings="$self->{disablewarnings}"
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
print $f <<EOF;
AssemblerOutput="0" AssemblerListingLocation=".\\$cfgname\\$self->{name}\\" ObjectFile=".\\$cfgname\\$self->{name}\\"
ProgramDataBaseFileName=".\\$cfgname\\$self->{name}\\" BrowseInformation="0"
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
WarningLevel="3" SuppressStartupBanner="TRUE" DebugInformationFormat="3" CompileAs="0"/>
<Tool Name="VCLinkerTool" OutputFile=".\\$cfgname\\$self->{name}\\$self->{name}.$self->{type}"
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
LinkIncremental="0" SuppressStartupBanner="TRUE" AdditionalLibraryDirectories="" IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames="libc"
StackReserveSize="4194304" DisableSpecificWarnings="$self->{disablewarnings}"
GenerateDebugInformation="TRUE" ProgramDatabaseFile=".\\$cfgname\\$self->{name}\\$self->{name}.pdb"
GenerateMapFile="FALSE" MapFileName=".\\$cfgname\\$self->{name}\\$self->{name}.map"
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
SubSystem="1" TargetMachine="1"
if ($self->{implib}) {
my $l = $self->{implib};
$l =~ s/__CFGNAME__/$cfgname/g;
print $f "\t\tImportLibrary=\"$l\"\n";
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
if ($self->{def}) {
my $d = $self->{def};
$d =~ s/__CFGNAME__/$cfgname/g;
print $f "\t\tModuleDefinitionFile=\"$d\"\n";
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
print $f "\t/>\n";
print $f "\t<Tool Name=\"VCLibrarianTool\" OutputFile=\".\\$cfgname\\$self->{name}\\$self->{name}.lib\" IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames=\"libc\" />\n";
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
print $f "\t<Tool Name=\"VCResourceCompilerTool\" AdditionalIncludeDirectories=\"src\\include\" />\n";
if ($self->{builddef}) {
print $f "\t<Tool Name=\"VCPreLinkEventTool\" Description=\"Generate DEF file\" CommandLine=\"perl src\\tools\\msvc\\ $cfgname\\$self->{name}\" />\n";
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
print $f <<EOF;
sub Footer {
my ($self, $f) = @_;
print $f <<EOF;
# Utility function that loads a complete file
sub read_file {
my $filename = shift;
my $F;
my $t = $/;
undef $/;
open($F, $filename) || croak "Could not open file $filename\n";
my $txt = <$F>;
$/ = $t;
return $txt;
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00