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<chapter id="indices">
<title id="indices-title">Indices and Keys</title>
Indexes are commonly used to enhance database
performance. They should be defined on table columns (or class
attributes) that are used as qualifications in repetitive queries.
Inappropriate use will result in slower performance, since update
and insertion times are increased in the presence of indices.
Indexes may also be used to enforce uniqueness of a table's primary key.
When an index is declared UNIQUE, multiple table rows with identical
index entries won't be allowed.
For this purpose, the goal is ensuring data consistency, not improving
performance, so the above caution about inappropriate use doesn't apply.
Two forms of indices may be defined:
For a <firstterm>value index</firstterm>,
the key fields for the
index are specified as column names; multiple columns
can be specified if the index access method supports
multi-column indexes.
For a <firstterm>functional index</firstterm>, an index is defined
on the result of a function applied
to one or more attributes of a single class.
This is a single-column index (namely, the function result)
even if the function uses more than one input field.
Functional indices can be used to obtain fast access to data
based on operators that would normally require some
transformation to apply them to the base data.
Postgres provides btree, rtree and hash access methods for
indices. The btree access method is an implementation of
Lehman-Yao high-concurrency btrees. The rtree access method
implements standard rtrees using Guttman's quadratic split algorithm.
The hash access method is an implementation of Litwin's linear
hashing. We mention the algorithms used solely to indicate that all
of these access methods are fully dynamic and do not have to be
optimized periodically (as is the case with, for example, static hash
access methods).
The <productname>Postgres</productname>
query optimizer will consider using a btree index whenever
an indexed attribute is involved in a comparison using one of:
<simplelist type="inline">
The <productname>Postgres</productname>
query optimizer will consider using an rtree index whenever
an indexed attribute is involved in a comparison using one of:
<simplelist type="inline">
The <productname>Postgres</productname>
query optimizer will consider using a hash index whenever
an indexed attribute is involved in a comparison using
the <literal>=</literal> operator.
Currently, only the btree access method supports multi-column
indexes. Up to 16 keys may be specified by default (this limit
can be altered when building Postgres).
An <firstterm>operator class</firstterm> can be specified for each
column of an index. The operator class identifies the operators to
be used by the index for that column. For example, a btree index on
four-byte integers would use the <literal>int4_ops</literal> class;
this operator class includes comparison functions for four-byte
integers. In practice the default operator class for the field's
datatype is usually sufficient. The main point of having operator classes
is that for some datatypes, there could be more than one meaningful
ordering. For example, we might want to sort a complex-number datatype
either by absolute value or by real part. We could do this by defining
two operator classes for the datatype and then selecting the proper
class when making an index. There are also some operator classes with
special purposes:
The operator classes <literal>box_ops</literal> and
<literal>bigbox_ops</literal> both support rtree indices on the
<literal>box</literal> datatype.
The difference between them is that <literal>bigbox_ops</literal>
scales box coordinates down, to avoid floating point exceptions from
doing multiplication, addition, and subtraction on very large
floating-point coordinates. If the field on which your rectangles lie
is about 20,000 units square or larger, you should use
The following query shows all defined operator classes:
SELECT am.amname AS acc_name,
opc.opcname AS ops_name,
opr.oprname AS ops_comp
FROM pg_am am, pg_amop amop,
pg_opclass opc, pg_operator opr
WHERE amop.amopid = am.oid AND
amop.amopclaid = opc.oid AND
amop.amopopr = opr.oid
ORDER BY acc_name, ops_name, ops_comp
Use <command>DROP INDEX</command> to remove an index.
<sect1 id="keys">
<title id="keys-title">Keys</title>
Written by
<ulink url="">Herouth Maoz</ulink>
This originally appeared on the User's Mailing List on 1998-03-02
in response to the question:
"What is the difference between PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints?".
What's the difference between:
PRIMARY KEY(fields,...) and
UNIQUE (fields,...)
- Is this an alias?
- If PRIMARY KEY is already unique, then why
is there another kind of key named UNIQUE?
A primary key is the field(s) used to identify a specific row. For example,
Social Security numbers identifying a person.
A simply UNIQUE combination of fields has nothing to do with identifying
the row. It's simply an integrity constraint. For example, I have
collections of links. Each collection is identified by a unique number,
which is the primary key. This key is used in relations.
However, my application requires that each collection will also have a
unique name. Why? So that a human being who wants to modify a collection
will be able to identify it. It's much harder to know, if you have two
collections named "Life Science", the the one tagged 24433 is the one you
need, and the one tagged 29882 is not.
So, the user selects the collection by its name. We therefore make sure,
within the database, that names are unique. However, no other table in the
database relates to the collections table by the collection Name. That
would be very inefficient.
Moreover, despite being unique, the collection name does not actually
define the collection! For example, if somebody decided to change the name
of the collection from "Life Science" to "Biology", it will still be the
same collection, only with a different name. As long as the name is unique,
that's OK.
Primary key:
<itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
Is used for identifying the row and relating to it.
Is impossible (or hard) to update.
Should not allow NULLs.
Unique field(s):
<itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
Are used as an alternative access to the row.
Are updateable, so long as they are kept unique.
NULLs are acceptable.
As for why no non-unique keys are defined explicitly in standard
<acronym>SQL</acronym> syntax? Well, you
must understand that indices are implementation-dependent.
<acronym>SQL</acronym> does not
define the implementation, merely the relations between data in the
database. <productname>Postgres</productname> does allow
non-unique indices, but indices
used to enforce <acronym>SQL</acronym> keys are always unique.
Thus, you may query a table by any combination of its columns, despite the
fact that you don't have an index on these columns. The indexes are merely
an implementational aid that each <acronym>RDBMS</acronym> offers
you, in order to cause
commonly used queries to be done more efficiently.
Some <acronym>RDBMS</acronym> may give you
additional measures, such as keeping a key stored in main memory. They will
have a special command, for example
CREATE MEMSTORE ON &lt;table&gt; COLUMNS &lt;cols&gt;
(this is not an existing command, just an example).
In fact, when you create a primary key or a unique combination of fields,
nowhere in the <acronym>SQL</acronym> specification does it say
that an index is created, nor that
the retrieval of data by the key is going to be more efficient than a
sequential scan!
So, if you want to use a combination of fields that is not unique as a
secondary key, you really don't have to specify anything - just start
retrieving by that combination! However, if you want to make the retrieval
efficient, you'll have to resort to the means your
<acronym>RDBMS</acronym> provider gives you
- be it an index, my imaginary MEMSTORE command, or an intelligent
that creates indices without your knowledge based on the fact that you have
sent it many queries based on a specific combination of keys... (It learns
from experience).
<sect1 id="partial-index">
<title id="partial-index-title">Partial Indices</title>
This is from a reply to a question on the e-mail list
by <ulink url="mailto:aoki@CS.Berkeley.EDU">Paul M. Aoki</ulink>
on 1998-08-11.
Paul M. Aoki | University of California at Berkeley
aoki@CS.Berkeley.EDU | Dept. of EECS, Computer Science Division #1776
| Berkeley, CA 94720-1776
A <firstterm>partial index</firstterm>
is an index built over a subset of a table; the subset is defined by
a predicate. <productname>Postgres</productname>
supported partial indices with arbitrary
predicates. I believe IBM's <productname>DB2</productname>
for AS/400 supports partial indices
using single-clause predicates.
The main motivation for partial indices is this:
if all of the queries you ask that can
profitably use an index fall into a certain range, why build an index
over the whole table and suffer the associated space/time costs?
(There are other reasons too; see
<xref endterm="STON89b" linkend="STON89b-full"> for details.)
The machinery to build, update and query partial indices isn't too
bad. The hairy parts are index selection (which indices do I build?)
and query optimization (which indices do I use?); i.e., the parts
that involve deciding what predicate(s) match the workload/query in
some useful way. For those who are into database theory, the problems
are basically analogous to the corresponding materialized view
problems, albeit with different cost parameters and formulae. These
are, in the general case, hard problems for the standard ordinal
types; they're super-hard problems with black-box extension types,
because the selectivity estimation technology is so crude.
Check <xref endterm="STON89b" linkend="STON89b-full">,
<xref endterm="OLSON93" linkend="OLSON93-full">,
<xref endterm="SESHADRI95" linkend="SESHADRI95-full">
for more information.
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