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# Copyright (c) 2021-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# --------
# Test negotiation of SSL and GSSAPI encryption
# We test all combinations of:
# - all the libpq client options that affect the protocol negotiations
# (gssencmode, sslmode)
# - server accepting or rejecting the authentication due to
# pg_hba.conf entries
# - SSL and GSS enabled/disabled in the server
# That's a lot of combinations, so we use a table-driven approach.
# Each combination is represented by a line in a table. The line lists
# the options specifying the test case, and an expected outcome. The
# expected outcome includes whether the connection succeeds or fails,
# and whether it uses SSL, GSS or no encryption.
# -----------------
# Example of the test table format:
# testuser disable allow plain
# . . prefer ssl
# testuser require * fail
# USER, GSSENCMODE and SSLMODE fields are the libpq 'user',
# 'gssencmode' and 'sslmode' options used in the test. As a shorthand,
# a single dot ('.') can be used in the USER, GSSENCMODE, and SSLMODE
# fields, to indicate "same as on previous line". A '*' can be used
# as a wildcard; it is expanded to mean all possible values of that
# field.
# The OUTCOME field indicates the expected result of the test:
# plain: an unencrypted connection was established
# ssl: SSL connection was established
# gss: GSSAPI encrypted connection was established
# fail: the connection attempt failed
# Empty lines are ignored. '#' can be used to mark the rest of the
# line as a comment.
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils;
use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster;
use PostgreSQL::Test::Kerberos;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use Test::More;
if (!$ENV{PG_TEST_EXTRA} || $ENV{PG_TEST_EXTRA} !~ /\blibpq_encryption\b/)
plan skip_all =>
'Potentially unsafe test libpq_encryption not enabled in PG_TEST_EXTRA';
my $ssl_supported = $ENV{with_ssl} eq 'openssl';
my $gss_supported = $ENV{with_gssapi} eq 'yes';
### Prepare test server for GSSAPI and SSL authentication, with a few
### different test users and helper functions. We don't actually
### enable SSL and kerberos in the server yet, we will do that later.
my $host = '';
my $hostaddr = '';
my $servercidr = '';
my $node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('node');
'postgresql.conf', qq{
listen_addresses = '$hostaddr'
log_connections = on
lc_messages = 'C'
my $pgdata = $node->data_dir;
my $dbname = 'postgres';
my $username = 'enctest';
my $application = '';
my $gssuser_password = 'secret1';
my $krb;
if ($gss_supported != 0)
note "setting up Kerberos";
my $realm = 'EXAMPLE.COM';
$krb = PostgreSQL::Test::Kerberos->new($host, $hostaddr, $realm);
$node->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "krb_server_keyfile = '$krb->{keytab}'\n");
if ($ssl_supported != 0)
my $certdir = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../ssl/ssl";
copy "$certdir/server-cn-only.crt", "$pgdata/server.crt"
|| die "copying server.crt: $!";
copy "$certdir/server-cn-only.key", "$pgdata/server.key"
|| die "copying server.key: $!";
chmod(0600, "$pgdata/server.key");
# Start with SSL disabled.
$node->append_conf('postgresql.conf', "ssl = off\n");
$node->safe_psql('postgres', 'CREATE USER localuser;');
$node->safe_psql('postgres', 'CREATE USER testuser;');
$node->safe_psql('postgres', 'CREATE USER ssluser;');
$node->safe_psql('postgres', 'CREATE USER nossluser;');
$node->safe_psql('postgres', 'CREATE USER gssuser;');
$node->safe_psql('postgres', 'CREATE USER nogssuser;');
my $unixdir = $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SHOW unix_socket_directories;');
# Helper function that returns the encryption method in use in the
# connection.
$node->safe_psql('postgres', q{
CREATE FUNCTION current_enc() RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
ssl_in_use bool;
gss_in_use bool;
ssl_in_use = (SELECT ssl FROM pg_stat_ssl WHERE pid = pg_backend_pid());
gss_in_use = (SELECT encrypted FROM pg_stat_gssapi WHERE pid = pg_backend_pid());
raise log 'ssl % gss %', ssl_in_use, gss_in_use;
IF ssl_in_use AND gss_in_use THEN
RETURN 'ssl+gss'; -- shouldn't happen
ELSIF ssl_in_use THEN
RETURN 'ssl';
ELSIF gss_in_use THEN
RETURN 'gss';
RETURN 'plain';
# Only accept SSL connections from $servercidr. Our tests don't depend on this
# but seems best to keep it as narrow as possible for security reasons.
open my $hba, '>', "$pgdata/pg_hba.conf";
print $hba qq{
local postgres localuser trust
host postgres testuser $servercidr trust
hostnossl postgres nossluser $servercidr trust
hostnogssenc postgres nogssuser $servercidr trust
print $hba qq{
hostssl postgres ssluser $servercidr trust
} if ($ssl_supported != 0);
print $hba qq{
hostgssenc postgres gssuser $servercidr trust
} if ($gss_supported != 0);
close $hba;
# Ok, all prepared. Run the tests.
my @all_test_users = ('testuser', 'ssluser', 'nossluser', 'gssuser', 'nogssuser');
my @all_gssencmodes = ('disable', 'prefer', 'require');
my @all_sslmodes = ('disable', 'allow', 'prefer', 'require');
my $server_config = {
server_ssl => 0,
server_gss => 0,
### Run tests with GSS and SSL disabled in the server
my $test_table = q{
testuser disable disable plain
. . allow plain
. . prefer plain
. . require fail
. prefer disable plain
. . allow plain
. . prefer plain
. . require fail
# All attempts with gssencmode=require fail because no credential
# cache has been configured in the client (and the server isn't
# configured for GSS either)
. require * fail
note("Running tests with SSL and GSS disabled in the server");
test_matrix($node, $server_config,
\@all_sslmodes, \@all_gssencmodes, parse_table($test_table));
### Run tests with GSS disabled and SSL enabled in the server
skip "SSL not supported by this build" if $ssl_supported == 0;
$test_table = q{
testuser disable disable plain
. . allow plain
. . prefer ssl
. . require ssl
ssluser . disable fail
. . allow ssl
. . prefer ssl
. . require ssl
nossluser . disable plain
. . allow plain
. . prefer plain
. . require fail
# Enable SSL in the server
$node->adjust_conf('postgresql.conf', 'ssl', 'on');
$server_config->{server_ssl} = 1;
note("Running tests with SSL enabled in server");
test_matrix($node, $server_config,
['testuser', 'ssluser', 'nossluser'],
\@all_sslmodes, ['disable'], parse_table($test_table));
# Disable SSL again
$node->adjust_conf('postgresql.conf', 'ssl', 'off');
$server_config->{server_ssl} = 0;
### Run tests with GSS enabled, SSL disabled in the server
skip "GSSAPI/Kerberos not supported by this build" if $gss_supported == 0;
$test_table = q{
testuser disable disable plain
. . allow plain
. . prefer plain
. . require fail
. require * gss
. prefer * gss
gssuser disable disable fail
. . allow fail
. . prefer fail
. . require fail
. prefer * gss
. require * gss
nogssuser disable disable plain
. . allow plain
. . prefer plain
. . require fail
. prefer disable plain
. . allow plain
. . prefer plain
. . require fail
. require * fail
# Sanity check that the connection fails when no kerberos ticket
# is present in the client
connect_test($node, 'user=testuser gssencmode=require sslmode=disable', 'fail');
$krb->create_principal('gssuser', $gssuser_password);
$krb->create_ticket('gssuser', $gssuser_password);
$server_config->{server_gss} = 1;
note("Running tests with GSS enabled in server");
test_matrix($node, $server_config,
['testuser', 'gssuser', 'nogssuser'],
\@all_sslmodes, \@all_gssencmodes, parse_table($test_table));
# Check that logs match the expected 'no pg_hba.conf entry' line, too, as
# that is not tested by test_matrix.
connect_test($node, 'user=nogssuser gssencmode=require sslmode=prefer', 'fail',
'no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "nogssuser", database "postgres", GSS encryption');
# With 'gssencmode=prefer', libpq will first negotiate GSSAPI
# encryption, but the connection will fail because pg_hba.conf
# forbids GSSAPI encryption for this user. It will then reconnect
# with SSL, but the server doesn't support it, so it will continue
# with no encryption.
connect_test($node, 'user=nogssuser gssencmode=prefer sslmode=prefer', 'plain',
'no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "nogssuser", database "postgres", GSS encryption');
### Tests with both GSS and SSL enabled in the server
skip "GSSAPI/Kerberos or SSL not supported by this build" unless ($ssl_supported && $gss_supported);
$test_table = q{
testuser disable disable plain
. . allow plain
. . prefer ssl
. . require ssl
. prefer disable gss
. . allow gss
. . prefer gss
. . require gss # If both GSS and SSL is possible, GSS is chosen over SSL, even if sslmode=require
. require disable gss
. . allow gss
. . prefer gss
. . require gss # If both GSS and SSL is possible, GSS is chosen over SSL, even if sslmode=require
gssuser disable * fail
. prefer * gss
. require * gss
ssluser disable disable fail
. . allow ssl
. . prefer ssl
. . require ssl
. prefer disable fail
. . allow ssl
. . prefer ssl
. . require ssl
. require disable fail
. . allow fail
. . prefer fail
. . require fail # If both GSS and SSL are required, the sslmode=require is effectively ignored and GSS is required
nogssuser disable disable plain
. . allow plain
. . prefer ssl
. . require ssl
. prefer disable plain
. . allow plain
. . prefer ssl
. . require ssl
. require * fail
nossluser disable disable plain
. . allow plain
. . prefer plain
. . require fail
. prefer * gss
. require * gss
# Sanity check that GSSAPI is still enabled from previous test.
connect_test($node, 'user=testuser gssencmode=prefer sslmode=prefer', 'gss');
# Enable SSL
$node->adjust_conf('postgresql.conf', 'ssl', 'on');
$server_config->{server_ssl} = 1;
note("Running tests with both GSS and SSL enabled in server");
test_matrix($node, $server_config,
['testuser', 'gssuser', 'ssluser', 'nogssuser', 'nossluser'],
\@all_sslmodes, \@all_gssencmodes, parse_table($test_table));
# Test case that server supports GSSAPI, but it's not allowed for
# this user. Special cased because we check output
connect_test($node, 'user=nogssuser gssencmode=require sslmode=prefer', 'fail',
'no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "nogssuser", database "postgres", GSS encryption');
# with 'gssencmode=prefer', libpq will first negotiate GSSAPI
# encryption, but the connection will fail because pg_hba.conf
# forbids GSSAPI encryption for this user. It will then reconnect
# with SSL.
connect_test($node, 'user=nogssuser gssencmode=prefer sslmode=prefer', 'ssl',
'no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "nogssuser", database "postgres", GSS encryption');
# Setting both gssencmode=require and sslmode=require fails if
# GSSAPI is not available.
connect_test($node, 'user=nogssuser gssencmode=require sslmode=require ', 'fail');
### Test negotiation over unix domain sockets.
skip "Unix domain sockets not supported" unless ($unixdir ne "");
connect_test($node, "user=localuser gssencmode=prefer sslmode=require host=$unixdir", 'plain');
connect_test($node, "user=localuser gssencmode=require sslmode=prefer host=$unixdir", 'fail');
### Helper functions
# Test the cube of parameters: user, sslmode, and gssencmode
sub test_matrix
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
my ($pg_node, $node_conf,
$test_users, $ssl_modes, $gss_modes, %expected) = @_;
foreach my $test_user (@{$test_users})
foreach my $gssencmode (@{$gss_modes})
foreach my $client_mode (@{$ssl_modes})
my %params = (
my $key = "$test_user $gssencmode $client_mode";
my $res = $expected{$key};
if (!defined $res) {
$res = "<expected result missing>";
connect_test($pg_node, "user=$test_user gssencmode=$gssencmode sslmode=$client_mode", $res);
sub connect_test
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
my ($node, $connstr, $expected_outcome, @expect_log_msgs)
= @_;
my $test_name = " '$connstr' -> $expected_outcome";
my $connstr_full = "";
$connstr_full .= "dbname=postgres " unless $connstr =~ m/dbname=/;
$connstr_full .= "host=$host hostaddr=$hostaddr " unless $connstr =~ m/host=/;
$connstr_full .= $connstr;
my $log_location = -s $node->logfile;
# XXX: Pass command with -c, because I saw intermittent test
# failures like this:
# ack Broken pipe: write( 13, 'SELECT current_enc()' ) at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/IPC/Run/ line 550.
# I think that happens if the connection fails before we write the
# query to its stdin. This test gets a lot of connection failures
# on purpose.
my ($ret, $stdout, $stderr) = $node->psql(
extra_params => ['-w', '-c', 'SELECT current_enc()'],
connstr => "$connstr_full",
on_error_stop => 0);
my $outcome = $ret == 0 ? $stdout : 'fail';
is($outcome, $expected_outcome, $test_name) or diag("$stderr");
if (@expect_log_msgs)
# Match every message literally.
my @regexes = map { qr/\Q$_\E/ } @expect_log_msgs;
my %params = ();
$params{log_like} = \@regexes;
$node->log_check($test_name, $log_location, %params);
sub parse_table
my ($table) = @_;
my @lines = split /\n/, $table;
my %expected;
my ($user, $gssencmode, $sslmode);
foreach my $line (@lines) {
# Trim comments
$line =~ s/#.*$//;
# Trim whitespace at beginning and end
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
# Ignore empty lines (includes comment-only lines)
next if $line eq '';
my @cols = split /\s+/, $line;
die "test table line \"$line\" has incorrect number of columns\n" if scalar(@cols) != 4 ;
$user = $cols[0] unless $cols[0] eq ".";
$gssencmode = $cols[1] unless $cols[1] eq ".";
$sslmode = $cols[2] unless $cols[2] eq ".";
my $outcome = $cols[3];
my %expanded = expand_expected_line($user, $gssencmode, $sslmode, $outcome);
%expected = (%expected, %expanded);
return %expected;
# Expand wildcards on a test table line
sub expand_expected_line
my ($user, $gssencmode, $sslmode, $expected) = @_;
my %result;
if ($user eq '*') {
foreach my $x (@all_test_users) {
%result = (%result, expand_expected_line($x, $gssencmode, $sslmode, $expected));
} elsif ($gssencmode eq '*') {
foreach my $x (@all_gssencmodes) {
%result = (%result, expand_expected_line($user, $x, $sslmode, $expected));
} elsif ($sslmode eq '*') {
foreach my $x (@all_sslmodes) {
%result = (%result, expand_expected_line($user, $gssencmode, $x, $expected));
} else {
$result{"$user $gssencmode $sslmode"} = $expected;
return %result;