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create or replace function parallel_restricted(int) returns int as
$$begin return $1; end$$ language plpgsql parallel restricted;
-- Serializable isolation would disable parallel query, so explicitly use an
-- arbitrary other level.
begin isolation level repeatable read;
-- encourage use of parallel plans
set parallel_setup_cost=0;
set parallel_tuple_cost=0;
set min_parallel_table_scan_size=0;
set max_parallel_workers_per_gather=4;
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from a_star;
select count(*) from a_star;
-- test that parallel_restricted function doesn't run in worker
alter table tenk1 set (parallel_workers = 4);
explain (verbose, costs off)
select parallel_restricted(unique1) from tenk1
where stringu1 = 'GRAAAA' order by 1;
-- test parallel plan when group by expression is in target list.
explain (costs off)
select length(stringu1) from tenk1 group by length(stringu1);
select length(stringu1) from tenk1 group by length(stringu1);
explain (costs off)
select stringu1, count(*) from tenk1 group by stringu1 order by stringu1;
-- test that parallel plan for aggregates is not selected when
-- target list contains parallel restricted clause.
explain (costs off)
select sum(parallel_restricted(unique1)) from tenk1
group by(parallel_restricted(unique1));
-- test parallel plans for queries containing un-correlated subplans.
alter table tenk2 set (parallel_workers = 0);
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from tenk1 where (two, four) not in
(select hundred, thousand from tenk2 where thousand > 100);
select count(*) from tenk1 where (two, four) not in
(select hundred, thousand from tenk2 where thousand > 100);
alter table tenk2 reset (parallel_workers);
-- test parallel index scans.
set enable_seqscan to off;
set enable_bitmapscan to off;
explain (costs off)
select count((unique1)) from tenk1 where hundred > 1;
select count((unique1)) from tenk1 where hundred > 1;
reset enable_seqscan;
reset enable_bitmapscan;
set force_parallel_mode=1;
explain (costs off)
select stringu1::int2 from tenk1 where unique1 = 1;
-- provoke error in worker
select stringu1::int2 from tenk1 where unique1 = 1;