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Fix some more problems with nested append relations. As of commit a87c72915 (which later got backpatched as far as 9.1), we're explicitly supporting the notion that append relations can be nested; this can occur when UNION ALL constructs are nested, or when a UNION ALL contains a table with inheritance children. Bug #11457 from Nelson Page, as well as an earlier report from Elvis Pranskevichus, showed that there were still nasty bugs associated with such cases: in particular the EquivalenceClass mechanism could try to generate "join" clauses connecting an appendrel child to some grandparent appendrel, which would result in assertion failures or bogus plans. Upon investigation I concluded that all current callers of find_childrel_appendrelinfo() need to be fixed to explicitly consider multiple levels of parent appendrels. The most complex fix was in processing of "broken" EquivalenceClasses, which are ECs for which we have been unable to generate all the derived equality clauses we would like to because of missing cross-type equality operators in the underlying btree operator family. That code path is more or less entirely untested by the regression tests to date, because no standard opfamilies have such holes in them. So I wrote a new regression test script to try to exercise it a bit, which turned out to be quite a worthwhile activity as it exposed existing bugs in all supported branches. The present patch is essentially the same as far back as 9.2, which is where parameterized paths were introduced. In 9.0 and 9.1, we only need to back-patch a small fragment of commit 5b7b5518d, which fixes failure to propagate out the original WHERE clauses when a broken EC contains constant members. (The regression test case results show that these older branches are noticeably stupider than 9.2+ in terms of the quality of the plans generated; but we don't really care about plan quality in such cases, only that the plan not be outright wrong. A more invasive fix in the older branches would not be a good idea anyway from a plan-stability standpoint.)
2014-10-02 01:30:24 +02:00
-- Tests for the planner's "equivalence class" mechanism
-- One thing that's not tested well during normal querying is the logic
-- for handling "broken" ECs. This is because an EC can only become broken
-- if its underlying btree operator family doesn't include a complete set
-- of cross-type equality operators. There are not (and should not be)
-- any such families built into Postgres; so we have to hack things up
-- to create one. We do this by making two alias types that are really
-- int8 (so we need no new C code) and adding only some operators for them
-- into the standard integer_ops opfamily.
create type int8alias1;
create function int8alias1in(cstring) returns int8alias1
strict immutable language internal as 'int8in';
create function int8alias1out(int8alias1) returns cstring
strict immutable language internal as 'int8out';
create type int8alias1 (
input = int8alias1in,
output = int8alias1out,
like = int8
create type int8alias2;
create function int8alias2in(cstring) returns int8alias2
strict immutable language internal as 'int8in';
create function int8alias2out(int8alias2) returns cstring
strict immutable language internal as 'int8out';
create type int8alias2 (
input = int8alias2in,
output = int8alias2out,
like = int8
create cast (int8 as int8alias1) without function;
create cast (int8 as int8alias2) without function;
create cast (int8alias1 as int8) without function;
create cast (int8alias2 as int8) without function;
create function int8alias1eq(int8alias1, int8alias1) returns bool
strict immutable language internal as 'int8eq';
create operator = (
procedure = int8alias1eq,
leftarg = int8alias1, rightarg = int8alias1,
commutator = =,
restrict = eqsel, join = eqjoinsel,
alter operator family integer_ops using btree add
operator 3 = (int8alias1, int8alias1);
create function int8alias2eq(int8alias2, int8alias2) returns bool
strict immutable language internal as 'int8eq';
create operator = (
procedure = int8alias2eq,
leftarg = int8alias2, rightarg = int8alias2,
commutator = =,
restrict = eqsel, join = eqjoinsel,
alter operator family integer_ops using btree add
operator 3 = (int8alias2, int8alias2);
create function int8alias1eq(int8, int8alias1) returns bool
strict immutable language internal as 'int8eq';
create operator = (
procedure = int8alias1eq,
leftarg = int8, rightarg = int8alias1,
restrict = eqsel, join = eqjoinsel,
alter operator family integer_ops using btree add
operator 3 = (int8, int8alias1);
create function int8alias1eq(int8alias1, int8alias2) returns bool
strict immutable language internal as 'int8eq';
create operator = (
procedure = int8alias1eq,
leftarg = int8alias1, rightarg = int8alias2,
restrict = eqsel, join = eqjoinsel,
alter operator family integer_ops using btree add
operator 3 = (int8alias1, int8alias2);
create function int8alias1lt(int8alias1, int8alias1) returns bool
strict immutable language internal as 'int8lt';
create operator < (
procedure = int8alias1lt,
leftarg = int8alias1, rightarg = int8alias1
alter operator family integer_ops using btree add
operator 1 < (int8alias1, int8alias1);
create function int8alias1cmp(int8, int8alias1) returns int
strict immutable language internal as 'btint8cmp';
alter operator family integer_ops using btree add
function 1 int8alias1cmp (int8, int8alias1);
create table ec0 (ff int8 primary key, f1 int8, f2 int8);
create table ec1 (ff int8 primary key, f1 int8alias1, f2 int8alias2);
create table ec2 (xf int8 primary key, x1 int8alias1, x2 int8alias2);
-- for the moment we only want to look at nestloop plans
set enable_hashjoin = off;
set enable_mergejoin = off;
-- Note that for cases where there's a missing operator, we don't care so
-- much whether the plan is ideal as that we don't fail or generate an
-- outright incorrect plan.
explain (costs off)
select * from ec0 where ff = f1 and f1 = '42'::int8;
explain (costs off)
select * from ec0 where ff = f1 and f1 = '42'::int8alias1;
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1 where ff = f1 and f1 = '42'::int8alias1;
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1 where ff = f1 and f1 = '42'::int8alias2;
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1, ec2 where ff = x1 and ff = '42'::int8;
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1, ec2 where ff = x1 and ff = '42'::int8alias1;
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1, ec2 where ff = x1 and '42'::int8 = x1;
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1, ec2 where ff = x1 and x1 = '42'::int8alias1;
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1, ec2 where ff = x1 and x1 = '42'::int8alias2;
create unique index ec1_expr1 on ec1((ff + 1));
create unique index ec1_expr2 on ec1((ff + 2 + 1));
create unique index ec1_expr3 on ec1((ff + 3 + 1));
create unique index ec1_expr4 on ec1((ff + 4));
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1,
(select ff + 1 as x from
(select ff + 2 as ff from ec1
union all
select ff + 3 as ff from ec1) ss0
union all
select ff + 4 as x from ec1) as ss1
where ss1.x = ec1.f1 and ec1.ff = 42::int8;
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1,
(select ff + 1 as x from
(select ff + 2 as ff from ec1
union all
select ff + 3 as ff from ec1) ss0
union all
select ff + 4 as x from ec1) as ss1
where ss1.x = ec1.f1 and ec1.ff = 42::int8 and ec1.ff = ec1.f1;
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1,
(select ff + 1 as x from
(select ff + 2 as ff from ec1
union all
select ff + 3 as ff from ec1) ss0
union all
select ff + 4 as x from ec1) as ss1,
(select ff + 1 as x from
(select ff + 2 as ff from ec1
union all
select ff + 3 as ff from ec1) ss0
union all
select ff + 4 as x from ec1) as ss2
where ss1.x = ec1.f1 and ss1.x = ss2.x and ec1.ff = 42::int8;
-- let's try that as a mergejoin
set enable_mergejoin = on;
set enable_nestloop = off;
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1,
(select ff + 1 as x from
(select ff + 2 as ff from ec1
union all
select ff + 3 as ff from ec1) ss0
union all
select ff + 4 as x from ec1) as ss1,
(select ff + 1 as x from
(select ff + 2 as ff from ec1
union all
select ff + 3 as ff from ec1) ss0
union all
select ff + 4 as x from ec1) as ss2
where ss1.x = ec1.f1 and ss1.x = ss2.x and ec1.ff = 42::int8;
-- check partially indexed scan
set enable_nestloop = on;
set enable_mergejoin = off;
drop index ec1_expr3;
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1,
(select ff + 1 as x from
(select ff + 2 as ff from ec1
union all
select ff + 3 as ff from ec1) ss0
union all
select ff + 4 as x from ec1) as ss1
where ss1.x = ec1.f1 and ec1.ff = 42::int8;
-- let's try that as a mergejoin
set enable_mergejoin = on;
set enable_nestloop = off;
explain (costs off)
select * from ec1,
(select ff + 1 as x from
(select ff + 2 as ff from ec1
union all
select ff + 3 as ff from ec1) ss0
union all
select ff + 4 as x from ec1) as ss1
where ss1.x = ec1.f1 and ec1.ff = 42::int8;
Improve RLS planning by marking individual quals with security levels. In an RLS query, we must ensure that security filter quals are evaluated before ordinary query quals, in case the latter contain "leaky" functions that could expose the contents of sensitive rows. The original implementation of RLS planning ensured this by pushing the scan of a secured table into a sub-query that it marked as a security-barrier view. Unfortunately this results in very inefficient plans in many cases, because the sub-query cannot be flattened and gets planned independently of the rest of the query. To fix, drop the use of sub-queries to enforce RLS qual order, and instead mark each qual (RestrictInfo) with a security_level field establishing its priority for evaluation. Quals must be evaluated in security_level order, except that "leakproof" quals can be allowed to go ahead of quals of lower security_level, if it's helpful to do so. This has to be enforced within the ordering of any one list of quals to be evaluated at a table scan node, and we also have to ensure that quals are not chosen for early evaluation (i.e., use as an index qual or TID scan qual) if they're not allowed to go ahead of other quals at the scan node. This is sufficient to fix the problem for RLS quals, since we only support RLS policies on simple tables and thus RLS quals will always exist at the table scan level only. Eventually these qual ordering rules should be enforced for join quals as well, which would permit improving planning for explicit security-barrier views; but that's a task for another patch. Note that FDWs would need to be aware of these rules --- and not, for example, send an insecure qual for remote execution --- but since we do not yet allow RLS policies on foreign tables, the case doesn't arise. This will need to be addressed before we can allow such policies. Patch by me, reviewed by Stephen Frost and Dean Rasheed. Discussion:
2017-01-18 18:58:20 +01:00
-- check effects of row-level security
set enable_nestloop = on;
set enable_mergejoin = off;
alter table ec1 enable row level security;
create policy p1 on ec1 using (f1 < '5'::int8alias1);
create user regress_user_ectest;
grant select on ec0 to regress_user_ectest;
grant select on ec1 to regress_user_ectest;
-- without any RLS, we'll treat {a.ff, b.ff, 43} as an EquivalenceClass
explain (costs off)
select * from ec0 a, ec1 b
where a.ff = b.ff and a.ff = 43::bigint::int8alias1;
set session authorization regress_user_ectest;
-- with RLS active, the non-leakproof a.ff = 43 clause is not treated
-- as a suitable source for an EquivalenceClass; currently, this is true
-- even though the RLS clause has nothing to do directly with the EC
explain (costs off)
select * from ec0 a, ec1 b
where a.ff = b.ff and a.ff = 43::bigint::int8alias1;
reset session authorization;
revoke select on ec0 from regress_user_ectest;
revoke select on ec1 from regress_user_ectest;
drop user regress_user_ectest;
-- check that X=X is converted to X IS NOT NULL when appropriate
explain (costs off)
select * from tenk1 where unique1 = unique1 and unique2 = unique2;
-- this could be converted, but isn't at present
explain (costs off)
select * from tenk1 where unique1 = unique1 or unique2 = unique2;
-- check that we recognize equivalence with dummy domains in the way
create temp table undername (f1 name, f2 int);
create temp view overview as
select f1::information_schema.sql_identifier as sqli, f2 from undername;
explain (costs off) -- this should not require a sort
select * from overview where sqli = 'foo' order by sqli;