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-- Tests for polymorphic SQL functions and aggregates based on them.
-- Tests for other features related to function-calling have snuck in, too.
create function polyf(x anyelement) returns anyelement as $$
select x + 1
$$ language sql;
select polyf(42) as int, polyf(4.5) as num;
select polyf(point(3,4)); -- fail for lack of + operator
drop function polyf(x anyelement);
create function polyf(x anyelement) returns anyarray as $$
select array[x + 1, x + 2]
$$ language sql;
select polyf(42) as int, polyf(4.5) as num;
drop function polyf(x anyelement);
create function polyf(x anyarray) returns anyelement as $$
select x[1]
$$ language sql;
select polyf(array[2,4]) as int, polyf(array[4.5, 7.7]) as num;
select polyf(stavalues1) from pg_statistic; -- fail, can't infer element type
drop function polyf(x anyarray);
create function polyf(x anyarray) returns anyarray as $$
select x
$$ language sql;
select polyf(array[2,4]) as int, polyf(array[4.5, 7.7]) as num;
select polyf(stavalues1) from pg_statistic; -- fail, can't infer element type
drop function polyf(x anyarray);
-- fail, can't infer type:
create function polyf(x anyelement) returns anyrange as $$
select array[x + 1, x + 2]
$$ language sql;
create function polyf(x anyrange) returns anyarray as $$
select array[lower(x), upper(x)]
$$ language sql;
select polyf(int4range(42, 49)) as int, polyf(float8range(4.5, 7.8)) as num;
drop function polyf(x anyrange);
create function polyf(x anycompatible, y anycompatible) returns anycompatiblearray as $$
select array[x, y]
$$ language sql;
select polyf(2, 4) as int, polyf(2, 4.5) as num;
drop function polyf(x anycompatible, y anycompatible);
create function polyf(x anycompatiblerange, y anycompatible, z anycompatible) returns anycompatiblearray as $$
select array[lower(x), upper(x), y, z]
$$ language sql;
select polyf(int4range(42, 49), 11, 2::smallint) as int, polyf(float8range(4.5, 7.8), 7.8, 11::real) as num;
select polyf(int4range(42, 49), 11, 4.5) as fail; -- range type doesn't fit
drop function polyf(x anycompatiblerange, y anycompatible, z anycompatible);
-- fail, can't infer type:
create function polyf(x anycompatible) returns anycompatiblerange as $$
select array[x + 1, x + 2]
$$ language sql;
create function polyf(x anycompatiblerange, y anycompatiblearray) returns anycompatiblerange as $$
select x
$$ language sql;
select polyf(int4range(42, 49), array[11]) as int, polyf(float8range(4.5, 7.8), array[7]) as num;
drop function polyf(x anycompatiblerange, y anycompatiblearray);
create function polyf(a anyelement, b anyarray,
c anycompatible, d anycompatible,
OUT x anyarray, OUT y anycompatiblearray)
as $$
select a || b, array[c, d]
$$ language sql;
select x, pg_typeof(x), y, pg_typeof(y)
from polyf(11, array[1, 2], 42, 34.5);
select x, pg_typeof(x), y, pg_typeof(y)
from polyf(11, array[1, 2], point(1,2), point(3,4));
select x, pg_typeof(x), y, pg_typeof(y)
from polyf(11, '{1,2}', point(1,2), '(3,4)');
select x, pg_typeof(x), y, pg_typeof(y)
from polyf(11, array[1, 2.2], 42, 34.5); -- fail
drop function polyf(a anyelement, b anyarray,
c anycompatible, d anycompatible);
-- Polymorphic aggregate tests
-- Legend:
-- A = type is ANY
-- P = type is polymorphic
-- N = type is non-polymorphic
-- B = aggregate base type
-- S = aggregate state type
-- R = aggregate return type
-- 1 = arg1 of a function
-- 2 = arg2 of a function
-- ag = aggregate
-- tf = trans (state) function
-- ff = final function
-- rt = return type of a function
-- -> = implies
-- => = allowed
-- !> = not allowed
-- E = exists
-- NE = not-exists
-- Possible states:
-- ----------------
-- B = (A || P || N)
-- when (B = A) -> (tf2 = NE)
-- S = (P || N)
-- ff = (E || NE)
-- tf1 = (P || N)
-- tf2 = (NE || P || N)
-- R = (P || N)
-- create functions for use as tf and ff with the needed combinations of
-- argument polymorphism, but within the constraints of valid aggregate
-- functions, i.e. tf arg1 and tf return type must match
-- polymorphic single arg transfn
CREATE FUNCTION stfp(anyarray) RETURNS anyarray AS
'select $1' LANGUAGE SQL;
-- non-polymorphic single arg transfn
'select $1' LANGUAGE SQL;
-- dual polymorphic transfn
CREATE FUNCTION tfp(anyarray,anyelement) RETURNS anyarray AS
'select $1 || $2' LANGUAGE SQL;
-- dual non-polymorphic transfn
CREATE FUNCTION tfnp(int[],int) RETURNS int[] AS
'select $1 || $2' LANGUAGE SQL;
-- arg1 only polymorphic transfn
CREATE FUNCTION tf1p(anyarray,int) RETURNS anyarray AS
'select $1' LANGUAGE SQL;
-- arg2 only polymorphic transfn
CREATE FUNCTION tf2p(int[],anyelement) RETURNS int[] AS
'select $1' LANGUAGE SQL;
-- multi-arg polymorphic
CREATE FUNCTION sum3(anyelement,anyelement,anyelement) returns anyelement AS
'select $1+$2+$3' language sql strict;
-- finalfn polymorphic
CREATE FUNCTION ffp(anyarray) RETURNS anyarray AS
'select $1' LANGUAGE SQL;
-- finalfn non-polymorphic
CREATE FUNCTION ffnp(int[]) returns int[] as
'select $1' LANGUAGE SQL;
-- Try to cover all the possible states:
-- Note: in Cases 1 & 2, we are trying to return P. Therefore, if the transfn
-- is stfnp, tfnp, or tf2p, we must use ffp as finalfn, because stfnp, tfnp,
-- and tf2p do not return P. Conversely, in Cases 3 & 4, we are trying to
-- return N. Therefore, if the transfn is stfp, tfp, or tf1p, we must use ffnp
-- as finalfn, because stfp, tfp, and tf1p do not return N.
-- Case1 (R = P) && (B = A)
-- ------------------------
-- S tf1
-- -------
-- N N
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp01a(*) (SFUNC = stfnp, STYPE = int4[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- P N
-- should ERROR: stfnp(anyarray) not matched by stfnp(int[])
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp02a(*) (SFUNC = stfnp, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- N P
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp03a(*) (SFUNC = stfp, STYPE = int4[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp03b(*) (SFUNC = stfp, STYPE = int4[],
INITCOND = '{}');
-- P P
-- should ERROR: we have no way to resolve S
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp04a(*) (SFUNC = stfp, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp04b(*) (SFUNC = stfp, STYPE = anyarray,
INITCOND = '{}');
-- Case2 (R = P) && ((B = P) || (B = N))
-- -------------------------------------
-- S tf1 B tf2
-- -----------------------
-- N N N N
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp05a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfnp, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- N N N P
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp06a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf2p, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- N N P N
-- should ERROR: tfnp(int[], anyelement) not matched by tfnp(int[], int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp07a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfnp, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- N N P P
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp08a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf2p, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- N P N N
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp09a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf1p, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp09b(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf1p, STYPE = int[],
INITCOND = '{}');
-- N P N P
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp10a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfp, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp10b(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfp, STYPE = int[],
INITCOND = '{}');
-- N P P N
-- should ERROR: tf1p(int[],anyelement) not matched by tf1p(anyarray,int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp11a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf1p, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp11b(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf1p, STYPE = int[],
INITCOND = '{}');
-- N P P P
-- should ERROR: tfp(int[],anyelement) not matched by tfp(anyarray,anyelement)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp12a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfp, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp12b(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfp, STYPE = int[],
INITCOND = '{}');
-- P N N N
-- should ERROR: tfnp(anyarray, int) not matched by tfnp(int[],int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp13a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfnp, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- P N N P
-- should ERROR: tf2p(anyarray, int) not matched by tf2p(int[],anyelement)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp14a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf2p, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- P N P N
-- should ERROR: tfnp(anyarray, anyelement) not matched by tfnp(int[],int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp15a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfnp,
STYPE = anyarray, FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- P N P P
-- should ERROR: tf2p(anyarray, anyelement) not matched by tf2p(int[],anyelement)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp16a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf2p,
STYPE = anyarray, FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- P P N N
-- should ERROR: we have no way to resolve S
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp17a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf1p, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp17b(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf1p, STYPE = anyarray,
INITCOND = '{}');
-- P P N P
-- should ERROR: tfp(anyarray, int) not matched by tfp(anyarray, anyelement)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp18a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfp, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp18b(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfp, STYPE = anyarray,
INITCOND = '{}');
-- P P P N
-- should ERROR: tf1p(anyarray, anyelement) not matched by tf1p(anyarray, int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp19a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf1p,
STYPE = anyarray, FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp19b(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf1p,
STYPE = anyarray, INITCOND = '{}');
-- P P P P
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp20a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfp,
STYPE = anyarray, FINALFUNC = ffp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggp20b(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfp,
STYPE = anyarray, INITCOND = '{}');
-- Case3 (R = N) && (B = A)
-- ------------------------
-- S tf1
-- -------
-- N N
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn01a(*) (SFUNC = stfnp, STYPE = int4[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn01b(*) (SFUNC = stfnp, STYPE = int4[],
INITCOND = '{}');
-- P N
-- should ERROR: stfnp(anyarray) not matched by stfnp(int[])
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn02a(*) (SFUNC = stfnp, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn02b(*) (SFUNC = stfnp, STYPE = anyarray,
INITCOND = '{}');
-- N P
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn03a(*) (SFUNC = stfp, STYPE = int4[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- P P
-- should ERROR: ffnp(anyarray) not matched by ffnp(int[])
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn04a(*) (SFUNC = stfp, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- Case4 (R = N) && ((B = P) || (B = N))
-- -------------------------------------
-- S tf1 B tf2
-- -----------------------
-- N N N N
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn05a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfnp, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn05b(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfnp, STYPE = int[],
INITCOND = '{}');
-- N N N P
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn06a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf2p, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn06b(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf2p, STYPE = int[],
INITCOND = '{}');
-- N N P N
-- should ERROR: tfnp(int[], anyelement) not matched by tfnp(int[], int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn07a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfnp, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn07b(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfnp, STYPE = int[],
INITCOND = '{}');
-- N N P P
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn08a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf2p, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn08b(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf2p, STYPE = int[],
INITCOND = '{}');
-- N P N N
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn09a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf1p, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- N P N P
-- should CREATE
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn10a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfp, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- N P P N
-- should ERROR: tf1p(int[],anyelement) not matched by tf1p(anyarray,int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn11a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf1p, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- N P P P
-- should ERROR: tfp(int[],anyelement) not matched by tfp(anyarray,anyelement)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn12a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfp, STYPE = int[],
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- P N N N
-- should ERROR: tfnp(anyarray, int) not matched by tfnp(int[],int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn13a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfnp, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn13b(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfnp, STYPE = anyarray,
INITCOND = '{}');
-- P N N P
-- should ERROR: tf2p(anyarray, int) not matched by tf2p(int[],anyelement)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn14a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf2p, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn14b(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf2p, STYPE = anyarray,
INITCOND = '{}');
-- P N P N
-- should ERROR: tfnp(anyarray, anyelement) not matched by tfnp(int[],int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn15a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfnp,
STYPE = anyarray, FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn15b(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfnp,
STYPE = anyarray, INITCOND = '{}');
-- P N P P
-- should ERROR: tf2p(anyarray, anyelement) not matched by tf2p(int[],anyelement)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn16a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf2p,
STYPE = anyarray, FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn16b(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf2p,
STYPE = anyarray, INITCOND = '{}');
-- P P N N
-- should ERROR: ffnp(anyarray) not matched by ffnp(int[])
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn17a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tf1p, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- P P N P
-- should ERROR: tfp(anyarray, int) not matched by tfp(anyarray, anyelement)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn18a(BASETYPE = int, SFUNC = tfp, STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- P P P N
-- should ERROR: tf1p(anyarray, anyelement) not matched by tf1p(anyarray, int)
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn19a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tf1p,
STYPE = anyarray, FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- P P P P
-- should ERROR: ffnp(anyarray) not matched by ffnp(int[])
CREATE AGGREGATE myaggn20a(BASETYPE = anyelement, SFUNC = tfp,
STYPE = anyarray, FINALFUNC = ffnp, INITCOND = '{}');
-- multi-arg polymorphic
CREATE AGGREGATE mysum2(anyelement,anyelement) (SFUNC = sum3,
STYPE = anyelement, INITCOND = '0');
-- create test data for polymorphic aggregates
create temp table t(f1 int, f2 int[], f3 text);
insert into t values(1,array[1],'a');
insert into t values(1,array[11],'b');
insert into t values(1,array[111],'c');
insert into t values(2,array[2],'a');
insert into t values(2,array[22],'b');
insert into t values(2,array[222],'c');
insert into t values(3,array[3],'a');
insert into t values(3,array[3],'b');
-- test the successfully created polymorphic aggregates
select f3, myaggp01a(*) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggp03a(*) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggp03b(*) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggp05a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggp06a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggp08a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggp09a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggp09b(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggp10a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggp10b(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggp20a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggp20b(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggn01a(*) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggn01b(*) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggn03a(*) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggn05a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggn05b(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggn06a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggn06b(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggn08a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggn08b(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggn09a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select f3, myaggn10a(f1) from t group by f3 order by f3;
select mysum2(f1, f1 + 1) from t;
-- test inlining of polymorphic SQL functions
create function bleat(int) returns int as $$
raise notice 'bleat %', $1;
return $1;
end$$ language plpgsql;
create function sql_if(bool, anyelement, anyelement) returns anyelement as $$
select case when $1 then $2 else $3 end $$ language sql;
-- Note this would fail with integer overflow, never mind wrong bleat() output,
-- if the CASE expression were not successfully inlined
select f1, sql_if(f1 > 0, bleat(f1), bleat(f1 + 1)) from int4_tbl;
select q2, sql_if(q2 > 0, q2, q2 + 1) from int8_tbl;
-- another sort of polymorphic aggregate
CREATE AGGREGATE array_cat_accum (anyarray)
sfunc = array_cat,
stype = anyarray,
initcond = '{}'
SELECT array_cat_accum(i)
FROM (VALUES (ARRAY[1,2]), (ARRAY[3,4])) as t(i);
SELECT array_cat_accum(i)
FROM (VALUES (ARRAY[row(1,2),row(3,4)]), (ARRAY[row(5,6),row(7,8)])) as t(i);
-- another kind of polymorphic aggregate
create function add_group(grp anyarray, ad anyelement, size integer)
returns anyarray
as $$
if grp is null then
return array[ad];
end if;
if array_upper(grp, 1) < size then
return grp || ad;
end if;
return grp;
language plpgsql immutable;
create aggregate build_group(anyelement, integer) (
SFUNC = add_group,
STYPE = anyarray
select build_group(q1,3) from int8_tbl;
-- this should fail because stype isn't compatible with arg
create aggregate build_group(int8, integer) (
SFUNC = add_group,
STYPE = int2[]
-- but we can make a non-poly agg from a poly sfunc if types are OK
create aggregate build_group(int8, integer) (
SFUNC = add_group,
STYPE = int8[]
-- check proper resolution of data types for polymorphic transfn/finalfn
create function first_el(anyarray) returns anyelement as
'select $1[1]' language sql strict immutable;
create aggregate first_el_agg_f8(float8) (
SFUNC = array_append,
STYPE = float8[],
FINALFUNC = first_el
create aggregate first_el_agg_any(anyelement) (
SFUNC = array_append,
STYPE = anyarray,
FINALFUNC = first_el
select first_el_agg_f8(x::float8) from generate_series(1,10) x;
select first_el_agg_any(x) from generate_series(1,10) x;
select first_el_agg_f8(x::float8) over(order by x) from generate_series(1,10) x;
select first_el_agg_any(x) over(order by x) from generate_series(1,10) x;
-- check that we can apply functions taking ANYARRAY to pg_stats
select distinct array_ndims(histogram_bounds) from pg_stats
where histogram_bounds is not null;
-- such functions must protect themselves if varying element type isn't OK
-- (WHERE clause here is to avoid possibly getting a collation error instead)
select max(histogram_bounds) from pg_stats where tablename = 'pg_am';
-- another corner case is the input functions for polymorphic pseudotypes
select array_in('{1,2,3}','int4'::regtype,-1); -- this has historically worked
select * from array_in('{1,2,3}','int4'::regtype,-1); -- this not
select anyrange_in('[10,20)','int4range'::regtype,-1);
-- test variadic polymorphic functions
create function myleast(variadic anyarray) returns anyelement as $$
select min($1[i]) from generate_subscripts($1,1) g(i)
$$ language sql immutable strict;
select myleast(10, 1, 20, 33);
select myleast(1.1, 0.22, 0.55);
select myleast('z'::text);
select myleast(); -- fail
-- test with variadic call parameter
select myleast(variadic array[1,2,3,4,-1]);
select myleast(variadic array[1.1, -5.5]);
--test with empty variadic call parameter
select myleast(variadic array[]::int[]);
-- an example with some ordinary arguments too
create function concat(text, variadic anyarray) returns text as $$
select array_to_string($2, $1);
$$ language sql immutable strict;
select concat('%', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
select concat('|', 'a'::text, 'b', 'c');
select concat('|', variadic array[1,2,33]);
select concat('|', variadic array[]::int[]);
drop function concat(text, anyarray);
-- mix variadic with anyelement
create function formarray(anyelement, variadic anyarray) returns anyarray as $$
select array_prepend($1, $2);
$$ language sql immutable strict;
select formarray(1,2,3,4,5);
select formarray(1.1, variadic array[1.2,55.5]);
select formarray(1.1, array[1.2,55.5]); -- fail without variadic
select formarray(1, 'x'::text); -- fail, type mismatch
select formarray(1, variadic array['x'::text]); -- fail, type mismatch
drop function formarray(anyelement, variadic anyarray);
2008-11-03 18:51:13 +01:00
-- test pg_typeof() function
select pg_typeof(null); -- unknown
select pg_typeof(0); -- integer
select pg_typeof(0.0); -- numeric
select pg_typeof(1+1 = 2); -- boolean
select pg_typeof('x'); -- unknown
select pg_typeof('' || ''); -- text
select pg_typeof(pg_typeof(0)); -- regtype
select pg_typeof(array[1.2,55.5]); -- numeric[]
select pg_typeof(myleast(10, 1, 20, 33)); -- polymorphic input
-- test functions with default parameters
-- test basic functionality
create function dfunc(a int = 1, int = 2) returns int as $$
select $1 + $2;
$$ language sql;
select dfunc();
select dfunc(10);
select dfunc(10, 20);
select dfunc(10, 20, 30); -- fail
drop function dfunc(); -- fail
drop function dfunc(int); -- fail
drop function dfunc(int, int); -- ok
-- fail: defaults must be at end of argument list
create function dfunc(a int = 1, b int) returns int as $$
select $1 + $2;
$$ language sql;
-- however, this should work:
create function dfunc(a int = 1, out sum int, b int = 2) as $$
select $1 + $2;
$$ language sql;
select dfunc();
-- verify it lists properly
\df dfunc
drop function dfunc(int, int);
-- check implicit coercion
create function dfunc(a int DEFAULT 1.0, int DEFAULT '-1') returns int as $$
select $1 + $2;
$$ language sql;
select dfunc();
create function dfunc(a text DEFAULT 'Hello', b text DEFAULT 'World') returns text as $$
select $1 || ', ' || $2;
$$ language sql;
select dfunc(); -- fail: which dfunc should be called? int or text
select dfunc('Hi'); -- ok
select dfunc('Hi', 'City'); -- ok
select dfunc(0); -- ok
select dfunc(10, 20); -- ok
drop function dfunc(int, int);
drop function dfunc(text, text);
create function dfunc(int = 1, int = 2) returns int as $$
select 2;
$$ language sql;
create function dfunc(int = 1, int = 2, int = 3, int = 4) returns int as $$
select 4;
$$ language sql;
-- Now, dfunc(nargs = 2) and dfunc(nargs = 4) are ambiguous when called
-- with 0 to 2 arguments.
select dfunc(); -- fail
select dfunc(1); -- fail
select dfunc(1, 2); -- fail
select dfunc(1, 2, 3); -- ok
select dfunc(1, 2, 3, 4); -- ok
drop function dfunc(int, int);
drop function dfunc(int, int, int, int);
-- default values are not allowed for output parameters
create function dfunc(out int = 20) returns int as $$
select 1;
$$ language sql;
-- polymorphic parameter test
create function dfunc(anyelement = 'World'::text) returns text as $$
select 'Hello, ' || $1::text;
$$ language sql;
select dfunc();
select dfunc(0);
select dfunc(to_date('20081215','YYYYMMDD'));
select dfunc('City'::text);
drop function dfunc(anyelement);
-- check defaults for variadics
create function dfunc(a variadic int[]) returns int as
$$ select array_upper($1, 1) $$ language sql;
select dfunc(); -- fail
select dfunc(10);
select dfunc(10,20);
create or replace function dfunc(a variadic int[] default array[]::int[]) returns int as
$$ select array_upper($1, 1) $$ language sql;
select dfunc(); -- now ok
select dfunc(10);
select dfunc(10,20);
-- can't remove the default once it exists
create or replace function dfunc(a variadic int[]) returns int as
$$ select array_upper($1, 1) $$ language sql;
\df dfunc
drop function dfunc(a variadic int[]);
-- Ambiguity should be reported only if there's not a better match available
create function dfunc(int = 1, int = 2, int = 3) returns int as $$
select 3;
$$ language sql;
create function dfunc(int = 1, int = 2) returns int as $$
select 2;
$$ language sql;
create function dfunc(text) returns text as $$
select $1;
$$ language sql;
-- dfunc(narg=2) and dfunc(narg=3) are ambiguous
select dfunc(1); -- fail
-- but this works since the ambiguous functions aren't preferred anyway
select dfunc('Hi');
drop function dfunc(int, int, int);
drop function dfunc(int, int);
drop function dfunc(text);
-- Tests for named- and mixed-notation function calling
create function dfunc(a int, b int, c int = 0, d int = 0)
returns table (a int, b int, c int, d int) as $$
select $1, $2, $3, $4;
$$ language sql;
select (dfunc(10,20,30)).*;
select (dfunc(a := 10, b := 20, c := 30)).*;
select * from dfunc(a := 10, b := 20);
select * from dfunc(b := 10, a := 20);
select * from dfunc(0); -- fail
select * from dfunc(1,2);
select * from dfunc(1,2,c := 3);
select * from dfunc(1,2,d := 3);
select * from dfunc(x := 20, b := 10, x := 30); -- fail, duplicate name
select * from dfunc(10, b := 20, 30); -- fail, named args must be last
select * from dfunc(x := 10, b := 20, c := 30); -- fail, unknown param
select * from dfunc(10, 10, a := 20); -- fail, a overlaps positional parameter
select * from dfunc(1,c := 2,d := 3); -- fail, no value for b
drop function dfunc(int, int, int, int);
-- test with different parameter types
create function dfunc(a varchar, b numeric, c date = current_date)
returns table (a varchar, b numeric, c date) as $$
select $1, $2, $3;
$$ language sql;
select (dfunc('Hello World', 20, '2009-07-25'::date)).*;
select * from dfunc('Hello World', 20, '2009-07-25'::date);
select * from dfunc(c := '2009-07-25'::date, a := 'Hello World', b := 20);
select * from dfunc('Hello World', b := 20, c := '2009-07-25'::date);
select * from dfunc('Hello World', c := '2009-07-25'::date, b := 20);
select * from dfunc('Hello World', c := 20, b := '2009-07-25'::date); -- fail
drop function dfunc(varchar, numeric, date);
-- test out parameters with named params
create function dfunc(a varchar = 'def a', out _a varchar, c numeric = NULL, out _c numeric)
returns record as $$
select $1, $2;
$$ language sql;
select (dfunc()).*;
select * from dfunc();
select * from dfunc('Hello', 100);
select * from dfunc(a := 'Hello', c := 100);
select * from dfunc(c := 100, a := 'Hello');
select * from dfunc('Hello');
select * from dfunc('Hello', c := 100);
select * from dfunc(c := 100);
-- fail, can no longer change an input parameter's name
create or replace function dfunc(a varchar = 'def a', out _a varchar, x numeric = NULL, out _c numeric)
returns record as $$
select $1, $2;
$$ language sql;
create or replace function dfunc(a varchar = 'def a', out _a varchar, numeric = NULL, out _c numeric)
returns record as $$
select $1, $2;
$$ language sql;
drop function dfunc(varchar, numeric);
--fail, named parameters are not unique
Clean up duplicate table and function names in regression tests. Many of the objects we create during the regression tests are put in the public schema, so that using the same names in different regression tests creates a hazard of test failures if any two such scripts run concurrently. This patch cleans up a bunch of latent hazards of that sort, as well as two live hazards. The current situation in this regard is far worse than it was a year or two back, because practically all of the partitioning-related test cases have reused table names with enthusiasm. I despaired of cleaning up that mess within the five most-affected tests (create_table, alter_table, insert, update, inherit); fortunately those don't run concurrently. Other than partitioning problems, most of the issues boil down to using names like "foo", "bar", "tmp", etc, without thought for the fact that other test scripts might use similar names concurrently. I've made an effort to make all such names more specific. One of the live hazards was that commit 7421f4b8 caused with.sql to create a table named "test", conflicting with a similarly-named table in alter_table.sql; this was exposed in the buildfarm recently. The other one was that join.sql and transactions.sql both create tables named "foo" and "bar"; but join.sql's uses of those names date back only to December or so. Since commit 7421f4b8 was back-patched to v10, back-patch a minimal fix for that problem. The rest of this is just future-proofing. Discussion:
2018-03-15 22:08:51 +01:00
create function testpolym(a int, a int) returns int as $$ select 1;$$ language sql;
create function testpolym(int, out a int, out a int) returns int as $$ select 1;$$ language sql;
create function testpolym(out a int, inout a int) returns int as $$ select 1;$$ language sql;
create function testpolym(a int, inout a int) returns int as $$ select 1;$$ language sql;
-- valid
Clean up duplicate table and function names in regression tests. Many of the objects we create during the regression tests are put in the public schema, so that using the same names in different regression tests creates a hazard of test failures if any two such scripts run concurrently. This patch cleans up a bunch of latent hazards of that sort, as well as two live hazards. The current situation in this regard is far worse than it was a year or two back, because practically all of the partitioning-related test cases have reused table names with enthusiasm. I despaired of cleaning up that mess within the five most-affected tests (create_table, alter_table, insert, update, inherit); fortunately those don't run concurrently. Other than partitioning problems, most of the issues boil down to using names like "foo", "bar", "tmp", etc, without thought for the fact that other test scripts might use similar names concurrently. I've made an effort to make all such names more specific. One of the live hazards was that commit 7421f4b8 caused with.sql to create a table named "test", conflicting with a similarly-named table in alter_table.sql; this was exposed in the buildfarm recently. The other one was that join.sql and transactions.sql both create tables named "foo" and "bar"; but join.sql's uses of those names date back only to December or so. Since commit 7421f4b8 was back-patched to v10, back-patch a minimal fix for that problem. The rest of this is just future-proofing. Discussion:
2018-03-15 22:08:51 +01:00
create function testpolym(a int, out a int) returns int as $$ select $1;$$ language sql;
select testpolym(37);
drop function testpolym(int);
create function testpolym(a int) returns table(a int) as $$ select $1;$$ language sql;
select * from testpolym(37);
drop function testpolym(int);
-- test polymorphic params and defaults
create function dfunc(a anyelement, b anyelement = null, flag bool = true)
returns anyelement as $$
select case when $3 then $1 else $2 end;
$$ language sql;
select dfunc(1,2);
select dfunc('a'::text, 'b'); -- positional notation with default
select dfunc(a := 1, b := 2);
select dfunc(a := 'a'::text, b := 'b');
select dfunc(a := 'a'::text, b := 'b', flag := false); -- named notation
select dfunc(b := 'b'::text, a := 'a'); -- named notation with default
select dfunc(a := 'a'::text, flag := true); -- named notation with default
select dfunc(a := 'a'::text, flag := false); -- named notation with default
select dfunc(b := 'b'::text, a := 'a', flag := true); -- named notation
select dfunc('a'::text, 'b', false); -- full positional notation
select dfunc('a'::text, 'b', flag := false); -- mixed notation
select dfunc('a'::text, 'b', true); -- full positional notation
select dfunc('a'::text, 'b', flag := true); -- mixed notation
-- ansi/sql syntax
select dfunc(a => 1, b => 2);
select dfunc(a => 'a'::text, b => 'b');
select dfunc(a => 'a'::text, b => 'b', flag => false); -- named notation
select dfunc(b => 'b'::text, a => 'a'); -- named notation with default
select dfunc(a => 'a'::text, flag => true); -- named notation with default
select dfunc(a => 'a'::text, flag => false); -- named notation with default
select dfunc(b => 'b'::text, a => 'a', flag => true); -- named notation
select dfunc('a'::text, 'b', false); -- full positional notation
select dfunc('a'::text, 'b', flag => false); -- mixed notation
select dfunc('a'::text, 'b', true); -- full positional notation
select dfunc('a'::text, 'b', flag => true); -- mixed notation
-- this tests lexer edge cases around =>
select dfunc(a =>-1);
select dfunc(a =>+1);
select dfunc(a =>/**/1);
select dfunc(a =>--comment to be removed by psql
-- need DO to protect the -- from psql
do $$
declare r integer;
select dfunc(a=>-- comment
1) into r;
raise info 'r = %', r;
-- check reverse-listing of named-arg calls
SELECT q1, q2,
dfunc(q1,q2, flag := q1>q2) as c3,
dfunc(q1, flag := q1<q2, b := q2) as c4
FROM int8_tbl;
select * from dfview;
\d+ dfview
drop view dfview;
drop function dfunc(anyelement, anyelement, bool);
-- Tests for ANYCOMPATIBLE polymorphism family
create function anyctest(anycompatible, anycompatible)
returns anycompatible as $$
select greatest($1, $2)
$$ language sql;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, 12) x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, 12.3) x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, point(1,2)) x; -- fail
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest('11', '12.3') x; -- defaults to text
drop function anyctest(anycompatible, anycompatible);
create function anyctest(anycompatible, anycompatible)
returns anycompatiblearray as $$
select array[$1, $2]
$$ language sql;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, 12) x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, 12.3) x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, array[1,2]) x; -- fail
drop function anyctest(anycompatible, anycompatible);
create function anyctest(anycompatible, anycompatiblearray)
returns anycompatiblearray as $$
select array[$1] || $2
$$ language sql;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, array[12]) x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, array[12.3]) x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(12.3, array[13]) x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(12.3, '{13,14.4}') x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, array[point(1,2)]) x; -- fail
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, 12) x; -- fail
drop function anyctest(anycompatible, anycompatiblearray);
create function anyctest(anycompatible, anycompatiblerange)
returns anycompatiblerange as $$
select $2
$$ language sql;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, int4range(4,7)) x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, numrange(4,7)) x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, 12) x; -- fail
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11.2, int4range(4,7)) x; -- fail
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11.2, '[4,7)') x; -- fail
drop function anyctest(anycompatible, anycompatiblerange);
create function anyctest(anycompatiblerange, anycompatiblerange)
returns anycompatible as $$
select lower($1) + upper($2)
$$ language sql;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(int4range(11,12), int4range(4,7)) x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(int4range(11,12), numrange(4,7)) x; -- fail
drop function anyctest(anycompatiblerange, anycompatiblerange);
-- fail, can't infer result type:
create function anyctest(anycompatible)
returns anycompatiblerange as $$
select $1
$$ language sql;
create function anyctest(anycompatiblenonarray, anycompatiblenonarray)
returns anycompatiblearray as $$
select array[$1, $2]
$$ language sql;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, 12) x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, 12.3) x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(array[11], array[1,2]) x; -- fail
drop function anyctest(anycompatiblenonarray, anycompatiblenonarray);
create function anyctest(a anyelement, b anyarray,
c anycompatible, d anycompatible)
returns anycompatiblearray as $$
select array[c, d]
$$ language sql;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, array[1, 2], 42, 34.5) x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, array[1, 2], point(1,2), point(3,4)) x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, '{1,2}', point(1,2), '(3,4)') x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, array[1, 2.2], 42, 34.5) x; -- fail
drop function anyctest(a anyelement, b anyarray,
c anycompatible, d anycompatible);
create function anyctest(variadic anycompatiblearray)
returns anycompatiblearray as $$
select $1
$$ language sql;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, 12) x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, 12.2) x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, '12') x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(11, '12.2') x; -- fail
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(variadic array[11, 12]) x;
select x, pg_typeof(x) from anyctest(variadic array[11, 12.2]) x;
drop function anyctest(variadic anycompatiblearray);