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PostgreSQL documentation
<refentry id="sql-createsubscription">
<indexterm zone="sql-createsubscription">
<primary>CREATE SUBSCRIPTION</primary>
<refentrytitle>CREATE SUBSCRIPTION</refentrytitle>
<refmiscinfo>SQL - Language Statements</refmiscinfo>
<refname>CREATE SUBSCRIPTION</refname>
<refpurpose>define a new subscription</refpurpose>
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION <replaceable class="parameter">subscription_name</replaceable>
CONNECTION '<replaceable class="parameter">conninfo</replaceable>'
PUBLICATION <replaceable class="parameter">publication_name</replaceable> [, ...]
[ WITH ( <replaceable class="parameter">subscription_parameter</replaceable> [= <replaceable class="parameter">value</replaceable>] [, ... ] ) ]
<command>CREATE SUBSCRIPTION</command> adds a new subscription for the
current database. The subscription name must be distinct from the name of
any existing subscription in the database.
The subscription represents a replication connection to the publisher. As
such this command does not only add definitions in the local catalogs but
also creates a replication slot on the publisher.
A logical replication worker will be started to replicate data for the new
subscription at the commit of the transaction where this command is run.
Additional info about subscriptions and logical replication as a whole
can is available at <xref linkend="logical-replication-subscription"> and
<xref linkend="logical-replication">.
<term><replaceable class="parameter">subscription_name</replaceable></term>
The name of the new subscription.
<term><literal>CONNECTION '<replaceable class="parameter">conninfo</replaceable>'</literal></term>
The connection string to the publisher. For details
see <xref linkend="libpq-connstring">.
<term><literal>PUBLICATION <replaceable class="parameter">publication_name</replaceable></literal></term>
Names of the publications on the publisher to subscribe to.
<term><literal>WITH ( <replaceable class="parameter">subscription_parameter</replaceable> [= <replaceable class="parameter">value</replaceable>] [, ... ] )</literal></term>
This clause specifies optional parameters for a subscription. The
following parameters are supported:
<term><literal>copy_data</literal> (<type>boolean</type>)</term>
Specifies whether the existing data in the publications that are
being subscribed to should be copied once the replication starts.
The default is <literal>true</literal>.
<term><literal>create_slot</literal> (<type>boolean</type>)</term>
Specifies whether the command should create the replication slot on
the publisher. The default is <literal>true</literal>.
<term><literal>enabled</literal> (<type>boolean</type>)</term>
Specifies whether the subscription should be actively replicating,
or whether it should be just setup but not started yet. The default
is <literal>true</literal>.
<term><literal>slot_name</literal> (<type>string</type>)</term>
Name of the replication slot to use. The default behavior is to
use the name of the subscription for the slot name.
When <literal>slot_name</literal> is set to
<literal>NONE</literal>, there will be no replication slot
associated with the subscription. This can be used if the
replication slot will be created later manually. Such
subscriptions must also have both <literal>enabled</literal> and
<literal>create_slot</literal> set to <literal>false</literal>.
<term><literal>synchronous_commit</literal> (<type>enum</type>)</term>
The value of this parameter overrides the
<xref linkend="guc-synchronous-commit"> setting. The default
value is <literal>off</literal>.
It is safe to use <literal>off</literal> for logical replication:
If the subscriber loses transactions because of missing
synchronization, the data will be resent from the publisher.
A different setting might be appropriate when doing synchronous
logical replication. The logical replication workers report the
positions of writes and flushes to the publisher, and when using
synchronous replication, the publisher will wait for the actual
flush. This means that setting
<literal>synchronous_commit</literal> for the subscriber to
<literal>off</literal> when the subscription is used for
synchronous replication might increase the latency for
<command>COMMIT</command> on the publisher. In this scenario, it
can be advantageous to set <literal>synchronous_commit</literal>
to <literal>local</literal> or higher.
<term><literal>connect</literal> (<type>boolean</type>)</term>
Specifies whether the <command>CREATE SUBSCRIPTION</command>
should connect to the publisher at all. Setting this to
<literal>false</literal> will change default values of
<literal>enabled</literal>, <literal>create_slot</literal> and
<literal>copy_data</literal> to <literal>false</literal>.
It is not allowed to combine <literal>connect</literal> set to
<literal>false</literal> and <literal>enabled</literal>,
<literal>create_slot</literal>, or <literal>copy_data</literal>
set to <literal>true</literal>.
Since no connection is made when this option is set
to <literal>false</literal>, the tables are not subscribed, and so
after you enable the subscription nothing will be replicated.
It is required to run
<literal>ALTER SUBSCRIPTION ... REFRESH PUBLICATION</literal> in order
for tables to be subscribed.
See <xref linkend="logical-replication-security"> for details on
how to configure access control between the subscription and the
publication instance.
When creating a replication slot (the default behavior), <command>CREATE
SUBSCRIPTION</command> cannot be executed inside a transaction block.
Creating a subscription that connects to the same database cluster (for
example, to replicate between databases in the same cluster or to replicate
within the same database) will only succeed if the replication slot is not
created as part of the same command. Otherwise, the <command>CREATE
SUBSCRIPTION</command> call will hang. To make this work, create the
replication slot separately (using the
function <function>pg_create_logical_replication_slot</function> with the
plugin name <literal>pgoutput</literal>) and create the subscription using
the parameter <literal>create_slot = false</literal>. This is an
implementation restriction that might be lifted in a future release.
Create a subscription to a remote server that replicates tables in
the publications <literal>mypublication</literal> and
<literal>insert_only</literal> and starts replicating immediately on
CONNECTION 'host= port=5432 user=foo dbname=foodb'
PUBLICATION mypublication, insert_only;
Create a subscription to a remote server that replicates tables in
the <literal>insert_only</literal> publication and does not start replicating
until enabled at a later time.
CONNECTION 'host= port=5432 user=foo dbname=foodb'
PUBLICATION insert_only
WITH (enabled = false);
2017-06-14 19:55:43 +02:00
<command>CREATE SUBSCRIPTION</command> is a <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>
<title>See Also</title>
<simplelist type="inline">
<member><xref linkend="sql-altersubscription"></member>
<member><xref linkend="sql-dropsubscription"></member>
<member><xref linkend="sql-createpublication"></member>
<member><xref linkend="sql-alterpublication"></member>