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2010-09-20 22:08:53 +02:00
PostgreSQL documentation
<indexterm zone="sql-altertablespace">
<primary>ALTER TABLESPACE</primary>
<refentrytitle>ALTER TABLESPACE</refentrytitle>
<refmiscinfo>SQL - Language Statements</refmiscinfo>
<refname>ALTER TABLESPACE</refname>
<refpurpose>change the definition of a tablespace</refpurpose>
ALTER TABLESPACE <replaceable>name</replaceable> RENAME TO <replaceable>new_name</replaceable>
ALTER TABLESPACE <replaceable>name</replaceable> OWNER TO { <replaceable>new_owner</replaceable> | CURRENT_USER | SESSION_USER }
ALTER TABLESPACE <replaceable>name</replaceable> SET ( <replaceable class="parameter">tablespace_option</replaceable> = <replaceable class="parameter">value</replaceable> [, ... ] )
ALTER TABLESPACE <replaceable>name</replaceable> RESET ( <replaceable class="parameter">tablespace_option</replaceable> [, ... ] )
<command>ALTER TABLESPACE</command> can be used to change the definition of
a tablespace.
You must own the tablespace to change the definition of a tablespace.
To alter the owner, you must also be a direct or indirect member of the new
owning role.
(Note that superusers have these privileges automatically.)
<term><replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable></term>
The name of an existing tablespace.
<term><replaceable class="parameter">new_name</replaceable></term>
The new name of the tablespace. The new name cannot
begin with <literal>pg_</literal>, as such names
are reserved for system tablespaces.
<term><replaceable class="parameter">new_owner</replaceable></term>
The new owner of the tablespace.
<term><replaceable class="parameter">tablespace_option</replaceable></term>
A tablespace parameter to be set or reset. Currently, the only
available parameters are <varname>seq_page_cost</varname>,
<varname>random_page_cost</varname> and <varname>effective_io_concurrency</varname>.
Setting either value for a particular tablespace will override the
planner's usual estimate of the cost of reading pages from tables in
that tablespace, as established by the configuration parameters of the
same name (see <xref linkend="guc-seq-page-cost">,
<xref linkend="guc-random-page-cost">,
<xref linkend="guc-effective-io-concurrency">). This may be useful if
one tablespace is located on a disk which is faster or slower than the
remainder of the I/O subsystem.
Rename tablespace <literal>index_space</literal> to <literal>fast_raid</literal>:
ALTER TABLESPACE index_space RENAME TO fast_raid;
Change the owner of tablespace <literal>index_space</literal>:
There is no <command>ALTER TABLESPACE</command> statement in
the SQL standard.
<title>See Also</title>
<simplelist type="inline">
<member><xref linkend="sql-createtablespace"></member>
<member><xref linkend="sql-droptablespace"></member>