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<chapter id="charset">
<title>Character Sets</title>
Describes the available language and character set support in
<productname>Postgres</productname> supports non-ASCII character
sets with two approaches:
Using locale features in underlying
system libraries. This allows single-byte character sets to be
configured with a locale-specific collation order, provided that
the underlying system supports the required locale. This
technique supports only one character set per server, and can
not support multi-byte character sets.
Using explicit multiple-byte character sets defined in the
<productname>Postgres</productname> server. These character sets
are also known to some client libraries. The number of character
sets is fixed at the time the server is compiled, and internal
operations such as string comparisons require expansion of each
character into a 32-bit word.
<title>Multi-byte Support</title>
<ulink url="">Tatsuo Ishii</ulink>,
last updated 2000-03-22.
Check <ulink
web site</ulink> for more information.
Multi-byte (<acronym>MB</acronym>) support is intended to allow
<productname>Postgres</productname> to handle
multiple-byte character sets such as EUC (Extended Unix Code), Unicode and
Mule internal code. With <acronym>MB</acronym> enabled you can use multi-byte
character sets in regular expressions (regexp), LIKE, and some
other functions. The default
encoding system is selected while initializing your
<productname>Postgres</productname> installation using
<application>initdb</application>. Note that this can be
overridden when you create a database using
<application>createdb</application> or by using the SQL command
CREATE DATABASE. So you can have multiple databases each with
a different encoding system.
<acronym>MB</acronym> also fixes some problems concerning 8-bit single byte
character sets including ISO8859. (I would not say all of problems
have been fixed. I just confirmed that the regression test ran fine
and a few French characters could be used with the patch. Please let
me know if you find any problem while using 8-bit characters.)
<title>Enabling MB</title>
Run configure with a multibyte option:
% ./configure --enable-multibyte[=<replaceable>encoding_system</replaceable>]
where <replaceable>encoding_system</replaceable> can be one of the
values in the following table:
<table tocentry="1">
<title><productname>Postgres</productname> Character Set Encodings</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>Japanese EUC</entry>
<entry>Chinese EUC</entry>
<entry>Korean EUC</entry>
<entry>Taiwan EUC</entry>
<entry>Mule internal</entry>
<entry>ISO 8859-1 English and some European languages</entry>
<entry>ISO 8859-2 English and some European languages</entry>
<entry>ISO 8859-3 English and some European languages</entry>
<entry>ISO 8859-4 English and some European languages</entry>
<entry>ISO 8859-5 English and some European languages</entry>
<entry>Windows CP1251</entry>
<entry>Windows CP866</entry>
Here is an example of configuring
<productname>Postgres</productname> to use a Japanese encoding by
% ./configure --enable-multibyte=EUC_JP
If the encoding system is omitted (./configure --enable-multibyte),
SQL_ASCII is assumed.
<title>Setting the Encoding</title>
<application>initdb</application> defines the default encoding
for a <productname>Postgres</productname> installation. For example:
% initdb -E EUC_JP
sets the default encoding to EUC_JP(Extended Unix Code for Japanese).
Note that you can use "--encoding" instead of "-E" if you prefer
to type longer option strings.
If no -E or --encoding option is given, the encoding
specified at the compile time is used.
You can create a database with a different encoding:
% createdb -E EUC_KR korean
will create a database named "korean" with EUC_KR encoding. The
another way to accomplish this is to use a SQL command:
The encoding for a database is represented as an
<firstterm>encoding column</firstterm> in the
<literal>pg_database</literal> system catalog.
You can see that by using -l or \l of psql
$ psql -l
List of databases
Database | Owner | Encoding
euc_cn | t-ishii | EUC_CN
euc_jp | t-ishii | EUC_JP
euc_kr | t-ishii | EUC_KR
euc_tw | t-ishii | EUC_TW
mule_internal | t-ishii | MULE_INTERNAL
regression | t-ishii | SQL_ASCII
template1 | t-ishii | EUC_JP
test | t-ishii | EUC_JP
unicode | t-ishii | UNICODE
(9 rows)
<title>Automatic encoding translation between backend and
<productname>Postgres</productname> supports an automatic
encoding translation between backend
and frontend for some encodings.
<table tocentry="1">
<title><productname>Postgres</productname> Client/Server Character Set Encodings</title>
<titleabbrev>Communication Encodings</titleabbrev>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>Server Encoding</entry>
<entry>Available Client Encodings</entry>
<entry>EUC_JP, SJIS</entry>
<entry>EUC_TW, BIG5</entry>
<entry>LATIN2, WIN1250</entry>
<entry>LATIN5, WIN, ALT</entry>
WIN, ALT, WIN1250</entry>
To enable the automatic encoding translation, you have to tell
<productname>Postgres</productname> the encoding you would like
to use in frontend. There are
several ways to accomplish this.
Using the <command>\encoding</command> command in
<command>\encoding</command> allows you to change frontend
encoding on the fly. For
example, to change the encoding to SJIS, type:
\encoding SJIS
Using libpq functions.
<command>\encoding</command> actually calls
PQsetClientEncoding() for its purpose.
int PQsetClientEncoding(PGconn *<replaceable>conn</replaceable>, const char *<replaceable>encoding</replaceable>)
where <replaceable>conn</replaceable> is a connection to the backend,
and <replaceable>encoding</replaceable> is an encoding you
want to use. If it successfully sets the encoding, it returns 0,
otherwise -1. The current encoding for this connection can be shown by
int PQclientEncoding(const PGconn *<replaceable>conn</replaceable>)
Note that it returns the "encoding id," not the encoding symbol string
such as "EUC_JP." To convert an encoding id to an encoding symbol, you
can use:
char *pg_encoding_to_char(int <replaceable>encoding_id</replaceable>)
Using <envar>PGCLIENTENCODING</envar>.
If an environment variable <envar>PGCLIENTENCODING</envar> is defined in the
frontend, an automatic encoding translation is done by the backend.
Using <command>SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO</command>.
Setting the frontend side encoding can be done a SQL command:
Also you can use SQL92 syntax "SET NAMES" for this purpose:
SET NAMES 'encoding';
To query the current the frontend encoding:
To return to the default encoding:
<title>About Unicode</title>
An automatic encoding translation between Unicode and other
encodings is not yet supported.
<title>What happens if the translation is not possible?</title>
Suppose you choose EUC_JP for the backend, LATIN1 for the frontend,
then some Japanese characters could not be translated into LATIN1. In
this case, a letter cannot be represented in the LATIN1 character set,
would be transformed as:
These are good sources to start learning various kind of encoding
<ulink url=""></ulink>
Detailed explanations of EUC_JP, EUC_CN, EUC_KR, EUC_TW
appear in section 3.2.
Unicode: <ulink url=""></ulink>
The homepage of UNICODE.
<literal>RFC 2044</literal>
UTF-8 is defined here.
May 20, 2000
* SJIS UDC (NEC selection IBM kanji) support contributed
by Eiji Tokuya
* Changes above will appear in 7.0.1
Mar 22, 2000
* Add new libpq functions PQsetClientEncoding, PQclientEncoding
* ./configure --with-mb=EUC_JP
now deprecated. use
./configure --enable-multibyte=EUC_JP
* Add SQL_ASCII regression test case
* Add SJIS User Defined Character (UDC) support
* All of above will appear in 7.0
July 11, 1999
* Add support for WIN1250 (Windows Czech) as a client encoding
(contributed by Pavel Behal)
* fix some compiler warnings (contributed by Tomoaki Nishiyama)
Mar 23, 1999
* Add support for KOI8(KOI8-R), WIN(CP1251), ALT(CP866)
(thanks Oleg Broytmann for testing)
* Fix problem with MB and locale
Jan 26, 1999
* Add support for Big5 for fronend encoding
(you need to create a database with EUC_TW to use Big5)
* Add regression test case for EUC_TW
(contributed by <ulink url="">Jonah Kuo</ulink>)
Dec 15, 1998
* Bugs related to SQL_ASCII support fixed
Nov 5, 1998
* 6.4 release. In this version, pg_database has "encoding"
column that represents the database encoding
Jul 22, 1998
* determine encoding at initdb/createdb rather than compile time
* support for PGCLIENTENCODING when issuing COPY command
* support for SQL92 syntax "SET NAMES"
* support for LATIN2-5
* add UNICODE regression test case
* new test suite for MB
* clean up source files
Jun 5, 1998
* add support for the encoding translation between the backend
and the frontend
* new command SET CLIENT_ENCODING etc. added
* add support for LATIN1 character set
* enhance 8 bit cleaness
April 21, 1998 some enhancements/fixes
* character_length(), position(), substring() are now aware of
multi-byte characters
* add octet_length()
* add --with-mb option to configure
* new regression tests for EUC_KR
(contributed by <ulink url="">Soonmyung. Hong</ulink>)
* add some test cases to the EUC_JP regression test
* fix problem in regress/ in case of System V
* fix toupper(), tolower() to handle 8bit chars
Mar 25, 1998 MB PL2 is incorporated into PostgreSQL 6.3.1
Mar 10, 1998 PL2 released
* add regression test for EUC_JP, EUC_CN and MULE_INTERNAL
* add an English document (this file)
* fix problems concerning 8-bit single byte characters
Mar 1, 1998 PL1 released
<title>WIN1250 on Windows/ODBC</title>
[Here is a good documentation explaining how to use WIN1250 on
Windows/ODBC from Pavel Behal. Please note that Installation step 1)
is not necceary in 6.5.1 - Tatsuo]
Version: 0.91 for PgSQL 6.5
Author: Pavel Behal
Revised by: Tatsuo Ishii
Email: <ulink url=""></ulink>
Licence: The Same as PostgreSQL
Sorry for my Eglish and C code, I'm not native :-)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO WARRANTY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The WIN1250 character set on Windows client platforms can be used
with <productname>Postgres</productname> with locale support
The following should be kept in mind:
Success depends on proper system locales. This has been tested
with RH6.0 and Slackware 3.6, with cs_CZ.iso8859-2 locale.
Never try to set the server multibyte database encoding to WIN1250.
Always use LATIN2 instead since there is not a WIN1250 locale
in Unix.
WIN1250 encoding is useable only for M$W ODBC clients. The
characters are recoded on the fly, to be displayed and stored
back properly.
When running, it is important to remember the following:
This configuration reorders your sort order depending on your
<envar>LC_<replaceable>x</replaceable></envar> settings. Don't be
confused with the regression test results since they don't use
A locale such as "<literal>ch</literal>" is correctly sorted
only if your system
supports that locale; older systems may not do so but new ones
(e.g. RH6.0) do.
You have to insert money as '<literal>162,50</literal>' (note
comma within the single-quotes).
At the time of writing (early 1999), this configuration has
not received extensive testing. Please let us know of any
changes you had to make!
<title>WIN1250 on Windows/ODBC</title>
Change the three relevant files in the source directories.
Compile <productname>Postgres</productname> with local enabled
and the multibyte encoding set to <literal>LATIN2</literal>.
Set up your instalation. Do not forget to create locale
variables in your profile (environment). For example (this may
not be correct for <emphasis>your</emphasis> environment):
You have to start the postmaster with locales set!
Try it with Czech language, and have it sort on a query.
Install ODBC driver for PgSQL on your M$ Windows machine.
Setup properly your data source. Include this line in your ODBC
configuration dialog in the field <literal>Connect Settings</literal>:
Now try it again, but in Windows with ODBC.
<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
Local variables: