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* psql - the PostgreSQL interactive terminal
* Copyright (c) 2000-2016, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* src/bin/psql/crosstabview.c
#include "postgres_fe.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "crosstabview.h"
#include "pqexpbuffer.h"
#include "settings.h"
* Value/position from the resultset that goes into the horizontal or vertical
* crosstabview header.
typedef struct _pivot_field
* Pointer obtained from PQgetvalue() for colV or colH. Each distinct
* value becomes an entry in the vertical header (colV), or horizontal
* header (colH). A Null value is represented by a NULL pointer.
char *name;
* When a sort is requested on an alternative column, this holds
* PQgetvalue() for the sort column corresponding to <name>. If <name>
* appear multiple times, it's the first value in the order of the results
* that is kept. A Null value is represented by a NULL pointer.
char *sort_value;
* Rank of this value, starting at 0. Initially, it's the relative
* position of the first appearance of <name> in the resultset. For
* example, if successive rows contain B,A,C,A,D then it's B:0,A:1,C:2,D:3
* When a sort column is specified, ranks get updated in a final pass to
* reflect the desired order.
int rank;
} pivot_field;
/* Node in avl_tree */
typedef struct _avl_node
/* Node contents */
pivot_field field;
* Height of this node in the tree (number of nodes on the longest path to
* a leaf).
int height;
* Child nodes. [0] points to left subtree, [1] to right subtree. Never
* NULL, points to the empty node avl_tree.end when no left or right
* value.
struct _avl_node *children[2];
} avl_node;
* Control structure for the AVL tree (binary search tree kept
* balanced with the AVL algorithm)
typedef struct _avl_tree
int count; /* Total number of nodes */
avl_node *root; /* root of the tree */
avl_node *end; /* Immutable dereferenceable empty tree */
} avl_tree;
static bool printCrosstab(const PGresult *results,
int num_columns, pivot_field *piv_columns, int field_for_columns,
int num_rows, pivot_field *piv_rows, int field_for_rows,
int field_for_data);
static void avlInit(avl_tree *tree);
static void avlMergeValue(avl_tree *tree, char *name, char *sort_value);
static int avlCollectFields(avl_tree *tree, avl_node *node,
pivot_field *fields, int idx);
static void avlFree(avl_tree *tree, avl_node *node);
static void rankSort(int num_columns, pivot_field *piv_columns);
static int indexOfColumn(char *arg, const PGresult *res);
static int pivotFieldCompare(const void *a, const void *b);
static int rankCompare(const void *a, const void *b);
* Main entry point to this module.
* Process the data from *res according to the options in pset (global),
* to generate the horizontal and vertical headers contents,
* then call printCrosstab() for the actual output.
PrintResultsInCrosstab(const PGresult *res)
bool retval = false;
avl_tree piv_columns;
avl_tree piv_rows;
pivot_field *array_columns = NULL;
pivot_field *array_rows = NULL;
int num_columns = 0;
int num_rows = 0;
int field_for_rows;
int field_for_columns;
int field_for_data;
int sort_field_for_columns;
int rn;
if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
psql_error(_("\\crosstabview: query must return results to be shown in crosstab\n"));
goto error_return;
if (PQnfields(res) < 3)
psql_error(_("\\crosstabview: query must return at least three columns\n"));
goto error_return;
/* Process first optional arg (vertical header column) */
if (pset.ctv_args[0] == NULL)
field_for_rows = 0;
field_for_rows = indexOfColumn(pset.ctv_args[0], res);
if (field_for_rows < 0)
goto error_return;
/* Process second optional arg (horizontal header column) */
if (pset.ctv_args[1] == NULL)
field_for_columns = 1;
field_for_columns = indexOfColumn(pset.ctv_args[1], res);
if (field_for_columns < 0)
goto error_return;
/* Insist that header columns be distinct */
if (field_for_columns == field_for_rows)
psql_error(_("\\crosstabview: vertical and horizontal headers must be different columns\n"));
goto error_return;
/* Process third optional arg (data column) */
if (pset.ctv_args[2] == NULL)
int i;
* If the data column was not specified, we search for the one not
* used as either vertical or horizontal headers. Must be exactly
* three columns, or this won't be unique.
if (PQnfields(res) != 3)
psql_error(_("\\crosstabview: data column must be specified when query returns more than three columns\n"));
goto error_return;
field_for_data = -1;
for (i = 0; i < PQnfields(res); i++)
if (i != field_for_rows && i != field_for_columns)
field_for_data = i;
Assert(field_for_data >= 0);
field_for_data = indexOfColumn(pset.ctv_args[2], res);
if (field_for_data < 0)
goto error_return;
/* Process fourth optional arg (horizontal header sort column) */
if (pset.ctv_args[3] == NULL)
sort_field_for_columns = -1; /* no sort column */
sort_field_for_columns = indexOfColumn(pset.ctv_args[3], res);
if (sort_field_for_columns < 0)
goto error_return;
* First part: accumulate the names that go into the vertical and
* horizontal headers, each into an AVL binary tree to build the set of
* DISTINCT values.
for (rn = 0; rn < PQntuples(res); rn++)
char *val;
char *val1;
/* horizontal */
val = PQgetisnull(res, rn, field_for_columns) ? NULL :
PQgetvalue(res, rn, field_for_columns);
val1 = NULL;
if (sort_field_for_columns >= 0 &&
!PQgetisnull(res, rn, sort_field_for_columns))
val1 = PQgetvalue(res, rn, sort_field_for_columns);
avlMergeValue(&piv_columns, val, val1);
if (piv_columns.count > CROSSTABVIEW_MAX_COLUMNS)
psql_error(_("\\crosstabview: maximum number of columns (%d) exceeded\n"),
goto error_return;
/* vertical */
val = PQgetisnull(res, rn, field_for_rows) ? NULL :
PQgetvalue(res, rn, field_for_rows);
avlMergeValue(&piv_rows, val, NULL);
* Second part: Generate sorted arrays from the AVL trees.
num_columns = piv_columns.count;
num_rows = piv_rows.count;
array_columns = (pivot_field *)
pg_malloc(sizeof(pivot_field) * num_columns);
array_rows = (pivot_field *)
pg_malloc(sizeof(pivot_field) * num_rows);
avlCollectFields(&piv_columns, piv_columns.root, array_columns, 0);
avlCollectFields(&piv_rows, piv_rows.root, array_rows, 0);
* Third part: optionally, process the ranking data for the horizontal
* header
if (sort_field_for_columns >= 0)
rankSort(num_columns, array_columns);
* Fourth part: print the crosstab'ed results.
retval = printCrosstab(res,
num_columns, array_columns, field_for_columns,
num_rows, array_rows, field_for_rows,
avlFree(&piv_columns, piv_columns.root);
avlFree(&piv_rows, piv_rows.root);
return retval;
* Output the pivoted resultset with the printTable* functions. Return true
* if successful, false otherwise.
static bool
printCrosstab(const PGresult *results,
int num_columns, pivot_field *piv_columns, int field_for_columns,
int num_rows, pivot_field *piv_rows, int field_for_rows,
int field_for_data)
printQueryOpt popt = pset.popt;
printTableContent cont;
int i,
char col_align;
int *horiz_map;
bool retval = false;
printTableInit(&cont, &popt.topt, popt.title, num_columns + 1, num_rows);
/* Step 1: set target column names (horizontal header) */
/* The name of the first column is kept unchanged by the pivoting */
PQfname(results, field_for_rows),
* To iterate over piv_columns[] by piv_columns[].rank, create a reverse
* map associating each piv_columns[].rank to its index in piv_columns.
* This avoids an O(N^2) loop later.
horiz_map = (int *) pg_malloc(sizeof(int) * num_columns);
for (i = 0; i < num_columns; i++)
horiz_map[piv_columns[i].rank] = i;
* The display alignment depends on its PQftype().
col_align = column_type_alignment(PQftype(results, field_for_data));
for (i = 0; i < num_columns; i++)
char *colname;
colname = piv_columns[horiz_map[i]].name ?
piv_columns[horiz_map[i]].name :
(popt.nullPrint ? popt.nullPrint : "");
printTableAddHeader(&cont, colname, false, col_align);
/* Step 2: set row names in the first output column (vertical header) */
for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++)
int k = piv_rows[i].rank;
cont.cells[k * (num_columns + 1)] = piv_rows[i].name ?
piv_rows[i].name :
(popt.nullPrint ? popt.nullPrint : "");
cont.cellsadded = num_rows * (num_columns + 1);
* Step 3: fill in the content cells.
for (rn = 0; rn < PQntuples(results); rn++)
int row_number;
int col_number;
pivot_field *p;
pivot_field elt;
/* Find target row */
if (!PQgetisnull(results, rn, field_for_rows)) = PQgetvalue(results, rn, field_for_rows);
else = NULL;
p = (pivot_field *) bsearch(&elt,
Assert(p != NULL);
row_number = p->rank;
/* Find target column */
if (!PQgetisnull(results, rn, field_for_columns)) = PQgetvalue(results, rn, field_for_columns);
else = NULL;
p = (pivot_field *) bsearch(&elt,
Assert(p != NULL);
col_number = p->rank;
/* Place value into cell */
if (col_number >= 0 && row_number >= 0)
int idx;
/* index into the cont.cells array */
idx = 1 + col_number + row_number * (num_columns + 1);
* If the cell already contains a value, raise an error.
if (cont.cells[idx] != NULL)
psql_error(_("\\crosstabview: query result contains multiple data values for row \"%s\", column \"%s\"\n"),
piv_rows[row_number].name ? piv_rows[row_number].name :
popt.nullPrint ? popt.nullPrint : "(null)",
piv_columns[col_number].name ? piv_columns[col_number].name :
popt.nullPrint ? popt.nullPrint : "(null)");
goto error;
cont.cells[idx] = !PQgetisnull(results, rn, field_for_data) ?
PQgetvalue(results, rn, field_for_data) :
(popt.nullPrint ? popt.nullPrint : "");
* The non-initialized cells must be set to an empty string for the print
* functions
for (i = 0; i < cont.cellsadded; i++)
if (cont.cells[i] == NULL)
cont.cells[i] = "";
printTable(&cont, pset.queryFout, false, pset.logfile);
retval = true;
return retval;
* The avl* functions below provide a minimalistic implementation of AVL binary
* trees, to efficiently collect the distinct values that will form the horizontal
* and vertical headers. It only supports adding new values, no removal or even
* search.
static void
avlInit(avl_tree *tree)
tree->end = (avl_node *) pg_malloc0(sizeof(avl_node));
tree->end->children[0] = tree->end->children[1] = tree->end;
tree->count = 0;
tree->root = tree->end;
/* Deallocate recursively an AVL tree, starting from node */
static void
avlFree(avl_tree *tree, avl_node *node)
if (node->children[0] != tree->end)
avlFree(tree, node->children[0]);
if (node->children[1] != tree->end)
avlFree(tree, node->children[1]);
if (node == tree->root)
/* free the root separately as it's not child of anything */
if (node != tree->end)
/* free the tree->end struct only once and when all else is freed */
/* Set the height to 1 plus the greatest of left and right heights */
static void
avlUpdateHeight(avl_node *n)
n->height = 1 + (n->children[0]->height > n->children[1]->height ?
n->children[0]->height :
/* Rotate a subtree left (dir=0) or right (dir=1). Not recursive */
static avl_node *
avlRotate(avl_node **current, int dir)
avl_node *before = *current;
avl_node *after = (*current)->children[dir];
*current = after;
before->children[dir] = after->children[!dir];
after->children[!dir] = before;
return after;
static int
avlBalance(avl_node *n)
return n->children[0]->height - n->children[1]->height;
* After an insertion, possibly rebalance the tree so that the left and right
* node heights don't differ by more than 1.
* May update *node.
static void
avlAdjustBalance(avl_tree *tree, avl_node **node)
avl_node *current = *node;
int b = avlBalance(current) / 2;
if (b != 0)
int dir = (1 - b) / 2;
if (avlBalance(current->children[dir]) == -b)
avlRotate(&current->children[dir], !dir);
current = avlRotate(node, dir);
if (current != tree->end)
* Insert a new value/field, starting from *node, reaching the correct position
* in the tree by recursion. Possibly rebalance the tree and possibly update
* *node. Do nothing if the value is already present in the tree.
static void
avlInsertNode(avl_tree *tree, avl_node **node, pivot_field field)
avl_node *current = *node;
if (current == tree->end)
avl_node *new_node = (avl_node *)
new_node->height = 1;
new_node->field = field;
new_node->children[0] = new_node->children[1] = tree->end;
*node = new_node;
int cmp = pivotFieldCompare(&field, &current->field);
if (cmp != 0)
cmp > 0 ? &current->children[1] : &current->children[0],
avlAdjustBalance(tree, node);
/* Insert the value into the AVL tree, if it does not preexist */
static void
avlMergeValue(avl_tree *tree, char *name, char *sort_value)
pivot_field field; = name;
field.rank = tree->count;
field.sort_value = sort_value;
avlInsertNode(tree, &tree->root, field);
* Recursively extract node values into the names array, in sorted order with a
* left-to-right tree traversal.
* Return the next candidate offset to write into the names array.
* fields[] must be preallocated to hold tree->count entries
static int
avlCollectFields(avl_tree *tree, avl_node *node, pivot_field *fields, int idx)
if (node == tree->end)
return idx;
idx = avlCollectFields(tree, node->children[0], fields, idx);
fields[idx] = node->field;
return avlCollectFields(tree, node->children[1], fields, idx + 1);
static void
rankSort(int num_columns, pivot_field *piv_columns)
int *hmap; /* [[offset in piv_columns, rank], ...for
* every header entry] */
int i;
hmap = (int *) pg_malloc(sizeof(int) * num_columns * 2);
for (i = 0; i < num_columns; i++)
char *val = piv_columns[i].sort_value;
/* ranking information is valid if non null and matches /^-?\d+$/ */
if (val &&
((*val == '-' &&
strspn(val + 1, "0123456789") == strlen(val + 1)) ||
strspn(val, "0123456789") == strlen(val)))
hmap[i * 2] = atoi(val);
hmap[i * 2 + 1] = i;
/* invalid rank information ignored (equivalent to rank 0) */
hmap[i * 2] = 0;
hmap[i * 2 + 1] = i;
qsort(hmap, num_columns, sizeof(int) * 2, rankCompare);
for (i = 0; i < num_columns; i++)
piv_columns[hmap[i * 2 + 1]].rank = i;
* Look up a column reference, which can be either:
* - a number from 1 to PQnfields(res)
* - a column name matching one of PQfname(res,...)
* Returns zero-based column number, or -1 if not found or ambiguous.
* Note: may modify contents of "arg" string.
static int
indexOfColumn(char *arg, const PGresult *res)
int idx;
if (arg[0] && strspn(arg, "0123456789") == strlen(arg))
/* if arg contains only digits, it's a column number */
idx = atoi(arg) - 1;
if (idx < 0 || idx >= PQnfields(res))
psql_error(_("\\crosstabview: invalid column number: \"%s\"\n"), arg);
return -1;
bool inquotes = false;
char *cp = arg;
int i;
* Dequote and downcase the column name. By checking for all-digits
* before doing this, we can ensure that a quoted name is treated as a
* name even if it's all digits. This transformation should match
* what psqlscanslash.l does in OT_SQLID mode. (XXX ideally we would
* let the lexer do this, but then we couldn't tell if the name was
* quoted.)
while (*cp)
if (*cp == '"')
if (inquotes && cp[1] == '"')
/* Keep the first quote, remove the second */
inquotes = !inquotes;
/* Collapse out quote at *cp */
memmove(cp, cp + 1, strlen(cp));
/* do not advance cp */
if (!inquotes)
*cp = pg_tolower((unsigned char) *cp);
cp += PQmblen(cp, pset.encoding);
/* Now look for match(es) among res' column names */
idx = -1;
for (i = 0; i < PQnfields(res); i++)
if (strcmp(arg, PQfname(res, i)) == 0)
if (idx >= 0)
/* another idx was already found for the same name */
psql_error(_("\\crosstabview: ambiguous column name: \"%s\"\n"), arg);
return -1;
idx = i;
if (idx == -1)
psql_error(_("\\crosstabview: column name not found: \"%s\"\n"), arg);
return -1;
return idx;
* Value comparator for vertical and horizontal headers
* used for deduplication only.
* - null values are considered equal
* - non-null < null
* - non-null values are compared with strcmp()
static int
pivotFieldCompare(const void *a, const void *b)
pivot_field *pa = (pivot_field *) a;
pivot_field *pb = (pivot_field *) b;
/* test null values */
if (!pb->name)
return pa->name ? -1 : 0;
else if (!pa->name)
return 1;
/* non-null values */
return strcmp(((pivot_field *) a)->name,
((pivot_field *) b)->name);
static int
rankCompare(const void *a, const void *b)
return *((int *) a) - *((int *) b);