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PostgreSQL documentation
<refentrytitle>CREATE EXTENSION</refentrytitle>
<refmiscinfo>SQL - Language Statements</refmiscinfo>
<refname>CREATE EXTENSION</refname>
<refpurpose>install an extension</refpurpose>
<indexterm zone="sql-createextension">
<primary>CREATE EXTENSION</primary>
CREATE EXTENSION <replaceable class="parameter">extension_name</replaceable>
[ WITH ] [ SCHEMA <replaceable class="parameter">schema</replaceable> ]
[ VERSION <replaceable class="parameter">version</replaceable> ]
[ FROM <replaceable class="parameter">old_version</replaceable> ]
<command>CREATE EXTENSION</command> loads a new extension into the current
database. There must not be an extension of the same name already loaded.
Loading an extension essentially amounts to running the extension's script
file. The script will typically create new <acronym>SQL</> objects such as
functions, data types, operators and index support methods.
<command>CREATE EXTENSION</command> additionally records the identities
of all the created objects, so that they can be dropped again if
<command>DROP EXTENSION</command> is issued.
For information about writing new extensions, see
<xref linkend="extend-extensions">.
Only superusers can execute <command>CREATE EXTENSION</command>.
<term><replaceable class="parameter">extension_name</replaceable></term>
The name of the extension to be
installed. <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> will create the
extension using details from the file
<literal>SHAREDIR/extension/</literal><replaceable class="parameter">extension_name</replaceable><literal>.control</literal>.
<term><replaceable class="parameter">schema</replaceable></term>
The name of the schema in which to install the extension's
objects, given that the extension allows its contents to be
relocated. The named schema must already exist.
If not specified, and the extension's control file does not specify a
schema either, the current default object creation schema is used.
<term><replaceable class="parameter">version</replaceable></term>
The version of the extension to install. This can be written as
either an identifier or a string literal. The default version is
whatever is specified in the extension's control file.
<term><replaceable class="parameter">old_version</replaceable></term>
<literal>FROM</> <replaceable class="parameter">old_version</>
must be specified when, and only when, you are attempting to install
an extension that replaces an <quote>old style</> module that is just
a collection of objects not packaged into an extension. This option
causes <command>CREATE EXTENSION</> to run an alternative installation
script that absorbs the existing objects into the extension, instead
of creating new objects. Be careful that <literal>SCHEMA</> specifies
the schema containing these pre-existing objects.
The value to use for <replaceable
class="parameter">old_version</replaceable> is determined by the
extension's author, and might vary if there is more than one version
of the old-style module that can be upgraded into an extension.
For the standard additional modules supplied with pre-9.1
<productname>PostgreSQL</productname>, use <literal>unpackaged</>
for <replaceable class="parameter">old_version</replaceable> when
updating a module to extension style.
Install the <link linkend="hstore">hstore</link> extension into the
current database:
Update a pre-9.1 installation of <literal>hstore</> into
extension style:
CREATE EXTENSION hstore SCHEMA public FROM unpackaged;
Be careful to specify the schema in which you installed the existing
<literal>hstore</> objects.
<command>CREATE EXTENSION</command> is a <productname>PostgreSQL</>
<title>See Also</title>
<simplelist type="inline">
<member><xref linkend="sql-alterextension"></member>
<member><xref linkend="sql-dropextension"></member>