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2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
package Solution;
# Package that encapsulates a Visual C++ solution file generation
2010-09-20 22:08:53 +02:00
# src/tools/msvc/
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
use Carp;
use strict;
use warnings;
use VSObjectFactory;
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
2018-06-30 18:28:55 +02:00
no warnings qw(redefine); ## no critic
sub _new
my $classname = shift;
my $options = shift;
my $self = {
projects => {},
options => $options,
numver => '',
strver => '',
VisualStudioVersion => undef,
MinimumVisualStudioVersion => undef,
vcver => undef,
platform => undef,
bless($self, $classname);
my $bits = $self->{platform} eq 'Win32' ? 32 : 64;
$options->{float4byval} = 1
unless exists $options->{float4byval};
$options->{float8byval} = ($bits == 64)
unless exists $options->{float8byval};
die "float8byval not permitted on 32 bit platforms"
2015-05-24 03:35:49 +02:00
if $options->{float8byval} && $bits == 32;
if ($options->{xslt} && !$options->{xml})
die "XSLT requires XML\n";
$options->{blocksize} = 8
unless $options->{blocksize}; # undef or 0 means default
die "Bad blocksize $options->{blocksize}"
unless grep { $_ == $options->{blocksize} } (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32);
$options->{segsize} = 1
unless $options->{segsize}; # undef or 0 means default
# only allow segsize 1 for now, as we can't do large files yet in windows
die "Bad segsize $options->{segsize}"
unless $options->{segsize} == 1;
$options->{wal_blocksize} = 8
unless $options->{wal_blocksize}; # undef or 0 means default
die "Bad wal_blocksize $options->{wal_blocksize}"
unless grep { $_ == $options->{wal_blocksize} }
(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64);
$options->{wal_segsize} = 16
unless $options->{wal_segsize}; # undef or 0 means default
die "Bad wal_segsize $options->{wal_segsize}"
unless grep { $_ == $options->{wal_segsize} } (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64);
return $self;
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
sub GetAdditionalHeaders
return '';
sub DeterminePlatform
my $self = shift;
# Examine CL help output to determine if we are in 32 or 64-bit mode.
my $output = `cl /? 2>&1`;
$? >> 8 == 0 or die "cl command not found";
$self->{platform} = ($output =~ /^\/favor:<.+AMD64/m) ? 'x64' : 'Win32';
print "Detected hardware platform: $self->{platform}\n";
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
# Return 1 if $oldfile is newer than $newfile, or if $newfile doesn't exist.
# Special case - if has changed, always return 1
sub IsNewer
my ($newfile, $oldfile) = @_;
-e $oldfile or warn "source file \"$oldfile\" does not exist";
if ( $oldfile ne 'src/tools/msvc/'
&& $oldfile ne 'src/tools/msvc/')
return 1
if (-f 'src/tools/msvc/')
&& IsNewer($newfile, 'src/tools/msvc/');
return 1
if (-f 'src/tools/msvc/')
&& IsNewer($newfile, 'src/tools/msvc/');
return 1 if (!(-e $newfile));
my @nstat = stat($newfile);
my @ostat = stat($oldfile);
return 1 if ($nstat[9] < $ostat[9]);
return 0;
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
# Copy a file, *not* preserving date. Only works for text files.
sub copyFile
my ($src, $dest) = @_;
open(my $i, '<', $src) || croak "Could not open $src";
open(my $o, '>', $dest) || croak "Could not open $dest";
while (<$i>)
print $o $_;
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
sub GenerateFiles
my $self = shift;
my $bits = $self->{platform} eq 'Win32' ? 32 : 64;
# Parse to get version numbers
open(my $c, '<', "")
|| confess("Could not open for reading\n");
while (<$c>)
if (/^AC_INIT\(\[PostgreSQL\], \[([^\]]+)\]/)
$self->{strver} = $1;
if ($self->{strver} !~ /^(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?/)
confess "Bad format of version: $self->{strver}\n";
$self->{numver} = sprintf("%d%04d", $1, $2 ? $2 : 0);
$self->{majorver} = sprintf("%d", $1);
confess "Unable to parse for all variables!"
if ($self->{strver} eq '' || $self->{numver} eq '');
2015-05-24 03:35:49 +02:00
if (IsNewer("src/include/pg_config_os.h", "src/include/port/win32.h"))
print "Copying pg_config_os.h...\n";
2015-05-24 03:35:49 +02:00
copyFile("src/include/port/win32.h", "src/include/pg_config_os.h");
2015-05-24 03:35:49 +02:00
if (IsNewer("src/include/pg_config.h", "src/include/pg_config.h.win32"))
print "Generating pg_config.h...\n";
open(my $i, '<', "src/include/pg_config.h.win32")
|| confess "Could not open pg_config.h.win32\n";
open(my $o, '>', "src/include/pg_config.h")
|| confess "Could not write to pg_config.h\n";
my $extraver = $self->{options}->{extraver};
$extraver = '' unless defined $extraver;
while (<$i>)
s{PG_VERSION "[^"]+"}{PG_VERSION "$self->{strver}$extraver"};
s{PG_VERSION_NUM \d+}{PG_VERSION_NUM $self->{numver}};
s{PG_VERSION_STR "[^"]+"}{PG_VERSION_STR "PostgreSQL $self->{strver}$extraver, compiled by Visual C++ build " CppAsString2(_MSC_VER) ", $bits-bit"};
print $o $_;
print $o "#define PG_MAJORVERSION \"$self->{majorver}\"\n";
print $o "#define LOCALEDIR \"/share/locale\"\n"
if ($self->{options}->{nls});
print $o "/* defines added by config steps */\n";
print $o "#ifndef IGNORE_CONFIGURED_SETTINGS\n";
print $o "#define USE_ASSERT_CHECKING 1\n"
if ($self->{options}->{asserts});
print $o "#define USE_LDAP 1\n" if ($self->{options}->{ldap});
print $o "#define HAVE_LIBZ 1\n" if ($self->{options}->{zlib});
print $o "#define USE_OPENSSL 1\n" if ($self->{options}->{openssl});
print $o "#define ENABLE_NLS 1\n" if ($self->{options}->{nls});
2017-05-18 01:01:23 +02:00
print $o "#define BLCKSZ ", 1024 * $self->{options}->{blocksize},
print $o "#define RELSEG_SIZE ",
(1024 / $self->{options}->{blocksize}) *
$self->{options}->{segsize} * 1024, "\n";
print $o "#define XLOG_BLCKSZ ",
1024 * $self->{options}->{wal_blocksize}, "\n";
if ($self->{options}->{float4byval})
print $o "#define USE_FLOAT4_BYVAL 1\n";
print $o "#define FLOAT4PASSBYVAL true\n";
print $o "#define FLOAT4PASSBYVAL false\n";
if ($self->{options}->{float8byval})
print $o "#define USE_FLOAT8_BYVAL 1\n";
print $o "#define FLOAT8PASSBYVAL true\n";
print $o "#define FLOAT8PASSBYVAL false\n";
if ($self->{options}->{uuid})
print $o "#define HAVE_UUID_OSSP\n";
print $o "#define HAVE_UUID_H\n";
if ($self->{options}->{xml})
print $o "#define HAVE_LIBXML2\n";
print $o "#define USE_LIBXML\n";
if ($self->{options}->{xslt})
print $o "#define HAVE_LIBXSLT\n";
print $o "#define USE_LIBXSLT\n";
if ($self->{options}->{gss})
print $o "#define ENABLE_GSS 1\n";
if ($self->{options}->{icu})
print $o "#define USE_ICU 1\n";
if (my $port = $self->{options}->{"--with-pgport"})
print $o "#undef DEF_PGPORT\n";
print $o "#undef DEF_PGPORT_STR\n";
print $o "#define DEF_PGPORT $port\n";
print $o "#define DEF_PGPORT_STR \"$port\"\n";
print $o "#define VAL_CONFIGURE \""
. $self->GetFakeConfigure() . "\"\n";
print $o "#endif /* IGNORE_CONFIGURED_SETTINGS */\n";
if (IsNewer(
print "Copying pg_config_ext.h...\n";
Replace our traditional initial-catalog-data format with a better design. Historically, the initial catalog data to be installed during bootstrap has been written in DATA() lines in the catalog header files. This had lots of disadvantages: the format was badly underdocumented, it was very difficult to edit the data in any mechanized way, and due to the lack of any abstraction the data was verbose, hard to read/understand, and easy to get wrong. Hence, move this data into separate ".dat" files and represent it in a way that can easily be read and rewritten by Perl scripts. The new format is essentially "key => value" for each column; while it's a bit repetitive, explicit labeling of each value makes the data far more readable and less error-prone. Provide a way to abbreviate entries by omitting field values that match a specified default value for their column. This allows removal of a large amount of repetitive boilerplate and also lowers the barrier to adding new columns. Also teach how to translate symbolic OID references into numeric OIDs for more cases than just "regproc"-like pg_proc references. It can now do that for regprocedure-like references (thus solving the problem that regproc is ambiguous for overloaded functions), operators, types, opfamilies, opclasses, and access methods. Use this to turn nearly all OID cross-references in the initial data into symbolic form. This represents a very large step forward in readability and error resistance of the initial catalog data. It should also reduce the difficulty of renumbering OID assignments in uncommitted patches. Also, solve the longstanding problem that frontend code that would like to use OID macros and other information from the catalog headers often had difficulty with backend-only code in the headers. To do this, arrange for all generated macros, plus such other declarations as we deem fit, to be placed in "derived" header files that are safe for frontend inclusion. (Once clients migrate to using these pg_*_d.h headers, it will be possible to get rid of the pg_*_fn.h headers, which only exist to quarantine code away from clients. That is left for follow-on patches, however.) The now-automatically-generated macros include the Anum_xxx and Natts_xxx constants that we used to have to update by hand when adding or removing catalog columns. Replace the former manual method of generating OID macros for pg_type entries with an automatic method, ensuring that all built-in types have OID macros. (But note that this patch does not change the way that OID macros for pg_proc entries are built and used. It's not clear that making that match the other catalogs would be worth extra code churn.) Add SGML documentation explaining what the new data format is and how to work with it. Despite being a very large change in the catalog headers, there is no catversion bump here, because postgres.bki and related output files haven't changed at all. John Naylor, based on ideas from various people; review and minor additional coding by me; previous review by Alvaro Herrera Discussion:
2018-04-08 19:16:50 +02:00
my $pg_proc_dat = '../../../src/include/catalog/pg_proc.dat';
if ( IsNewer('fmgr-stamp', '')
|| IsNewer('fmgr-stamp', '../catalog/')
|| IsNewer('fmgr-stamp', $pg_proc_dat)
|| IsNewer('fmgr-stamp', '../../../src/include/access/transam.h'))
"perl -I ../catalog -I../../../src/include/ $pg_proc_dat"
open(my $f, '>', 'fmgr-stamp')
|| confess "Could not touch fmgr-stamp";
Replace our traditional initial-catalog-data format with a better design. Historically, the initial catalog data to be installed during bootstrap has been written in DATA() lines in the catalog header files. This had lots of disadvantages: the format was badly underdocumented, it was very difficult to edit the data in any mechanized way, and due to the lack of any abstraction the data was verbose, hard to read/understand, and easy to get wrong. Hence, move this data into separate ".dat" files and represent it in a way that can easily be read and rewritten by Perl scripts. The new format is essentially "key => value" for each column; while it's a bit repetitive, explicit labeling of each value makes the data far more readable and less error-prone. Provide a way to abbreviate entries by omitting field values that match a specified default value for their column. This allows removal of a large amount of repetitive boilerplate and also lowers the barrier to adding new columns. Also teach how to translate symbolic OID references into numeric OIDs for more cases than just "regproc"-like pg_proc references. It can now do that for regprocedure-like references (thus solving the problem that regproc is ambiguous for overloaded functions), operators, types, opfamilies, opclasses, and access methods. Use this to turn nearly all OID cross-references in the initial data into symbolic form. This represents a very large step forward in readability and error resistance of the initial catalog data. It should also reduce the difficulty of renumbering OID assignments in uncommitted patches. Also, solve the longstanding problem that frontend code that would like to use OID macros and other information from the catalog headers often had difficulty with backend-only code in the headers. To do this, arrange for all generated macros, plus such other declarations as we deem fit, to be placed in "derived" header files that are safe for frontend inclusion. (Once clients migrate to using these pg_*_d.h headers, it will be possible to get rid of the pg_*_fn.h headers, which only exist to quarantine code away from clients. That is left for follow-on patches, however.) The now-automatically-generated macros include the Anum_xxx and Natts_xxx constants that we used to have to update by hand when adding or removing catalog columns. Replace the former manual method of generating OID macros for pg_type entries with an automatic method, ensuring that all built-in types have OID macros. (But note that this patch does not change the way that OID macros for pg_proc entries are built and used. It's not clear that making that match the other catalogs would be worth extra code churn.) Add SGML documentation explaining what the new data format is and how to work with it. Despite being a very large change in the catalog headers, there is no catversion bump here, because postgres.bki and related output files haven't changed at all. John Naylor, based on ideas from various people; review and minor additional coding by me; previous review by Alvaro Herrera Discussion:
2018-04-08 19:16:50 +02:00
if (IsNewer(
if (IsNewer(
2017-05-18 01:01:23 +02:00
if (IsNewer(
print "Generating lwlocknames.c and lwlocknames.h...\n";
system('perl lwlocknames.txt');
if (IsNewer(
if (IsNewer('src/include/utils/probes.h', 'src/backend/utils/probes.d'))
print "Generating probes.h...\n";
'perl src/backend/utils/ src/backend/utils/probes.d > src/include/utils/probes.h'
if ($self->{options}->{python}
&& IsNewer(
print "Generating spiexceptions.h...\n";
'perl src/pl/plpython/ src/backend/utils/errcodes.txt > src/pl/plpython/spiexceptions.h'
if (IsNewer(
print "Generating errcodes.h...\n";
'perl src/backend/utils/ src/backend/utils/errcodes.txt > src/backend/utils/errcodes.h'
if (IsNewer(
print "Generating plerrcodes.h...\n";
'perl src/pl/plpgsql/src/ src/backend/utils/errcodes.txt > src/pl/plpgsql/src/plerrcodes.h'
if ($self->{options}->{tcl}
&& IsNewer(
'src/pl/tcl/pltclerrcodes.h', 'src/backend/utils/errcodes.txt'))
print "Generating pltclerrcodes.h...\n";
'perl src/pl/tcl/ src/backend/utils/errcodes.txt > src/pl/tcl/pltclerrcodes.h'
if (IsNewer(
print "Generating qsort_tuple.c...\n";
'perl src/backend/utils/sort/ > src/backend/utils/sort/qsort_tuple.c'
if (IsNewer(
print "Generating libpq.rc...\n";
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) =
my $d = ($year - 100) . "$yday";
open(my $i, '<', 'src/interfaces/libpq/')
|| confess "Could not open";
open(my $o, '>', 'src/interfaces/libpq/libpq.rc')
|| confess "Could not open libpq.rc";
while (<$i>)
print $o $_;
if (IsNewer('src/bin/psql/sql_help.h', 'src/bin/psql/'))
print "Generating sql_help.h...\n";
system("perl ../../../doc/src/sgml/ref sql_help");
Replace the data structure used for keyword lookup. Previously, ScanKeywordLookup was passed an array of string pointers. This had some performance deficiencies: the strings themselves might be scattered all over the place depending on the compiler (and some quick checking shows that at least with gcc-on-Linux, they indeed weren't reliably close together). That led to very cache-unfriendly behavior as the binary search touched strings in many different pages. Also, depending on the platform, the string pointers might need to be adjusted at program start, so that they couldn't be simple constant data. And the ScanKeyword struct had been designed with an eye to 32-bit machines originally; on 64-bit it requires 16 bytes per keyword, making it even more cache-unfriendly. Redesign so that the keyword strings themselves are allocated consecutively (as part of one big char-string constant), thereby eliminating the touch-lots-of-unrelated-pages syndrome. And get rid of the ScanKeyword array in favor of three separate arrays: uint16 offsets into the keyword array, uint16 token codes, and uint8 keyword categories. That reduces the overhead per keyword to 5 bytes instead of 16 (even less in programs that only need one of the token codes and categories); moreover, the binary search only touches the offsets array, further reducing its cache footprint. This also lets us put the token codes somewhere else than the keyword strings are, which avoids some unpleasant build dependencies. While we're at it, wrap the data used by ScanKeywordLookup into a struct that can be treated as an opaque type by most callers. That doesn't change things much right now, but it will make it less painful to switch to a hash-based lookup method, as is being discussed in the mailing list thread. Most of the change here is associated with adding a generator script that can build the new data structure from the same list-of-PG_KEYWORD header representation we used before. The PG_KEYWORD lists that plpgsql and ecpg used to embed in their scanner .c files have to be moved into headers, and the Makefiles have to be taught to invoke the generator script. This work is also necessary if we're to consider hash-based lookup, since the generator script is what would be responsible for constructing a hash table. Aside from saving a few kilobytes in each program that includes the keyword table, this seems to speed up raw parsing (flex+bison) by a few percent. So it's worth doing even as it stands, though we think we can gain even more with a follow-on patch to switch to hash-based lookup. John Naylor, with further hacking by me Discussion:
2019-01-06 23:02:57 +01:00
if (IsNewer(
print "Generating kwlist_d.h...\n";
system('perl src/tools/ --extern -o src/common src/include/parser/kwlist.h');
if (IsNewer(
|| IsNewer(
print "Generating pl_reserved_kwlist_d.h and pl_unreserved_kwlist_d.h...\n";
system('perl ../../../tools/ --varname ReservedPLKeywords pl_reserved_kwlist.h');
system('perl ../../../tools/ --varname UnreservedPLKeywords pl_unreserved_kwlist.h');
if (IsNewer(
|| IsNewer(
print "Generating c_kwlist_d.h and ecpg_kwlist_d.h...\n";
system('perl ../../../tools/ --varname ScanCKeywords c_kwlist.h');
system('perl ../../../tools/ --varname ScanECPGKeywords ecpg_kwlist.h');
if (IsNewer(
print "Generating preproc.y...\n";
system('perl < ../../../backend/parser/gram.y > preproc.y');
if (IsNewer(
print "Generating ecpg_config.h...\n";
open(my $o, '>', 'src/interfaces/ecpg/include/ecpg_config.h')
|| confess "Could not open ecpg_config.h";
print $o <<EOF;
#if (_MSC_VER > 1200)
#define HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT_64 1
unless (-f "src/port/pg_config_paths.h")
print "Generating pg_config_paths.h...\n";
open(my $o, '>', 'src/port/pg_config_paths.h')
|| confess "Could not open pg_config_paths.h";
print $o <<EOF;
#define PGBINDIR "/bin"
#define PGSHAREDIR "/share"
#define SYSCONFDIR "/etc"
#define INCLUDEDIR "/include"
#define PKGINCLUDEDIR "/include"
#define INCLUDEDIRSERVER "/include/server"
#define LIBDIR "/lib"
#define PKGLIBDIR "/lib"
#define LOCALEDIR "/share/locale"
#define DOCDIR "/doc"
#define HTMLDIR "/doc"
#define MANDIR "/man"
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
my $mf = Project::read_file('src/backend/catalog/Makefile');
$mf =~ s{\\\r?\n}{}g;
Replace our traditional initial-catalog-data format with a better design. Historically, the initial catalog data to be installed during bootstrap has been written in DATA() lines in the catalog header files. This had lots of disadvantages: the format was badly underdocumented, it was very difficult to edit the data in any mechanized way, and due to the lack of any abstraction the data was verbose, hard to read/understand, and easy to get wrong. Hence, move this data into separate ".dat" files and represent it in a way that can easily be read and rewritten by Perl scripts. The new format is essentially "key => value" for each column; while it's a bit repetitive, explicit labeling of each value makes the data far more readable and less error-prone. Provide a way to abbreviate entries by omitting field values that match a specified default value for their column. This allows removal of a large amount of repetitive boilerplate and also lowers the barrier to adding new columns. Also teach how to translate symbolic OID references into numeric OIDs for more cases than just "regproc"-like pg_proc references. It can now do that for regprocedure-like references (thus solving the problem that regproc is ambiguous for overloaded functions), operators, types, opfamilies, opclasses, and access methods. Use this to turn nearly all OID cross-references in the initial data into symbolic form. This represents a very large step forward in readability and error resistance of the initial catalog data. It should also reduce the difficulty of renumbering OID assignments in uncommitted patches. Also, solve the longstanding problem that frontend code that would like to use OID macros and other information from the catalog headers often had difficulty with backend-only code in the headers. To do this, arrange for all generated macros, plus such other declarations as we deem fit, to be placed in "derived" header files that are safe for frontend inclusion. (Once clients migrate to using these pg_*_d.h headers, it will be possible to get rid of the pg_*_fn.h headers, which only exist to quarantine code away from clients. That is left for follow-on patches, however.) The now-automatically-generated macros include the Anum_xxx and Natts_xxx constants that we used to have to update by hand when adding or removing catalog columns. Replace the former manual method of generating OID macros for pg_type entries with an automatic method, ensuring that all built-in types have OID macros. (But note that this patch does not change the way that OID macros for pg_proc entries are built and used. It's not clear that making that match the other catalogs would be worth extra code churn.) Add SGML documentation explaining what the new data format is and how to work with it. Despite being a very large change in the catalog headers, there is no catversion bump here, because postgres.bki and related output files haven't changed at all. John Naylor, based on ideas from various people; review and minor additional coding by me; previous review by Alvaro Herrera Discussion:
2018-04-08 19:16:50 +02:00
$mf =~ /^CATALOG_HEADERS\s*:?=(.*)$/gm
|| croak "Could not find CATALOG_HEADERS in Makefile\n";
my @bki_srcs = split /\s+/, $1;
push @bki_srcs, 'toasting.h';
push @bki_srcs, 'indexing.h';
$mf =~ /^POSTGRES_BKI_DATA\s*:?=[^,]+,(.*)\)$/gm
|| croak "Could not find POSTGRES_BKI_DATA in Makefile\n";
my @bki_data = split /\s+/, $1;
my $need_genbki = 0;
Replace our traditional initial-catalog-data format with a better design. Historically, the initial catalog data to be installed during bootstrap has been written in DATA() lines in the catalog header files. This had lots of disadvantages: the format was badly underdocumented, it was very difficult to edit the data in any mechanized way, and due to the lack of any abstraction the data was verbose, hard to read/understand, and easy to get wrong. Hence, move this data into separate ".dat" files and represent it in a way that can easily be read and rewritten by Perl scripts. The new format is essentially "key => value" for each column; while it's a bit repetitive, explicit labeling of each value makes the data far more readable and less error-prone. Provide a way to abbreviate entries by omitting field values that match a specified default value for their column. This allows removal of a large amount of repetitive boilerplate and also lowers the barrier to adding new columns. Also teach how to translate symbolic OID references into numeric OIDs for more cases than just "regproc"-like pg_proc references. It can now do that for regprocedure-like references (thus solving the problem that regproc is ambiguous for overloaded functions), operators, types, opfamilies, opclasses, and access methods. Use this to turn nearly all OID cross-references in the initial data into symbolic form. This represents a very large step forward in readability and error resistance of the initial catalog data. It should also reduce the difficulty of renumbering OID assignments in uncommitted patches. Also, solve the longstanding problem that frontend code that would like to use OID macros and other information from the catalog headers often had difficulty with backend-only code in the headers. To do this, arrange for all generated macros, plus such other declarations as we deem fit, to be placed in "derived" header files that are safe for frontend inclusion. (Once clients migrate to using these pg_*_d.h headers, it will be possible to get rid of the pg_*_fn.h headers, which only exist to quarantine code away from clients. That is left for follow-on patches, however.) The now-automatically-generated macros include the Anum_xxx and Natts_xxx constants that we used to have to update by hand when adding or removing catalog columns. Replace the former manual method of generating OID macros for pg_type entries with an automatic method, ensuring that all built-in types have OID macros. (But note that this patch does not change the way that OID macros for pg_proc entries are built and used. It's not clear that making that match the other catalogs would be worth extra code churn.) Add SGML documentation explaining what the new data format is and how to work with it. Despite being a very large change in the catalog headers, there is no catversion bump here, because postgres.bki and related output files haven't changed at all. John Naylor, based on ideas from various people; review and minor additional coding by me; previous review by Alvaro Herrera Discussion:
2018-04-08 19:16:50 +02:00
foreach my $bki (@bki_srcs, @bki_data)
next if $bki eq "";
if (IsNewer(
$need_genbki = 1;
$need_genbki = 1
if IsNewer('src/backend/catalog/bki-stamp',
$need_genbki = 1
if IsNewer('src/backend/catalog/bki-stamp',
if ($need_genbki)
my $bki_srcs = join(' ../../../src/include/catalog/', @bki_srcs);
system("perl -I../../../src/include/ --set-version=$self->{majorver} $bki_srcs");
open(my $f, '>', 'bki-stamp')
|| confess "Could not touch bki-stamp";
if (IsNewer(
# Copy generated headers to include directory.
opendir(my $dh, 'src/backend/catalog/')
|| die "Can't opendir src/backend/catalog/ $!";
my @def_headers = grep { /pg_\w+_d\.h$/ } readdir($dh);
closedir $dh;
foreach my $def_header (@def_headers)
open(my $chs, '>', 'src/include/catalog/header-stamp')
|| confess "Could not touch header-stamp";
open(my $o, '>', "doc/src/sgml/version.sgml")
|| croak "Could not write to version.sgml\n";
print $o <<EOF;
<!ENTITY version "$self->{strver}">
<!ENTITY majorversion "$self->{majorver}">
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
sub GenerateDefFile
my ($self, $deffile, $txtfile, $libname) = @_;
if (IsNewer($deffile, $txtfile))
print "Generating $deffile...\n";
open(my $if, '<', $txtfile) || confess("Could not open $txtfile\n");
open(my $of, '>', $deffile) || confess("Could not open $deffile\n");
print $of "LIBRARY $libname\nEXPORTS\n";
while (<$if>)
next if (/^#/);
next if (/^\s*$/);
my ($f, $o) = split;
print $of " $f @ $o\n";
sub AddProject
my ($self, $name, $type, $folder, $initialdir) = @_;
my $proj =
VSObjectFactory::CreateProject($self->{vcver}, $name, $type, $self);
push @{ $self->{projects}->{$folder} }, $proj;
$proj->AddDir($initialdir) if ($initialdir);
if ($self->{options}->{zlib})
$proj->AddIncludeDir($self->{options}->{zlib} . '\include');
$proj->AddLibrary($self->{options}->{zlib} . '\lib\zdll.lib');
if ($self->{options}->{openssl})
$proj->AddIncludeDir($self->{options}->{openssl} . '\include');
2017-06-06 02:38:46 +02:00
if (-e "$self->{options}->{openssl}/lib/VC/ssleay32MD.lib")
$self->{options}->{openssl} . '\lib\VC\ssleay32.lib', 1);
$self->{options}->{openssl} . '\lib\VC\libeay32.lib', 1);
# We don't expect the config-specific library to be here,
# so don't ask for it in last parameter
$self->{options}->{openssl} . '\lib\ssleay32.lib', 0);
$self->{options}->{openssl} . '\lib\libeay32.lib', 0);
if ($self->{options}->{nls})
$proj->AddIncludeDir($self->{options}->{nls} . '\include');
$proj->AddLibrary($self->{options}->{nls} . '\lib\libintl.lib');
if ($self->{options}->{gss})
$proj->AddIncludeDir($self->{options}->{gss} . '\inc\krb5');
$proj->AddLibrary($self->{options}->{gss} . '\lib\i386\krb5_32.lib');
$proj->AddLibrary($self->{options}->{gss} . '\lib\i386\comerr32.lib');
$proj->AddLibrary($self->{options}->{gss} . '\lib\i386\gssapi32.lib');
if ($self->{options}->{iconv})
$proj->AddIncludeDir($self->{options}->{iconv} . '\include');
$proj->AddLibrary($self->{options}->{iconv} . '\lib\iconv.lib');
if ($self->{options}->{icu})
$proj->AddIncludeDir($self->{options}->{icu} . '\include');
if ($self->{platform} eq 'Win32')
$proj->AddLibrary($self->{options}->{icu} . '\lib\icuin.lib');
$proj->AddLibrary($self->{options}->{icu} . '\lib\icuuc.lib');
$proj->AddLibrary($self->{options}->{icu} . '\lib\icudt.lib');
$proj->AddLibrary($self->{options}->{icu} . '\lib64\icuin.lib');
$proj->AddLibrary($self->{options}->{icu} . '\lib64\icuuc.lib');
$proj->AddLibrary($self->{options}->{icu} . '\lib64\icudt.lib');
if ($self->{options}->{xml})
$proj->AddIncludeDir($self->{options}->{xml} . '\include');
$proj->AddIncludeDir($self->{options}->{xml} . '\include\libxml2');
$proj->AddLibrary($self->{options}->{xml} . '\lib\libxml2.lib');
if ($self->{options}->{xslt})
$proj->AddIncludeDir($self->{options}->{xslt} . '\include');
$proj->AddLibrary($self->{options}->{xslt} . '\lib\libxslt.lib');
if ($self->{options}->{uuid})
$proj->AddIncludeDir($self->{options}->{uuid} . '\include');
$proj->AddLibrary($self->{options}->{uuid} . '\lib\uuid.lib');
return $proj;
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
sub Save
my ($self) = @_;
my %flduid;
foreach my $fld (keys %{ $self->{projects} })
foreach my $proj (@{ $self->{projects}->{$fld} })
open(my $sln, '>', "pgsql.sln") || croak "Could not write to pgsql.sln\n";
print $sln <<EOF;
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version $self->{solutionFileVersion}
# $self->{visualStudioName}
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
print $sln $self->GetAdditionalHeaders();
foreach my $fld (keys %{ $self->{projects} })
foreach my $proj (@{ $self->{projects}->{$fld} })
print $sln <<EOF;
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "$proj->{name}", "$proj->{name}$proj->{filenameExtension}", "$proj->{guid}"
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
if ($fld ne "")
$flduid{$fld} = Win32::GuidGen();
print $sln <<EOF;
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "$fld", "$fld", "$flduid{$fld}"
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
print $sln <<EOF;
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|$self->{platform}= Debug|$self->{platform}
Release|$self->{platform} = Release|$self->{platform}
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
foreach my $fld (keys %{ $self->{projects} })
foreach my $proj (@{ $self->{projects}->{$fld} })
print $sln <<EOF;
$proj->{guid}.Debug|$self->{platform}.ActiveCfg = Debug|$self->{platform}
$proj->{guid}.Debug|$self->{platform}.Build.0 = Debug|$self->{platform}
$proj->{guid}.Release|$self->{platform}.ActiveCfg = Release|$self->{platform}
$proj->{guid}.Release|$self->{platform}.Build.0 = Release|$self->{platform}
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
print $sln <<EOF;
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
GlobalSection(NestedProjects) = preSolution
foreach my $fld (keys %{ $self->{projects} })
next if ($fld eq "");
foreach my $proj (@{ $self->{projects}->{$fld} })
print $sln "\t\t$proj->{guid} = $flduid{$fld}\n";
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
print $sln <<EOF;
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00
sub GetFakeConfigure
my $self = shift;
my $cfg = '--enable-thread-safety';
2017-05-18 01:01:23 +02:00
$cfg .= ' --enable-cassert' if ($self->{options}->{asserts});
$cfg .= ' --enable-nls' if ($self->{options}->{nls});
$cfg .= ' --enable-tap-tests' if ($self->{options}->{tap_tests});
$cfg .= ' --with-ldap' if ($self->{options}->{ldap});
$cfg .= ' --without-zlib' unless ($self->{options}->{zlib});
$cfg .= ' --with-extra-version' if ($self->{options}->{extraver});
$cfg .= ' --with-openssl' if ($self->{options}->{openssl});
$cfg .= ' --with-ossp-uuid' if ($self->{options}->{uuid});
$cfg .= ' --with-libxml' if ($self->{options}->{xml});
$cfg .= ' --with-libxslt' if ($self->{options}->{xslt});
$cfg .= ' --with-gssapi' if ($self->{options}->{gss});
$cfg .= ' --with-icu' if ($self->{options}->{icu});
$cfg .= ' --with-tcl' if ($self->{options}->{tcl});
$cfg .= ' --with-perl' if ($self->{options}->{perl});
$cfg .= ' --with-python' if ($self->{options}->{python});
return $cfg;
package VS2013Solution;
# Package that encapsulates a Visual Studio 2013 solution file
use Carp;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(Solution);
2018-06-30 18:28:55 +02:00
no warnings qw(redefine); ## no critic
sub new
my $classname = shift;
my $self = $classname->SUPER::_new(@_);
bless($self, $classname);
$self->{solutionFileVersion} = '12.00';
$self->{vcver} = '12.00';
$self->{visualStudioName} = 'Visual Studio 2013';
$self->{VisualStudioVersion} = '12.0.21005.1';
$self->{MinimumVisualStudioVersion} = '10.0.40219.1';
return $self;
package VS2015Solution;
# Package that encapsulates a Visual Studio 2015 solution file
use Carp;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(Solution);
2018-06-30 18:28:55 +02:00
no warnings qw(redefine); ## no critic
sub new
my $classname = shift;
my $self = $classname->SUPER::_new(@_);
bless($self, $classname);
$self->{solutionFileVersion} = '12.00';
$self->{vcver} = '14.00';
$self->{visualStudioName} = 'Visual Studio 2015';
$self->{VisualStudioVersion} = '14.0.24730.2';
$self->{MinimumVisualStudioVersion} = '10.0.40219.1';
return $self;
package VS2017Solution;
# Package that encapsulates a Visual Studio 2017 solution file
use Carp;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(Solution);
2018-06-30 18:28:55 +02:00
no warnings qw(redefine); ## no critic
sub new
my $classname = shift;
my $self = $classname->SUPER::_new(@_);
bless($self, $classname);
$self->{solutionFileVersion} = '12.00';
$self->{vcver} = '15.00';
$self->{visualStudioName} = 'Visual Studio 2017';
$self->{VisualStudioVersion} = '15.0.26730.3';
$self->{MinimumVisualStudioVersion} = '10.0.40219.1';
return $self;
sub GetAdditionalHeaders
my ($self, $f) = @_;
return qq|VisualStudioVersion = $self->{VisualStudioVersion}
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = $self->{MinimumVisualStudioVersion}
2006-09-04 23:30:40 +02:00