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# Copyright (c) 2001-2016, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# src/backend/utils/mb/Unicode/
use strict;
# convert UCS-4 to UTF-8
sub ucs2utf
my ($ucs) = @_;
my $utf;
if ($ucs <= 0x007f)
$utf = $ucs;
elsif ($ucs > 0x007f && $ucs <= 0x07ff)
$utf = (($ucs & 0x003f) | 0x80) | ((($ucs >> 6) | 0xc0) << 8);
elsif ($ucs > 0x07ff && $ucs <= 0xffff)
$utf =
((($ucs >> 12) | 0xe0) << 16) |
(((($ucs & 0x0fc0) >> 6) | 0x80) << 8) | (($ucs & 0x003f) | 0x80);
$utf =
((($ucs >> 18) | 0xf0) << 24) |
(((($ucs & 0x3ffff) >> 12) | 0x80) << 16) |
(((($ucs & 0x0fc0) >> 6) | 0x80) << 8) | (($ucs & 0x003f) | 0x80);
return ($utf);
# read_source - common routine to read source file
# fname ; input file name
sub read_source
my ($fname) = @_;
my @r;
open(my $in, '<', $fname) || die("cannot open $fname");
while (<$in>)
next if (/^#/);
next if (/^$/); # Ignore empty lines
next if (/^0x([0-9A-F]+)\s+(#.*)$/);
# Skip the first column for JIS0208.TXT
if (!/^0x([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\s+0x([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\s+(?:0x([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\s+)?(#.*)$/)
print STDERR "READ ERROR at line $. in $fname: $_\n";
my $out = {f => $fname, l => $.,
code => hex($1),
ucs => hex($2),
comment => $4,
direction => "both"
# Ignore pure ASCII mappings. PostgreSQL character conversion code
# never even passes these to the conversion code.
next if ($out->{code} < 0x80 || $out->{ucs} < 0x80);
push(@r, $out);
return \@r;
# print_tables : output mapping tables
# Arguments:
# charset - string name of the character set.
# table - mapping table (see format below)
# verbose - if 1, output comment on each line,
# if 2, also output source file name and number
# Mapping table format:
# Mapping table is a list of hashes. Each hash has the following fields:
# direction - Direction: 'both', 'from_unicode' or 'to_unicode'
# ucs - Unicode code point
# ucs_second - Second Unicode code point, if this is a "combined" character.
# code - Byte sequence in the "other" character set, as an integer
# comment - Text representation of the character
# f - Source filename
# l - Line number in source file
sub print_tables
my ($charset, $table, $verbose) = @_;
# Build an array with only the to-UTF8 direction mappings
my @to_unicode;
my @to_unicode_combined;
my @from_unicode;
my @from_unicode_combined;
foreach my $i (@$table)
if (defined $i->{ucs_second})
my $entry = {utf8 => ucs2utf($i->{ucs}),
utf8_second => ucs2utf($i->{ucs_second}),
code => $i->{code},
comment => $i->{comment},
f => $i->{f}, l => $i->{l}};
if ($i->{direction} eq "both" || $i->{direction} eq "to_unicode")
push @to_unicode_combined, $entry;
if ($i->{direction} eq "both" || $i->{direction} eq "from_unicode")
push @from_unicode_combined, $entry;
my $entry = {utf8 => ucs2utf($i->{ucs}),
code => $i->{code},
comment => $i->{comment},
f => $i->{f}, l => $i->{l}};
if ($i->{direction} eq "both" || $i->{direction} eq "to_unicode")
push @to_unicode, $entry;
if ($i->{direction} eq "both" || $i->{direction} eq "from_unicode")
push @from_unicode, $entry;
print_to_utf8_map($charset, \@to_unicode, $verbose);
print_to_utf8_combined_map($charset, \@to_unicode_combined, $verbose) if (scalar @to_unicode_combined > 0);
print_from_utf8_map($charset, \@from_unicode, $verbose);
print_from_utf8_combined_map($charset, \@from_unicode_combined, $verbose) if (scalar @from_unicode_combined > 0);
sub print_from_utf8_map
my ($charset, $table, $verbose) = @_;
my $last_comment = "";
my $fname = lc("utf8_to_${charset}.map");
print "- Writing UTF8=>${charset} conversion table: $fname\n";
open(my $out, '>', $fname) || die "cannot open output file : $fname\n";
printf($out "/* src/backend/utils/mb/Unicode/$fname */\n\n".
"static const pg_utf_to_local ULmap${charset}[ %d ] = {",
my $first = 1;
foreach my $i (sort {$$a{utf8} <=> $$b{utf8}} @$table)
print($out ",") if (!$first);
$first = 0;
print($out "\t/* $last_comment */") if ($verbose);
printf($out "\n {0x%04x, 0x%04x}", $$i{utf8}, $$i{code});
if ($verbose >= 2)
$last_comment = "$$i{f}:$$i{l} $$i{comment}";
$last_comment = $$i{comment};
print($out "\t/* $last_comment */") if ($verbose);
print $out "\n};\n";
sub print_from_utf8_combined_map
my ($charset, $table, $verbose) = @_;
my $last_comment = "";
my $fname = lc("utf8_to_${charset}");
print "- Writing UTF8=>${charset} conversion table: $fname\n";
open(my $out, '>', $fname) || die "cannot open output file : $fname\n";
printf($out "/* src/backend/utils/mb/Unicode/$fname */\n\n".
"static const pg_utf_to_local_combined ULmap${charset}_combined[ %d ] = {",
my $first = 1;
foreach my $i (sort {$$a{utf8} <=> $$b{utf8}} @$table)
print($out ",") if (!$first);
$first = 0;
print($out "\t/* $last_comment */") if ($verbose);
printf($out "\n {0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%04x}", $$i{utf8}, $$i{utf8_second}, $$i{code});
$last_comment = "$$i{comment}";
print($out "\t/* $last_comment */") if ($verbose);
print $out "\n};\n";
sub print_to_utf8_map
my ($charset, $table, $verbose) = @_;
my $last_comment = "";
my $fname = lc("${charset}");
print "- Writing ${charset}=>UTF8 conversion table: $fname\n";
open(my $out, '>', $fname) || die "cannot open output file : $fname\n";
printf($out "/* src/backend/utils/mb/Unicode/${fname} */\n\n".
"static const pg_local_to_utf LUmap${charset}[ %d ] = {",
my $first = 1;
foreach my $i (sort {$$a{code} <=> $$b{code}} @$table)
print($out ",") if (!$first);
$first = 0;
print($out "\t/* $last_comment */") if ($verbose);
printf($out "\n {0x%04x, 0x%x}", $$i{code}, $$i{utf8});
if ($verbose >= 2)
$last_comment = "$$i{f}:$$i{l} $$i{comment}";
$last_comment = $$i{comment};
print($out "\t/* $last_comment */") if ($verbose);
print $out "\n};\n";
sub print_to_utf8_combined_map
my ($charset, $table, $verbose) = @_;
my $last_comment = "";
my $fname = lc("${charset}");
print "- Writing ${charset}=>UTF8 conversion table: $fname\n";
open(my $out, '>', $fname) || die "cannot open output file : $fname\n";
printf($out "/* src/backend/utils/mb/Unicode/${fname} */\n\n".
"static const pg_local_to_utf_combined LUmap${charset}_combined[ %d ] = {",
my $first = 1;
foreach my $i (sort {$$a{code} <=> $$b{code}} @$table)
print($out ",") if (!$first);
$first = 0;
print($out "\t/* $last_comment */") if ($verbose);
printf($out "\n {0x%04x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x}", $$i{code}, $$i{utf8}, $$i{utf8_second});
$last_comment = "$$i{comment}";
print($out "\t/* $last_comment */") if ($verbose);
print $out "\n};\n";