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* pgtz.c
* Timezone Library Integration Functions
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2003, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/timezone/pgtz.c,v 1.10 2004/05/21 05:08:06 tgl Exp $
#include "postgres.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "pgtime.h"
#include "pgtz.h"
#include "tzfile.h"
#include "utils/elog.h"
#include "utils/guc.h"
static char tzdir[MAXPGPATH];
static int done_tzdir = 0;
char *
if (done_tzdir)
return tzdir;
get_share_path(my_exec_path, tzdir);
strcat(tzdir, "/timezone");
done_tzdir = 1;
return tzdir;
* Try to determine the system timezone (as opposed to the timezone
* set in our own library).
#define T_YEAR (60*60*24*365)
#define T_MONTH (60*60*24*30)
struct tztry {
time_t std_t,dst_t;
char std_time[TZ_STRLEN_MAX+1],dst_time[TZ_STRLEN_MAX+1];
int std_ofs,dst_ofs;
struct tm std_tm, dst_tm;
static bool compare_tm(struct tm *s, struct pg_tm *p) {
if (s->tm_sec != p->tm_sec ||
s->tm_min != p->tm_min ||
s->tm_hour != p->tm_hour ||
s->tm_mday != p->tm_mday ||
s->tm_mon != p->tm_mon ||
s->tm_year != p->tm_year ||
s->tm_wday != p->tm_wday ||
s->tm_yday != p->tm_yday ||
s->tm_isdst != p->tm_isdst)
return false;
return true;
static bool try_timezone(char *tzname, struct tztry *tt, bool checkdst) {
struct pg_tm *pgtm;
if (!pg_tzset(tzname))
return false; /* If this timezone couldn't be picked at all */
/* Verify standard time */
pgtm = pg_localtime(&(tt->std_t));
if (!pgtm)
return false;
if (!compare_tm(&(tt->std_tm), pgtm))
return false;
if (!checkdst)
return true;
/* Now check daylight time */
pgtm = pg_localtime(&(tt->dst_t));
if (!pgtm)
return false;
if (!compare_tm(&(tt->dst_tm), pgtm))
return false;
return true;
static int get_timezone_offset(struct tm *tm) {
return tm->tm_gmtoff;
#elif defined(HAVE_INT_TIMEZONE)
return -_timezone;
return -timezone;
#error No way to determine TZ? Can this happen?
#ifdef WIN32
#define TZABBREV(tz) win32_get_timezone_abbrev(tz)
static char *win32_get_timezone_abbrev(char *tz) {
static char w32tzabbr[TZ_STRLEN_MAX+1];
int l = 0;
char *c;
for (c = tz; *c; c++) {
if (isupper(*c))
w32tzabbr[l++] = *c;
w32tzabbr[l] = '\0';
return w32tzabbr;
#define TZABBREV(tz) tz
* Try to identify a timezone name (in our terminology) that matches the
* observed behavior of the system timezone library. We cannot assume that
* the system TZ environment setting (if indeed there is one) matches our
* terminology, so ignore it and just look at what localtime() returns.
static char *
static char __tzbuf[TZ_STRLEN_MAX+1];
bool std_found=false,
time_t tnow = time(NULL);
time_t t;
struct tztry tt;
char cbuf[TZ_STRLEN_MAX+1];
/* Initialize OS timezone library */
memset(&tt, 0, sizeof(tt));
for (t = tnow; t < tnow+T_YEAR; t += T_MONTH) {
struct tm *tm = localtime(&t);
if (tm->tm_isdst == 0 && !std_found) {
/* Standard time */
memcpy(&tt.std_tm, tm, sizeof(struct tm));
strftime(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf)-1, "%Z", tm); /* zone abbr */
strcpy(tt.std_time, TZABBREV(cbuf));
tt.std_ofs = get_timezone_offset(tm);
tt.std_t = t;
std_found = true;
else if (tm->tm_isdst == 1 && !dst_found) {
/* Daylight time */
memcpy(&tt.dst_tm, tm, sizeof(struct tm));
strftime(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf)-1, "%Z", tm); /* zone abbr */
strcpy(tt.dst_time, TZABBREV(cbuf));
tt.dst_ofs = get_timezone_offset(tm);
tt.dst_t = t;
dst_found = true;
if (std_found && dst_found)
break; /* Got both standard and daylight */
if (!std_found)
/* Failed to determine TZ! */
(errmsg("unable to determine system timezone, defaulting to \"%s\"", "GMT"),
errhint("You can specify the correct timezone in postgresql.conf.")));
return NULL; /* go to GMT */
if (dst_found) {
/* Try STD<ofs>DST */
if (try_timezone(__tzbuf, &tt, dst_found))
return __tzbuf;
/* Try just the STD timezone */
if (try_timezone(__tzbuf, &tt, dst_found))
return __tzbuf;
/* Did not find the timezone. Fallback to try a GMT zone. */
(errmsg("could not recognize system timezone, defaulting to \"%s\"",
errhint("You can specify the correct timezone in postgresql.conf.")));
return __tzbuf;
* Check whether timezone is acceptable.
* What we are doing here is checking for leap-second-aware timekeeping.
* We need to reject such TZ settings because they'll wreak havoc with our
* date/time arithmetic.
* NB: this must NOT ereport(ERROR). The caller must get control back so that
* it can restore the old value of TZ if we don't like the new one.
struct pg_tm tt;
time_t time2000;
* To detect leap-second timekeeping, compute the time_t value for
* local midnight, 2000-01-01. Insist that this be a multiple of 60;
* any partial-minute offset has to be due to leap seconds.
MemSet(&tt, 0, sizeof(tt));
tt.tm_year = 100;
tt.tm_mon = 0;
tt.tm_mday = 1;
tt.tm_isdst = -1;
time2000 = pg_mktime(&tt);
if ((time2000 % 60) != 0)
return false;
return true;
* Identify a suitable default timezone setting based on the environment,
* and make it active.
* We first look to the TZ environment variable. If not found or not
* recognized by our own code, we see if we can identify the timezone
* from the behavior of the system timezone library. When all else fails,
* fall back to GMT.
const char *
char *def_tz;
def_tz = getenv("TZ");
if (def_tz && pg_tzset(def_tz) && tz_acceptable())
return def_tz;
def_tz = identify_system_timezone();
if (def_tz && pg_tzset(def_tz) && tz_acceptable())
return def_tz;
if (pg_tzset("GMT") && tz_acceptable())
return "GMT";
(errmsg("could not select a suitable default timezone"),
errdetail("It appears that your GMT time zone uses leap seconds. PostgreSQL does not support leap seconds.")));
return NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */
* Initialize timezone library
* This is called after initial loading of postgresql.conf. If no TimeZone
* setting was found therein, we try to derive one from the environment.
void pg_timezone_initialize(void) {
/* Do we need to try to figure the timezone? */
if (strcmp(GetConfigOption("timezone"), "UNKNOWN") == 0) {
const char *def_tz;
/* Select setting */
def_tz = select_default_timezone();
/* Tell GUC about the value. Will redundantly call pg_tzset() */
SetConfigOption("timezone", def_tz, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_S_ENV_VAR);