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* trgm_regexp.c
* Regular expression matching using trigrams.
* The general idea of trigram index support for a regular expression (regex)
* search is to transform the regex into a logical expression on trigrams.
* For example:
* (ab|cd)efg => ((abe & bef) | (cde & def)) & efg
* If a string matches the regex, then it must match the logical expression on
* trigrams. The opposite is not necessarily true, however: a string that
* matches the logical expression might not match the original regex. Such
* false positives are removed via recheck, by running the regular regex match
* operator on the retrieved heap tuple.
* Since the trigram expression involves both AND and OR operators, we can't
* expect the core index machinery to evaluate it completely. Instead, the
* result of regex analysis is a list of trigrams to be sought in the index,
* plus a simplified graph that is used by trigramsMatchGraph() to determine
* whether a particular indexed value matches the expression.
* Converting a regex to a trigram expression is based on analysis of an
* automaton corresponding to the regex. The algorithm consists of four
* stages:
* 1) Compile the regexp to NFA form. This is handled by the PostgreSQL
* regexp library, which provides accessors for its opaque regex_t struct
* to expose the NFA state graph and the "colors" (sets of equivalent
* characters) used as state transition labels.
* 2) Transform the original NFA into an expanded graph, where arcs
* are labeled with trigrams that must be present in order to move from
* one state to another via the arcs. The trigrams used in this stage
* consist of colors, not characters, as in the original NFA.
* 3) Expand the color trigrams into regular trigrams consisting of
* characters. If too many distinct trigrams are produced, trigrams are
* eliminated and the graph is simplified until it's simple enough.
* 4) Finally, the resulting graph is packed into a TrgmPackedGraph struct,
* and returned to the caller.
* 1) Compile the regexp to NFA form
* ---------------------------------
* The automaton returned by the regexp compiler is a graph where vertices
* are "states" and arcs are labeled with colors. Each color represents
* a set of characters, so that all characters assigned to the same color
* are interchangeable, so far as matching the regexp is concerned. There
* are two special states: "initial" and "final". A state can have multiple
* outgoing arcs labeled with the same color, which makes the automaton
* non-deterministic, because it can be in many states simultaneously.
* Note that this NFA is already lossy compared to the original regexp,
* since it ignores some regex features such as lookahead constraints and
* backref matching. This is OK for our purposes since it's still the case
* that only strings matching the NFA can possibly satisfy the regexp.
* 2) Transform the original NFA into an expanded graph
* ----------------------------------------------------
* In the 2nd stage, the automaton is transformed into a graph based on the
* original NFA. Each state in the expanded graph represents a state from
* the original NFA, plus a prefix identifying the last two characters
* (colors, to be precise) seen before entering the state. There can be
* multiple states in the expanded graph for each state in the original NFA,
* depending on what characters can precede it. A prefix position can be
* "unknown" if it's uncertain what the preceding character was, or "blank"
* if the character was a non-word character (we don't need to distinguish
* which non-word character it was, so just think of all of them as blanks).
* For convenience in description, call an expanded-state identifier
* (two prefix colors plus a state number from the original NFA) an
* "enter key".
* Each arc of the expanded graph is labeled with a trigram that must be
* present in the string to match. We can construct this from an out-arc of
* the underlying NFA state by combining the expanded state's prefix with the
* color label of the underlying out-arc, if neither prefix position is
* "unknown". But note that some of the colors in the trigram might be
* "blank". This is OK since we want to generate word-boundary trigrams as
* the regular trigram machinery would, if we know that some word characters
* must be adjacent to a word boundary in all strings matching the NFA.
* The expanded graph can also have fewer states than the original NFA,
* because we don't bother to make a separate state entry unless the state
* is reachable by a valid arc. When an enter key is reachable from a state
* of the expanded graph, but we do not know a complete trigram associated
* with that transition, we cannot make a valid arc; instead we insert the
* enter key into the enterKeys list of the source state. This effectively
* means that the two expanded states are not reliably distinguishable based
* on examining trigrams.
* So the expanded graph resembles the original NFA, but the arcs are
* labeled with trigrams instead of individual characters, and there may be
* more or fewer states. It is a lossy representation of the original NFA:
* any string that matches the original regexp must match the expanded graph,
* but the reverse is not true.
* We build the expanded graph through a breadth-first traversal of states
* reachable from the initial state. At each reachable state, we identify the
* states reachable from it without traversing a predictable trigram, and add
* those states' enter keys to the current state. Then we generate all
* out-arcs leading out of this collection of states that have predictable
* trigrams, adding their target states to the queue of states to examine.
* When building the graph, if the number of states or arcs exceed pre-defined
* limits, we give up and simply mark any states not yet processed as final
* states. Roughly speaking, that means that we make use of some portion from
* the beginning of the regexp. Also, any colors that have too many member
* characters are treated as "unknown", so that we can't derive trigrams
* from them.
* 3) Expand the color trigrams into regular trigrams
* --------------------------------------------------
* The trigrams in the expanded graph are "color trigrams", consisting
* of three consecutive colors that must be present in the string. But for
* search, we need regular trigrams consisting of characters. In the 3rd
* stage, the color trigrams are expanded into regular trigrams. Since each
* color can represent many characters, the total number of regular trigrams
* after expansion could be very large. Because searching the index for
* thousands of trigrams would be slow, and would likely produce so many
* false positives that we would have to traverse a large fraction of the
* index, the graph is simplified further in a lossy fashion by removing
* color trigrams. When a color trigram is removed, the states connected by
* any arcs labeled with that trigram are merged.
* Trigrams do not all have equivalent value for searching: some of them are
* more frequent and some of them are less frequent. Ideally, we would like
* to know the distribution of trigrams, but we don't. But because of padding
* we know for sure that the empty character is more frequent than others,
* so we can penalize trigrams according to presence of whitespace. The
* penalty assigned to each color trigram is the number of simple trigrams
* it would produce, times the penalties[] multiplier associated with its
* whitespace content. (The penalties[] constants were calculated by analysis
* of some real-life text.) We eliminate color trigrams starting with the
* highest-penalty one, until we get to a total penalty of no more than
* WISH_TRGM_PENALTY. However, we cannot remove a color trigram if that would
* lead to merging the initial and final states, so we may not be able to
* reach WISH_TRGM_PENALTY. It's still okay so long as we have no more than
* MAX_TRGM_COUNT simple trigrams in total, otherwise we fail.
* 4) Pack the graph into a compact representation
* -----------------------------------------------
* The 2nd and 3rd stages might have eliminated or merged many of the states
* and trigrams created earlier, so in this final stage, the graph is
* compacted and packed into a simpler struct that contains only the
* information needed to evaluate it.
* Consider the example regex "ab[cd]". This regex is transformed into the
* following NFA (for simplicity we show colors as their single members):
* 4#
* c/
* a b /
* 1* --- 2 ---- 3
* \
* d\
* 5#
* We use * to mark initial state and # to mark final state. It's not depicted,
* but states 1, 4, 5 have self-referencing arcs for all possible characters,
* because this pattern can match to any part of a string.
* As the result of stage 2 we will have the following graph:
* abc abd
* 2# <---- 1* ----> 3#
* The process for generating this graph is:
* 1) Create state 1 with enter key (UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, 1).
* 2) Add key (UNKNOWN, "a", 2) to state 1.
* 3) Add key ("a", "b", 3) to state 1.
* 4) Create new state 2 with enter key ("b", "c", 4). Add an arc
* from state 1 to state 2 with label trigram "abc".
* 5) Mark state 2 final because state 4 of source NFA is marked as final.
* 6) Create new state 3 with enter key ("b", "d", 5). Add an arc
* from state 1 to state 3 with label trigram "abd".
* 7) Mark state 3 final because state 5 of source NFA is marked as final.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* contrib/pg_trgm/trgm_regexp.c
#include "postgres.h"
#include "regex/regexport.h"
#include "trgm.h"
#include "tsearch/ts_locale.h"
#include "utils/hsearch.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
* Uncomment (or use -DTRGM_REGEXP_DEBUG) to print debug info,
* for exploring and debugging the algorithm implementation.
* This produces three graph files in /tmp, in Graphviz .gv format.
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
* Some progress information is also printed to postmaster stderr.
/* #define TRGM_REGEXP_DEBUG */
* These parameters are used to limit the amount of work done.
* Otherwise regex processing could be too slow and memory-consuming.
* MAX_EXPANDED_STATES - How many states we allow in expanded graph
* MAX_EXPANDED_ARCS - How many arcs we allow in expanded graph
* MAX_TRGM_COUNT - How many simple trigrams we allow to be extracted
* WISH_TRGM_PENALTY - Maximum desired sum of color trigram penalties
* COLOR_COUNT_LIMIT - Maximum number of characters per color
#define MAX_EXPANDED_ARCS 1024
#define MAX_TRGM_COUNT 256
* Penalty multipliers for trigram counts depending on whitespace contents.
* Numbers based on analysis of real-life texts.
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
static const float4 penalties[8] = {
1.0f, /* "aaa" */
3.5f, /* "aa " */
0.0f, /* "a a" (impossible) */
0.0f, /* "a " (impossible) */
4.2f, /* " aa" */
2.1f, /* " a " */
25.0f, /* " a" */
0.0f /* " " (impossible) */
/* Struct representing a single pg_wchar, converted back to multibyte form */
typedef struct
} trgm_mb_char;
* Attributes of NFA colors:
* expandable - we know the character expansion of this color
* containsNonWord - color contains non-word characters
* (which will not be extracted into trigrams)
* wordCharsCount - count of word characters in color
* wordChars - array of this color's word characters
* (which can be extracted into trigrams)
* When expandable is false, the other attributes don't matter; we just
* assume this color represents unknown character(s).
typedef struct
bool expandable;
bool containsNonWord;
int wordCharsCount;
trgm_mb_char *wordChars;
} TrgmColorInfo;
* A "prefix" is information about the colors of the last two characters read
* before reaching a specific NFA state. These colors can have special values
* COLOR_UNKNOWN and COLOR_BLANK. COLOR_UNKNOWN means that we have no
* information, for example because we read some character of an unexpandable
* color. COLOR_BLANK means that we read a non-word character.
* We call a prefix ambiguous if at least one of its colors is unknown. It's
* fully ambiguous if both are unknown, partially ambiguous if only the first
* is unknown. (The case of first color known, second unknown is not valid.)
* Wholly- or partly-blank prefixes are mostly handled the same as regular
* color prefixes. This allows us to generate appropriate partly-blank
* trigrams when the NFA requires word character(s) to appear adjacent to
* non-word character(s).
typedef int TrgmColor;
/* We assume that colors returned by the regexp engine cannot be these: */
#define COLOR_UNKNOWN (-3)
#define COLOR_BLANK (-4)
typedef struct
TrgmColor colors[2];
} TrgmPrefix;
* Color-trigram data type. Note that some elements of the trigram can be
* COLOR_BLANK, but we don't allow COLOR_UNKNOWN.
typedef struct
TrgmColor colors[3];
} ColorTrgm;
* Key identifying a state of our expanded graph: color prefix, and number
* of the corresponding state in the underlying regex NFA. The color prefix
* shows how we reached the regex state (to the extent that we know it).
typedef struct
TrgmPrefix prefix;
int nstate;
} TrgmStateKey;
* One state of the expanded graph.
* stateKey - ID of this state
* arcs - outgoing arcs of this state (List of TrgmArc)
* enterKeys - enter keys reachable from this state without reading any
* predictable trigram (List of TrgmStateKey)
* flags - flag bits
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
* snumber - number of this state (initially assigned as -1, -2, etc,
* for debugging purposes only; then at the packaging stage,
* surviving states are renumbered with positive numbers)
* parent - parent state, if this state has been merged into another
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
* tentFlags - flags this state would acquire via planned merges
* tentParent - planned parent state, if considering a merge
#define TSTATE_INIT 0x01 /* flag indicating this state is initial */
#define TSTATE_FIN 0x02 /* flag indicating this state is final */
typedef struct TrgmState
TrgmStateKey stateKey; /* hashtable key: must be first field */
List *arcs;
List *enterKeys;
int flags;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
int snumber;
struct TrgmState *parent;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
int tentFlags;
struct TrgmState *tentParent;
} TrgmState;
* One arc in the expanded graph.
typedef struct
ColorTrgm ctrgm; /* trigram needed to traverse arc */
TrgmState *target; /* next state */
} TrgmArc;
* Information about arc of specific color trigram (used in stage 3)
* Contains pointers to the source and target states.
typedef struct
TrgmState *source;
TrgmState *target;
} TrgmArcInfo;
* Information about color trigram (used in stage 3)
* ctrgm - trigram itself
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
* cnumber - number of this trigram (used in the packaging stage)
* count - number of simple trigrams created from this color trigram
* expanded - indicates this color trigram is expanded into simple trigrams
* arcs - list of all arcs labeled with this color trigram.
typedef struct
ColorTrgm ctrgm;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
int cnumber;
int count;
float4 penalty;
bool expanded;
List *arcs;
} ColorTrgmInfo;
* Data structure representing all the data we need during regex processing.
* regex - compiled regex
* colorInfo - extracted information about regex's colors
* ncolors - number of colors in colorInfo[]
* states - hashtable of TrgmStates (states of expanded graph)
* initState - pointer to initial state of expanded graph
* queue - queue of to-be-processed TrgmStates
* keysQueue - queue of to-be-processed TrgmStateKeys
* arcsCount - total number of arcs of expanded graph (for resource
* limiting)
* overflowed - we have exceeded resource limit for transformation
* colorTrgms - array of all color trigrams present in graph
* colorTrgmsCount - count of those color trigrams
* totalTrgmCount - total count of extracted simple trigrams
typedef struct
/* Source regexp, and color information extracted from it (stage 1) */
regex_t *regex;
TrgmColorInfo *colorInfo;
int ncolors;
/* Expanded graph (stage 2) */
HTAB *states;
TrgmState *initState;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
int nstates;
/* Workspace for stage 2 */
List *queue;
List *keysQueue;
int arcsCount;
bool overflowed;
/* Information about distinct color trigrams in the graph (stage 3) */
ColorTrgmInfo *colorTrgms;
int colorTrgmsCount;
int totalTrgmCount;
} TrgmNFA;
* Final, compact representation of expanded graph.
typedef struct
int targetState; /* index of target state (zero-based) */
int colorTrgm; /* index of color trigram for transition */
} TrgmPackedArc;
typedef struct
int arcsCount; /* number of out-arcs for this state */
TrgmPackedArc *arcs; /* array of arcsCount packed arcs */
} TrgmPackedState;
/* "typedef struct TrgmPackedGraph TrgmPackedGraph" appears in trgm.h */
struct TrgmPackedGraph
* colorTrigramsCount and colorTrigramGroups contain information about how
* trigrams are grouped into color trigrams. "colorTrigramsCount" is the
* count of color trigrams and "colorTrigramGroups" contains number of
* simple trigrams for each color trigram. The array of simple trigrams
* (stored separately from this struct) is ordered so that the simple
* trigrams for each color trigram are consecutive, and they're in order
* by color trigram number.
int colorTrigramsCount;
int *colorTrigramGroups; /* array of size colorTrigramsCount */
* The states of the simplified NFA. State number 0 is always initial
* state and state number 1 is always final state.
int statesCount;
TrgmPackedState *states; /* array of size statesCount */
/* Temporary work space for trigramsMatchGraph() */
bool *colorTrigramsActive; /* array of size colorTrigramsCount */
bool *statesActive; /* array of size statesCount */
int *statesQueue; /* array of size statesCount */
* Temporary structure for representing an arc during packaging.
typedef struct
int sourceState;
int targetState;
int colorTrgm;
} TrgmPackArcInfo;
/* prototypes for private functions */
static TRGM *createTrgmNFAInternal(regex_t *regex, TrgmPackedGraph **graph,
MemoryContext rcontext);
static void RE_compile(regex_t *regex, text *text_re,
int cflags, Oid collation);
static void getColorInfo(regex_t *regex, TrgmNFA *trgmNFA);
static bool convertPgWchar(pg_wchar c, trgm_mb_char *result);
static void transformGraph(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA);
static void processState(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA, TrgmState *state);
static void addKey(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA, TrgmState *state, TrgmStateKey *key);
static void addKeyToQueue(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA, TrgmStateKey *key);
static void addArcs(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA, TrgmState *state);
static void addArc(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA, TrgmState *state, TrgmStateKey *key,
TrgmColor co, TrgmStateKey *destKey);
static bool validArcLabel(TrgmStateKey *key, TrgmColor co);
static TrgmState *getState(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA, TrgmStateKey *key);
static bool prefixContains(TrgmPrefix *prefix1, TrgmPrefix *prefix2);
static bool selectColorTrigrams(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA);
static TRGM *expandColorTrigrams(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA, MemoryContext rcontext);
static void fillTrgm(trgm *ptrgm, trgm_mb_char s[3]);
static void mergeStates(TrgmState *state1, TrgmState *state2);
static int colorTrgmInfoCmp(const void *p1, const void *p2);
static int colorTrgmInfoPenaltyCmp(const void *p1, const void *p2);
static TrgmPackedGraph *packGraph(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA, MemoryContext rcontext);
static int packArcInfoCmp(const void *a1, const void *a2);
static void printSourceNFA(regex_t *regex, TrgmColorInfo *colors, int ncolors);
static void printTrgmNFA(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA);
static void printTrgmColor(StringInfo buf, TrgmColor co);
static void printTrgmPackedGraph(TrgmPackedGraph *packedGraph, TRGM *trigrams);
* Main entry point to process a regular expression.
* Returns an array of trigrams required by the regular expression, or NULL if
* the regular expression was too complex to analyze. In addition, a packed
* graph representation of the regex is returned into *graph. The results
* must be allocated in rcontext (which might or might not be the current
* context).
createTrgmNFA(text *text_re, Oid collation,
TrgmPackedGraph **graph, MemoryContext rcontext)
TRGM *trg;
regex_t regex;
MemoryContext tmpcontext;
MemoryContext oldcontext;
* This processing generates a great deal of cruft, which we'd like to
* clean up before returning (since this function may be called in a
* query-lifespan memory context). Make a temp context we can work in so
* that cleanup is easy.
tmpcontext = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,
"createTrgmNFA temporary context",
Add macros to make AllocSetContextCreate() calls simpler and safer. I found that half a dozen (nearly 5%) of our AllocSetContextCreate calls had typos in the context-sizing parameters. While none of these led to especially significant problems, they did create minor inefficiencies, and it's now clear that expecting people to copy-and-paste those calls accurately is not a great idea. Let's reduce the risk of future errors by introducing single macros that encapsulate the common use-cases. Three such macros are enough to cover all but two special-purpose contexts; those two calls can be left as-is, I think. While this patch doesn't in itself improve matters for third-party extensions, it doesn't break anything for them either, and they can gradually adopt the simplified notation over time. In passing, change TopMemoryContext to use the default allocation parameters. Formerly it could only be extended 8K at a time. That was probably reasonable when this code was written; but nowadays we create many more contexts than we did then, so that it's not unusual to have a couple hundred K in TopMemoryContext, even without considering various dubious code that sticks other things there. There seems no good reason not to let it use growing blocks like most other contexts. Back-patch to 9.6, mostly because that's still close enough to HEAD that it's easy to do so, and keeping the branches in sync can be expected to avoid some future back-patching pain. The bugs fixed by these changes don't seem to be significant enough to justify fixing them further back. Discussion: <>
2016-08-27 23:50:38 +02:00
oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(tmpcontext);
* Stage 1: Compile the regexp into a NFA, using the regexp library.
RE_compile(&regex, text_re,
RE_compile(&regex, text_re,
* Since the regexp library allocates its internal data structures with
* malloc, we need to use a PG_TRY block to ensure that pg_regfree() gets
* done even if there's an error.
trg = createTrgmNFAInternal(&regex, graph, rcontext);
/* Clean up all the cruft we created */
return trg;
* Body of createTrgmNFA, exclusive of regex compilation/freeing.
static TRGM *
createTrgmNFAInternal(regex_t *regex, TrgmPackedGraph **graph,
MemoryContext rcontext)
TRGM *trg;
TrgmNFA trgmNFA;
trgmNFA.regex = regex;
/* Collect color information from the regex */
getColorInfo(regex, &trgmNFA);
printSourceNFA(regex, trgmNFA.colorInfo, trgmNFA.ncolors);
* Stage 2: Create an expanded graph from the source NFA.
* Fail if we were unable to make a nontrivial graph, ie it is possible to
* get from the initial state to the final state without reading any
* predictable trigram.
if (trgmNFA.initState->flags & TSTATE_FIN)
return NULL;
* Stage 3: Select color trigrams to expand. Fail if too many trigrams.
if (!selectColorTrigrams(&trgmNFA))
return NULL;
* Stage 4: Expand color trigrams and pack graph into final
* representation.
trg = expandColorTrigrams(&trgmNFA, rcontext);
*graph = packGraph(&trgmNFA, rcontext);
printTrgmPackedGraph(*graph, trg);
return trg;
* Main entry point for evaluating a graph during index scanning.
* The check[] array is indexed by trigram number (in the array of simple
* trigrams returned by createTrgmNFA), and holds true for those trigrams
* that are present in the index entry being checked.
trigramsMatchGraph(TrgmPackedGraph *graph, bool *check)
int i,
* Reset temporary working areas.
memset(graph->colorTrigramsActive, 0,
sizeof(bool) * graph->colorTrigramsCount);
memset(graph->statesActive, 0, sizeof(bool) * graph->statesCount);
* Check which color trigrams were matched. A match for any simple
* trigram associated with a color trigram counts as a match of the color
* trigram.
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < graph->colorTrigramsCount; i++)
int cnt = graph->colorTrigramGroups[i];
for (k = j; k < j + cnt; k++)
if (check[k])
* Found one matched trigram in the group. Can skip the rest
* of them and go to the next group.
graph->colorTrigramsActive[i] = true;
j = j + cnt;
* Initialize the statesQueue to hold just the initial state. Note:
* statesQueue has room for statesCount entries, which is certainly enough
* since no state will be put in the queue more than once. The
* statesActive array marks which states have been queued.
graph->statesActive[0] = true;
graph->statesQueue[0] = 0;
queueIn = 0;
queueOut = 1;
/* Process queued states as long as there are any. */
while (queueIn < queueOut)
int stateno = graph->statesQueue[queueIn++];
TrgmPackedState *state = &graph->states[stateno];
int cnt = state->arcsCount;
/* Loop over state's out-arcs */
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
TrgmPackedArc *arc = &state->arcs[i];
* If corresponding color trigram is present then activate the
* corresponding state. We're done if that's the final state,
* otherwise queue the state if it's not been queued already.
if (graph->colorTrigramsActive[arc->colorTrgm])
int nextstate = arc->targetState;
if (nextstate == 1)
return true; /* success: final state is reachable */
if (!graph->statesActive[nextstate])
graph->statesActive[nextstate] = true;
graph->statesQueue[queueOut++] = nextstate;
/* Queue is empty, so match fails. */
return false;
* Compile regex string into struct at *regex.
* NB: pg_regfree must be applied to regex if this completes successfully.
static void
RE_compile(regex_t *regex, text *text_re, int cflags, Oid collation)
int text_re_len = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(text_re);
char *text_re_val = VARDATA_ANY(text_re);
pg_wchar *pattern;
int pattern_len;
int regcomp_result;
char errMsg[100];
/* Convert pattern string to wide characters */
pattern = (pg_wchar *) palloc((text_re_len + 1) * sizeof(pg_wchar));
pattern_len = pg_mb2wchar_with_len(text_re_val,
/* Compile regex */
regcomp_result = pg_regcomp(regex,
if (regcomp_result != REG_OKAY)
/* re didn't compile (no need for pg_regfree, if so) */
pg_regerror(regcomp_result, regex, errMsg, sizeof(errMsg));
errmsg("invalid regular expression: %s", errMsg)));
* Subroutines for pre-processing the color map (stage 1).
* Fill TrgmColorInfo structure for each color using regex export functions.
static void
getColorInfo(regex_t *regex, TrgmNFA *trgmNFA)
int colorsCount = pg_reg_getnumcolors(regex);
int i;
trgmNFA->ncolors = colorsCount;
trgmNFA->colorInfo = (TrgmColorInfo *)
palloc0(colorsCount * sizeof(TrgmColorInfo));
* Loop over colors, filling TrgmColorInfo about each. Note we include
* WHITE (0) even though we know it'll be reported as non-expandable.
for (i = 0; i < colorsCount; i++)
TrgmColorInfo *colorInfo = &trgmNFA->colorInfo[i];
int charsCount = pg_reg_getnumcharacters(regex, i);
pg_wchar *chars;
int j;
if (charsCount < 0 || charsCount > COLOR_COUNT_LIMIT)
/* Non expandable, or too large to work with */
colorInfo->expandable = false;
colorInfo->expandable = true;
colorInfo->containsNonWord = false;
colorInfo->wordChars = (trgm_mb_char *)
palloc(sizeof(trgm_mb_char) * charsCount);
colorInfo->wordCharsCount = 0;
/* Extract all the chars in this color */
chars = (pg_wchar *) palloc(sizeof(pg_wchar) * charsCount);
pg_reg_getcharacters(regex, i, chars, charsCount);
* Convert characters back to multibyte form, and save only those that
* are word characters. Set "containsNonWord" if any non-word
* character. (Note: it'd probably be nicer to keep the chars in
* pg_wchar format for now, but ISWORDCHR wants to see multibyte.)
for (j = 0; j < charsCount; j++)
trgm_mb_char c;
if (!convertPgWchar(chars[j], &c))
continue; /* ok to ignore it altogether */
if (ISWORDCHR(c.bytes))
colorInfo->wordChars[colorInfo->wordCharsCount++] = c;
colorInfo->containsNonWord = true;
* Convert pg_wchar to multibyte format.
* Returns false if the character should be ignored completely.
static bool
convertPgWchar(pg_wchar c, trgm_mb_char *result)
/* "s" has enough space for a multibyte character and a trailing NUL */
* We can ignore the NUL character, since it can never appear in a PG text
* string. This avoids the need for various special cases when
* reconstructing trigrams.
if (c == 0)
return false;
/* Do the conversion, making sure the result is NUL-terminated */
memset(s, 0, sizeof(s));
pg_wchar2mb_with_len(&c, s, 1);
* In IGNORECASE mode, we can ignore uppercase characters. We assume that
* the regex engine generated both uppercase and lowercase equivalents
* within each color, since we used the REG_ICASE option; so there's no
* need to process the uppercase version.
* XXX this code is dependent on the assumption that lowerstr() works the
* same as the regex engine's internal case folding machinery. Might be
* wiser to expose pg_wc_tolower and test whether c == pg_wc_tolower(c).
* On the other hand, the trigrams in the index were created using
* lowerstr(), so we're probably screwed if there's any incompatibility
* anyway.
char *lowerCased = lowerstr(s);
if (strcmp(lowerCased, s) != 0)
return false;
/* Fill result with exactly MAX_MULTIBYTE_CHAR_LEN bytes */
memcpy(result->bytes, s, MAX_MULTIBYTE_CHAR_LEN);
return true;
* Subroutines for expanding original NFA graph into a trigram graph (stage 2).
* Transform the graph, given a regex and extracted color information.
* We create and process a queue of expanded-graph states until all the states
* are processed.
* This algorithm may be stopped due to resource limitation. In this case we
* force every unprocessed branch to immediately finish with matching (this
* can give us false positives but no false negatives) by marking all
* unprocessed states as final.
static void
transformGraph(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA)
HASHCTL hashCtl;
TrgmStateKey initkey;
TrgmState *initstate;
ListCell *lc;
/* Initialize this stage's workspace in trgmNFA struct */
trgmNFA->queue = NIL;
trgmNFA->keysQueue = NIL;
trgmNFA->arcsCount = 0;
trgmNFA->overflowed = false;
/* Create hashtable for states */
hashCtl.keysize = sizeof(TrgmStateKey);
hashCtl.entrysize = sizeof(TrgmState);
hashCtl.hcxt = CurrentMemoryContext;
trgmNFA->states = hash_create("Trigram NFA",
Improve hash_create's API for selecting simple-binary-key hash functions. Previously, if you wanted anything besides C-string hash keys, you had to specify a custom hashing function to hash_create(). Nearly all such callers were specifying tag_hash or oid_hash; which is tedious, and rather error-prone, since a caller could easily miss the opportunity to optimize by using hash_uint32 when appropriate. Replace this with a design whereby callers using simple binary-data keys just specify HASH_BLOBS and don't need to mess with specific support functions. hash_create() itself will take care of optimizing when the key size is four bytes. This nets out saving a few hundred bytes of code space, and offers a measurable performance improvement in tidbitmap.c (which was not exploiting the opportunity to use hash_uint32 for its 4-byte keys). There might be some wins elsewhere too, I didn't analyze closely. In future we could look into offering a similar optimized hashing function for 8-byte keys. Under this design that could be done in a centralized and machine-independent fashion, whereas getting it right for keys of platform-dependent sizes would've been notationally painful before. For the moment, the old way still works fine, so as not to break source code compatibility for loadable modules. Eventually we might want to remove tag_hash and friends from the exported API altogether, since there's no real need for them to be explicitly referenced from outside dynahash.c. Teodor Sigaev and Tom Lane
2014-12-18 19:36:29 +01:00
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
trgmNFA->nstates = 0;
/* Create initial state: ambiguous prefix, NFA's initial state */
MemSet(&initkey, 0, sizeof(initkey));
initkey.prefix.colors[0] = COLOR_UNKNOWN;
initkey.prefix.colors[1] = COLOR_UNKNOWN;
initkey.nstate = pg_reg_getinitialstate(trgmNFA->regex);
initstate = getState(trgmNFA, &initkey);
initstate->flags |= TSTATE_INIT;
trgmNFA->initState = initstate;
* Recursively build the expanded graph by processing queue of states
* (breadth-first search). getState already put initstate in the queue.
* Note that getState will append new states to the queue within the loop,
* too; this works as long as we don't do repeat fetches using the "lc"
* pointer.
foreach(lc, trgmNFA->queue)
TrgmState *state = (TrgmState *) lfirst(lc);
* If we overflowed then just mark state as final. Otherwise do
* actual processing.
if (trgmNFA->overflowed)
state->flags |= TSTATE_FIN;
processState(trgmNFA, state);
/* Did we overflow? */
if (trgmNFA->arcsCount > MAX_EXPANDED_ARCS ||
hash_get_num_entries(trgmNFA->states) > MAX_EXPANDED_STATES)
trgmNFA->overflowed = true;
* Process one state: add enter keys and then add outgoing arcs.
static void
processState(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA, TrgmState *state)
ListCell *lc;
/* keysQueue should be NIL already, but make sure */
trgmNFA->keysQueue = NIL;
* Add state's own key, and then process all keys added to keysQueue until
* queue is finished. But we can quit if the state gets marked final.
addKey(trgmNFA, state, &state->stateKey);
foreach(lc, trgmNFA->keysQueue)
TrgmStateKey *key = (TrgmStateKey *) lfirst(lc);
if (state->flags & TSTATE_FIN)
addKey(trgmNFA, state, key);
/* Release keysQueue to clean up for next cycle */
trgmNFA->keysQueue = NIL;
* Add outgoing arcs only if state isn't final (we have no interest in
* outgoing arcs if we already match)
if (!(state->flags & TSTATE_FIN))
addArcs(trgmNFA, state);
* Add the given enter key into the state's enterKeys list, and determine
* whether this should result in any further enter keys being added.
* If so, add those keys to keysQueue so that processState will handle them.
* If the enter key is for the NFA's final state, mark state as TSTATE_FIN.
* This situation means that we can reach the final state from this expanded
* state without reading any predictable trigram, so we must consider this
* state as an accepting one.
* The given key could be a duplicate of one already in enterKeys, or be
* redundant with some enterKeys. So we check that before doing anything.
* Note that we don't generate any actual arcs here. addArcs will do that
* later, after we have identified all the enter keys for this state.
static void
addKey(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA, TrgmState *state, TrgmStateKey *key)
regex_arc_t *arcs;
TrgmStateKey destKey;
Represent Lists as expansible arrays, not chains of cons-cells. Originally, Postgres Lists were a more or less exact reimplementation of Lisp lists, which consist of chains of separately-allocated cons cells, each having a value and a next-cell link. We'd hacked that once before (commit d0b4399d8) to add a separate List header, but the data was still in cons cells. That makes some operations -- notably list_nth() -- O(N), and it's bulky because of the next-cell pointers and per-cell palloc overhead, and it's very cache-unfriendly if the cons cells end up scattered around rather than being adjacent. In this rewrite, we still have List headers, but the data is in a resizable array of values, with no next-cell links. Now we need at most two palloc's per List, and often only one, since we can allocate some values in the same palloc call as the List header. (Of course, extending an existing List may require repalloc's to enlarge the array. But this involves just O(log N) allocations not O(N).) Of course this is not without downsides. The key difficulty is that addition or deletion of a list entry may now cause other entries to move, which it did not before. For example, that breaks foreach() and sister macros, which historically used a pointer to the current cons-cell as loop state. We can repair those macros transparently by making their actual loop state be an integer list index; the exposed "ListCell *" pointer is no longer state carried across loop iterations, but is just a derived value. (In practice, modern compilers can optimize things back to having just one loop state value, at least for simple cases with inline loop bodies.) In principle, this is a semantics change for cases where the loop body inserts or deletes list entries ahead of the current loop index; but I found no such cases in the Postgres code. The change is not at all transparent for code that doesn't use foreach() but chases lists "by hand" using lnext(). The largest share of such code in the backend is in loops that were maintaining "prev" and "next" variables in addition to the current-cell pointer, in order to delete list cells efficiently using list_delete_cell(). However, we no longer need a previous-cell pointer to delete a list cell efficiently. Keeping a next-cell pointer doesn't work, as explained above, but we can improve matters by changing such code to use a regular foreach() loop and then using the new macro foreach_delete_current() to delete the current cell. (This macro knows how to update the associated foreach loop's state so that no cells will be missed in the traversal.) There remains a nontrivial risk of code assuming that a ListCell * pointer will remain good over an operation that could now move the list contents. To help catch such errors, list.c can be compiled with a new define symbol DEBUG_LIST_MEMORY_USAGE that forcibly moves list contents whenever that could possibly happen. This makes list operations significantly more expensive so it's not normally turned on (though it is on by default if USE_VALGRIND is on). There are two notable API differences from the previous code: * lnext() now requires the List's header pointer in addition to the current cell's address. * list_delete_cell() no longer requires a previous-cell argument. These changes are somewhat unfortunate, but on the other hand code using either function needs inspection to see if it is assuming anything it shouldn't, so it's not all bad. Programmers should be aware of these significant performance changes: * list_nth() and related functions are now O(1); so there's no major access-speed difference between a list and an array. * Inserting or deleting a list element now takes time proportional to the distance to the end of the list, due to moving the array elements. (However, it typically *doesn't* require palloc or pfree, so except in long lists it's probably still faster than before.) Notably, lcons() used to be about the same cost as lappend(), but that's no longer true if the list is long. Code that uses lcons() and list_delete_first() to maintain a stack might usefully be rewritten to push and pop at the end of the list rather than the beginning. * There are now list_insert_nth...() and list_delete_nth...() functions that add or remove a list cell identified by index. These have the data-movement penalty explained above, but there's no search penalty. * list_concat() and variants now copy the second list's data into storage belonging to the first list, so there is no longer any sharing of cells between the input lists. The second argument is now declared "const List *" to reflect that it isn't changed. This patch just does the minimum needed to get the new implementation in place and fix bugs exposed by the regression tests. As suggested by the foregoing, there's a fair amount of followup work remaining to do. Also, the ENABLE_LIST_COMPAT macros are finally removed in this commit. Code using those should have been gone a dozen years ago. Patch by me; thanks to David Rowley, Jesper Pedersen, and others for review. Discussion:
2019-07-15 19:41:58 +02:00
ListCell *cell;
int i,
* Ensure any pad bytes in destKey are zero, since it may get used as a
* hashtable key by getState.
MemSet(&destKey, 0, sizeof(destKey));
* Compare key to each existing enter key of the state to check for
* redundancy. We can drop either old key(s) or the new key if we find
* redundancy.
Represent Lists as expansible arrays, not chains of cons-cells. Originally, Postgres Lists were a more or less exact reimplementation of Lisp lists, which consist of chains of separately-allocated cons cells, each having a value and a next-cell link. We'd hacked that once before (commit d0b4399d8) to add a separate List header, but the data was still in cons cells. That makes some operations -- notably list_nth() -- O(N), and it's bulky because of the next-cell pointers and per-cell palloc overhead, and it's very cache-unfriendly if the cons cells end up scattered around rather than being adjacent. In this rewrite, we still have List headers, but the data is in a resizable array of values, with no next-cell links. Now we need at most two palloc's per List, and often only one, since we can allocate some values in the same palloc call as the List header. (Of course, extending an existing List may require repalloc's to enlarge the array. But this involves just O(log N) allocations not O(N).) Of course this is not without downsides. The key difficulty is that addition or deletion of a list entry may now cause other entries to move, which it did not before. For example, that breaks foreach() and sister macros, which historically used a pointer to the current cons-cell as loop state. We can repair those macros transparently by making their actual loop state be an integer list index; the exposed "ListCell *" pointer is no longer state carried across loop iterations, but is just a derived value. (In practice, modern compilers can optimize things back to having just one loop state value, at least for simple cases with inline loop bodies.) In principle, this is a semantics change for cases where the loop body inserts or deletes list entries ahead of the current loop index; but I found no such cases in the Postgres code. The change is not at all transparent for code that doesn't use foreach() but chases lists "by hand" using lnext(). The largest share of such code in the backend is in loops that were maintaining "prev" and "next" variables in addition to the current-cell pointer, in order to delete list cells efficiently using list_delete_cell(). However, we no longer need a previous-cell pointer to delete a list cell efficiently. Keeping a next-cell pointer doesn't work, as explained above, but we can improve matters by changing such code to use a regular foreach() loop and then using the new macro foreach_delete_current() to delete the current cell. (This macro knows how to update the associated foreach loop's state so that no cells will be missed in the traversal.) There remains a nontrivial risk of code assuming that a ListCell * pointer will remain good over an operation that could now move the list contents. To help catch such errors, list.c can be compiled with a new define symbol DEBUG_LIST_MEMORY_USAGE that forcibly moves list contents whenever that could possibly happen. This makes list operations significantly more expensive so it's not normally turned on (though it is on by default if USE_VALGRIND is on). There are two notable API differences from the previous code: * lnext() now requires the List's header pointer in addition to the current cell's address. * list_delete_cell() no longer requires a previous-cell argument. These changes are somewhat unfortunate, but on the other hand code using either function needs inspection to see if it is assuming anything it shouldn't, so it's not all bad. Programmers should be aware of these significant performance changes: * list_nth() and related functions are now O(1); so there's no major access-speed difference between a list and an array. * Inserting or deleting a list element now takes time proportional to the distance to the end of the list, due to moving the array elements. (However, it typically *doesn't* require palloc or pfree, so except in long lists it's probably still faster than before.) Notably, lcons() used to be about the same cost as lappend(), but that's no longer true if the list is long. Code that uses lcons() and list_delete_first() to maintain a stack might usefully be rewritten to push and pop at the end of the list rather than the beginning. * There are now list_insert_nth...() and list_delete_nth...() functions that add or remove a list cell identified by index. These have the data-movement penalty explained above, but there's no search penalty. * list_concat() and variants now copy the second list's data into storage belonging to the first list, so there is no longer any sharing of cells between the input lists. The second argument is now declared "const List *" to reflect that it isn't changed. This patch just does the minimum needed to get the new implementation in place and fix bugs exposed by the regression tests. As suggested by the foregoing, there's a fair amount of followup work remaining to do. Also, the ENABLE_LIST_COMPAT macros are finally removed in this commit. Code using those should have been gone a dozen years ago. Patch by me; thanks to David Rowley, Jesper Pedersen, and others for review. Discussion:
2019-07-15 19:41:58 +02:00
foreach(cell, state->enterKeys)
TrgmStateKey *existingKey = (TrgmStateKey *) lfirst(cell);
if (existingKey->nstate == key->nstate)
if (prefixContains(&existingKey->prefix, &key->prefix))
/* This old key already covers the new key. Nothing to do */
if (prefixContains(&key->prefix, &existingKey->prefix))
* The new key covers this old key. Remove the old key, it's
* no longer needed once we add this key to the list.
Represent Lists as expansible arrays, not chains of cons-cells. Originally, Postgres Lists were a more or less exact reimplementation of Lisp lists, which consist of chains of separately-allocated cons cells, each having a value and a next-cell link. We'd hacked that once before (commit d0b4399d8) to add a separate List header, but the data was still in cons cells. That makes some operations -- notably list_nth() -- O(N), and it's bulky because of the next-cell pointers and per-cell palloc overhead, and it's very cache-unfriendly if the cons cells end up scattered around rather than being adjacent. In this rewrite, we still have List headers, but the data is in a resizable array of values, with no next-cell links. Now we need at most two palloc's per List, and often only one, since we can allocate some values in the same palloc call as the List header. (Of course, extending an existing List may require repalloc's to enlarge the array. But this involves just O(log N) allocations not O(N).) Of course this is not without downsides. The key difficulty is that addition or deletion of a list entry may now cause other entries to move, which it did not before. For example, that breaks foreach() and sister macros, which historically used a pointer to the current cons-cell as loop state. We can repair those macros transparently by making their actual loop state be an integer list index; the exposed "ListCell *" pointer is no longer state carried across loop iterations, but is just a derived value. (In practice, modern compilers can optimize things back to having just one loop state value, at least for simple cases with inline loop bodies.) In principle, this is a semantics change for cases where the loop body inserts or deletes list entries ahead of the current loop index; but I found no such cases in the Postgres code. The change is not at all transparent for code that doesn't use foreach() but chases lists "by hand" using lnext(). The largest share of such code in the backend is in loops that were maintaining "prev" and "next" variables in addition to the current-cell pointer, in order to delete list cells efficiently using list_delete_cell(). However, we no longer need a previous-cell pointer to delete a list cell efficiently. Keeping a next-cell pointer doesn't work, as explained above, but we can improve matters by changing such code to use a regular foreach() loop and then using the new macro foreach_delete_current() to delete the current cell. (This macro knows how to update the associated foreach loop's state so that no cells will be missed in the traversal.) There remains a nontrivial risk of code assuming that a ListCell * pointer will remain good over an operation that could now move the list contents. To help catch such errors, list.c can be compiled with a new define symbol DEBUG_LIST_MEMORY_USAGE that forcibly moves list contents whenever that could possibly happen. This makes list operations significantly more expensive so it's not normally turned on (though it is on by default if USE_VALGRIND is on). There are two notable API differences from the previous code: * lnext() now requires the List's header pointer in addition to the current cell's address. * list_delete_cell() no longer requires a previous-cell argument. These changes are somewhat unfortunate, but on the other hand code using either function needs inspection to see if it is assuming anything it shouldn't, so it's not all bad. Programmers should be aware of these significant performance changes: * list_nth() and related functions are now O(1); so there's no major access-speed difference between a list and an array. * Inserting or deleting a list element now takes time proportional to the distance to the end of the list, due to moving the array elements. (However, it typically *doesn't* require palloc or pfree, so except in long lists it's probably still faster than before.) Notably, lcons() used to be about the same cost as lappend(), but that's no longer true if the list is long. Code that uses lcons() and list_delete_first() to maintain a stack might usefully be rewritten to push and pop at the end of the list rather than the beginning. * There are now list_insert_nth...() and list_delete_nth...() functions that add or remove a list cell identified by index. These have the data-movement penalty explained above, but there's no search penalty. * list_concat() and variants now copy the second list's data into storage belonging to the first list, so there is no longer any sharing of cells between the input lists. The second argument is now declared "const List *" to reflect that it isn't changed. This patch just does the minimum needed to get the new implementation in place and fix bugs exposed by the regression tests. As suggested by the foregoing, there's a fair amount of followup work remaining to do. Also, the ENABLE_LIST_COMPAT macros are finally removed in this commit. Code using those should have been gone a dozen years ago. Patch by me; thanks to David Rowley, Jesper Pedersen, and others for review. Discussion:
2019-07-15 19:41:58 +02:00
state->enterKeys = foreach_delete_current(state->enterKeys,
/* No redundancy, so add this key to the state's list */
state->enterKeys = lappend(state->enterKeys, key);
/* If state is now known final, mark it and we're done */
if (key->nstate == pg_reg_getfinalstate(trgmNFA->regex))
state->flags |= TSTATE_FIN;
* Loop through all outgoing arcs of the corresponding state in the
* original NFA.
arcsCount = pg_reg_getnumoutarcs(trgmNFA->regex, key->nstate);
arcs = (regex_arc_t *) palloc(sizeof(regex_arc_t) * arcsCount);
pg_reg_getoutarcs(trgmNFA->regex, key->nstate, arcs, arcsCount);
for (i = 0; i < arcsCount; i++)
regex_arc_t *arc = &arcs[i];
if (pg_reg_colorisbegin(trgmNFA->regex, arc->co))
* Start of line/string (^). Trigram extraction treats start of
* line same as start of word: double space prefix is added.
* Hence, make an enter key showing we can reach the arc
* destination with all-blank prefix.
destKey.prefix.colors[0] = COLOR_BLANK;
destKey.prefix.colors[1] = COLOR_BLANK;
destKey.nstate = arc->to;
/* Add enter key to this state */
addKeyToQueue(trgmNFA, &destKey);
else if (pg_reg_colorisend(trgmNFA->regex, arc->co))
* End of line/string ($). We must consider this arc as a
* transition that doesn't read anything. The reason for adding
* this enter key to the state is that if the arc leads to the
* NFA's final state, we must mark this expanded state as final.
destKey.prefix.colors[0] = COLOR_UNKNOWN;
destKey.prefix.colors[1] = COLOR_UNKNOWN;
destKey.nstate = arc->to;
/* Add enter key to this state */
addKeyToQueue(trgmNFA, &destKey);
else if (arc->co >= 0)
/* Regular color (including WHITE) */
TrgmColorInfo *colorInfo = &trgmNFA->colorInfo[arc->co];
if (colorInfo->expandable)
if (colorInfo->containsNonWord &&
!validArcLabel(key, COLOR_BLANK))
* We can reach the arc destination after reading a
* non-word character, but the prefix is not something
* that addArc will accept with COLOR_BLANK, so no trigram
* arc can get made for this transition. We must make an
* enter key to show that the arc destination is
* reachable. Set it up with an all-blank prefix, since
* that corresponds to what the trigram extraction code
* will do at a word starting boundary.
destKey.prefix.colors[0] = COLOR_BLANK;
destKey.prefix.colors[1] = COLOR_BLANK;
destKey.nstate = arc->to;
addKeyToQueue(trgmNFA, &destKey);
if (colorInfo->wordCharsCount > 0 &&
!validArcLabel(key, arc->co))
* We can reach the arc destination after reading a word
* character, but the prefix is not something that addArc
* will accept, so no trigram arc can get made for this
* transition. We must make an enter key to show that the
* arc destination is reachable. The prefix for the enter
* key should reflect the info we have for this arc.
destKey.prefix.colors[0] = key->prefix.colors[1];
destKey.prefix.colors[1] = arc->co;
destKey.nstate = arc->to;
addKeyToQueue(trgmNFA, &destKey);
* Unexpandable color. Add enter key with ambiguous prefix,
* showing we can reach the destination from this state, but
* the preceding colors will be uncertain. (We do not set the
* first prefix color to key->prefix.colors[1], because a
* prefix of known followed by unknown is invalid.)
destKey.prefix.colors[0] = COLOR_UNKNOWN;
destKey.prefix.colors[1] = COLOR_UNKNOWN;
destKey.nstate = arc->to;
addKeyToQueue(trgmNFA, &destKey);
/* RAINBOW: treat as unexpandable color */
destKey.prefix.colors[0] = COLOR_UNKNOWN;
destKey.prefix.colors[1] = COLOR_UNKNOWN;
destKey.nstate = arc->to;
addKeyToQueue(trgmNFA, &destKey);
* Add copy of given key to keysQueue for later processing.
static void
addKeyToQueue(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA, TrgmStateKey *key)
TrgmStateKey *keyCopy = (TrgmStateKey *) palloc(sizeof(TrgmStateKey));
memcpy(keyCopy, key, sizeof(TrgmStateKey));
trgmNFA->keysQueue = lappend(trgmNFA->keysQueue, keyCopy);
* Add outgoing arcs from given state, whose enter keys are all now known.
static void
addArcs(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA, TrgmState *state)
TrgmStateKey destKey;
ListCell *cell;
regex_arc_t *arcs;
int arcsCount,
* Ensure any pad bytes in destKey are zero, since it may get used as a
* hashtable key by getState.
MemSet(&destKey, 0, sizeof(destKey));
* Iterate over enter keys associated with this expanded-graph state. This
* includes both the state's own stateKey, and any enter keys we added to
* it during addKey (which represent expanded-graph states that are not
* distinguishable from this one by means of trigrams). For each such
* enter key, examine all the out-arcs of the key's underlying NFA state,
* and try to make a trigram arc leading to where the out-arc leads.
* (addArc will deal with whether the arc is valid or not.)
foreach(cell, state->enterKeys)
TrgmStateKey *key = (TrgmStateKey *) lfirst(cell);
arcsCount = pg_reg_getnumoutarcs(trgmNFA->regex, key->nstate);
arcs = (regex_arc_t *) palloc(sizeof(regex_arc_t) * arcsCount);
pg_reg_getoutarcs(trgmNFA->regex, key->nstate, arcs, arcsCount);
for (i = 0; i < arcsCount; i++)
regex_arc_t *arc = &arcs[i];
TrgmColorInfo *colorInfo;
* Ignore non-expandable colors; addKey already handled the case.
* We need no special check for WHITE or begin/end pseudocolors
* here. We don't need to do any processing for them, and they
* will be marked non-expandable since the regex engine will have
* reported them that way. We do have to watch out for RAINBOW,
* which has a negative color number.
if (arc->co < 0)
Assert(arc->co < trgmNFA->ncolors);
colorInfo = &trgmNFA->colorInfo[arc->co];
if (!colorInfo->expandable)
if (colorInfo->containsNonWord)
* Color includes non-word character(s).
* Generate an arc, treating this transition as occurring on
* BLANK. This allows word-ending trigrams to be manufactured
* if possible.
destKey.prefix.colors[0] = key->prefix.colors[1];
destKey.prefix.colors[1] = COLOR_BLANK;
destKey.nstate = arc->to;
addArc(trgmNFA, state, key, COLOR_BLANK, &destKey);
if (colorInfo->wordCharsCount > 0)
* Color includes word character(s).
* Generate an arc. Color is pushed into prefix of target
* state.
destKey.prefix.colors[0] = key->prefix.colors[1];
destKey.prefix.colors[1] = arc->co;
destKey.nstate = arc->to;
addArc(trgmNFA, state, key, arc->co, &destKey);
* Generate an out-arc of the expanded graph, if it's valid and not redundant.
* state: expanded-graph state we want to add an out-arc to
* key: provides prefix colors (key->nstate is not used)
* co: transition color
* destKey: identifier for destination state of expanded graph
static void
addArc(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA, TrgmState *state, TrgmStateKey *key,
TrgmColor co, TrgmStateKey *destKey)
TrgmArc *arc;
ListCell *cell;
/* Do nothing if this wouldn't be a valid arc label trigram */
if (!validArcLabel(key, co))
* Check if we are going to reach key which is covered by a key which is
* already listed in this state. If so arc is useless: the NFA can bypass
* it through a path that doesn't require any predictable trigram, so
* whether the arc's trigram is present or not doesn't really matter.
foreach(cell, state->enterKeys)
TrgmStateKey *existingKey = (TrgmStateKey *) lfirst(cell);
if (existingKey->nstate == destKey->nstate &&
prefixContains(&existingKey->prefix, &destKey->prefix))
/* Checks were successful, add new arc */
arc = (TrgmArc *) palloc(sizeof(TrgmArc));
arc->target = getState(trgmNFA, destKey);
arc->ctrgm.colors[0] = key->prefix.colors[0];
arc->ctrgm.colors[1] = key->prefix.colors[1];
arc->ctrgm.colors[2] = co;
state->arcs = lappend(state->arcs, arc);
* Can we make a valid trigram arc label from the given prefix and arc color?
* This is split out so that tests in addKey and addArc will stay in sync.
static bool
validArcLabel(TrgmStateKey *key, TrgmColor co)
* We have to know full trigram in order to add outgoing arc. So we can't
* do it if prefix is ambiguous.
if (key->prefix.colors[0] == COLOR_UNKNOWN)
return false;
/* If key->prefix.colors[0] isn't unknown, its second color isn't either */
Assert(key->prefix.colors[1] != COLOR_UNKNOWN);
/* And we should not be called with an unknown arc color anytime */
Assert(co != COLOR_UNKNOWN);
* We don't bother with making arcs representing three non-word
* characters, since that's useless for trigram extraction.
if (key->prefix.colors[0] == COLOR_BLANK &&
key->prefix.colors[1] == COLOR_BLANK &&
return false;
* We also reject nonblank-blank-anything. The nonblank-blank-nonblank
* case doesn't correspond to any trigram the trigram extraction code
* would make. The nonblank-blank-blank case is also not possible with
* RPADDING = 1. (Note that in many cases we'd fail to generate such a
* trigram even if it were valid, for example processing "foo bar" will
* not result in considering the trigram "o ". So if you want to support
* RPADDING = 2, there's more to do than just twiddle this test.)
if (key->prefix.colors[0] != COLOR_BLANK &&
key->prefix.colors[1] == COLOR_BLANK)
return false;
* Other combinations involving blank are valid, in particular we assume
* blank-blank-nonblank is valid, which presumes that LPADDING is 2.
* Note: Using again the example "foo bar", we will not consider the
* trigram " b", though this trigram would be found by the trigram
* extraction code. Since we will find " ba", it doesn't seem worth
* trying to hack the algorithm to generate the additional trigram.
/* arc label is valid */
return true;
* Get state of expanded graph for given state key,
* and queue the state for processing if it didn't already exist.
static TrgmState *
getState(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA, TrgmStateKey *key)
TrgmState *state;
bool found;
state = (TrgmState *) hash_search(trgmNFA->states, key, HASH_ENTER,
if (!found)
/* New state: initialize and queue it */
state->arcs = NIL;
state->enterKeys = NIL;
state->flags = 0;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
/* states are initially given negative numbers */
state->snumber = -(++trgmNFA->nstates);
state->parent = NULL;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
state->tentFlags = 0;
state->tentParent = NULL;
trgmNFA->queue = lappend(trgmNFA->queue, state);
return state;
* Check if prefix1 "contains" prefix2.
* "contains" means that any exact prefix (with no ambiguity) that satisfies
* prefix2 also satisfies prefix1.
static bool
prefixContains(TrgmPrefix *prefix1, TrgmPrefix *prefix2)
if (prefix1->colors[1] == COLOR_UNKNOWN)
/* Fully ambiguous prefix contains everything */
return true;
else if (prefix1->colors[0] == COLOR_UNKNOWN)
* Prefix with only first unknown color contains every prefix with
* same second color.
if (prefix1->colors[1] == prefix2->colors[1])
return true;
return false;
/* Exact prefix contains only the exact same prefix */
if (prefix1->colors[0] == prefix2->colors[0] &&
prefix1->colors[1] == prefix2->colors[1])
return true;
return false;
* Subroutines for expanding color trigrams into regular trigrams (stage 3).
* Get vector of all color trigrams in graph and select which of them
* to expand into simple trigrams.
* Returns true if OK, false if exhausted resource limits.
static bool
selectColorTrigrams(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA)
HASH_SEQ_STATUS scan_status;
int arcsCount = trgmNFA->arcsCount,
TrgmState *state;
ColorTrgmInfo *colorTrgms;
int64 totalTrgmCount;
float4 totalTrgmPenalty;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
int cnumber;
/* Collect color trigrams from all arcs */
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
colorTrgms = (ColorTrgmInfo *) palloc0(sizeof(ColorTrgmInfo) * arcsCount);
trgmNFA->colorTrgms = colorTrgms;
i = 0;
hash_seq_init(&scan_status, trgmNFA->states);
while ((state = (TrgmState *) hash_seq_search(&scan_status)) != NULL)
ListCell *cell;
foreach(cell, state->arcs)
TrgmArc *arc = (TrgmArc *) lfirst(cell);
TrgmArcInfo *arcInfo = (TrgmArcInfo *) palloc(sizeof(TrgmArcInfo));
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
ColorTrgmInfo *trgmInfo = &colorTrgms[i];
arcInfo->source = state;
arcInfo->target = arc->target;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
trgmInfo->ctrgm = arc->ctrgm;
trgmInfo->cnumber = -1;
/* count and penalty will be set below */
trgmInfo->expanded = true;
trgmInfo->arcs = list_make1(arcInfo);
Assert(i == arcsCount);
/* Remove duplicates, merging their arcs lists */
if (arcsCount >= 2)
ColorTrgmInfo *p1,
/* Sort trigrams to ease duplicate detection */
qsort(colorTrgms, arcsCount, sizeof(ColorTrgmInfo), colorTrgmInfoCmp);
/* p1 is probe point, p2 is last known non-duplicate. */
p2 = colorTrgms;
for (p1 = colorTrgms + 1; p1 < colorTrgms + arcsCount; p1++)
if (colorTrgmInfoCmp(p1, p2) > 0)
*p2 = *p1;
p2->arcs = list_concat(p2->arcs, p1->arcs);
trgmNFA->colorTrgmsCount = (p2 - colorTrgms) + 1;
trgmNFA->colorTrgmsCount = arcsCount;
* Count number of simple trigrams generated by each color trigram, and
* also compute a penalty value, which is the number of simple trigrams
* times a multiplier that depends on its whitespace content.
* Note: per-color-trigram counts cannot overflow an int so long as
* COLOR_COUNT_LIMIT is not more than the cube root of INT_MAX, ie about
* 1290. However, the grand total totalTrgmCount might conceivably
* overflow an int, so we use int64 for that within this routine. Also,
* penalties are calculated in float4 arithmetic to avoid any overflow
* worries.
totalTrgmCount = 0;
totalTrgmPenalty = 0.0f;
for (i = 0; i < trgmNFA->colorTrgmsCount; i++)
ColorTrgmInfo *trgmInfo = &colorTrgms[i];
int j,
count = 1,
typeIndex = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
TrgmColor c = trgmInfo->ctrgm.colors[j];
typeIndex *= 2;
if (c == COLOR_BLANK)
count *= trgmNFA->colorInfo[c].wordCharsCount;
trgmInfo->count = count;
totalTrgmCount += count;
trgmInfo->penalty = penalties[typeIndex] * (float4) count;
totalTrgmPenalty += trgmInfo->penalty;
/* Sort color trigrams in descending order of their penalties */
qsort(colorTrgms, trgmNFA->colorTrgmsCount, sizeof(ColorTrgmInfo),
* Remove color trigrams from the graph so long as total penalty of color
* trigrams exceeds WISH_TRGM_PENALTY. (If we fail to get down to
* WISH_TRGM_PENALTY, it's OK so long as total count is no more than
* MAX_TRGM_COUNT.) We prefer to remove color trigrams with higher
* penalty, since those are the most promising for reducing the total
* penalty. When removing a color trigram we have to merge states
* connected by arcs labeled with that trigram. It's necessary to not
* merge initial and final states, because our graph becomes useless if
* that happens; so we cannot always remove the trigram we'd prefer to.
for (i = 0; i < trgmNFA->colorTrgmsCount; i++)
ColorTrgmInfo *trgmInfo = &colorTrgms[i];
bool canRemove = true;
ListCell *cell;
/* Done if we've reached the target */
if (totalTrgmPenalty <= WISH_TRGM_PENALTY)
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
fprintf(stderr, "considering ctrgm %d %d %d, penalty %f, %d arcs\n",
* Does any arc of this color trigram connect initial and final
* states? If so we can't remove it.
foreach(cell, trgmInfo->arcs)
TrgmArcInfo *arcInfo = (TrgmArcInfo *) lfirst(cell);
TrgmState *source = arcInfo->source,
*target = arcInfo->target;
int source_flags,
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
fprintf(stderr, "examining arc to s%d (%x) from s%d (%x)\n",
-target->snumber, target->flags,
-source->snumber, source->flags);
/* examine parent states, if any merging has already happened */
while (source->parent)
source = source->parent;
while (target->parent)
target = target->parent;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
fprintf(stderr, " ... after completed merges: to s%d (%x) from s%d (%x)\n",
-target->snumber, target->flags,
-source->snumber, source->flags);
/* we must also consider merges we are planning right now */
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
source_flags = source->flags | source->tentFlags;
while (source->tentParent)
source = source->tentParent;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
source_flags |= source->flags | source->tentFlags;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
target_flags = target->flags | target->tentFlags;
while (target->tentParent)
target = target->tentParent;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
target_flags |= target->flags | target->tentFlags;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
fprintf(stderr, " ... after tentative merges: to s%d (%x) from s%d (%x)\n",
-target->snumber, target_flags,
-source->snumber, source_flags);
/* would fully-merged state have both INIT and FIN set? */
if (((source_flags | target_flags) & (TSTATE_INIT | TSTATE_FIN)) ==
canRemove = false;
/* ok so far, so remember planned merge */
if (source != target)
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
fprintf(stderr, " ... tentatively merging s%d into s%d\n",
-target->snumber, -source->snumber);
target->tentParent = source;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
source->tentFlags |= target_flags;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
* We must reset all the tentFlags/tentParent fields before
* continuing. tentFlags could only have become set in states that
* are the source or parent or tentative parent of one of the current
* arcs; likewise tentParent could only have become set in states that
* are the target or parent or tentative parent of one of the current
* arcs. There might be some overlap between those sets, but if we
* clear tentFlags in target states as well as source states, we
* should be okay even if we visit a state as target before visiting
* it as a source.
foreach(cell, trgmInfo->arcs)
TrgmArcInfo *arcInfo = (TrgmArcInfo *) lfirst(cell);
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
TrgmState *source = arcInfo->source,
*target = arcInfo->target;
TrgmState *ttarget;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
/* no need to touch previously-merged states */
while (source->parent)
source = source->parent;
while (target->parent)
target = target->parent;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
while (source)
source->tentFlags = 0;
source = source->tentParent;
while ((ttarget = target->tentParent) != NULL)
target->tentParent = NULL;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
target->tentFlags = 0; /* in case it was also a source */
target = ttarget;
/* Now, move on if we can't drop this trigram */
if (!canRemove)
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
fprintf(stderr, " ... not ok to merge\n");
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
/* OK, merge states linked by each arc labeled by the trigram */
foreach(cell, trgmInfo->arcs)
TrgmArcInfo *arcInfo = (TrgmArcInfo *) lfirst(cell);
TrgmState *source = arcInfo->source,
*target = arcInfo->target;
while (source->parent)
source = source->parent;
while (target->parent)
target = target->parent;
if (source != target)
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
fprintf(stderr, "merging s%d into s%d\n",
-target->snumber, -source->snumber);
mergeStates(source, target);
/* Assert we didn't merge initial and final states */
Assert((source->flags & (TSTATE_INIT | TSTATE_FIN)) !=
/* Mark trigram unexpanded, and update totals */
trgmInfo->expanded = false;
totalTrgmCount -= trgmInfo->count;
totalTrgmPenalty -= trgmInfo->penalty;
/* Did we succeed in fitting into MAX_TRGM_COUNT? */
if (totalTrgmCount > MAX_TRGM_COUNT)
return false;
trgmNFA->totalTrgmCount = (int) totalTrgmCount;
* Sort color trigrams by colors (will be useful for bsearch in packGraph)
* and enumerate the color trigrams that are expanded.
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
cnumber = 0;
qsort(colorTrgms, trgmNFA->colorTrgmsCount, sizeof(ColorTrgmInfo),
for (i = 0; i < trgmNFA->colorTrgmsCount; i++)
if (colorTrgms[i].expanded)
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
colorTrgms[i].cnumber = cnumber;
return true;
* Expand selected color trigrams into regular trigrams.
* Returns the TRGM array to be passed to the index machinery.
* The array must be allocated in rcontext.
static TRGM *
expandColorTrigrams(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA, MemoryContext rcontext)
TRGM *trg;
trgm *p;
int i;
TrgmColorInfo blankColor;
trgm_mb_char blankChar;
/* Set up "blank" color structure containing a single zero character */
memset(blankChar.bytes, 0, sizeof(blankChar.bytes));
blankColor.wordCharsCount = 1;
blankColor.wordChars = &blankChar;
/* Construct the trgm array */
trg = (TRGM *)
trgmNFA->totalTrgmCount * sizeof(trgm));
trg->flag = ARRKEY;
SET_VARSIZE(trg, CALCGTSIZE(ARRKEY, trgmNFA->totalTrgmCount));
p = GETARR(trg);
for (i = 0; i < trgmNFA->colorTrgmsCount; i++)
ColorTrgmInfo *colorTrgm = &trgmNFA->colorTrgms[i];
TrgmColorInfo *c[3];
trgm_mb_char s[3];
int j,
/* Ignore any unexpanded trigrams ... */
if (!colorTrgm->expanded)
/* Get colors, substituting the dummy struct for COLOR_BLANK */
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if (colorTrgm->ctrgm.colors[j] != COLOR_BLANK)
c[j] = &trgmNFA->colorInfo[colorTrgm->ctrgm.colors[j]];
c[j] = &blankColor;
/* Iterate over all possible combinations of colors' characters */
for (i1 = 0; i1 < c[0]->wordCharsCount; i1++)
s[0] = c[0]->wordChars[i1];
for (i2 = 0; i2 < c[1]->wordCharsCount; i2++)
s[1] = c[1]->wordChars[i2];
for (i3 = 0; i3 < c[2]->wordCharsCount; i3++)
s[2] = c[2]->wordChars[i3];
fillTrgm(p, s);
return trg;
* Convert trigram into trgm datatype.
static void
fillTrgm(trgm *ptrgm, trgm_mb_char s[3])
int i,
/* Write multibyte string into "str" (we don't need null termination) */
p = str;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (s[i].bytes[0] != 0)
for (j = 0; j < MAX_MULTIBYTE_CHAR_LEN && s[i].bytes[j]; j++)
*p++ = s[i].bytes[j];
/* Emit a space in place of COLOR_BLANK */
*p++ = ' ';
/* Convert "str" to a standard trigram (possibly hashing it) */
compact_trigram(ptrgm, str, p - str);
* Merge two states of graph.
static void
mergeStates(TrgmState *state1, TrgmState *state2)
Assert(state1 != state2);
/* state1 absorbs state2's flags */
state1->flags |= state2->flags;
/* state2, and indirectly all its children, become children of state1 */
state2->parent = state1;
* Compare function for sorting of color trigrams by their colors.
static int
colorTrgmInfoCmp(const void *p1, const void *p2)
const ColorTrgmInfo *c1 = (const ColorTrgmInfo *) p1;
const ColorTrgmInfo *c2 = (const ColorTrgmInfo *) p2;
return memcmp(&c1->ctrgm, &c2->ctrgm, sizeof(ColorTrgm));
* Compare function for sorting color trigrams in descending order of
* their penalty fields.
static int
colorTrgmInfoPenaltyCmp(const void *p1, const void *p2)
float4 penalty1 = ((const ColorTrgmInfo *) p1)->penalty;
float4 penalty2 = ((const ColorTrgmInfo *) p2)->penalty;
if (penalty1 < penalty2)
return 1;
else if (penalty1 == penalty2)
return 0;
return -1;
* Subroutines for packing the graph into final representation (stage 4).
* Pack expanded graph into final representation.
* The result data must be allocated in rcontext.
static TrgmPackedGraph *
packGraph(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA, MemoryContext rcontext)
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
int snumber = 2,
HASH_SEQ_STATUS scan_status;
TrgmState *state;
TrgmPackArcInfo *arcs;
TrgmPackedArc *packedArcs;
TrgmPackedGraph *result;
int i,
/* Enumerate surviving states, giving init and fin reserved numbers */
hash_seq_init(&scan_status, trgmNFA->states);
while ((state = (TrgmState *) hash_seq_search(&scan_status)) != NULL)
while (state->parent)
state = state->parent;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
if (state->snumber < 0)
if (state->flags & TSTATE_INIT)
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
state->snumber = 0;
else if (state->flags & TSTATE_FIN)
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
state->snumber = 1;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
state->snumber = snumber;
/* Collect array of all arcs */
arcs = (TrgmPackArcInfo *)
palloc(sizeof(TrgmPackArcInfo) * trgmNFA->arcsCount);
arcIndex = 0;
hash_seq_init(&scan_status, trgmNFA->states);
while ((state = (TrgmState *) hash_seq_search(&scan_status)) != NULL)
TrgmState *source = state;
ListCell *cell;
while (source->parent)
source = source->parent;
foreach(cell, state->arcs)
TrgmArc *arc = (TrgmArc *) lfirst(cell);
TrgmState *target = arc->target;
while (target->parent)
target = target->parent;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
if (source->snumber != target->snumber)
ColorTrgmInfo *ctrgm;
ctrgm = (ColorTrgmInfo *) bsearch(&arc->ctrgm,
Assert(ctrgm != NULL);
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
arcs[arcIndex].sourceState = source->snumber;
arcs[arcIndex].targetState = target->snumber;
arcs[arcIndex].colorTrgm = ctrgm->cnumber;
/* Sort arcs to ease duplicate detection */
qsort(arcs, arcIndex, sizeof(TrgmPackArcInfo), packArcInfoCmp);
/* We could have duplicates because states were merged. Remove them. */
if (arcIndex > 1)
/* p1 is probe point, p2 is last known non-duplicate. */
TrgmPackArcInfo *p1,
p2 = arcs;
for (p1 = arcs + 1; p1 < arcs + arcIndex; p1++)
if (packArcInfoCmp(p1, p2) > 0)
*p2 = *p1;
arcsCount = (p2 - arcs) + 1;
arcsCount = arcIndex;
/* Create packed representation */
result = (TrgmPackedGraph *)
MemoryContextAlloc(rcontext, sizeof(TrgmPackedGraph));
/* Pack color trigrams information */
result->colorTrigramsCount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < trgmNFA->colorTrgmsCount; i++)
if (trgmNFA->colorTrgms[i].expanded)
result->colorTrigramGroups = (int *)
MemoryContextAlloc(rcontext, sizeof(int) * result->colorTrigramsCount);
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < trgmNFA->colorTrgmsCount; i++)
if (trgmNFA->colorTrgms[i].expanded)
result->colorTrigramGroups[j] = trgmNFA->colorTrgms[i].count;
/* Pack states and arcs information */
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
result->statesCount = snumber;
result->states = (TrgmPackedState *)
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
MemoryContextAlloc(rcontext, snumber * sizeof(TrgmPackedState));
packedArcs = (TrgmPackedArc *)
MemoryContextAlloc(rcontext, arcsCount * sizeof(TrgmPackedArc));
j = 0;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
for (i = 0; i < snumber; i++)
int cnt = 0;
result->states[i].arcs = &packedArcs[j];
while (j < arcsCount && arcs[j].sourceState == i)
packedArcs[j].targetState = arcs[j].targetState;
packedArcs[j].colorTrgm = arcs[j].colorTrgm;
result->states[i].arcsCount = cnt;
/* Allocate working memory for trigramsMatchGraph() */
result->colorTrigramsActive = (bool *)
MemoryContextAlloc(rcontext, sizeof(bool) * result->colorTrigramsCount);
result->statesActive = (bool *)
MemoryContextAlloc(rcontext, sizeof(bool) * result->statesCount);
result->statesQueue = (int *)
MemoryContextAlloc(rcontext, sizeof(int) * result->statesCount);
return result;
* Comparison function for sorting TrgmPackArcInfos.
* Compares arcs in following order: sourceState, colorTrgm, targetState.
static int
packArcInfoCmp(const void *a1, const void *a2)
const TrgmPackArcInfo *p1 = (const TrgmPackArcInfo *) a1;
const TrgmPackArcInfo *p2 = (const TrgmPackArcInfo *) a2;
if (p1->sourceState < p2->sourceState)
return -1;
if (p1->sourceState > p2->sourceState)
return 1;
if (p1->colorTrgm < p2->colorTrgm)
return -1;
if (p1->colorTrgm > p2->colorTrgm)
return 1;
if (p1->targetState < p2->targetState)
return -1;
if (p1->targetState > p2->targetState)
return 1;
return 0;
* Debugging functions
* These are designed to emit GraphViz files.
* Print initial NFA, in regexp library's representation
static void
printSourceNFA(regex_t *regex, TrgmColorInfo *colors, int ncolors)
StringInfoData buf;
int nstates = pg_reg_getnumstates(regex);
int state;
int i;
appendStringInfoString(&buf, "\ndigraph sourceNFA {\n");
for (state = 0; state < nstates; state++)
regex_arc_t *arcs;
int i,
appendStringInfo(&buf, "s%d", state);
if (pg_reg_getfinalstate(regex) == state)
appendStringInfoString(&buf, " [shape = doublecircle]");
appendStringInfoString(&buf, ";\n");
arcsCount = pg_reg_getnumoutarcs(regex, state);
arcs = (regex_arc_t *) palloc(sizeof(regex_arc_t) * arcsCount);
pg_reg_getoutarcs(regex, state, arcs, arcsCount);
for (i = 0; i < arcsCount; i++)
appendStringInfo(&buf, " s%d -> s%d [label = \"%d\"];\n",
state, arcs[i].to, arcs[i].co);
appendStringInfoString(&buf, " node [shape = point ]; initial;\n");
appendStringInfo(&buf, " initial -> s%d;\n",
/* Print colors */
appendStringInfoString(&buf, " { rank = sink;\n");
appendStringInfoString(&buf, " Colors [shape = none, margin=0, label=<\n");
for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++)
TrgmColorInfo *color = &colors[i];
int j;
appendStringInfo(&buf, "<br/>Color %d: ", i);
if (color->expandable)
for (j = 0; j < color->wordCharsCount; j++)
memcpy(s, color->wordChars[j].bytes, MAX_MULTIBYTE_CHAR_LEN);
appendStringInfoString(&buf, s);
appendStringInfoString(&buf, "not expandable");
appendStringInfoChar(&buf, '\n');
appendStringInfoString(&buf, " >];\n");
appendStringInfoString(&buf, " }\n");
appendStringInfoString(&buf, "}\n");
/* dot -Tpng -o /tmp/source.png < /tmp/source.gv */
FILE *fp = fopen("/tmp/source.gv", "w");
fprintf(fp, "%s",;
* Print expanded graph.
static void
printTrgmNFA(TrgmNFA *trgmNFA)
StringInfoData buf;
HASH_SEQ_STATUS scan_status;
TrgmState *state;
TrgmState *initstate = NULL;
appendStringInfoString(&buf, "\ndigraph transformedNFA {\n");
hash_seq_init(&scan_status, trgmNFA->states);
while ((state = (TrgmState *) hash_seq_search(&scan_status)) != NULL)
ListCell *cell;
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
appendStringInfo(&buf, "s%d", -state->snumber);
if (state->flags & TSTATE_FIN)
appendStringInfoString(&buf, " [shape = doublecircle]");
if (state->flags & TSTATE_INIT)
initstate = state;
appendStringInfo(&buf, " [label = \"%d\"]", state->stateKey.nstate);
appendStringInfoString(&buf, ";\n");
foreach(cell, state->arcs)
TrgmArc *arc = (TrgmArc *) lfirst(cell);
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
appendStringInfo(&buf, " s%d -> s%d [label = \"",
-state->snumber, -arc->target->snumber);
printTrgmColor(&buf, arc->ctrgm.colors[0]);
appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ' ');
printTrgmColor(&buf, arc->ctrgm.colors[1]);
appendStringInfoChar(&buf, ' ');
printTrgmColor(&buf, arc->ctrgm.colors[2]);
appendStringInfoString(&buf, "\"];\n");
if (initstate)
appendStringInfoString(&buf, " node [shape = point ]; initial;\n");
Further fix pg_trgm's extraction of trigrams from regular expressions. Commit 9e43e8714 turns out to have been insufficient: not only is it necessary to track tentative parent links while considering a set of arc removals, but it's necessary to track tentative flag additions as well. This is because we always merge arc target states into arc source states; therefore, when considering a merge of the final state with some other, it is the other state that will acquire a new TSTATE_FIN bit. If there's another arc for the same color trigram that would cause merging of that state with the initial state, we failed to recognize the problem. The test cases for the prior commit evidently only exercised situations where a tentative merge with the initial state occurs before one with the final state. If it goes the other way around, we'll happily merge the initial and final states, either producing a broken final graph that would never match anything, or triggering the Assert added by the prior commit. It's tempting to consider switching the merge direction when the merge involves the final state, but I lack the time to analyze that idea in detail. Instead just keep track of the flag changes that would result from proposed merges, in the same way that the prior commit tracked proposed parent links. Along the way, add some more debugging support, because I'm not entirely confident that this is the last bug here. And tweak matters so that the file uses small integers rather than pointer values to identify states; that makes it more readable if you're just eyeballing it rather than fooling with Graphviz. And rename a couple of identically named struct fields to reduce confusion. Per report from Corey Csuhta. Add a test case based on his example. (Note: this case does not trigger the bug under 9.3, apparently because its different measurement of costs causes it to stop merging states before it hits the failure. I spent some time trying to find a variant that would fail in 9.3, without success; but I'm sure such cases exist.) Like the previous patch, back-patch to 9.3 where this code was added. Report:
2017-04-14 20:52:03 +02:00
appendStringInfo(&buf, " initial -> s%d;\n", -initstate->snumber);
appendStringInfoString(&buf, "}\n");
/* dot -Tpng -o /tmp/transformed.png < /tmp/transformed.gv */
FILE *fp = fopen("/tmp/transformed.gv", "w");
fprintf(fp, "%s",;
* Print a TrgmColor readably.
static void
printTrgmColor(StringInfo buf, TrgmColor co)
if (co == COLOR_UNKNOWN)
appendStringInfoChar(buf, 'u');
else if (co == COLOR_BLANK)
appendStringInfoChar(buf, 'b');
appendStringInfo(buf, "%d", (int) co);
* Print final packed representation of trigram-based expanded graph.
static void
printTrgmPackedGraph(TrgmPackedGraph *packedGraph, TRGM *trigrams)
StringInfoData buf;
trgm *p;
int i;
appendStringInfoString(&buf, "\ndigraph packedGraph {\n");
for (i = 0; i < packedGraph->statesCount; i++)
TrgmPackedState *state = &packedGraph->states[i];
int j;
appendStringInfo(&buf, " s%d", i);
if (i == 1)
appendStringInfoString(&buf, " [shape = doublecircle]");
appendStringInfo(&buf, " [label = <s%d>];\n", i);
for (j = 0; j < state->arcsCount; j++)
TrgmPackedArc *arc = &state->arcs[j];
appendStringInfo(&buf, " s%d -> s%d [label = \"trigram %d\"];\n",
i, arc->targetState, arc->colorTrgm);
appendStringInfoString(&buf, " node [shape = point ]; initial;\n");
appendStringInfo(&buf, " initial -> s%d;\n", 0);
/* Print trigrams */
appendStringInfoString(&buf, " { rank = sink;\n");
appendStringInfoString(&buf, " Trigrams [shape = none, margin=0, label=<\n");
p = GETARR(trigrams);
for (i = 0; i < packedGraph->colorTrigramsCount; i++)
int count = packedGraph->colorTrigramGroups[i];
int j;
appendStringInfo(&buf, "<br/>Trigram %d: ", i);
for (j = 0; j < count; j++)
if (j > 0)
appendStringInfoString(&buf, ", ");
* XXX This representation is nice only for all-ASCII trigrams.
appendStringInfo(&buf, "\"%c%c%c\"", (*p)[0], (*p)[1], (*p)[2]);
appendStringInfoString(&buf, " >];\n");
appendStringInfoString(&buf, " }\n");
appendStringInfoString(&buf, "}\n");
/* dot -Tpng -o /tmp/packed.png < /tmp/packed.gv */
FILE *fp = fopen("/tmp/packed.gv", "w");
fprintf(fp, "%s",;
#endif /* TRGM_REGEXP_DEBUG */