
383 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

-- Check whether any of our opclasses fail amvalidate
SELECT amname, opcname
FROM pg_opclass opc LEFT JOIN pg_am am ON am.oid = opcmethod
WHERE opc.oid >= 16384 AND NOT amvalidate(opc.oid);
set escape_string_warning=off;
select ''::hstore;
select 'a=>b'::hstore;
select ' a=>b'::hstore;
select 'a =>b'::hstore;
select 'a=>b '::hstore;
select 'a=> b'::hstore;
select '"a"=>"b"'::hstore;
select ' "a"=>"b"'::hstore;
select '"a" =>"b"'::hstore;
select '"a"=>"b" '::hstore;
select '"a"=> "b"'::hstore;
select 'aa=>bb'::hstore;
select ' aa=>bb'::hstore;
select 'aa =>bb'::hstore;
select 'aa=>bb '::hstore;
select 'aa=> bb'::hstore;
select '"aa"=>"bb"'::hstore;
select ' "aa"=>"bb"'::hstore;
select '"aa" =>"bb"'::hstore;
select '"aa"=>"bb" '::hstore;
select '"aa"=> "bb"'::hstore;
select 'aa=>bb, cc=>dd'::hstore;
select 'aa=>bb , cc=>dd'::hstore;
select 'aa=>bb ,cc=>dd'::hstore;
select 'aa=>bb, "cc"=>dd'::hstore;
select 'aa=>bb , "cc"=>dd'::hstore;
select 'aa=>bb ,"cc"=>dd'::hstore;
select 'aa=>"bb", cc=>dd'::hstore;
select 'aa=>"bb" , cc=>dd'::hstore;
select 'aa=>"bb" ,cc=>dd'::hstore;
select 'aa=>null'::hstore;
select 'aa=>NuLl'::hstore;
select 'aa=>"NuLl"'::hstore;
select e'\\=a=>q=w'::hstore;
select e'"=a"=>q\\=w'::hstore;
select e'"\\"a"=>q>w'::hstore;
select e'\\"a=>q"w'::hstore;
select ''::hstore;
select ' '::hstore;
-- -> operator
select 'aa=>b, c=>d , b=>16'::hstore->'c';
select 'aa=>b, c=>d , b=>16'::hstore->'b';
select 'aa=>b, c=>d , b=>16'::hstore->'aa';
select ('aa=>b, c=>d , b=>16'::hstore->'gg') is null;
select ('aa=>NULL, c=>d , b=>16'::hstore->'aa') is null;
select ('aa=>"NULL", c=>d , b=>16'::hstore->'aa') is null;
-- -> array operator
select 'aa=>"NULL", c=>d , b=>16'::hstore -> ARRAY['aa','c'];
select 'aa=>"NULL", c=>d , b=>16'::hstore -> ARRAY['c','aa'];
select 'aa=>NULL, c=>d , b=>16'::hstore -> ARRAY['aa','c',null];
select 'aa=>1, c=>3, b=>2, d=>4'::hstore -> ARRAY[['b','d'],['aa','c']];
-- exists/defined
select exist('a=>NULL, b=>qq', 'a');
select exist('a=>NULL, b=>qq', 'b');
select exist('a=>NULL, b=>qq', 'c');
select exist('a=>"NULL", b=>qq', 'a');
select defined('a=>NULL, b=>qq', 'a');
select defined('a=>NULL, b=>qq', 'b');
select defined('a=>NULL, b=>qq', 'c');
select defined('a=>"NULL", b=>qq', 'a');
select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ? 'a';
select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ? 'b';
select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ? 'c';
select hstore 'a=>"NULL", b=>qq' ? 'a';
select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?| ARRAY['a','b'];
select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?| ARRAY['b','a'];
select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?| ARRAY['c','a'];
select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?| ARRAY['c','d'];
select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?| '{}'::text[];
select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?& ARRAY['a','b'];
select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?& ARRAY['b','a'];
select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?& ARRAY['c','a'];
select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?& ARRAY['c','d'];
select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?& '{}'::text[];
-- delete
select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'a');
select delete('a=>null , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'a');
select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'b');
select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'c');
select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'd');
select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'a'::text;
select 'a=>null , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'a'::text;
select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'b'::text;
select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'c'::text;
select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'd'::text;
select pg_column_size('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'b'::text)
= pg_column_size('a=>1, b=>2'::hstore);
-- delete (array)
select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, ARRAY['d','e']);
select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, ARRAY['d','b']);
select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, ARRAY['a','c']);
select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, ARRAY[['b'],['c'],['a']]);
select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, '{}'::text[]);
select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ARRAY['d','e'];
select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ARRAY['d','b'];
select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ARRAY['a','c'];
select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ARRAY[['b'],['c'],['a']];
select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - '{}'::text[];
select pg_column_size('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ARRAY['a','c'])
= pg_column_size('b=>2'::hstore);
select pg_column_size('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - '{}'::text[])
= pg_column_size('a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore);
-- delete (hstore)
select delete('aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'aa=>4, b=>2'::hstore);
select delete('aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'aa=>NULL, c=>3'::hstore);
select delete('aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore);
select delete('aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'b=>2'::hstore);
select delete('aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, ''::hstore);
select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'aa=>4, b=>2'::hstore;
select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'aa=>NULL, c=>3'::hstore;
select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore;
select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'b=>2'::hstore;
select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ''::hstore;
select pg_column_size('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'b=>2'::hstore)
= pg_column_size('a=>1, c=>3'::hstore);
select pg_column_size('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ''::hstore)
= pg_column_size('a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore);
-- ||
select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>f';
select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'aq=>l';
select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'aa=>l';
select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || '';
select ''::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>f';
select pg_column_size(''::hstore || ''::hstore) = pg_column_size(''::hstore);
select pg_column_size('aa=>1'::hstore || 'b=>2'::hstore)
= pg_column_size('aa=>1, b=>2'::hstore);
select pg_column_size('aa=>1, b=>2'::hstore || ''::hstore)
= pg_column_size('aa=>1, b=>2'::hstore);
select pg_column_size(''::hstore || 'aa=>1, b=>2'::hstore)
= pg_column_size('aa=>1, b=>2'::hstore);
-- hstore(text,text)
select 'a=>g, b=>c'::hstore || hstore('asd', 'gf');
select 'a=>g, b=>c'::hstore || hstore('b', 'gf');
select 'a=>g, b=>c'::hstore || hstore('b', 'NULL');
select 'a=>g, b=>c'::hstore || hstore('b', NULL);
select ('a=>g, b=>c'::hstore || hstore(NULL, 'b')) is null;
select pg_column_size(hstore('b', 'gf'))
= pg_column_size('b=>gf'::hstore);
select pg_column_size('a=>g, b=>c'::hstore || hstore('b', 'gf'))
= pg_column_size('a=>g, b=>gf'::hstore);
-- slice()
select slice(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['g','h','i']);
select slice(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['c','b']);
select slice(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['aa','b']);
select slice(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['c','b','aa']);
select pg_column_size(slice(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['c','b']))
= pg_column_size('b=>2, c=>3'::hstore);
select pg_column_size(slice(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['c','b','aa']))
= pg_column_size('aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore);
-- array input
select '{}'::text[]::hstore;
select ARRAY['a','g','b','h','asd']::hstore;
select ARRAY['a','g','b','h','asd','i']::hstore;
select ARRAY[['a','g'],['b','h'],['asd','i']]::hstore;
select ARRAY[['a','g','b'],['h','asd','i']]::hstore;
select ARRAY[[['a','g'],['b','h'],['asd','i']]]::hstore;
select hstore('{}'::text[]);
select hstore(ARRAY['a','g','b','h','asd']);
select hstore(ARRAY['a','g','b','h','asd','i']);
select hstore(ARRAY[['a','g'],['b','h'],['asd','i']]);
select hstore(ARRAY[['a','g','b'],['h','asd','i']]);
select hstore(ARRAY[[['a','g'],['b','h'],['asd','i']]]);
select hstore('[0:5]={a,g,b,h,asd,i}'::text[]);
select hstore('[0:2][1:2]={{a,g},{b,h},{asd,i}}'::text[]);
-- pairs of arrays
select hstore(ARRAY['a','b','asd'], ARRAY['g','h','i']);
select hstore(ARRAY['a','b','asd'], ARRAY['g','h',NULL]);
select hstore(ARRAY['z','y','x'], ARRAY['1','2','3']);
select hstore(ARRAY['aaa','bb','c','d'], ARRAY[null::text,null,null,null]);
select hstore(ARRAY['aaa','bb','c','d'], null);
select quote_literal(hstore('{}'::text[], '{}'::text[]));
select quote_literal(hstore('{}'::text[], null));
select hstore(ARRAY['a'], '{}'::text[]); -- error
select hstore('{}'::text[], ARRAY['a']); -- error
select pg_column_size(hstore(ARRAY['a','b','asd'], ARRAY['g','h','i']))
= pg_column_size('a=>g, b=>h, asd=>i'::hstore);
-- records
select hstore(v) from (values (1, 'foo', 1.2, 3::float8)) v(a,b,c,d);
create domain hstestdom1 as integer not null default 0;
create table testhstore0 (a integer, b text, c numeric, d float8);
create table testhstore1 (a integer, b text, c numeric, d float8, e hstestdom1);
insert into testhstore0 values (1, 'foo', 1.2, 3::float8);
insert into testhstore1 values (1, 'foo', 1.2, 3::float8);
select hstore(v) from testhstore1 v;
select hstore(null::testhstore0);
select hstore(null::testhstore1);
select pg_column_size(hstore(v))
= pg_column_size('a=>1, b=>"foo", c=>"1.2", d=>"3", e=>"0"'::hstore)
from testhstore1 v;
select populate_record(v, hstore('c', '3.45')) from testhstore1 v;
select populate_record(v, hstore('d', '3.45')) from testhstore1 v;
select populate_record(v, hstore('e', '123')) from testhstore1 v;
select populate_record(v, hstore('e', null)) from testhstore1 v;
select populate_record(v, hstore('c', null)) from testhstore1 v;
select populate_record(v, hstore('b', 'foo') || hstore('a', '123')) from testhstore1 v;
select populate_record(v, hstore('b', 'foo') || hstore('e', null)) from testhstore0 v;
select populate_record(v, hstore('b', 'foo') || hstore('e', null)) from testhstore1 v;
select populate_record(v, '') from testhstore0 v;
select populate_record(v, '') from testhstore1 v;
select populate_record(null::testhstore1, hstore('c', '3.45') || hstore('a', '123'));
select populate_record(null::testhstore1, hstore('c', '3.45') || hstore('e', '123'));
select populate_record(null::testhstore0, '');
select populate_record(null::testhstore1, '');
select v #= hstore('c', '3.45') from testhstore1 v;
select v #= hstore('d', '3.45') from testhstore1 v;
select v #= hstore('e', '123') from testhstore1 v;
select v #= hstore('c', null) from testhstore1 v;
select v #= hstore('e', null) from testhstore0 v;
select v #= hstore('e', null) from testhstore1 v;
select v #= (hstore('b', 'foo') || hstore('a', '123')) from testhstore1 v;
select v #= (hstore('b', 'foo') || hstore('e', '123')) from testhstore1 v;
select v #= hstore '' from testhstore0 v;
select v #= hstore '' from testhstore1 v;
select null::testhstore1 #= (hstore('c', '3.45') || hstore('a', '123'));
select null::testhstore1 #= (hstore('c', '3.45') || hstore('e', '123'));
select null::testhstore0 #= hstore '';
select null::testhstore1 #= hstore '';
select v #= h from testhstore1 v, (values (hstore 'a=>123',1),('b=>foo,c=>3.21',2),('a=>null',3),('e=>123',4),('f=>blah',5)) x(h,i) order by i;
-- keys/values
select akeys('aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>f');
select akeys('""=>1');
select akeys('');
select avals('aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>f');
select avals('aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>NULL');
select avals('""=>1');
select avals('');
select hstore_to_array('aa=>1, cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>NULL'::hstore);
select %% 'aa=>1, cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>NULL';
select hstore_to_matrix('aa=>1, cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>NULL'::hstore);
select %# 'aa=>1, cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>NULL';
select * from skeys('aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>f');
select * from skeys('""=>1');
select * from skeys('');
select * from svals('aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>f');
select *, svals is null from svals('aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>NULL');
select * from svals('""=>1');
select * from svals('');
select * from each('aaa=>bq, b=>NULL, ""=>1 ');
-- @>
select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'a=>b';
select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'a=>b, c=>NULL';
select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'a=>b, g=>NULL';
select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'g=>NULL';
select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'a=>c';
select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'a=>b';
select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'a=>b, c=>q';
CREATE TABLE testhstore (h hstore);
\copy testhstore from 'data/'
select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>NULL';
select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC';
select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC, public=>t';
select count(*) from testhstore where h ? 'public';
select count(*) from testhstore where h ?| ARRAY['public','disabled'];
select count(*) from testhstore where h ?& ARRAY['public','disabled'];
create index hidx on testhstore using gist(h);
set enable_seqscan=off;
select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>NULL';
select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC';
select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC, public=>t';
select count(*) from testhstore where h ? 'public';
select count(*) from testhstore where h ?| ARRAY['public','disabled'];
Implement operator class parameters PostgreSQL provides set of template index access methods, where opclasses have much freedom in the semantics of indexing. These index AMs are GiST, GIN, SP-GiST and BRIN. There opclasses define representation of keys, operations on them and supported search strategies. So, it's natural that opclasses may be faced some tradeoffs, which require user-side decision. This commit implements opclass parameters allowing users to set some values, which tell opclass how to index the particular dataset. This commit doesn't introduce new storage in system catalog. Instead it uses pg_attribute.attoptions, which is used for table column storage options but unused for index attributes. In order to evade changing signature of each opclass support function, we implement unified way to pass options to opclass support functions. Options are set to fn_expr as the constant bytea expression. It's possible due to the fact that opclass support functions are executed outside of expressions, so fn_expr is unused for them. This commit comes with some examples of opclass options usage. We parametrize signature length in GiST. That applies to multiple opclasses: tsvector_ops, gist__intbig_ops, gist_ltree_ops, gist__ltree_ops, gist_trgm_ops and gist_hstore_ops. Also we parametrize maximum number of integer ranges for gist__int_ops. However, the main future usage of this feature is expected to be json, where users would be able to specify which way to index particular json parts. Catversion is bumped. Discussion: Author: Nikita Glukhov, revised by me Reviwed-by: Nikolay Shaplov, Robert Haas, Tom Lane, Tomas Vondra, Alvaro Herrera
2020-03-30 18:17:11 +02:00
select count(*) from testhstore where h ?& ARRAY['public','disabled'];
drop index hidx;
create index hidx on testhstore using gist(h gist_hstore_ops(siglen=0));
create index hidx on testhstore using gist(h gist_hstore_ops(siglen=2025));
create index hidx on testhstore using gist(h gist_hstore_ops(siglen=2024));
set enable_seqscan=off;
select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>NULL';
select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC';
select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC, public=>t';
select count(*) from testhstore where h ? 'public';
select count(*) from testhstore where h ?| ARRAY['public','disabled'];
select count(*) from testhstore where h ?& ARRAY['public','disabled'];
drop index hidx;
create index hidx on testhstore using gin (h);
set enable_seqscan=off;
select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>NULL';
select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC';
select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC, public=>t';
select count(*) from testhstore where h ? 'public';
select count(*) from testhstore where h ?| ARRAY['public','disabled'];
select count(*) from testhstore where h ?& ARRAY['public','disabled'];
select count(*) from (select (each(h)).key from testhstore) as wow ;
select key, count(*) from (select (each(h)).key from testhstore) as wow group by key order by count desc, key;
-- sort/hash
select count(distinct h) from testhstore;
set enable_hashagg = false;
select count(*) from (select h from (select * from testhstore union all select * from testhstore) hs group by h) hs2;
set enable_hashagg = true;
set enable_sort = false;
select count(*) from (select h from (select * from testhstore union all select * from testhstore) hs group by h) hs2;
select distinct * from (values (hstore '' || ''),('')) v(h);
set enable_sort = true;
-- btree
drop index hidx;
create index hidx on testhstore using btree (h);
set enable_seqscan=off;
select count(*) from testhstore where h #># 'p=>1';
select count(*) from testhstore where h = 'pos=>98, line=>371, node=>CBA, indexed=>t';
-- json and jsonb
select hstore_to_json('"a key" =>1, b => t, c => null, d=> 12345, e => 012345, f=> 1.234, g=> 2.345e+4');
select cast( hstore '"a key" =>1, b => t, c => null, d=> 12345, e => 012345, f=> 1.234, g=> 2.345e+4' as json);
select hstore_to_json_loose('"a key" =>1, b => t, c => null, d=> 12345, e => 012345, f=> 1.234, g=> 2.345e+4, h=> "2016-01-01"');
select hstore_to_jsonb('"a key" =>1, b => t, c => null, d=> 12345, e => 012345, f=> 1.234, g=> 2.345e+4');
select cast( hstore '"a key" =>1, b => t, c => null, d=> 12345, e => 012345, f=> 1.234, g=> 2.345e+4' as jsonb);
select hstore_to_jsonb_loose('"a key" =>1, b => t, c => null, d=> 12345, e => 012345, f=> 1.234, g=> 2.345e+4, h=> "2016-01-01"');
create table test_json_agg (f1 text, f2 hstore);
insert into test_json_agg values ('rec1','"a key" =>1, b => t, c => null, d=> 12345, e => 012345, f=> 1.234, g=> 2.345e+4'),
('rec2','"a key" =>2, b => f, c => "null", d=> -12345, e => 012345.6, f=> -1.234, g=> 0.345e-4');
select json_agg(q) from test_json_agg q;
select json_agg(q) from (select f1, hstore_to_json_loose(f2) as f2 from test_json_agg) q;
-- Test subscripting
insert into test_json_agg default values;
select f2['d'], f2['x'] is null as x_isnull from test_json_agg;
select f2['d']['e'] from test_json_agg; -- error
select f2['d':'e'] from test_json_agg; -- error
update test_json_agg set f2['d'] = f2['e'], f2['x'] = 'xyzzy';
select f2 from test_json_agg;
-- Check the hstore_hash() and hstore_hash_extended() function explicitly.
SELECT v as value, hstore_hash(v)::bit(32) as standard,
hstore_hash_extended(v, 0)::bit(32) as extended0,
hstore_hash_extended(v, 1)::bit(32) as extended1
FROM (VALUES (NULL::hstore), (''), ('"a key" =>1'), ('c => null'),
('e => 012345'), ('g => 2.345e+4')) x(v)
WHERE hstore_hash(v)::bit(32) != hstore_hash_extended(v, 0)::bit(32)
OR hstore_hash(v)::bit(32) = hstore_hash_extended(v, 1)::bit(32);