
1391 lines
48 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2000-01-05 18:31:08 +01:00
-- Virtual class definitions
-- (this also tests the query rewrite system)
SELECT, r.thepath, c.cname AS cname
FROM ONLY road r, real_city c
1997-04-06 08:07:13 +02:00
WHERE c.outline ## r.thepath;
2000-01-05 18:31:08 +01:00
SELECT, ih.thepath,
1997-04-06 08:07:13 +02:00
interpt_pp(ih.thepath, r.thepath) AS exit
FROM ihighway ih, ramp r
WHERE ih.thepath ## r.thepath;
2000-01-05 18:31:08 +01:00
1997-04-06 08:07:13 +02:00
SELECT name, age, location, 12*salary AS annualsal
FROM emp;
-- Test comments
COMMENT ON VIEW noview IS 'no view';
ERROR: relation "noview" does not exist
COMMENT ON VIEW toyemp IS 'is a view';
CREATE TABLE viewtest_tbl (a int, b int);
COPY viewtest_tbl FROM stdin;
SELECT * FROM viewtest_tbl;
SELECT * FROM viewtest_tbl WHERE a > 10;
SELECT * FROM viewtest;
a | b
15 | 20
20 | 25
(2 rows)
SELECT a, b FROM viewtest_tbl WHERE a > 5 ORDER BY b DESC;
SELECT * FROM viewtest;
a | b
20 | 25
15 | 20
10 | 15
(3 rows)
-- should fail
SELECT a FROM viewtest_tbl WHERE a <> 20;
ERROR: cannot drop columns from view
-- should fail
SELECT 1, * FROM viewtest_tbl;
ERROR: cannot change name of view column "a" to "?column?"
-- should fail
SELECT a, b::numeric FROM viewtest_tbl;
ERROR: cannot change data type of view column "b" from integer to numeric
-- should work
SELECT a, b, 0 AS c FROM viewtest_tbl;
DROP VIEW viewtest;
DROP TABLE viewtest_tbl;
-- tests for temporary views
CREATE SCHEMA temp_view_test
CREATE TABLE base_table (a int, id int)
CREATE TABLE base_table2 (a int, id int);
SET search_path TO temp_view_test, public;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table (a int, id int);
-- should be created in temp_view_test schema
-- should be created in temp object schema
CREATE VIEW v1_temp AS SELECT * FROM temp_table;
NOTICE: view "v1_temp" will be a temporary view
-- should be created in temp object schema
CREATE TEMP VIEW v2_temp AS SELECT * FROM base_table;
-- should be created in temp_views schema
CREATE VIEW temp_view_test.v2 AS SELECT * FROM base_table;
-- should fail
CREATE VIEW temp_view_test.v3_temp AS SELECT * FROM temp_table;
NOTICE: view "v3_temp" will be a temporary view
ERROR: cannot create temporary relation in non-temporary schema
-- should fail
CREATE SCHEMA test_schema
ERROR: cannot create temporary relation in non-temporary schema
-- joins: if any of the join relations are temporary, the view
-- should also be temporary
-- should be non-temp
SELECT t1.a AS t1_a, t2.a AS t2_a
FROM base_table t1, base_table2 t2
-- should be temp (one join rel is temp)
SELECT t1.a AS t1_a, t2.a AS t2_a
FROM base_table t1, temp_table t2
NOTICE: view "v4_temp" will be a temporary view
-- should be temp
SELECT t1.a AS t1_a, t2.a AS t2_a, t3.a AS t3_a
FROM base_table t1, base_table2 t2, temp_table t3
WHERE = and =;
NOTICE: view "v5_temp" will be a temporary view
-- subqueries
CREATE VIEW v4 AS SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM base_table2);
CREATE VIEW v5 AS SELECT, t2.a FROM base_table t1, (SELECT * FROM base_table2) t2;
CREATE VIEW v6_temp AS SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM temp_table);
NOTICE: view "v6_temp" will be a temporary view
CREATE VIEW v7_temp AS SELECT, t2.a FROM base_table t1, (SELECT * FROM temp_table) t2;
NOTICE: view "v7_temp" will be a temporary view
CREATE VIEW v8_temp AS SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM temp_table);
NOTICE: view "v8_temp" will be a temporary view
CREATE VIEW v9_temp AS SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM temp_table);
NOTICE: view "v9_temp" will be a temporary view
-- a view should also be temporary if it references a temporary view
CREATE VIEW v10_temp AS SELECT * FROM v7_temp;
NOTICE: view "v10_temp" will be a temporary view
CREATE VIEW v11_temp AS SELECT, t2.a FROM base_table t1, v10_temp t2;
NOTICE: view "v11_temp" will be a temporary view
CREATE VIEW v12_temp AS SELECT true FROM v11_temp;
NOTICE: view "v12_temp" will be a temporary view
-- a view should also be temporary if it references a temporary sequence
CREATE VIEW v9 AS SELECT seq1.is_called FROM seq1;
CREATE VIEW v13_temp AS SELECT seq1_temp.is_called FROM seq1_temp;
NOTICE: view "v13_temp" will be a temporary view
SELECT relname FROM pg_class
WHERE relname LIKE 'v_'
AND relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = 'temp_view_test')
ORDER BY relname;
(9 rows)
SELECT relname FROM pg_class
WHERE relname LIKE 'v%'
AND relnamespace IN (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname LIKE 'pg_temp%')
ORDER BY relname;
(12 rows)
CREATE SCHEMA testviewschm2;
SET search_path TO testviewschm2, public;
CREATE TABLE t1 (num int, name text);
CREATE TABLE t2 (num2 int, value text);
CREATE TEMP TABLE tt (num2 int, value text);
NOTICE: view "temporal1" will be a temporary view
CREATE VIEW nontemp2 AS SELECT * FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON t1.num = t2.num2;
CREATE VIEW temporal2 AS SELECT * FROM t1 INNER JOIN tt ON t1.num = tt.num2;
NOTICE: view "temporal2" will be a temporary view
CREATE VIEW nontemp3 AS SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON t1.num = t2.num2;
CREATE VIEW temporal3 AS SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN tt ON t1.num = tt.num2;
NOTICE: view "temporal3" will be a temporary view
CREATE VIEW nontemp4 AS SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON t1.num = t2.num2 AND t2.value = 'xxx';
CREATE VIEW temporal4 AS SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN tt ON t1.num = tt.num2 AND tt.value = 'xxx';
NOTICE: view "temporal4" will be a temporary view
SELECT relname FROM pg_class
WHERE relname LIKE 'nontemp%'
AND relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = 'testviewschm2')
ORDER BY relname;
(4 rows)
SELECT relname FROM pg_class
WHERE relname LIKE 'temporal%'
AND relnamespace IN (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname LIKE 'pg_temp%')
ORDER BY relname;
(4 rows)
CREATE TABLE tbl1 ( a int, b int);
CREATE TABLE tbl2 (c int, d int);
CREATE TABLE tbl3 (e int, f int);
CREATE TABLE tbl4 (g int, h int);
CREATE TEMP TABLE tmptbl (i int, j int);
--Should be in testviewschm2
CREATE VIEW pubview AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE tbl1.a
AND EXISTS (SELECT g FROM tbl4 LEFT JOIN tbl3 ON tbl4.h = tbl3.f);
SELECT count(*) FROM pg_class where relname = 'pubview'
AND relnamespace IN (SELECT OID FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = 'testviewschm2');
(1 row)
--Should be in temp object schema
CREATE VIEW mytempview AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE tbl1.a
AND EXISTS (SELECT g FROM tbl4 LEFT JOIN tbl3 ON tbl4.h = tbl3.f)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT g FROM tbl4 LEFT JOIN tmptbl ON tbl4.h = tmptbl.j);
NOTICE: view "mytempview" will be a temporary view
SELECT count(*) FROM pg_class where relname LIKE 'mytempview'
And relnamespace IN (SELECT OID FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname LIKE 'pg_temp%');
(1 row)
-- CREATE VIEW and WITH(...) clause
CREATE VIEW mysecview1
AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a = 0;
CREATE VIEW mysecview2 WITH (security_barrier=true)
AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a > 0;
CREATE VIEW mysecview3 WITH (security_barrier=false)
AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a < 0;
CREATE VIEW mysecview4 WITH (security_barrier)
AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a <> 0;
CREATE VIEW mysecview5 WITH (security_barrier=100) -- Error
AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a > 100;
ERROR: invalid value for boolean option "security_barrier": 100
CREATE VIEW mysecview6 WITH (invalid_option) -- Error
AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a < 100;
ERROR: unrecognized parameter "invalid_option"
SELECT relname, relkind, reloptions FROM pg_class
WHERE oid in ('mysecview1'::regclass, 'mysecview2'::regclass,
'mysecview3'::regclass, 'mysecview4'::regclass)
ORDER BY relname;
relname | relkind | reloptions
mysecview1 | v |
mysecview2 | v | {security_barrier=true}
mysecview3 | v | {security_barrier=false}
mysecview4 | v | {security_barrier=true}
(4 rows)
AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a = 256;
AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a > 256;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mysecview3 WITH (security_barrier=true)
AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a < 256;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mysecview4 WITH (security_barrier=false)
AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a <> 256;
SELECT relname, relkind, reloptions FROM pg_class
WHERE oid in ('mysecview1'::regclass, 'mysecview2'::regclass,
'mysecview3'::regclass, 'mysecview4'::regclass)
ORDER BY relname;
relname | relkind | reloptions
mysecview1 | v |
mysecview2 | v |
mysecview3 | v | {security_barrier=true}
mysecview4 | v | {security_barrier=false}
(4 rows)
-- Test view decompilation in the face of relation renaming conflicts
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
CREATE TABLE tt1 (f1 int, f2 int, f3 text);
CREATE TABLE tx1 (x1 int, x2 int, x3 text);
CREATE TABLE temp_view_test.tt1 (y1 int, f2 int, f3 text);
CREATE VIEW aliased_view_1 AS
select * from tt1
where exists (select 1 from tx1 where tt1.f1 = tx1.x1);
CREATE VIEW aliased_view_2 AS
select * from tt1 a1
where exists (select 1 from tx1 where a1.f1 = tx1.x1);
CREATE VIEW aliased_view_3 AS
select * from tt1
where exists (select 1 from tx1 a2 where tt1.f1 = a2.x1);
CREATE VIEW aliased_view_4 AS
select * from temp_view_test.tt1
where exists (select 1 from tt1 where temp_view_test.tt1.y1 = tt1.f1);
\d+ aliased_view_1
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_1"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
f1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT tt1.f1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM tt1
FROM tx1
WHERE tt1.f1 = tx1.x1));
\d+ aliased_view_2
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_2"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
f1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT a1.f1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM tt1 a1
FROM tx1
WHERE a1.f1 = tx1.x1));
\d+ aliased_view_3
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_3"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
f1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT tt1.f1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM tt1
FROM tx1 a2
WHERE tt1.f1 = a2.x1));
\d+ aliased_view_4
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_4"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
y1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT tt1.y1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM temp_view_test.tt1
FROM tt1 tt1_1
WHERE tt1.y1 = tt1_1.f1));
\d+ aliased_view_1
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_1"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
f1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT tt1.f1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM tt1
WHERE tt1.f1 = a1.x1));
\d+ aliased_view_2
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_2"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
f1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT a1.f1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM tt1 a1
FROM a1 a1_1
WHERE a1.f1 = a1_1.x1));
\d+ aliased_view_3
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_3"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
f1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT tt1.f1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM tt1
FROM a1 a2
WHERE tt1.f1 = a2.x1));
\d+ aliased_view_4
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_4"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
y1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT tt1.y1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM temp_view_test.tt1
FROM tt1 tt1_1
WHERE tt1.y1 = tt1_1.f1));
\d+ aliased_view_1
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_1"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
f1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT a2.f1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
WHERE a2.f1 = a1.x1));
\d+ aliased_view_2
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_2"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
f1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT a1.f1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM a2 a1
FROM a1 a1_1
WHERE a1.f1 = a1_1.x1));
\d+ aliased_view_3
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_3"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
f1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT a2.f1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM a1 a2_1
WHERE a2.f1 = a2_1.x1));
\d+ aliased_view_4
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_4"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
y1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT tt1.y1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM temp_view_test.tt1
WHERE tt1.y1 = a2.f1));
\d+ aliased_view_1
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_1"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
f1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT a2.f1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM tt1
WHERE a2.f1 = tt1.x1));
\d+ aliased_view_2
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_2"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
f1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT a1.f1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM a2 a1
FROM tt1
WHERE a1.f1 = tt1.x1));
\d+ aliased_view_3
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_3"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
f1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT a2.f1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM tt1 a2_1
WHERE a2.f1 = a2_1.x1));
\d+ aliased_view_4
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_4"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
y1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT tt1.y1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM temp_view_test.tt1
WHERE tt1.y1 = a2.f1));
ALTER TABLE tx1 SET SCHEMA temp_view_test;
\d+ aliased_view_1
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_1"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
f1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT tx1.f1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM temp_view_test.tx1
FROM tt1
WHERE tx1.f1 = tt1.x1));
\d+ aliased_view_2
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_2"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
f1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT a1.f1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM temp_view_test.tx1 a1
FROM tt1
WHERE a1.f1 = tt1.x1));
\d+ aliased_view_3
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_3"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
f1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT tx1.f1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM temp_view_test.tx1
FROM tt1 a2
WHERE tx1.f1 = a2.x1));
\d+ aliased_view_4
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_4"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
y1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT tt1.y1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM temp_view_test.tt1
FROM temp_view_test.tx1
WHERE tt1.y1 = tx1.f1));
ALTER TABLE temp_view_test.tt1 RENAME TO tmp1;
ALTER TABLE temp_view_test.tmp1 SET SCHEMA testviewschm2;
\d+ aliased_view_1
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_1"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
f1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT tx1.f1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM temp_view_test.tx1
FROM tt1
WHERE tx1.f1 = tt1.x1));
\d+ aliased_view_2
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_2"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
f1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT a1.f1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM temp_view_test.tx1 a1
FROM tt1
WHERE a1.f1 = tt1.x1));
\d+ aliased_view_3
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_3"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
f1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT tx1.f1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM temp_view_test.tx1
FROM tt1 a2
WHERE tx1.f1 = a2.x1));
\d+ aliased_view_4
View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_4"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
y1 | integer | | plain |
f2 | integer | | plain |
f3 | text | | extended |
View definition:
SELECT tx1.y1,
Improve ruleutils.c's heuristics for dealing with rangetable aliases. The previous scheme had bugs in some corner cases involving tables that had been renamed since a view was made. This could result in dumped views that failed to reload or reloaded incorrectly, as seen in bug #7553 from Lloyd Albin, as well as in some pgsql-hackers discussion back in January. Also, its behavior for printing EXPLAIN plans was sometimes confusing because of willingness to use the same alias for multiple RTEs (it was Ashutosh Bapat's complaint about that aspect that started the January thread). To fix, ensure that each RTE in the query has a unique unqualified alias, by modifying the alias if necessary (we add "_" and digits as needed to create a non-conflicting name). Then we can just print its variables with that alias, avoiding the confusing and bug-prone scheme of sometimes schema-qualifying variable names. In EXPLAIN, it proves to be expedient to take the further step of only assigning such aliases to RTEs that are actually referenced in the query, since the planner has a habit of generating extra RTEs with the same alias in situations such as inheritance-tree expansion. Although this fixes a bug of very long standing, I'm hesitant to back-patch such a noticeable behavioral change. My experiments while creating a regression test convinced me that actually incorrect output (as opposed to confusing output) occurs only in very narrow cases, which is backed up by the lack of previous complaints from the field. So we may be better off living with it in released branches; and in any case it'd be smart to let this ripen awhile in HEAD before we consider back-patching it.
2012-09-22 01:03:10 +02:00
FROM tx1
FROM temp_view_test.tx1 tx1_1
WHERE tx1.y1 = tx1_1.f1));
-- Test view decompilation in the face of column addition/deletion/renaming
create table tt2 (a int, b int, c int);
create table tt3 (ax int8, b int2, c numeric);
create table tt4 (ay int, b int, q int);
create view v1 as select * from tt2 natural join tt3;
create view v1a as select * from (tt2 natural join tt3) j;
create view v2 as select * from tt2 join tt3 using (b,c) join tt4 using (b);
create view v2a as select * from (tt2 join tt3 using (b,c) join tt4 using (b)) j;
create view v3 as select * from tt2 join tt3 using (b,c) full join tt4 using (b);
select pg_get_viewdef('v1', true);
SELECT tt2.b, +
tt3.c, +
tt2.a, + +
FROM tt2 +
JOIN tt3 USING (b, c);
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v1a', true);
SELECT j.b, +
j.c, +
j.a, + +
FROM (tt2 +
JOIN tt3 USING (b, c)) j;
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v2', true);
SELECT tt2.b, +
tt3.c, +
tt2.a, +, +
tt4.ay, +
tt4.q +
FROM tt2 +
JOIN tt3 USING (b, c)+
JOIN tt4 USING (b);
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v2a', true);
SELECT j.b, +
j.c, +
j.a, +, +
j.ay, +
j.q +
FROM (tt2 +
JOIN tt3 USING (b, c) +
JOIN tt4 USING (b)) j;
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v3', true);
tt3.c, +
tt2.a, +, +
tt4.ay, +
tt4.q +
FROM tt2 +
JOIN tt3 USING (b, c) +
(1 row)
alter table tt2 add column d int;
alter table tt2 add column e int;
select pg_get_viewdef('v1', true);
SELECT tt2.b, +
tt3.c, +
tt2.a, + +
FROM tt2 +
JOIN tt3 USING (b, c);
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v1a', true);
SELECT j.b, +
j.c, +
j.a, + +
FROM (tt2 +
JOIN tt3 USING (b, c)) j;
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v2', true);
SELECT tt2.b, +
tt3.c, +
tt2.a, +, +
tt4.ay, +
tt4.q +
FROM tt2 +
JOIN tt3 USING (b, c)+
JOIN tt4 USING (b);
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v2a', true);
SELECT j.b, +
j.c, +
j.a, +, +
j.ay, +
j.q +
FROM (tt2 +
JOIN tt3 USING (b, c) +
JOIN tt4 USING (b)) j;
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v3', true);
tt3.c, +
tt2.a, +, +
tt4.ay, +
tt4.q +
FROM tt2 +
JOIN tt3 USING (b, c) +
(1 row)
alter table tt3 rename c to d;
select pg_get_viewdef('v1', true);
SELECT tt2.b, +
tt3.c, +
tt2.a, + +
FROM tt2 +
JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c) USING (b, c);
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v1a', true);
SELECT j.b, +
j.c, +
j.a, + +
FROM (tt2 +
JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c) USING (b, c)) j;
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v2', true);
SELECT tt2.b, +
tt3.c, +
tt2.a, +, +
tt4.ay, +
tt4.q +
FROM tt2 +
JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c) USING (b, c)+
JOIN tt4 USING (b);
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v2a', true);
SELECT j.b, +
j.c, +
j.a, +, +
j.ay, +
j.q +
FROM (tt2 +
JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c) USING (b, c)+
JOIN tt4 USING (b)) j;
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v3', true);
tt3.c, +
tt2.a, +, +
tt4.ay, +
tt4.q +
FROM tt2 +
JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c) USING (b, c)+
(1 row)
alter table tt3 add column c int;
alter table tt3 add column e int;
select pg_get_viewdef('v1', true);
SELECT tt2.b, +
tt3.c, +
tt2.a, + +
FROM tt2 +
JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c);
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v1a', true);
SELECT j.b, +
j.c, +
j.a, + +
FROM (tt2 +
JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c)) j(b, c, a, d, e, ax, c_1, e_1);
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v2', true);
SELECT tt2.b, +
tt3.c, +
tt2.a, +, +
tt4.ay, +
tt4.q +
FROM tt2 +
JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c)+
JOIN tt4 USING (b);
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v2a', true);
SELECT j.b, +
j.c, +
j.a, +, +
j.ay, +
j.q +
FROM (tt2 +
JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c) +
JOIN tt4 USING (b)) j(b, c, a, d, e, ax, c_1, e_1, ay, q);
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v3', true);
tt3.c, +
tt2.a, +, +
tt4.ay, +
tt4.q +
FROM tt2 +
JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c)+
(1 row)
alter table tt2 drop column d;
select pg_get_viewdef('v1', true);
SELECT tt2.b, +
tt3.c, +
tt2.a, + +
FROM tt2 +
JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c);
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v1a', true);
SELECT j.b, +
j.c, +
j.a, + +
FROM (tt2 +
JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c)) j(b, c, a, e, ax, c_1, e_1);
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v2', true);
SELECT tt2.b, +
tt3.c, +
tt2.a, +, +
tt4.ay, +
tt4.q +
FROM tt2 +
JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c)+
JOIN tt4 USING (b);
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v2a', true);
SELECT j.b, +
j.c, +
j.a, +, +
j.ay, +
j.q +
FROM (tt2 +
JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c) +
JOIN tt4 USING (b)) j(b, c, a, e, ax, c_1, e_1, ay, q);
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('v3', true);
tt3.c, +
tt2.a, +, +
tt4.ay, +
tt4.q +
FROM tt2 +
JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c)+
(1 row)
create table tt5 (a int, b int);
create table tt6 (c int, d int);
create view vv1 as select * from (tt5 cross join tt6) j(aa,bb,cc,dd);
select pg_get_viewdef('vv1', true);
SELECT j.aa, +, +, +
j.dd +
FROM (tt5 +
CROSS JOIN tt6) j(aa, bb, cc, dd);
(1 row)
alter table tt5 add column c int;
select pg_get_viewdef('vv1', true);
SELECT j.aa, +, +, +
j.dd +
FROM (tt5 +
CROSS JOIN tt6) j(aa, bb, c, cc, dd);
(1 row)
alter table tt5 add column cc int;
select pg_get_viewdef('vv1', true);
SELECT j.aa, +, +, +
j.dd +
FROM (tt5 +
CROSS JOIN tt6) j(aa, bb, c, cc_1, cc, dd);
(1 row)
alter table tt5 drop column c;
select pg_get_viewdef('vv1', true);
SELECT j.aa, +, +, +
j.dd +
FROM (tt5 +
CROSS JOIN tt6) j(aa, bb, cc_1, cc, dd);
(1 row)
-- Unnamed FULL JOIN USING is lots of fun too
create table tt7 (x int, xx int, y int);
alter table tt7 drop column xx;
create table tt8 (x int, z int);
create view vv2 as
select * from (values(1,2,3,4,5)) v(a,b,c,d,e)
union all
select * from tt7 full join tt8 using (x), tt8 tt8x;
select pg_get_viewdef('vv2', true);
SELECT v.a, +
v.b, +
v.c, +
v.d, +
v.e +
FROM ( VALUES (1,2,3,4,5)) v(a, b, c, d, e)+
SELECT x AS a, +
tt7.y AS b, +
tt8.z AS c, +
tt8x.x_1 AS d, +
tt8x.z AS e +
FROM tt7 +
FULL JOIN tt8 USING (x), +
tt8 tt8x(x_1, z);
(1 row)
create view vv3 as
select * from (values(1,2,3,4,5,6)) v(a,b,c,x,e,f)
union all
select * from
tt7 full join tt8 using (x),
tt7 tt7x full join tt8 tt8x using (x);
select pg_get_viewdef('vv3', true);
SELECT v.a, +
v.b, +
v.c, +
v.x, +
v.e, +
v.f +
FROM ( VALUES (1,2,3,4,5,6)) v(a, b, c, x, e, f)+
SELECT x AS a, +
tt7.y AS b, +
tt8.z AS c, +
x_1 AS x, +
tt7x.y AS e, +
tt8x.z AS f +
FROM tt7 +
FULL JOIN tt8 USING (x), +
tt7 tt7x(x_1, y) +
FULL JOIN tt8 tt8x(x_1, z) USING (x_1);
(1 row)
create view vv4 as
select * from (values(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)) v(a,b,c,x,e,f,g)
union all
select * from
tt7 full join tt8 using (x),
tt7 tt7x full join tt8 tt8x using (x) full join tt8 tt8y using (x);
select pg_get_viewdef('vv4', true);
SELECT v.a, +
v.b, +
v.c, +
v.x, +
v.e, +
v.f, +
v.g +
FROM ( VALUES (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)) v(a, b, c, x, e, f, g)+
SELECT x AS a, +
tt7.y AS b, +
tt8.z AS c, +
x_1 AS x, +
tt7x.y AS e, +
tt8x.z AS f, +
tt8y.z AS g +
FROM tt7 +
FULL JOIN tt8 USING (x), +
tt7 tt7x(x_1, y) +
FULL JOIN tt8 tt8x(x_1, z) USING (x_1) +
FULL JOIN tt8 tt8y(x_1, z) USING (x_1);
(1 row)
alter table tt7 add column zz int;
alter table tt7 add column z int;
alter table tt7 drop column zz;
alter table tt8 add column z2 int;
select pg_get_viewdef('vv2', true);
SELECT v.a, +
v.b, +
v.c, +
v.d, +
v.e +
FROM ( VALUES (1,2,3,4,5)) v(a, b, c, d, e)+
SELECT x AS a, +
tt7.y AS b, +
tt8.z AS c, +
tt8x.x_1 AS d, +
tt8x.z AS e +
FROM tt7 +
FULL JOIN tt8 USING (x), +
tt8 tt8x(x_1, z, z2);
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('vv3', true);
SELECT v.a, +
v.b, +
v.c, +
v.x, +
v.e, +
v.f +
FROM ( VALUES (1,2,3,4,5,6)) v(a, b, c, x, e, f)+
SELECT x AS a, +
tt7.y AS b, +
tt8.z AS c, +
x_1 AS x, +
tt7x.y AS e, +
tt8x.z AS f +
FROM tt7 +
FULL JOIN tt8 USING (x), +
tt7 tt7x(x_1, y, z) +
FULL JOIN tt8 tt8x(x_1, z, z2) USING (x_1);
(1 row)
select pg_get_viewdef('vv4', true);
SELECT v.a, +
v.b, +
v.c, +
v.x, +
v.e, +
v.f, +
v.g +
FROM ( VALUES (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)) v(a, b, c, x, e, f, g)+
SELECT x AS a, +
tt7.y AS b, +
tt8.z AS c, +
x_1 AS x, +
tt7x.y AS e, +
tt8x.z AS f, +
tt8y.z AS g +
FROM tt7 +
FULL JOIN tt8 USING (x), +
tt7 tt7x(x_1, y, z) +
FULL JOIN tt8 tt8x(x_1, z, z2) USING (x_1) +
FULL JOIN tt8 tt8y(x_1, z, z2) USING (x_1);
(1 row)
-- Implicit coercions in a JOIN USING create issues similar to FULL JOIN
create table tt7a (x date, xx int, y int);
alter table tt7a drop column xx;
create table tt8a (x timestamptz, z int);
create view vv2a as
select * from (values(now(),2,3,now(),5)) v(a,b,c,d,e)
union all
select * from tt7a left join tt8a using (x), tt8a tt8ax;
select pg_get_viewdef('vv2a', true);
SELECT v.a, +
v.b, +
v.c, +
v.d, +
v.e +
FROM ( VALUES (now(),2,3,now(),5)) v(a, b, c, d, e)+
SELECT x AS a, +
tt7a.y AS b, +
tt8a.z AS c, +
tt8ax.x_1 AS d, +
tt8ax.z AS e +
FROM tt7a +
LEFT JOIN tt8a USING (x), +
tt8a tt8ax(x_1, z);
(1 row)
-- Also check dropping a column that existed when the view was made
create table tt9 (x int, xx int, y int);
create table tt10 (x int, z int);
create view vv5 as select x,y,z from tt9 join tt10 using(x);
select pg_get_viewdef('vv5', true);
SELECT tt9.x, +
tt9.y, +
tt10.z +
FROM tt9 +
JOIN tt10 USING (x);
(1 row)
alter table tt9 drop column xx;
select pg_get_viewdef('vv5', true);
SELECT tt9.x, +
tt9.y, +
tt10.z +
FROM tt9 +
JOIN tt10 USING (x);
(1 row)
-- Another corner case is that we might add a column to a table below a
-- JOIN USING, and thereby make the USING column name ambiguous
create table tt11 (x int, y int);
create table tt12 (x int, z int);
create table tt13 (z int, q int);
create view vv6 as select x,y,z,q from
(tt11 join tt12 using(x)) join tt13 using(z);
select pg_get_viewdef('vv6', true);
SELECT tt11.x, +
tt11.y, +
tt12.z, +
tt13.q +
FROM tt11 +
JOIN tt12 USING (x) +
JOIN tt13 USING (z);
(1 row)
alter table tt11 add column z int;
select pg_get_viewdef('vv6', true);
SELECT tt11.x, +
tt11.y, +
tt12.z, +
tt13.q +
FROM tt11 tt11(x, y, z_1)+
JOIN tt12 USING (x) +
JOIN tt13 USING (z);
(1 row)
Partial fix for dropped columns in functions returning composite. When a view has a function-returning-composite in FROM, and there are some dropped columns in the underlying composite type, ruleutils.c printed junk in the column alias list for the reconstructed FROM entry. Before 9.3, this was prevented by doing get_rte_attribute_is_dropped tests while printing the column alias list; but that solution is not currently available to us for reasons I'll explain below. Instead, check for empty-string entries in the alias list, which can only exist if that column position had been dropped at the time the view was made. (The parser fills in empty strings to preserve the invariant that the aliases correspond to physical column positions.) While this is sufficient to handle the case of columns dropped before the view was made, we have still got issues with columns dropped after the view was made. In particular, the view could contain Vars that explicitly reference such columns! The dependency machinery really ought to refuse the column drop attempt in such cases, as it would do when trying to drop a table column that's explicitly referenced in views. However, we currently neglect to store dependencies on columns of composite types, and fixing that is likely to be too big to be back-patchable (not to mention that existing views in existing databases would not have the needed pg_depend entries anyway). So I'll leave that for a separate patch. Pre-9.3, ruleutils would print such Vars normally (with their original column names) even though it suppressed their entries in the RTE's column alias list. This is certainly bogus, since the printed view definition would fail to reload, but at least it didn't crash. However, as of 9.3 the printed column alias list is tightly tied to the names printed for Vars; so we can't treat columns as dropped for one purpose and not dropped for the other. This is why we can't just put back the get_rte_attribute_is_dropped test: it results in an assertion failure if the view in fact contains any Vars referencing the dropped column. Once we've got dependencies preventing such cases, we'll probably want to do it that way instead of relying on the empty-string test used here. This fix turned up a very ancient bug in outfuncs/readfuncs, namely that T_String nodes containing empty strings were not dumped/reloaded correctly: the node was printed as "<>" which is read as a string value of <>. Since (per SQL) we disallow empty-string identifiers, such nodes don't occur normally, which is why we'd not noticed. (Such nodes aren't used for literal constants, just identifiers.) Per report from Marc Schablewski. Back-patch to 9.3 which is where the rule printing behavior changed. The dangling-variable case is broken all the way back, but that's not what his complaint is about.
2014-07-19 20:28:22 +02:00
-- Check some cases involving dropped columns in a function's rowtype result
create table tt14t (f1 text, f2 text, f3 text, f4 text);
insert into tt14t values('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quux');
alter table tt14t drop column f2;
create function tt14f() returns setof tt14t as
rec1 record;
for rec1 in select * from tt14t
return next rec1;
end loop;
language plpgsql;
create view tt14v as select t.* from tt14f() t;
select pg_get_viewdef('tt14v', true);
SELECT t.f1, +
t.f3, +
t.f4 +
FROM tt14f() t(f1, f3, f4);
(1 row)
select * from tt14v;
f1 | f3 | f4
foo | baz | quux
(1 row)
-- this perhaps should be rejected, but it isn't:
alter table tt14t drop column f3;
-- f3 is still in the view but will read as nulls
select pg_get_viewdef('tt14v', true);
SELECT t.f1, +
t.f3, +
t.f4 +
FROM tt14f() t(f1, f3, f4);
(1 row)
select * from tt14v;
f1 | f3 | f4
foo | | quux
(1 row)
-- clean up all the random objects we made above
set client_min_messages = warning;
DROP SCHEMA temp_view_test CASCADE;
DROP SCHEMA testviewschm2 CASCADE;