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/* Module: qresult.c
* Description: This module contains functions related to
* managing result information (i.e, fetching rows from the backend,
* managing the tuple cache, etc.) and retrieving it.
* Depending on the situation, a QResultClass will hold either data
* from the backend or a manually built result (see "qresult.h" to
* see which functions/macros are for manual or backend results.
* For manually built results, the QResultClass simply points to
* TupleList and ColumnInfo structures, which actually hold the data.
* Classes: QResultClass (Functions prefix: "QR_")
* API functions: none
* Comments: See "notice.txt" for copyright and license information.
#include "qresult.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include <stdio.h>
extern GLOBAL_VALUES globals;
/* Used for building a Manual Result only */
/* All info functions call this function to create the manual result set. */
QR_set_num_fields(QResultClass *self, int new_num_fields)
mylog("in QR_set_num_fields\n");
CI_set_num_fields(self->fields, new_num_fields);
self->manual_tuples = TL_Constructor(new_num_fields);
mylog("exit QR_set_num_fields\n");
/* CLASS QResult */
QResultClass *
QResultClass *rv;
mylog("in QR_Constructor\n");
rv = (QResultClass *) malloc(sizeof(QResultClass));
if (rv != NULL) {
rv->status = PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY;
/* construct the column info */
if ( ! (rv->fields = CI_Constructor())) {
return NULL;
rv->manual_tuples = NULL;
rv->backend_tuples = NULL;
rv->message = NULL;
rv->command = NULL;
rv->notice = NULL;
rv->conn = NULL;
rv->inTuples = FALSE;
rv->fcount = 0;
rv->fetch_count = 0;
rv->num_fields = 0;
rv->tupleField = NULL;
rv->cursor = NULL;
mylog("exit QR_Constructor\n");
return rv;
QR_Destructor(QResultClass *self)
mylog("QResult: in DESTRUCTOR\n");
/* manual result set tuples */
if (self->manual_tuples)
// If conn is defined, then we may have used "backend_tuples",
// so in case we need to, free it up. Also, close the cursor.
if (self->conn && self->conn->sock && CC_is_in_trans(self->conn))
QR_close(self); // close the cursor if there is one
QR_free_memory(self); // safe to call anyway
// Should have been freed in the close() but just in case...
if (self->cursor)
/* Free up column info */
if (self->fields)
/* Free command info (this is from strdup()) */
if (self->command)
/* Free notice info (this is from strdup()) */
if (self->notice)
mylog("QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR\n");
QR_set_command(QResultClass *self, char *msg)
if (self->command)
self->command = msg ? strdup(msg) : NULL;
QR_set_notice(QResultClass *self, char *msg)
if (self->notice)
self->notice = msg ? strdup(msg) : NULL;
QR_free_memory(QResultClass *self)
register int lf, row;
register TupleField *tuple = self->backend_tuples;
int fcount = self->fcount;
int num_fields = self->num_fields;
mylog("QResult: free memory in, fcount=%d\n", fcount);
if ( self->backend_tuples) {
for (row = 0; row < fcount; row++) {
mylog("row = %d, num_fields = %d\n", row, num_fields);
for (lf=0; lf < num_fields; lf++) {
if (tuple[lf].value != NULL) {
mylog("free [lf=%d] %u\n", lf, tuple[lf].value);
tuple += num_fields; // next row
self->backend_tuples = NULL;
self->fcount = 0;
mylog("QResult: free memory out\n");
// This function is called by send_query()
QR_fetch_tuples(QResultClass *self, ConnectionClass *conn, char *cursor)
// If called from send_query the first time (conn != NULL),
// then set the inTuples state,
// and read the tuples. If conn is NULL,
// it implies that we are being called from next_tuple(),
// like to get more rows so don't call next_tuple again!
if (conn != NULL) {
self->conn = conn;
mylog("QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '%s', self->cursor=%u\n", cursor, self->cursor);
if (self->cursor)
if ( ! cursor || cursor[0] == '\0') {
self->status = PGRES_INTERNAL_ERROR;
QR_set_message(self, "Internal Error -- no cursor for fetch");
return FALSE;
self->cursor = strdup(cursor);
// Read the field attributes.
// $$$$ Should do some error control HERE! $$$$
if ( CI_read_fields(self->fields, CC_get_socket(self->conn))) {
self->status = PGRES_FIELDS_OK;
self->num_fields = CI_get_num_fields(self->fields);
else {
self->status = PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE;
QR_set_message(self, "Error reading field information");
return FALSE;
mylog("QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = %d\n", self->num_fields);
/* allocate memory for the tuple cache */
self->backend_tuples = (TupleField *) malloc(self->num_fields * sizeof(TupleField) * globals.fetch_max);
if ( ! self->backend_tuples) {
self->status = PGRES_FATAL_ERROR;
QR_set_message(self, "Could not get memory for tuple cache.");
return FALSE;
self->inTuples = TRUE;
/* Force a read to occur in next_tuple */
self->fcount = globals.fetch_max+1;
self->fetch_count = globals.fetch_max+1;
return QR_next_tuple(self);
else {
// Always have to read the field attributes.
// But we dont have to reallocate memory for them!
if ( ! CI_read_fields(NULL, CC_get_socket(self->conn))) {
self->status = PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE;
QR_set_message(self, "Error reading field information");
return FALSE;
// Close the cursor and end the transaction
// We only close cursor/end the transaction if a cursor was used.
QR_close(QResultClass *self)
QResultClass *res;
if (self->conn && self->cursor) {
char buf[64];
sprintf(buf, "close %s; END", self->cursor);
mylog("QResult: closing cursor: '%s'\n", buf);
res = CC_send_query(self->conn, buf, NULL, NULL);
self->inTuples = FALSE;
self->cursor = NULL;
if (res == NULL) {
self->status = PGRES_FATAL_ERROR;
QR_set_message(self, "Error closing cursor.");
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// This function is called by fetch_tuples() AND SQLFetch()
QR_next_tuple(QResultClass *self)
int id;
QResultClass *res;
SocketClass *sock;
/* Speed up access */
int fetch_count = self->fetch_count;
int fcount = self->fcount;
TupleField *the_tuples = self->backend_tuples;
static char msgbuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+1];
char cmdbuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+1]; // QR_set_command() dups this string so dont need static
if (fetch_count < fcount) { /* return a row from cache */
mylog("next_tuple: fetch_count < fcount: returning tuple %d, fcount = %d\n", fetch_count, fcount);
self->tupleField = the_tuples + (fetch_count * self->num_fields); /* next row */
return TRUE;
else if (self->fcount < globals.fetch_max) { /* last row from cache */
// We are done because we didn't even get FETCH_MAX tuples
mylog("next_tuple: fcount < FETCH_MAX: fcount = %d, fetch_count = %d\n", fcount, fetch_count);
self->tupleField = NULL;
self->status = PGRES_END_TUPLES;
return -1; /* end of tuples */
else {
/* See if we need to fetch another group of rows.
We may be being called from send_query(), and
if so, don't send another fetch, just fall through
and read the tuples.
self->tupleField = NULL;
if ( ! self->inTuples) {
char fetch[128];
sprintf(fetch, "fetch %d in %s", globals.fetch_max, self->cursor);
mylog("next_tuple: sending actual fetch (%d) query '%s'\n", globals.fetch_max, fetch);
// don't read ahead for the next tuple (self) !
res = CC_send_query(self->conn, fetch, self, NULL);
if (res == NULL) {
self->status = PGRES_FATAL_ERROR;
QR_set_message(self, "Error fetching next group.");
return FALSE;
self->inTuples = TRUE;
/* This is a true fetch, like SQLFetch() */
self->fetch_count = 1;
else {
mylog("next_tuple: inTuples = true, falling through: fcount = %d, fetch_count = %d\n", self->fcount, self->fetch_count);
/* This is a pre-fetch (fetching rows right after query
but before any real SQLFetch() calls. This is done
so the field attributes are available.
self->fetch_count = 0;
// fall through and read the next group
self->fcount = 0;
sock = CC_get_socket(self->conn);
self->tupleField = NULL;
for ( ; ;) {
id = SOCK_get_char(sock);
switch (id) {
case 'T': /* Tuples within tuples cannot be handled */
self->status = PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE;
QR_set_message(self, "Tuples within tuples cannot be handled");
return FALSE;
case 'B': /* Tuples in binary format */
case 'D': /* Tuples in ASCII format */
if ( ! QR_read_tuple(self, (char) (id == 0))) {
self->status = PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE;
QR_set_message(self, "Error reading the tuple");
return FALSE;
break; // continue reading
case 'C': /* End of tuple list */
SOCK_get_string(sock, cmdbuffer, MAX_MESSAGE_LEN);
QR_set_command(self, cmdbuffer);
mylog("end of tuple list -- setting inUse to false: this = %u\n", self);
self->inTuples = FALSE;
if (self->fcount > 0) {
qlog(" [ fetched %d rows ]\n", self->fcount);
mylog("_next_tuple: 'C' fetch_max && fcount = %d\n", self->fcount);
/* set to first row */
self->tupleField = the_tuples;
return TRUE;
else { // We are surely done here (we read 0 tuples)
qlog(" [ fetched 0 rows ]\n");
mylog("_next_tuple: 'C': DONE (fcount == 0)\n");
return -1; /* end of tuples */
case 'E': /* Error */
SOCK_get_string(sock, msgbuffer, ERROR_MSG_LENGTH);
QR_set_message(self, msgbuffer);
self->status = PGRES_FATAL_ERROR;
qlog("ERROR from backend in next_tuple: '%s'\n", msgbuffer);
return FALSE;
case 'N': /* Notice */
SOCK_get_string(sock, msgbuffer, ERROR_MSG_LENGTH);
QR_set_message(self, msgbuffer);
self->status = PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR;
qlog("NOTICE from backend in next_tuple: '%s'\n", msgbuffer);
default: /* this should only happen if the backend dumped core */
QR_set_message(self, "Unexpected result from backend. It probably crashed");
self->status = PGRES_FATAL_ERROR;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
QR_read_tuple(QResultClass *self, char binary)
Int2 field_lf;
TupleField *this_tuplefield;
char bmp, bitmap[MAX_FIELDS]; /* Max. len of the bitmap */
Int2 bitmaplen; /* len of the bitmap in bytes */
Int2 bitmap_pos;
Int2 bitcnt;
Int4 len;
char *buffer;
int num_fields = self->num_fields; // speed up access
SocketClass *sock = CC_get_socket(self->conn);
/* set the current row to read the fields into */
this_tuplefield = self->backend_tuples + (self->fcount * num_fields);
bitmaplen = (Int2) num_fields / BYTELEN;
if ((num_fields % BYTELEN) > 0)
At first the server sends a bitmap that indicates which
database fields are null
SOCK_get_n_char(sock, bitmap, bitmaplen);
bitmap_pos = 0;
bitcnt = 0;
bmp = bitmap[bitmap_pos];
for(field_lf = 0; field_lf < num_fields; field_lf++) {
/* Check if the current field is NULL */
if(!(bmp & 0200)) {
/* YES, it is NULL ! */
this_tuplefield[field_lf].len = 0;
this_tuplefield[field_lf].value = 0;
} else {
NO, the field is not null. so get at first the
length of the field (four bytes)
len = SOCK_get_int(sock, VARHDRSZ);
if (!binary)
len -= VARHDRSZ;
buffer = (char *)malloc(len+1);
SOCK_get_n_char(sock, buffer, len);
buffer[len] = '\0';
// mylog("qresult: len=%d, buffer='%s'\n", len, buffer);
this_tuplefield[field_lf].len = len;
this_tuplefield[field_lf].value = buffer;
Now adjust for the next bit to be scanned in the
next loop.
if (BYTELEN == bitcnt) {
bmp = bitmap[bitmap_pos];
bitcnt = 0;
} else
bmp <<= 1;
return TRUE;