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* selfuncs.c
* Selectivity functions and index cost estimation functions for
* standard operators and index access methods.
* Selectivity routines are registered in the pg_operator catalog
* in the "oprrest" and "oprjoin" attributes.
* Index cost functions are registered in the pg_am catalog
* in the "amcostestimate" attribute.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2000, PostgreSQL, Inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/selfuncs.c,v 1.64 2000/04/12 17:15:51 momjian Exp $
1996-11-03 07:54:38 +01:00
#include "postgres.h"
#include <math.h>
1999-07-16 07:00:38 +02:00
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "catalog/catname.h"
#include "catalog/pg_operator.h"
#include "catalog/pg_proc.h"
#include "catalog/pg_statistic.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "optimizer/cost.h"
#include "parser/parse_func.h"
#include "parser/parse_oper.h"
1999-07-16 07:00:38 +02:00
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/int8.h"
1999-07-16 07:00:38 +02:00
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
/* N is not a valid var/constant or relation id */
#define NONVALUE(N) ((N) == 0)
/* are we looking at a functional index selectivity request? */
#define FunctionalSelectivity(nIndKeys,attNum) ((attNum)==InvalidAttrNumber)
/* default selectivity estimate for equalities such as "A = b" */
#define DEFAULT_EQ_SEL 0.01
/* default selectivity estimate for inequalities such as "A < b" */
#define DEFAULT_INEQ_SEL (1.0 / 3.0)
static bool convert_string_to_scalar(char *str, int strlength,
double *scaleval);
static void getattproperties(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum,
Oid *typid,
int *typlen,
bool *typbyval,
int32 *typmod);
static bool getattstatistics(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum,
Oid typid, int32 typmod,
double *nullfrac,
double *commonfrac,
Datum *commonval,
Datum *loval,
Datum *hival);
* eqsel - Selectivity of "=" for any data types.
* Note: this routine is also used to estimate selectivity for some
* operators that are not "=" but have comparable selectivity behavior,
* such as "~~" (text LIKE). Even for "=" we must keep in mind that
* the left and right datatypes may differ, so the type of the given
* constant "value" may be different from the type of the attribute.
eqsel(Oid opid,
Oid relid,
AttrNumber attno,
Datum value,
int32 flag)
float64 result;
result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data));
if (NONVALUE(attno) || NONVALUE(relid))
*result = DEFAULT_EQ_SEL;
Oid typid;
int typlen;
bool typbyval;
int32 typmod;
double nullfrac;
double commonfrac;
Datum commonval;
double selec;
/* get info about the attribute */
getattproperties(relid, attno,
&typid, &typlen, &typbyval, &typmod);
/* get stats for the attribute, if available */
if (getattstatistics(relid, attno, typid, typmod,
&nullfrac, &commonfrac, &commonval,
if (flag & SEL_CONSTANT)
* Is the constant "=" to the column's most common value?
* (Although the operator may not really be "=", we will
* assume that seeing whether it returns TRUE for the most
* common value is useful information. If you don't like
* it, maybe you shouldn't be using eqsel for your
* operator...)
RegProcedure eqproc = get_opcode(opid);
bool mostcommon;
if (eqproc == (RegProcedure) NULL)
elog(ERROR, "eqsel: no procedure for operator %u",
/* be careful to apply operator right way 'round */
if (flag & SEL_RIGHT)
mostcommon = (bool)
DatumGetUInt8(fmgr(eqproc, commonval, value));
mostcommon = (bool)
DatumGetUInt8(fmgr(eqproc, value, commonval));
if (mostcommon)
* Constant is "=" to the most common value. We know
* selectivity exactly (or as exactly as VACUUM could
* calculate it, anyway).
selec = commonfrac;
* Comparison is against a constant that is neither
* the most common value nor null. Its selectivity
* cannot be more than this:
selec = 1.0 - commonfrac - nullfrac;
if (selec > commonfrac)
selec = commonfrac;
* and in fact it's probably less, so we should apply
* a fudge factor. The only case where we don't is
* for a boolean column, where indeed we have
* estimated the less-common value's frequency
* exactly!
if (typid != BOOLOID)
selec *= 0.5;
* Search is for a value that we do not know a priori, but
* we will assume it is not NULL. Selectivity cannot be
* more than this:
selec = 1.0 - nullfrac;
if (selec > commonfrac)
selec = commonfrac;
* and in fact it's probably less, so apply a fudge
* factor.
selec *= 0.5;
/* result should be in range, but make sure... */
if (selec < 0.0)
selec = 0.0;
else if (selec > 1.0)
selec = 1.0;
if (!typbyval)
* No VACUUM ANALYZE stats available, so make a guess using
* the disbursion stat (if we have that, which is unlikely for
* a normal attribute; but for a system attribute we may be
* able to estimate it).
selec = get_attdisbursion(relid, attno, 0.01);
*result = (float64data) selec;
1998-09-01 05:29:17 +02:00
return result;
* neqsel - Selectivity of "!=" for any data types.
* This routine is also used for some operators that are not "!="
* but have comparable selectivity behavior. See above comments
* for eqsel().
neqsel(Oid opid,
Oid relid,
AttrNumber attno,
Datum value,
int32 flag)
float64 result;
result = eqsel(opid, relid, attno, value, flag);
*result = 1.0 - *result;
1998-09-01 05:29:17 +02:00
return result;
* scalarltsel - Selectivity of "<" (also "<=") for scalars.
* This routine works for any datatype (or pair of datatypes) known to
* convert_to_scalar(). If it is applied to some other datatype,
* it will return a default estimate.
scalarltsel(Oid opid,
Oid relid,
AttrNumber attno,
Datum value,
int32 flag)
float64 result;
result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data));
if (!(flag & SEL_CONSTANT) || NONVALUE(attno) || NONVALUE(relid))
HeapTuple oprtuple;
Oid ltype,
Oid typid;
int typlen;
bool typbyval;
int32 typmod;
Datum hival,
double val,
* Get left and right datatypes of the operator so we know what
* type the constant is.
oprtuple = get_operator_tuple(opid);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(oprtuple))
elog(ERROR, "scalarltsel: no tuple for operator %u", opid);
ltype = ((Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(oprtuple))->oprleft;
rtype = ((Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(oprtuple))->oprright;
/* Convert the constant to a uniform comparison scale. */
if (!convert_to_scalar(value,
((flag & SEL_RIGHT) ? rtype : ltype),
* Ideally we'd produce an error here, on the grounds that the
* given operator shouldn't have scalarltsel registered as its
* selectivity func unless we can deal with its operand types.
* But currently, all manner of stuff is invoking scalarltsel,
* so give a default estimate until that can be fixed.
1998-09-01 05:29:17 +02:00
return result;
/* Now get info and stats about the attribute */
getattproperties(relid, attno,
&typid, &typlen, &typbyval, &typmod);
if (!getattstatistics(relid, attno, typid, typmod,
&loval, &hival))
/* no stats available, so default result */
return result;
/* Convert the attribute's loval/hival to common scale. */
if (!convert_to_scalar(loval, typid, &low) ||
!convert_to_scalar(hival, typid, &high))
/* See above comments... */
if (!typbyval)
return result;
/* release temp storage if needed */
if (!typbyval)
if (high <= low)
* If we trusted the stats fully, we could return a small or
* large selec depending on which side of the single data
* point the constant is on. But it seems better to assume
* that the stats are wrong and return a default...
else if (val < low || val > high)
* If given value is outside the statistical range, return a
* small or large value; but not 0.0/1.0 since there is a
* chance the stats are out of date.
if (flag & SEL_RIGHT)
*result = (val < low) ? 0.001 : 0.999;
*result = (val < low) ? 0.999 : 0.001;
denominator = high - low;
if (flag & SEL_RIGHT)
numerator = val - low;
numerator = high - val;
*result = numerator / denominator;
1998-09-01 05:29:17 +02:00
return result;
* scalargtsel - Selectivity of ">" (also ">=") for integers.
* See above comments for scalarltsel.
scalargtsel(Oid opid,
Oid relid,
AttrNumber attno,
Datum value,
int32 flag)
float64 result;
* Compute selectivity of "<", then invert --- but only if we were
* able to produce a non-default estimate.
result = scalarltsel(opid, relid, attno, value, flag);
if (*result != DEFAULT_INEQ_SEL)
*result = 1.0 - *result;
1998-09-01 05:29:17 +02:00
return result;
* eqjoinsel - Join selectivity of "="
eqjoinsel(Oid opid,
Oid relid1,
AttrNumber attno1,
Oid relid2,
AttrNumber attno2)
float64 result;
float64data num1,
bool unknown1 = NONVALUE(relid1) || NONVALUE(attno1);
bool unknown2 = NONVALUE(relid2) || NONVALUE(attno2);
result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data));
if (unknown1 && unknown2)
*result = DEFAULT_EQ_SEL;
num1 = unknown1 ? 1.0 : get_attdisbursion(relid1, attno1, 0.01);
num2 = unknown2 ? 1.0 : get_attdisbursion(relid2, attno2, 0.01);
* The join selectivity cannot be more than num2, since each tuple
* in table 1 could match no more than num2 fraction of tuples in
* table 2 (and that's only if the table-1 tuple matches the most
* common value in table 2, so probably it's less). By the same
* reasoning it is not more than num1. The min is therefore an
* upper bound.
* If we know the disbursion of only one side, use it; the reasoning
* above still works.
* XXX can we make a better estimate here? Using the nullfrac
* statistic might be helpful, for example. Assuming the operator
* is strict (does not succeed for null inputs) then the
* selectivity couldn't be more than (1-nullfrac1)*(1-nullfrac2),
* which might be usefully small if there are many nulls. How
* about applying the operator to the most common values?
min = (num1 < num2) ? num1 : num2;
*result = min;
1998-09-01 05:29:17 +02:00
return result;
* neqjoinsel - Join selectivity of "!="
neqjoinsel(Oid opid,
Oid relid1,
AttrNumber attno1,
Oid relid2,
AttrNumber attno2)
float64 result;
result = eqjoinsel(opid, relid1, attno1, relid2, attno2);
*result = 1.0 - *result;
1998-09-01 05:29:17 +02:00
return result;
* scalarltjoinsel - Join selectivity of "<" and "<=" for scalars
scalarltjoinsel(Oid opid,
Oid relid1,
AttrNumber attno1,
Oid relid2,
AttrNumber attno2)
float64 result;
result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data));
1998-09-01 05:29:17 +02:00
return result;
* scalargtjoinsel - Join selectivity of ">" and ">=" for scalars
scalargtjoinsel(Oid opid,
Oid relid1,
AttrNumber attno1,
Oid relid2,
AttrNumber attno2)
float64 result;
result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data));
1998-09-01 05:29:17 +02:00
return result;
* convert_to_scalar
* Convert a non-NULL value of the indicated type to the comparison
* scale needed by scalarltsel()/scalargtsel().
* Returns "true" if successful.
* All numeric datatypes are simply converted to their equivalent
* "double" values.
* String datatypes are converted by convert_string_to_scalar(),
* which is explained below.
* The several datatypes representing absolute times are all converted
* to Timestamp, which is actually a double, and then we just use that
* double value. Note this will give bad results for the various "special"
* values of Timestamp --- what can we do with those?
* The several datatypes representing relative times (intervals) are all
* converted to measurements expressed in seconds.
convert_to_scalar(Datum value, Oid typid,
double *scaleval)
switch (typid)
* Built-in numeric types
*scaleval = (double) DatumGetUInt8(value);
return true;
case INT2OID:
*scaleval = (double) DatumGetInt16(value);
return true;
case INT4OID:
*scaleval = (double) DatumGetInt32(value);
return true;
case INT8OID:
*scaleval = (double) (*i8tod((int64 *) DatumGetPointer(value)));
return true;
*scaleval = (double) (*DatumGetFloat32(value));
return true;
*scaleval = (double) (*DatumGetFloat64(value));
return true;
*scaleval = (double) (*numeric_float8((Numeric) DatumGetPointer(value)));
return true;
case OIDOID:
/* we can treat OIDs as integers... */
*scaleval = (double) DatumGetObjectId(value);
return true;
* Built-in string types
char ch = DatumGetChar(value);
return convert_string_to_scalar(&ch, 1, scaleval);
char *str = (char *) VARDATA(DatumGetPointer(value));
int strlength = VARSIZE(DatumGetPointer(value)) - VARHDRSZ;
return convert_string_to_scalar(str, strlength, scaleval);
NameData *nm = (NameData *) DatumGetPointer(value);
return convert_string_to_scalar(NameStr(*nm), strlen(NameStr(*nm)),
* Built-in absolute-time types
*scaleval = *((Timestamp *) DatumGetPointer(value));
return true;
*scaleval = *abstime_timestamp(value);
return true;
*scaleval = *date_timestamp(value);
return true;
* Built-in relative-time types
Interval *interval = (Interval *) DatumGetPointer(value);
* Convert the month part of Interval to days using
* assumed average month length of 365.25/12.0 days. Not
* too accurate, but plenty good enough for our purposes.
*scaleval = interval->time +
interval->month * (365.25 / 12.0 * 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0);
return true;
*scaleval = (RelativeTime) DatumGetInt32(value);
return true;
TimeInterval interval = (TimeInterval) DatumGetPointer(value);
if (interval->status != 0)
*scaleval = interval->data[1] - interval->data[0];
return true;
*scaleval = *((TimeADT *) DatumGetPointer(value));
return true;
* See whether there is a registered type-conversion
* function, namely a procedure named "float8" with the
* right signature. If so, assume we can convert the value
* to the numeric scale.
* NOTE: there are no such procedures in the standard
* distribution, except with argument types that we
* already dealt with above. This code is just here as an
* escape for user-defined types.
Oid oid_array[FUNC_MAX_ARGS];
HeapTuple ftup;
MemSet(oid_array, 0, FUNC_MAX_ARGS * sizeof(Oid));
oid_array[0] = typid;
ftup = SearchSysCacheTuple(PROCNAME,
if (HeapTupleIsValid(ftup) &&
((Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(ftup))->prorettype == FLOAT8OID)
RegProcedure convertproc = (RegProcedure) ftup->t_data->t_oid;
Datum converted = (Datum) fmgr(convertproc, value);
*scaleval = (double) (*DatumGetFloat64(converted));
return true;
/* Don't know how to convert */
return false;
* Do convert_to_scalar()'s work for any character-string data type.
* String datatypes are converted to a scale that ranges from 0 to 1, where
* we visualize the bytes of the string as fractional base-256 digits.
* It's sufficient to consider the first few bytes, since double has only
* limited precision (and we can't expect huge accuracy in our selectivity
* predictions anyway!)
* If USE_LOCALE is defined, we must pass the string through strxfrm()
* before doing the computation, so as to generate correct locale-specific
* results.
static bool
convert_string_to_scalar(char *str, int strlength,
double *scaleval)
unsigned char *sptr;
int slen;
char *rawstr;
char *xfrmstr;
size_t xfrmsize;
size_t xfrmlen;
double num,
if (strlength <= 0)
*scaleval = 0; /* empty string has scalar value 0 */
return true;
/* Need a null-terminated string to pass to strxfrm() */
rawstr = (char *) palloc(strlength + 1);
memcpy(rawstr, str, strlength);
rawstr[strlength] = '\0';
/* Guess that transformed string is not much bigger */
xfrmsize = strlength + 32; /* arbitrary pad value here... */
xfrmstr = (char *) palloc(xfrmsize);
xfrmlen = strxfrm(xfrmstr, rawstr, xfrmsize);
if (xfrmlen >= xfrmsize)
/* Oops, didn't make it */
xfrmstr = (char *) palloc(xfrmlen + 1);
xfrmlen = strxfrm(xfrmstr, rawstr, xfrmlen + 1);
sptr = (unsigned char *) xfrmstr;
slen = xfrmlen;
sptr = (unsigned char *) str;
slen = strlength;
/* No need to consider more than about 8 bytes (sizeof double) */
if (slen > 8)
slen = 8;
/* Convert initial characters to fraction */
num = 0.0;
denom = 256.0;
while (slen-- > 0)
num += ((double) (*sptr++)) / denom;
denom *= 256.0;
*scaleval = num;
return true;
* getattproperties
* Retrieve pg_attribute properties for an attribute,
* including type OID, type len, type byval flag, typmod.
static void
getattproperties(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum,
Oid *typid, int *typlen, bool *typbyval, int32 *typmod)
HeapTuple atp;
Form_pg_attribute att_tup;
atp = SearchSysCacheTuple(ATTNUM,
0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atp))
elog(ERROR, "getattproperties: no attribute tuple %u %d",
relid, (int) attnum);
att_tup = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(atp);
*typid = att_tup->atttypid;
*typlen = att_tup->attlen;
*typbyval = att_tup->attbyval;
*typmod = att_tup->atttypmod;
* getattstatistics
* Retrieve the pg_statistic data for an attribute.
* Returns 'false' if no stats are available.
* Inputs:
* 'relid' and 'attnum' are the relation and attribute number.
* 'typid' and 'typmod' are the type and typmod of the column,
* which the caller must already have looked up.
* Outputs:
* The available stats are nullfrac, commonfrac, commonval, loval, hival.
* The caller need not retrieve all five --- pass NULL pointers for the
* unwanted values.
* commonval, loval, hival are returned as Datums holding the internal
* representation of the values. (Note that these should be pfree'd
* after use if the data type is not by-value.)
static bool
getattstatistics(Oid relid,
AttrNumber attnum,
Oid typid,
1999-11-25 01:21:34 +01:00
int32 typmod,
double *nullfrac,
double *commonfrac,
Datum *commonval,
Datum *loval,
Datum *hival)
HeapTuple tuple;
HeapTuple typeTuple;
FmgrInfo inputproc;
Oid typelem;
bool isnull;
* We assume that there will only be one entry in pg_statistic for the
* given rel/att, so we search WITHOUT considering the staop column.
* Someday, VACUUM might store more than one entry per rel/att,
* corresponding to more than one possible sort ordering defined for
* the column type. However, to make that work we will need to figure
* out which staop to search for --- it's not necessarily the one we
* have at hand! (For example, we might have a '>' operator rather
* than the '<' operator that will appear in staop.)
1999-11-25 01:15:57 +01:00
tuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(STATRELID,
Int16GetDatum((int16) attnum),
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
/* no such stats entry */
return false;
if (nullfrac)
*nullfrac = ((Form_pg_statistic) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->stanullfrac;
if (commonfrac)
*commonfrac = ((Form_pg_statistic) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->stacommonfrac;
/* Get the type input proc for the column datatype */
typeTuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(TYPEOID,
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(typeTuple))
elog(ERROR, "getattstatistics: Cache lookup failed for type %u",
fmgr_info(((Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(typeTuple))->typinput, &inputproc);
typelem = ((Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(typeTuple))->typelem;
* Values are variable-length fields, so cannot access as struct
* fields. Must do it the hard way with SysCacheGetAttr.
if (commonval)
text *val = (text *) SysCacheGetAttr(STATRELID, tuple,
if (isnull)
elog(DEBUG, "getattstatistics: stacommonval is null");
*commonval = PointerGetDatum(NULL);
char *strval = textout(val);
*commonval = (Datum)
(*fmgr_faddr(&inputproc)) (strval, typelem, typmod);
if (loval)
text *val = (text *) SysCacheGetAttr(STATRELID, tuple,
if (isnull)
elog(DEBUG, "getattstatistics: staloval is null");
*loval = PointerGetDatum(NULL);
char *strval = textout(val);
*loval = (Datum)
(*fmgr_faddr(&inputproc)) (strval, typelem, typmod);
if (hival)
text *val = (text *) SysCacheGetAttr(STATRELID, tuple,
if (isnull)
elog(DEBUG, "getattstatistics: stahival is null");
*hival = PointerGetDatum(NULL);
char *strval = textout(val);
*hival = (Datum)
(*fmgr_faddr(&inputproc)) (strval, typelem, typmod);
return true;
* Index cost estimation functions
* genericcostestimate is a general-purpose estimator for use when we
* don't have any better idea about how to estimate. Index-type-specific
* knowledge can be incorporated in the type-specific routines.
static void
genericcostestimate(Query *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
IndexOptInfo *index, List *indexQuals,
Cost *indexStartupCost,
Cost *indexTotalCost,
Selectivity *indexSelectivity)
double numIndexTuples;
double numIndexPages;
/* Estimate the fraction of main-table tuples that will be visited */
*indexSelectivity = clauselist_selectivity(root, indexQuals,
/* Estimate the number of index tuples that will be visited */
numIndexTuples = *indexSelectivity * index->tuples;
/* Estimate the number of index pages that will be retrieved */
numIndexPages = *indexSelectivity * index->pages;
* Always estimate at least one tuple and page are touched, even when
* indexSelectivity estimate is tiny.
if (numIndexTuples < 1.0)
numIndexTuples = 1.0;
if (numIndexPages < 1.0)
numIndexPages = 1.0;
* Compute the index access cost.
* Our generic assumption is that the index pages will be read
* sequentially, so they have cost 1.0 each, not random_page_cost.
* Also, we charge for evaluation of the indexquals at each index
* tuple. All the costs are assumed to be paid incrementally during
* the scan.
*indexStartupCost = 0;
*indexTotalCost = numIndexPages +
(cpu_index_tuple_cost + cost_qual_eval(indexQuals)) * numIndexTuples;
* For first cut, just use generic function for all index types.
btcostestimate(Query *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
IndexOptInfo *index, List *indexQuals,
Cost *indexStartupCost,
Cost *indexTotalCost,
Selectivity *indexSelectivity)
genericcostestimate(root, rel, index, indexQuals,
indexStartupCost, indexTotalCost, indexSelectivity);
rtcostestimate(Query *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
IndexOptInfo *index, List *indexQuals,
Cost *indexStartupCost,
Cost *indexTotalCost,
Selectivity *indexSelectivity)
genericcostestimate(root, rel, index, indexQuals,
indexStartupCost, indexTotalCost, indexSelectivity);
hashcostestimate(Query *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
IndexOptInfo *index, List *indexQuals,
Cost *indexStartupCost,
Cost *indexTotalCost,
Selectivity *indexSelectivity)
genericcostestimate(root, rel, index, indexQuals,
indexStartupCost, indexTotalCost, indexSelectivity);
gistcostestimate(Query *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
IndexOptInfo *index, List *indexQuals,
Cost *indexStartupCost,
Cost *indexTotalCost,
Selectivity *indexSelectivity)
genericcostestimate(root, rel, index, indexQuals,
indexStartupCost, indexTotalCost, indexSelectivity);