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# -*-perl-*- hey - emacs - this is a perl file
2010-09-20 22:08:53 +02:00
# src/tools/msvc/
use strict;
our $config;
use Cwd;
use File::Copy;
use Install qw(Install);
my $startdir = getcwd();
chdir "../../.." if (-d "../../../src/tools/msvc");
my $topdir = getcwd();
require 'src/tools/msvc/';
require 'src/tools/msvc/' if (-f 'src/tools/msvc/');
# is for specifying the build environment settings
# it should contain lines like:
# $ENV{PATH} = "c:/path/to/bison/bin;$ENV{PATH}";
if (-e "src/tools/msvc/")
require "src/tools/msvc/";
my $what = shift || "";
if ($what =~
$what = uc $what;
# use a capital C here because has $config
my $Config = -e "release/postgres/postgres.exe" ? "Release" : "Debug";
copy("$Config/refint/refint.dll", "src/test/regress");
copy("$Config/autoinc/autoinc.dll", "src/test/regress");
copy("$Config/regress/regress.dll", "src/test/regress");
copy("$Config/dummy_seclabel/dummy_seclabel.dll", "src/test/regress");
$ENV{PATH} = "../../../$Config/libpq;../../$Config/libpq;$ENV{PATH}";
my $schedule = shift;
unless ($schedule)
$schedule = "serial";
$schedule = "parallel" if ($what eq 'CHECK' || $what =~ /PARALLEL/);
$ENV{PERL5LIB} = "$topdir/src/tools/msvc";
my $maxconn = "";
$maxconn = "--max_connections=$ENV{MAX_CONNECTIONS}"
my $temp_config = "";
$temp_config = "--temp-config=\"$ENV{TEMP_CONFIG}\""
chdir "src/test/regress";
my %command = (
CHECK => \&check,
PLCHECK => \&plcheck,
INSTALLCHECK => \&installcheck,
ECPGCHECK => \&ecpgcheck,
CONTRIBCHECK => \&contribcheck,
ISOLATIONCHECK => \&isolationcheck,
UPGRADECHECK => \&upgradecheck,);
my $proc = $command{$what};
exit 3 unless $proc;
exit 0;
sub installcheck
my @args = (
push(@args, $maxconn) if $maxconn;
my $status = $? >> 8;
exit $status if $status;
sub check
my @args = (
push(@args, $maxconn) if $maxconn;
push(@args, $temp_config) if $temp_config;
my $status = $? >> 8;
exit $status if $status;
sub ecpgcheck
chdir $startdir;
system("msbuild ecpg_regression.proj /p:config=$Config");
my $status = $? >> 8;
exit $status if $status;
chdir "$topdir/src/interfaces/ecpg/test";
$schedule = "ecpg";
my @args = (
push(@args, $maxconn) if $maxconn;
$status = $? >> 8;
exit $status if $status;
sub isolationcheck
chdir "../isolation";
2013-11-14 03:25:52 +01:00
my @args = (
push(@args, $maxconn) if $maxconn;
my $status = $? >> 8;
exit $status if $status;
sub plcheck
chdir "../../pl";
foreach my $pl (glob("*"))
next unless -d "$pl/sql" && -d "$pl/expected";
my $lang = $pl eq 'tcl' ? 'pltcl' : $pl;
if ($lang eq 'plpython')
next unless -d "../../$Config/plpython2";
$lang = 'plpythonu';
next unless -d "../../$Config/$lang";
my @lang_args = ("--load-extension=$lang");
chdir $pl;
my @tests = fetchTests();
if ($lang eq 'plperl')
# run both trusted and untrusted perl tests
push(@lang_args, "--load-extension=plperlu");
# assume we're using this perl to built postgres
# test if we can run two interpreters in one backend, and if so
# run the trusted/untrusted interaction tests
use Config;
if ($Config{usemultiplicity} eq 'define')
push(@tests, 'plperl_plperlu');
print "Checking $lang\n";
my @args = (
"--dbname=pl_regression", @lang_args, @tests);
my $status = $? >> 8;
exit $status if $status;
chdir "..";
chdir "../../..";
sub contribcheck
chdir "../../../contrib";
my $mstat = 0;
foreach my $module (glob("*"))
# these configuration-based exclusions must match
next if ($module eq "uuid-ossp" && !defined($config->{uuid}));
next if ($module eq "sslinfo" && !defined($config->{openssl}));
next if ($module eq "xml2" && !defined($config->{xml}));
next if ($module eq "sepgsql");
unless -d "$module/sql"
&& -d "$module/expected"
&& (-f "$module/GNUmakefile" || -f "$module/Makefile");
chdir $module;
print "Checking $module\n";
my @tests = fetchTests();
my @opts = fetchRegressOpts();
my @args = (
"--dbname=contrib_regression", @opts, @tests);
my $status = $? >> 8;
$mstat ||= $status;
chdir "..";
exit $mstat if $mstat;
sub upgradecheck
my $status;
my $cwd = getcwd();
# Much of this comes from the pg_upgrade script,
# but it only covers the --install case, and not the case
# where the old and new source or bin dirs are different.
# i.e. only this version to this version check. That's
# what pg_upgrade's "make check" does.
$ENV{PGPORT} ||= 50432;
my $tmp_root = "$topdir/contrib/pg_upgrade/tmp_check";
(mkdir $tmp_root || die $!) unless -d $tmp_root;
my $tmp_install = "$tmp_root/install";
print "Setting up temp install\n\n";
Install($tmp_install, "all", $config);
# Install does a chdir, so change back after that
chdir $cwd;
my ($bindir, $libdir, $oldsrc, $newsrc) =
("$tmp_install/bin", "$tmp_install/lib", $topdir, $topdir);
$ENV{PATH} = "$bindir;$ENV{PATH}";
my $data = "$tmp_root/data";
$ENV{PGDATA} = "$data.old";
my $logdir = "$topdir/contrib/pg_upgrade/log";
(mkdir $logdir || die $!) unless -d $logdir;
print "\nRunning initdb on old cluster\n\n";
system("initdb") == 0 or exit 1;
print "\nStarting old cluster\n\n";
system("pg_ctl start -l $logdir/postmaster1.log -w") == 0 or exit 1;
print "\nSetting up data for upgrading\n\n";
# now we can chdir into the source dir
chdir "$topdir/contrib/pg_upgrade";
2013-03-06 15:53:38 +01:00
print "\nDumping old cluster\n\n";
system("pg_dumpall -f $tmp_root/dump1.sql") == 0 or exit 1;
print "\nStopping old cluster\n\n";
system("pg_ctl -m fast stop") == 0 or exit 1;
$ENV{PGDATA} = "$data";
print "\nSetting up new cluster\n\n";
system("initdb") == 0 or exit 1;
print "\nRunning pg_upgrade\n\n";
system("pg_upgrade -d $data.old -D $data -b $bindir -B $bindir") == 0
or exit 1;
print "\nStarting new cluster\n\n";
system("pg_ctl -l $logdir/postmaster2.log -w start") == 0 or exit 1;
print "\nSetting up stats on new cluster\n\n";
system(".\\analyze_new_cluster.bat") == 0 or exit 1;
print "\nDumping new cluster\n\n";
system("pg_dumpall -f $tmp_root/dump2.sql") == 0 or exit 1;
print "\nStopping new cluster\n\n";
system("pg_ctl -m fast stop") == 0 or exit 1;
print "\nDeleting old cluster\n\n";
system(".\\delete_old_cluster.bat") == 0 or exit 1;
print "\nComparing old and new cluster dumps\n\n";
system("diff -q $tmp_root/dump1.sql $tmp_root/dump2.sql");
$status = $?;
if (!$status)
print "PASSED\n";
print "dumps not identical!\n";
sub fetchRegressOpts
my $handle;
open($handle, "<GNUmakefile")
|| open($handle, "<Makefile")
|| die "Could not open Makefile";
local ($/) = undef;
my $m = <$handle>;
my @opts;
if ($m =~ /^\s*REGRESS_OPTS\s*=(.*)/m)
# ignore options that use makefile variables - can't handle those
# ignore anything that isn't an option staring with --
@opts = grep { $_ !~ /\$\(/ && $_ =~ /^--/ } split(/\s+/, $1);
if ($m =~ /^\s*ENCODING\s*=\s*(\S+)/m)
push @opts, "--encoding=$1";
if ($m =~ /^\s*NO_LOCALE\s*=\s*\S+/m)
push @opts, "--no-locale";
return @opts;
sub fetchTests
my $handle;
open($handle, "<GNUmakefile")
|| open($handle, "<Makefile")
|| die "Could not open Makefile";
local ($/) = undef;
my $m = <$handle>;
my $t = "";
$m =~ s/\\[\r\n]*//gs;
if ($m =~ /^REGRESS\s*=\s*(.*)$/gm)
$t = $1;
$t =~ s/\s+/ /g;
if ($m =~ /contrib\/pgcrypto/)
# pgcrypto is special since the tests depend on the
# configuration of the build
my $cftests =
? GetTests("OSSL_TESTS", $m)
: GetTests("INT_TESTS", $m);
my $pgptests =
? GetTests("ZLIB_TST", $m)
: GetTests("ZLIB_OFF_TST", $m);
$t =~ s/\$\(CF_TESTS\)/$cftests/;
$t =~ s/\$\(CF_PGP_TESTS\)/$pgptests/;
return split(/\s+/, $t);
sub GetTests
my $testname = shift;
my $m = shift;
if ($m =~ /^$testname\s*=\s*(.*)$/gm)
return $1;
return "";
sub usage
print STDERR
"Usage: ",
"<check|installcheck|plcheck|contribcheck|ecpgcheck> [schedule]\n";