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2010-09-20 22:08:53 +02:00
# src/test/regress/serial_schedule
2000-10-01 23:19:09 +02:00
# This should probably be in an order similar to parallel_schedule.
test: tablespace
test: boolean
test: char
test: name
test: varchar
test: text
test: int2
test: int4
test: int8
test: oid
test: float4
test: float8
test: bit
2000-10-01 23:19:09 +02:00
test: numeric
test: txid
test: uuid
test: enum
test: money
test: rangetypes
test: pg_lsn
test: regproc
2000-10-01 23:19:09 +02:00
test: strings
test: numerology
test: point
test: lseg
test: line
test: box
test: path
test: polygon
test: circle
test: date
test: time
test: timetz
test: timestamp
test: timestamptz
test: interval
test: abstime
test: reltime
test: tinterval
test: inet
test: macaddr
test: tstypes
test: comments
test: geometry
test: horology
Fix regex back-references that are directly quantified with *. The syntax "\n*", that is a backref with a * quantifier directly applied to it, has never worked correctly in Spencer's library. This has been an open bug in the Tcl bug tracker since 2005: The core of the problem is in parseqatom(), which first changes "\n*" to "\n+|" and then applies repeat() to the NFA representing the backref atom. repeat() thinks that any arc leading into its "rp" argument is part of the sub-NFA to be repeated. Unfortunately, since parseqatom() already created the arc that was intended to represent the empty bypass around "\n+", this arc gets moved too, so that it now leads into the state loop created by repeat(). Thus, what was supposed to be an "empty" bypass gets turned into something that represents zero or more repetitions of the NFA representing the backref atom. In the original example, in place of ^([bc])\1*$ we now have something that acts like ^([bc])(\1+|[bc]*)$ At runtime, the branch involving the actual backref fails, as it's supposed to, but then the other branch succeeds anyway. We could no doubt fix this by some rearrangement of the operations in parseqatom(), but that code is plenty ugly already, and what's more the whole business of converting "x*" to "x+|" probably needs to go away to fix another problem I'll mention in a moment. Instead, this patch suppresses the *-conversion when the target is a simple backref atom, leaving the case of m == 0 to be handled at runtime. This makes the patch in regcomp.c a one-liner, at the cost of having to tweak cbrdissect() a little. In the event I went a bit further than that and rewrote cbrdissect() to check all the string-length-related conditions before it starts comparing characters. It seems a bit stupid to possibly iterate through many copies of an n-character backreference, only to fail at the end because the target string's length isn't a multiple of n --- we could have found that out before starting. The existing coding could only be a win if integer division is hugely expensive compared to character comparison, but I don't know of any modern machine where that might be true. This does not fix all the problems with quantified back-references. In particular, the code is still broken for back-references that appear within a larger expression that is quantified (so that direct insertion of the quantification limits into the BACKREF node doesn't apply). I think fixing that will take some major surgery on the NFA code, specifically introducing an explicit iteration node type instead of trying to transform iteration into concatenation of modified regexps. Back-patch to all supported branches. In HEAD, also add a regression test case for this. (It may seem a bit silly to create a regression test file for just one test case; but I'm expecting that we will soon import a whole bunch of regex regression tests from Tcl, so might as well create the infrastructure now.)
2012-02-20 06:52:33 +01:00
test: regex
test: oidjoins
test: type_sanity
test: opr_sanity
2002-04-05 13:56:55 +02:00
test: insert
Add support for INSERT ... ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING/UPDATE. The newly added ON CONFLICT clause allows to specify an alternative to raising a unique or exclusion constraint violation error when inserting. ON CONFLICT refers to constraints that can either be specified using a inference clause (by specifying the columns of a unique constraint) or by naming a unique or exclusion constraint. DO NOTHING avoids the constraint violation, without touching the pre-existing row. DO UPDATE SET ... [WHERE ...] updates the pre-existing tuple, and has access to both the tuple proposed for insertion and the existing tuple; the optional WHERE clause can be used to prevent an update from being executed. The UPDATE SET and WHERE clauses have access to the tuple proposed for insertion using the "magic" EXCLUDED alias, and to the pre-existing tuple using the table name or its alias. This feature is often referred to as upsert. This is implemented using a new infrastructure called "speculative insertion". It is an optimistic variant of regular insertion that first does a pre-check for existing tuples and then attempts an insert. If a violating tuple was inserted concurrently, the speculatively inserted tuple is deleted and a new attempt is made. If the pre-check finds a matching tuple the alternative DO NOTHING or DO UPDATE action is taken. If the insertion succeeds without detecting a conflict, the tuple is deemed inserted. To handle the possible ambiguity between the excluded alias and a table named excluded, and for convenience with long relation names, INSERT INTO now can alias its target table. Bumps catversion as stored rules change. Author: Peter Geoghegan, with significant contributions from Heikki Linnakangas and Andres Freund. Testing infrastructure by Jeff Janes. Reviewed-By: Heikki Linnakangas, Andres Freund, Robert Haas, Simon Riggs, Dean Rasheed, Stephen Frost and many others.
2015-05-08 05:31:36 +02:00
test: insert_conflict
test: create_function_1
test: create_type
test: create_table
test: create_function_2
2000-10-01 23:19:09 +02:00
test: copy
test: copyselect
test: copydml
test: create_misc
test: create_operator
test: create_index
test: create_view
test: create_aggregate
test: create_function_3
test: create_cast
test: constraints
test: triggers
2000-10-01 23:19:09 +02:00
test: inherit
test: create_table_like
test: typed_table
test: vacuum
test: drop_if_exists
test: updatable_views
test: rolenames
test: roleattributes
test: sanity_check
test: errors
test: select
test: select_into
test: select_distinct
test: select_distinct_on
test: select_implicit
test: select_having
test: subselect
test: union
test: case
test: join
test: aggregates
Support GROUPING SETS, CUBE and ROLLUP. This SQL standard functionality allows to aggregate data by different GROUP BY clauses at once. Each grouping set returns rows with columns grouped by in other sets set to NULL. This could previously be achieved by doing each grouping as a separate query, conjoined by UNION ALLs. Besides being considerably more concise, grouping sets will in many cases be faster, requiring only one scan over the underlying data. The current implementation of grouping sets only supports using sorting for input. Individual sets that share a sort order are computed in one pass. If there are sets that don't share a sort order, additional sort & aggregation steps are performed. These additional passes are sourced by the previous sort step; thus avoiding repeated scans of the source data. The code is structured in a way that adding support for purely using hash aggregation or a mix of hashing and sorting is possible. Sorting was chosen to be supported first, as it is the most generic method of implementation. Instead of, as in an earlier versions of the patch, representing the chain of sort and aggregation steps as full blown planner and executor nodes, all but the first sort are performed inside the aggregation node itself. This avoids the need to do some unusual gymnastics to handle having to return aggregated and non-aggregated tuples from underlying nodes, as well as having to shut down underlying nodes early to limit memory usage. The optimizer still builds Sort/Agg node to describe each phase, but they're not part of the plan tree, but instead additional data for the aggregation node. They're a convenient and preexisting way to describe aggregation and sorting. The first (and possibly only) sort step is still performed as a separate execution step. That retains similarity with existing group by plans, makes rescans fairly simple, avoids very deep plans (leading to slow explains) and easily allows to avoid the sorting step if the underlying data is sorted by other means. A somewhat ugly side of this patch is having to deal with a grammar ambiguity between the new CUBE keyword and the cube extension/functions named cube (and rollup). To avoid breaking existing deployments of the cube extension it has not been renamed, neither has cube been made a reserved keyword. Instead precedence hacking is used to make GROUP BY cube(..) refer to the CUBE grouping sets feature, and not the function cube(). To actually group by a function cube(), unlikely as that might be, the function name has to be quoted. Needs a catversion bump because stored rules may change. Author: Andrew Gierth and Atri Sharma, with contributions from Andres Freund Reviewed-By: Andres Freund, Noah Misch, Tom Lane, Svenne Krap, Tomas Vondra, Erik Rijkers, Marti Raudsepp, Pavel Stehule Discussion:
2015-05-16 03:40:59 +02:00
test: groupingsets
test: transactions
ignore: random
test: random
test: portals
test: arrays
test: btree_index
test: hash_index
test: update
test: delete
test: namespace
test: prepared_xacts
test: brin
test: gin
test: gist
test: spgist
test: privileges
test: security_label
test: collate
test: matview
test: lock
test: replica_identity
test: rowsecurity
test: object_address
Redesign tablesample method API, and do extensive code review. The original implementation of TABLESAMPLE modeled the tablesample method API on index access methods, which wasn't a good choice because, without specialized DDL commands, there's no way to build an extension that can implement a TSM. (Raw inserts into system catalogs are not an acceptable thing to do, because we can't undo them during DROP EXTENSION, nor will pg_upgrade behave sanely.) Instead adopt an API more like procedural language handlers or foreign data wrappers, wherein the only SQL-level support object needed is a single handler function identified by having a special return type. This lets us get rid of the supporting catalog altogether, so that no custom DDL support is needed for the feature. Adjust the API so that it can support non-constant tablesample arguments (the original coding assumed we could evaluate the argument expressions at ExecInitSampleScan time, which is undesirable even if it weren't outright unsafe), and discourage sampling methods from looking at invisible tuples. Make sure that the BERNOULLI and SYSTEM methods are genuinely repeatable within and across queries, as required by the SQL standard, and deal more honestly with methods that can't support that requirement. Make a full code-review pass over the tablesample additions, and fix assorted bugs, omissions, infelicities, and cosmetic issues (such as failure to put the added code stanzas in a consistent ordering). Improve EXPLAIN's output of tablesample plans, too. Back-patch to 9.5 so that we don't have to support the original API in production.
2015-07-25 20:39:00 +02:00
test: tablesample
test: alter_generic
test: alter_operator
test: misc
test: psql
test: async
test: dbsize
test: misc_functions
test: rules
test: select_views
test: portals_p2
2000-10-01 23:19:09 +02:00
test: foreign_key
2002-08-11 04:06:32 +02:00
test: cluster
test: dependency
test: guc
test: bitmapops
test: combocid
test: tsearch
test: tsdicts
test: foreign_data
test: window
test: xmlmap
test: functional_deps
test: advisory_lock
test: json
test: jsonb
test: json_encoding
test: indirect_toast
Fix some more problems with nested append relations. As of commit a87c72915 (which later got backpatched as far as 9.1), we're explicitly supporting the notion that append relations can be nested; this can occur when UNION ALL constructs are nested, or when a UNION ALL contains a table with inheritance children. Bug #11457 from Nelson Page, as well as an earlier report from Elvis Pranskevichus, showed that there were still nasty bugs associated with such cases: in particular the EquivalenceClass mechanism could try to generate "join" clauses connecting an appendrel child to some grandparent appendrel, which would result in assertion failures or bogus plans. Upon investigation I concluded that all current callers of find_childrel_appendrelinfo() need to be fixed to explicitly consider multiple levels of parent appendrels. The most complex fix was in processing of "broken" EquivalenceClasses, which are ECs for which we have been unable to generate all the derived equality clauses we would like to because of missing cross-type equality operators in the underlying btree operator family. That code path is more or less entirely untested by the regression tests to date, because no standard opfamilies have such holes in them. So I wrote a new regression test script to try to exercise it a bit, which turned out to be quite a worthwhile activity as it exposed existing bugs in all supported branches. The present patch is essentially the same as far back as 9.2, which is where parameterized paths were introduced. In 9.0 and 9.1, we only need to back-patch a small fragment of commit 5b7b5518d, which fixes failure to propagate out the original WHERE clauses when a broken EC contains constant members. (The regression test case results show that these older branches are noticeably stupider than 9.2+ in terms of the quality of the plans generated; but we don't really care about plan quality in such cases, only that the plan not be outright wrong. A more invasive fix in the older branches would not be a good idea anyway from a plan-stability standpoint.)
2014-10-02 01:30:24 +02:00
test: equivclass
test: plancache
test: limit
test: plpgsql
test: copy2
test: temp
test: domain
test: rangefuncs
test: prepare
test: without_oid
test: conversion
test: truncate
test: alter_table
test: sequence
test: polymorphism
test: rowtypes
test: returning
test: largeobject
test: with
test: xml
test: event_trigger
test: stats