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-- Make both a standalone composite type and a table rowtype
create type complex as (r float8, i float8);
create temp table fullname (first text, last text);
-- Nested composite
create type quad as (c1 complex, c2 complex);
-- Some simple tests of I/O conversions and row construction
select (1.1,2.2)::complex, row((3.3,4.4),(5.5,null))::quad;
select row('Joe', 'Blow')::fullname, '(Joe,Blow)'::fullname;
select '(Joe,von Blow)'::fullname, '(Joe,d''Blow)'::fullname;
select '(Joe,"von""Blow")'::fullname, E'(Joe,d\\\\Blow)'::fullname;
select '(Joe,"Blow,Jr")'::fullname;
select '(Joe,)'::fullname; -- ok, null 2nd column
select '(Joe)'::fullname; -- bad
select '(Joe,,)'::fullname; -- bad
create temp table quadtable(f1 int, q quad);
insert into quadtable values (1, ((3.3,4.4),(5.5,6.6)));
insert into quadtable values (2, ((null,4.4),(5.5,6.6)));
select * from quadtable;
select f1, q.c1 from quadtable; -- fails, q is a table reference
select f1, (q).c1, (qq.q).c1.i from quadtable qq;
create temp table people (fn fullname, bd date);
insert into people values ('(Joe,Blow)', '1984-01-10');
select * from people;
-- at the moment this will not work due to ALTER TABLE inadequacy:
alter table fullname add column suffix text default '';
-- but this should work:
alter table fullname add column suffix text default null;
select * from people;
-- test insertion/updating of subfields
update people set fn.suffix = 'Jr';
select * from people;
insert into quadtable (f1, q.c1.r, q.c2.i) values(44,55,66);
select * from quadtable;
-- The object here is to ensure that toasted references inside
-- composite values don't cause problems. The large f1 value will
-- be toasted inside pp, it must still work after being copied to people.
create temp table pp (f1 text);
insert into pp values (repeat('abcdefghijkl', 100000));
insert into people select ('Jim', f1, null)::fullname, current_date from pp;
select (fn).first, substr((fn).last, 1, 20), length((fn).last) from people;
-- Test row comparison semantics. Prior to PG 8.2 we did this in a totally
-- non-spec-compliant way.
select ROW(1,2) < ROW(1,3) as true;
select ROW(1,2) < ROW(1,1) as false;
select ROW(1,2) < ROW(1,NULL) as null;
select ROW(1,2,3) < ROW(1,3,NULL) as true; -- the NULL is not examined
select ROW(11,'ABC') < ROW(11,'DEF') as true;
select ROW(11,'ABC') > ROW(11,'DEF') as false;
select ROW(12,'ABC') > ROW(11,'DEF') as true;
-- = and <> have different NULL-behavior than < etc
select ROW(1,2,3) < ROW(1,NULL,4) as null;
select ROW(1,2,3) = ROW(1,NULL,4) as false;
select ROW(1,2,3) <> ROW(1,NULL,4) as true;
-- We allow operators beyond the six standard ones, if they have btree
-- operator classes.
select ROW('ABC','DEF') ~<=~ ROW('DEF','ABC') as true;
select ROW('ABC','DEF') ~>=~ ROW('DEF','ABC') as false;
select ROW('ABC','DEF') ~~ ROW('DEF','ABC') as fail;
-- Comparisons of ROW() expressions can cope with some type mismatches
select ROW(1,2) = ROW(1,2::int8);
select ROW(1,2) in (ROW(3,4), ROW(1,2));
select ROW(1,2) in (ROW(3,4), ROW(1,2::int8));
-- Check row comparison with a subselect
select unique1, unique2 from tenk1
where (unique1, unique2) < any (select ten, ten from tenk1 where hundred < 3)
and unique1 <= 20
order by 1;
-- Also check row comparison with an indexable condition
explain (costs off)
select thousand, tenthous from tenk1
where (thousand, tenthous) >= (997, 5000)
order by thousand, tenthous;
select thousand, tenthous from tenk1
where (thousand, tenthous) >= (997, 5000)
order by thousand, tenthous;
-- Test case for bug #14010: indexed row comparisons fail with nulls
create temp table test_table (a text, b text);
insert into test_table values ('a', 'b');
insert into test_table select 'a', null from generate_series(1,1000);
insert into test_table values ('b', 'a');
create index on test_table (a,b);
set enable_sort = off;
explain (costs off)
select a,b from test_table where (a,b) > ('a','a') order by a,b;
select a,b from test_table where (a,b) > ('a','a') order by a,b;
reset enable_sort;
-- Check row comparisons with IN
select * from int8_tbl i8 where i8 in (row(123,456)); -- fail, type mismatch
explain (costs off)
select * from int8_tbl i8
where i8 in (row(123,456)::int8_tbl, '(4567890123456789,123)');
select * from int8_tbl i8
where i8 in (row(123,456)::int8_tbl, '(4567890123456789,123)');
-- Check some corner cases involving empty rowtypes
select ROW();
select ROW() IS NULL;
select ROW() = ROW();
-- Check ability to create arrays of anonymous rowtypes
select array[ row(1,2), row(3,4), row(5,6) ];
-- Check ability to compare an anonymous row to elements of an array
select row(1,1.1) = any (array[ row(7,7.7), row(1,1.1), row(0,0.0) ]);
select row(1,1.1) = any (array[ row(7,7.7), row(1,1.0), row(0,0.0) ]);
-- Check behavior with a non-comparable rowtype
create type cantcompare as (p point, r float8);
create temp table cc (f1 cantcompare);
insert into cc values('("(1,2)",3)');
insert into cc values('("(4,5)",6)');
select * from cc order by f1; -- fail, but should complain about cantcompare
-- Test case derived from bug #5716: check multiple uses of a rowtype result
CREATE TYPE price_input AS (
CREATE TYPE price_key AS (
CREATE FUNCTION price_key_from_table(price) RETURNS price_key AS $$
CREATE FUNCTION price_key_from_input(price_input) RETURNS price_key AS $$
insert into price values (1,false,42), (10,false,100), (11,true,17.99);
UPDATE price
SET active = true, price = input_prices.price
FROM unnest(ARRAY[(10, 123.00), (11, 99.99)]::price_input[]) input_prices
WHERE price_key_from_table(price.*) = price_key_from_input(input_prices.*);
select * from price;
-- Test case derived from bug #9085: check * qualification of composite
-- parameters for SQL functions
create temp table compos (f1 int, f2 text);
create function fcompos1(v compos) returns void as $$
insert into compos values (v); -- fail
$$ language sql;
create function fcompos1(v compos) returns void as $$
insert into compos values (v.*);
$$ language sql;
create function fcompos2(v compos) returns void as $$
select fcompos1(v);
$$ language sql;
create function fcompos3(v compos) returns void as $$
select fcompos1(fcompos3.v.*);
$$ language sql;
select fcompos1(row(1,'one'));
select fcompos2(row(2,'two'));
select fcompos3(row(3,'three'));
select * from compos;
-- We allow I/O conversion casts from composite types to strings to be
-- invoked via cast syntax, but not functional syntax. This is because
-- the latter is too prone to be invoked unintentionally.
select cast (fullname as text) from fullname;
select fullname::text from fullname;
select text(fullname) from fullname; -- error
select fullname.text from fullname; -- error
-- same, but RECORD instead of named composite type:
select cast (row('Jim', 'Beam') as text);
select (row('Jim', 'Beam'))::text;
select text(row('Jim', 'Beam')); -- error
select (row('Jim', 'Beam')).text; -- error
Ensure that RowExprs and whole-row Vars produce the expected column names. At one time it wasn't terribly important what column names were associated with the fields of a composite Datum, but since the introduction of operations like row_to_json(), it's important that looking up the rowtype ID embedded in the Datum returns the column names that users would expect. That did not work terribly well before this patch: you could get the column names of the underlying table, or column aliases from any level of the query, depending on minor details of the plan tree. You could even get totally empty field names, which is disastrous for cases like row_to_json(). To fix this for whole-row Vars, look to the RTE referenced by the Var, and make sure its column aliases are applied to the rowtype associated with the result Datums. This is a tad scary because we might have to return a transient RECORD type even though the Var is declared as having some named rowtype. In principle it should be all right because the record type will still be physically compatible with the named rowtype; but I had to weaken one Assert in ExecEvalConvertRowtype, and there might be third-party code containing similar assumptions. Similarly, RowExprs have to be willing to override the column names coming from a named composite result type and produce a RECORD when the column aliases visible at the site of the RowExpr differ from the underlying table's column names. In passing, revert the decision made in commit 398f70ec070fe601 to add an alias-list argument to ExecTypeFromExprList: better to provide that functionality in a separate function. This also reverts most of the code changes in d68581483564ec0f, which we don't need because we're no longer depending on the tupdesc found in the child plan node's result slot to be blessed. Back-patch to 9.4, but not earlier, since this solution changes the results in some cases that users might not have realized were buggy. We'll apply a more restricted form of this patch in older branches.
2014-11-10 21:21:09 +01:00
-- Test that composite values are seen to have the correct column names
-- (bug #11210 and other reports)
select row_to_json(i) from int8_tbl i;
select row_to_json(i) from int8_tbl i(x,y);
create temp view vv1 as select * from int8_tbl;
select row_to_json(i) from vv1 i;
select row_to_json(i) from vv1 i(x,y);
select row_to_json(ss) from
(select q1, q2 from int8_tbl) as ss;
select row_to_json(ss) from
(select q1, q2 from int8_tbl offset 0) as ss;
select row_to_json(ss) from
(select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl) as ss;
select row_to_json(ss) from
(select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl offset 0) as ss;
select row_to_json(ss) from
(select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl) as ss(x,y);
select row_to_json(ss) from
(select q1 as a, q2 as b from int8_tbl offset 0) as ss(x,y);
explain (costs off)
select row_to_json(q) from
(select thousand, tenthous from tenk1
where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q;
select row_to_json(q) from
(select thousand, tenthous from tenk1
where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q;
select row_to_json(q) from
(select thousand as x, tenthous as y from tenk1
where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q;
select row_to_json(q) from
(select thousand as x, tenthous as y from tenk1
where thousand = 42 and tenthous < 2000 offset 0) q(a,b);
create temp table tt1 as select * from int8_tbl limit 2;
create temp table tt2 () inherits(tt1);
insert into tt2 values(0,0);
select row_to_json(r) from (select q2,q1 from tt1 offset 0) r;