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-- Tests for psql features that aren't closely connected to any
-- specific server features
-- \set
-- fail: invalid name
\set invalid/name foo
-- fail: invalid value for special variable
\set FETCH_COUNT foo
Improve psql's behavior for \set and \unset of its control variables. This commit improves on the results of commit 511ae628f in two ways: 1. It restores the historical behavior that "\set FOO" is interpreted as setting FOO to "on", if FOO is a boolean control variable. We already found one test script that was expecting that behavior, and the psql documentation certainly does nothing to discourage people from assuming that would work, since it often says just "if FOO is set" when describing the effects of a boolean variable. However, now this case will result in actually setting FOO to "on", not an empty string. 2. It arranges for an "\unset" of a control variable to set the value back to its default value, rather than becoming apparently undefined. The control variables are also initialized that way at psql startup. In combination, these things guarantee that a control variable always has a displayable value that reflects what psql is actually doing. That is a pretty substantial usability improvement. The implementation involves adding a second type of variable hook function that is able to replace a proposed new value (including NULL) with another one. We could alternatively have complicated the API of the assign hook, but this way seems better since many variables can share the same substitution hook function. Also document the actual behavior of these variables more fully, including covering assorted behaviors that were there before but never documented. This patch also includes some minor cleanup that should have been in 511ae628f but was missed. Patch by me, but it owes a lot to discussions with Daniel Vérité. Discussion:
2017-02-01 17:02:40 +01:00
-- check handling of built-in boolean variable
-- \gset
select 10 as test01, 20 as test02, 'Hello' as test03 \gset pref01_
\echo :pref01_test01 :pref01_test02 :pref01_test03
-- should fail: bad variable name
select 10 as "bad name"
-- multiple backslash commands in one line
select 1 as x, 2 as y \gset pref01_ \\ \echo :pref01_x
select 3 as x, 4 as y \gset pref01_ \echo :pref01_x \echo :pref01_y
select 5 as x, 6 as y \gset pref01_ \\ \g \echo :pref01_x :pref01_y
select 7 as x, 8 as y \g \gset pref01_ \echo :pref01_x :pref01_y
-- NULL should unset the variable
\set var2 xyz
select 1 as var1, NULL as var2, 3 as var3 \gset
\echo :var1 :var2 :var3
-- \gset requires just one tuple
select 10 as test01, 20 as test02 from generate_series(1,3) \gset
select 10 as test01, 20 as test02 from generate_series(1,0) \gset
-- \gset should work in FETCH_COUNT mode too
select 1 as x, 2 as y \gset pref01_ \\ \echo :pref01_x
select 3 as x, 4 as y \gset pref01_ \echo :pref01_x \echo :pref01_y
select 10 as test01, 20 as test02 from generate_series(1,3) \gset
select 10 as test01, 20 as test02 from generate_series(1,0) \gset
-- \gexec
create temporary table gexec_test(a int, b text, c date, d float);
select format('create index on gexec_test(%I)', attname)
from pg_attribute
where attrelid = 'gexec_test'::regclass and attnum > 0
order by attnum
-- \gexec should work in FETCH_COUNT mode too
-- (though the fetch limit applies to the executed queries not the meta query)
select 'select 1 as ones', 'select x.y, x.y*2 as double from generate_series(1,4) as x(y)'
union all
select 'drop table gexec_test', NULL
union all
select 'drop table gexec_test', 'select ''2000-01-01''::date as party_over'
-- show all pset options
-- test multi-line headers, wrapping, and newline indicators
prepare q as select array_to_string(array_agg(repeat('x',2*n)),E'\n') as "ab
c", array_to_string(array_agg(repeat('y',20-2*n)),E'\n') as "a
bc" from generate_series(1,10) as n(n) group by n>1 order by n>1;
\pset linestyle ascii
\pset expanded off
\pset columns 40
\pset border 0
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset border 1
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset border 2
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset expanded on
\pset columns 20
\pset border 0
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset border 1
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset border 2
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset linestyle old-ascii
\pset expanded off
\pset columns 40
\pset border 0
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset border 1
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset border 2
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset expanded on
\pset columns 20
\pset border 0
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset border 1
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset border 2
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
deallocate q;
-- test single-line header and data
prepare q as select repeat('x',2*n) as "0123456789abcdef", repeat('y',20-2*n) as "0123456789" from generate_series(1,10) as n;
\pset linestyle ascii
\pset expanded off
\pset columns 40
\pset border 0
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset border 1
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset border 2
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset expanded on
\pset columns 30
\pset border 0
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset border 1
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset border 2
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset expanded on
\pset columns 20
\pset border 0
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset border 1
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset border 2
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset linestyle old-ascii
\pset expanded off
\pset columns 40
\pset border 0
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset border 1
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset border 2
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset expanded on
\pset border 0
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset border 1
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
\pset border 2
\pset format unaligned
execute q;
\pset format aligned
execute q;
\pset format wrapped
execute q;
deallocate q;
\pset linestyle ascii
prepare q as select ' | = | lkjsafi\\/ /oeu rio)(!@&*#)*(!&@*) \ (&' as " | -- | 012345678 9abc def!*@#&!@(*&*~~_+-=\ \", '11' as "0123456789", 11 as int from generate_series(1,10) as n;
\pset format asciidoc
\pset expanded off
\pset border 0
execute q;
\pset border 1
execute q;
\pset border 2
execute q;
\pset expanded on
\pset border 0
execute q;
\pset border 1
execute q;
\pset border 2
execute q;
deallocate q;
\pset format aligned
\pset expanded off
\pset border 1
\set SHOW_CONTEXT never
do $$
raise notice 'foo';
raise exception 'bar';
end $$;
\set SHOW_CONTEXT errors
do $$
raise notice 'foo';
raise exception 'bar';
end $$;
\set SHOW_CONTEXT always
do $$
raise notice 'foo';
raise exception 'bar';
end $$;