
286 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

1997-09-11 11:14:12 +02:00
QUERY: create table pkeys (pkey1 int4 not null, pkey2 text not null);
QUERY: create table fkeys (fkey1 int4, fkey2 text, fkey3 int);
QUERY: create table fkeys2 (fkey21 int4, fkey22 text, pkey23 int not null);
QUERY: create index fkeys_i on fkeys (fkey1, fkey2);
QUERY: create index fkeys2_i on fkeys2 (fkey21, fkey22);
QUERY: create index fkeys2p_i on fkeys2 (pkey23);
QUERY: insert into pkeys values (10, '1');
QUERY: insert into pkeys values (20, '2');
QUERY: insert into pkeys values (30, '3');
QUERY: insert into pkeys values (40, '4');
QUERY: insert into pkeys values (50, '5');
QUERY: insert into pkeys values (60, '6');
QUERY: create unique index pkeys_i on pkeys (pkey1, pkey2);
QUERY: create trigger check_fkeys_pkey_exist
before insert or update on fkeys
for each row
execute procedure
check_primary_key ('fkey1', 'fkey2', 'pkeys', 'pkey1', 'pkey2');
QUERY: create trigger check_fkeys_pkey2_exist
before insert or update on fkeys
for each row
execute procedure check_primary_key ('fkey3', 'fkeys2', 'pkey23');
QUERY: create trigger check_fkeys2_pkey_exist
before insert or update on fkeys2
for each row
execute procedure
check_primary_key ('fkey21', 'fkey22', 'pkeys', 'pkey1', 'pkey2');
QUERY: create trigger check_pkeys_fkey_cascade
before delete or update on pkeys
for each row
execute procedure
check_foreign_key (2, 'cascade', 'pkey1', 'pkey2',
'fkeys', 'fkey1', 'fkey2', 'fkeys2', 'fkey21', 'fkey22');
QUERY: create trigger check_fkeys2_fkey_restrict
before delete or update on fkeys2
for each row
execute procedure check_foreign_key (1, 'restrict', 'pkey23', 'fkeys', 'fkey3');
QUERY: insert into fkeys2 values (10, '1', 1);
QUERY: insert into fkeys2 values (30, '3', 2);
QUERY: insert into fkeys2 values (40, '4', 5);
QUERY: insert into fkeys2 values (50, '5', 3);
QUERY: insert into fkeys2 values (70, '5', 3);
ERROR: check_fkeys2_pkey_exist: tuple references non-existing key in pkeys
1997-09-11 11:14:12 +02:00
QUERY: insert into fkeys values (10, '1', 2);
QUERY: insert into fkeys values (30, '3', 3);
QUERY: insert into fkeys values (40, '4', 2);
QUERY: insert into fkeys values (50, '5', 2);
QUERY: insert into fkeys values (70, '5', 1);
ERROR: check_fkeys_pkey_exist: tuple references non-existing key in pkeys
1997-09-11 11:14:12 +02:00
QUERY: insert into fkeys values (60, '6', 4);
ERROR: check_fkeys_pkey2_exist: tuple references non-existing key in fkeys2
1997-09-11 11:14:12 +02:00
QUERY: delete from pkeys where pkey1 = 30 and pkey2 = '3';
NOTICE:check_pkeys_fkey_cascade: 1 tuple(s) of fkeys are deleted
ERROR: check_fkeys2_fkey_restrict: tuple referenced in fkeys
1997-09-11 11:14:12 +02:00
QUERY: delete from pkeys where pkey1 = 40 and pkey2 = '4';
NOTICE:check_pkeys_fkey_cascade: 1 tuple(s) of fkeys are deleted
NOTICE:check_pkeys_fkey_cascade: 1 tuple(s) of fkeys2 are deleted
QUERY: update pkeys set pkey1 = 7, pkey2 = '70' where pkey1 = 50 and pkey2 = '5';
NOTICE:check_pkeys_fkey_cascade: 1 tuple(s) of fkeys are deleted
ERROR: check_fkeys2_fkey_restrict: tuple referenced in fkeys
1997-09-11 11:14:12 +02:00
QUERY: update pkeys set pkey1 = 7, pkey2 = '70' where pkey1 = 10 and pkey2 = '1';
NOTICE:check_pkeys_fkey_cascade: 1 tuple(s) of fkeys are deleted
NOTICE:check_pkeys_fkey_cascade: 1 tuple(s) of fkeys2 are deleted
QUERY: create table dup17 (x int4);
QUERY: create trigger dup17_before
before insert on dup17
for each row
execute procedure
funny_dup17 ()
QUERY: insert into dup17 values (17);
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 1: 0/0 tuples inserted/selected
QUERY: select count(*) from dup17;
(1 row)
QUERY: insert into dup17 values (17);
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 17: 1/2 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 16: 1/3 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 15: 1/4 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 14: 1/5 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 13: 1/6 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 12: 1/7 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 11: 1/8 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 10: 1/9 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 9: 1/10 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 8: 1/11 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 7: 1/12 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 6: 1/13 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 5: 1/14 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 4: 1/15 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 3: 1/16 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 2: 1/17 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired BEFORE) on level 1: 1/18 tuples inserted/selected
QUERY: select count(*) from dup17;
(1 row)
QUERY: drop trigger dup17_before on dup17;
QUERY: create trigger dup17_after
after insert on dup17
for each row
execute procedure
funny_dup17 ()
QUERY: insert into dup17 values (13);
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 17: 17/34 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 16: 16/49 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 15: 15/63 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 14: 14/76 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 13: 13/88 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 12: 12/99 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 11: 11/109 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 10: 10/118 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 9: 9/126 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 8: 8/133 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 7: 7/139 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 6: 6/144 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 5: 5/148 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 4: 4/151 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 3: 3/153 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 2: 2/154 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 1: 1/154 tuples inserted/selected
QUERY: select count(*) from dup17 where x = 13;
(1 row)
QUERY: insert into dup17 values (13);
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 17: 171/342 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 16: 170/511 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 15: 169/679 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 14: 168/846 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 13: 167/1012 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 12: 166/1177 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 11: 165/1341 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 10: 164/1504 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 9: 163/1666 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 8: 162/1827 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 7: 161/1987 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 6: 160/2146 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 5: 159/2304 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 4: 158/2461 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 3: 157/2617 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 2: 156/2772 tuples inserted/selected
NOTICE:funny_dup17 (fired AFTER ) on level 1: 155/2926 tuples inserted/selected
QUERY: select count(*) from dup17 where x = 13;
(1 row)
1997-09-24 10:36:47 +02:00
QUERY: create sequence ttdummy_seq increment 10 start 0 minvalue 0;
QUERY: create table tttest (
price_id int4,
price_val int4,
price_on int4,
1997-09-24 10:36:47 +02:00
price_off int4 default 999999
QUERY: create trigger ttdummy
before delete or update on tttest
for each row
execute procedure
ttdummy (price_on, price_off);
QUERY: create trigger ttserial
before insert or update on tttest
for each row
execute procedure
autoinc (price_on, ttdummy_seq);
QUERY: insert into tttest values (1, 1, null);
QUERY: insert into tttest values (2, 2, null);
QUERY: insert into tttest values (3, 3, 0);
1997-09-24 10:36:47 +02:00
QUERY: select * from tttest;
1| 1| 10| 999999
2| 2| 20| 999999
3| 3| 30| 999999
1997-09-24 10:36:47 +02:00
(3 rows)
QUERY: delete from tttest where price_id = 2;
QUERY: select * from tttest;
1| 1| 10| 999999
3| 3| 30| 999999
2| 2| 20| 40
1997-09-24 10:36:47 +02:00
(3 rows)
QUERY: select * from tttest where price_off = 999999;
1| 1| 10| 999999
3| 3| 30| 999999
1997-09-24 10:36:47 +02:00
(2 rows)
QUERY: update tttest set price_val = 30 where price_id = 3;
QUERY: select * from tttest;
1| 1| 10| 999999
2| 2| 20| 40
3| 30| 50| 999999
3| 3| 30| 50
1997-09-24 10:36:47 +02:00
(4 rows)
QUERY: update tttest set price_id = 5 where price_id = 3;
QUERY: select * from tttest;
1| 1| 10| 999999
2| 2| 20| 40
3| 3| 30| 50
5| 30| 60| 999999
3| 30| 50| 60
1997-09-24 10:36:47 +02:00
(5 rows)
QUERY: select set_ttdummy(0);
(1 row)
QUERY: delete from tttest where price_id = 5;
QUERY: update tttest set price_off = 999999 where price_val = 30;
QUERY: select * from tttest;
1| 1| 10| 999999
2| 2| 20| 40
3| 3| 30| 50
3| 30| 50| 999999
1997-09-24 10:36:47 +02:00
(4 rows)
QUERY: update tttest set price_id = 5 where price_id = 3;
QUERY: select * from tttest;
1| 1| 10| 999999
2| 2| 20| 40
5| 3| 30| 50
5| 30| 50| 999999
1997-09-24 10:36:47 +02:00
(4 rows)
QUERY: select set_ttdummy(1);
(1 row)
QUERY: update tttest set price_on = -1 where price_id = 1;
ERROR: ttdummy (tttest): you can't change price_on and/or price_off columns (use set_ttdummy)
1997-09-24 10:36:47 +02:00
QUERY: select set_ttdummy(0);
(1 row)
QUERY: update tttest set price_on = -1 where price_id = 1;
QUERY: select * from tttest;
2| 2| 20| 40
5| 3| 30| 50
5| 30| 50| 999999
1997-09-24 10:36:47 +02:00
1| 1| -1| 999999
(4 rows)
QUERY: select * from tttest where price_on <= 35 and price_off > 35 and price_id = 5;
1997-09-24 10:36:47 +02:00
5| 3| 30| 50
1997-09-24 10:36:47 +02:00
(1 row)
QUERY: drop table tttest;
QUERY: drop sequence ttdummy_seq;