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2002-04-05 13:56:55 +02:00
-- insert with DEFAULT in the target_list
create table inserttest (col1 int4, col2 int4 NOT NULL, col3 text default 'testing');
insert into inserttest (col1, col2, col3) values (DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
ERROR: null value in column "col2" violates not-null constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (null, null, testing).
2002-04-05 13:56:55 +02:00
insert into inserttest (col2, col3) values (3, DEFAULT);
insert into inserttest (col1, col2, col3) values (DEFAULT, 5, DEFAULT);
insert into inserttest values (DEFAULT, 5, 'test');
insert into inserttest values (DEFAULT, 7);
select * from inserttest;
col1 | col2 | col3
| 3 | testing
| 5 | testing
| 5 | test
| 7 | testing
(4 rows)
-- insert with similar expression / target_list values (all fail)
insert into inserttest (col1, col2, col3) values (DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
ERROR: INSERT has more target columns than expressions
LINE 1: insert into inserttest (col1, col2, col3) values (DEFAULT, D...
insert into inserttest (col1, col2, col3) values (1, 2);
ERROR: INSERT has more target columns than expressions
LINE 1: insert into inserttest (col1, col2, col3) values (1, 2);
insert into inserttest (col1) values (1, 2);
ERROR: INSERT has more expressions than target columns
LINE 1: insert into inserttest (col1) values (1, 2);
insert into inserttest (col1) values (DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
ERROR: INSERT has more expressions than target columns
LINE 1: insert into inserttest (col1) values (DEFAULT, DEFAULT);
select * from inserttest;
col1 | col2 | col3
| 3 | testing
| 5 | testing
| 5 | test
| 7 | testing
(4 rows)
-- VALUES test
insert into inserttest values(10, 20, '40'), (-1, 2, DEFAULT),
((select 2), (select i from (values(3)) as foo (i)), 'values are fun!');
select * from inserttest;
col1 | col2 | col3
| 3 | testing
| 5 | testing
| 5 | test
| 7 | testing
10 | 20 | 40
-1 | 2 | testing
2 | 3 | values are fun!
(7 rows)
-- TOASTed value test
insert into inserttest values(30, 50, repeat('x', 10000));
select col1, col2, char_length(col3) from inserttest;
col1 | col2 | char_length
| 3 | 7
| 5 | 7
| 5 | 4
| 7 | 7
10 | 20 | 2
-1 | 2 | 7
2 | 3 | 15
30 | 50 | 10000
(8 rows)
2002-04-05 13:56:55 +02:00
drop table inserttest;
Make INSERT-from-multiple-VALUES-rows handle targetlist indirection better. Previously, if an INSERT with multiple rows of VALUES had indirection (array subscripting or field selection) in its target-columns list, the parser handled that by applying transformAssignedExpr() to each element of each VALUES row independently. This led to having ArrayRef assignment nodes or FieldStore nodes in each row of the VALUES RTE. That works for simple cases, but in bug #14265 Nuri Boardman points out that it fails if there are multiple assignments to elements/fields of the same target column. For such cases to work, rewriteTargetListIU() has to nest the ArrayRefs or FieldStores together to produce a single expression to be assigned to the column. But it failed to find them in the top-level targetlist and issued an error about "multiple assignments to same column". We could possibly fix this by teaching the rewriter to apply rewriteTargetListIU to each VALUES row separately, but that would be messy (it would change the output rowtype of the VALUES RTE, for example) and inefficient. Instead, let's fix the parser so that the VALUES RTE outputs are just the user-specified values, cast to the right type if necessary, and then the ArrayRefs or FieldStores are applied in the top-level targetlist to Vars representing the RTE's outputs. This is the same parsetree representation already used for similar cases with INSERT/SELECT syntax, so it allows simplifications in ruleutils.c, which no longer needs to treat INSERT-from-multiple-VALUES as its own special case. This implementation works by applying transformAssignedExpr to the VALUES entries as before, and then stripping off any ArrayRefs or FieldStores it adds. With lots of VALUES rows it would be noticeably more efficient to not add those nodes in the first place. But that's just an optimization not a bug fix, and there doesn't seem to be any good way to do it without significant refactoring. (A non-invasive answer would be to apply transformAssignedExpr + stripping to just the first VALUES row, and then just forcibly cast remaining rows to the same data types exposed in the first row. But this way would lead to different, not-INSERT-specific errors being reported in casting failure cases, so it doesn't seem very nice.) So leave that for later; this patch at least isn't making the per-row parsing work worse, and it does make the finished parsetree smaller, saving rewriter and planner work. Catversion bump because stored rules containing such INSERTs would need to change. Because of that, no back-patch, even though this is a very long-standing bug. Report: <> Discussion: <>
2016-08-03 22:37:03 +02:00
-- check indirection (field/array assignment), cf bug #14265
-- these tests are aware that transformInsertStmt has 3 separate code paths
create type insert_test_type as (if1 int, if2 text[]);
create table inserttest (f1 int, f2 int[],
f3 insert_test_type, f4 insert_test_type[]);
insert into inserttest (f2[1], f2[2]) values (1,2);
insert into inserttest (f2[1], f2[2]) values (3,4), (5,6);
insert into inserttest (f2[1], f2[2]) select 7,8;
insert into inserttest (f2[1], f2[2]) values (1,default); -- not supported
ERROR: cannot set an array element to DEFAULT
LINE 1: insert into inserttest (f2[1], f2[2]) values (1,default);
insert into inserttest (f3.if1, f3.if2) values (1,array['foo']);
insert into inserttest (f3.if1, f3.if2) values (1,'{foo}'), (2,'{bar}');
insert into inserttest (f3.if1, f3.if2) select 3, '{baz,quux}';
insert into inserttest (f3.if1, f3.if2) values (1,default); -- not supported
ERROR: cannot set a subfield to DEFAULT
LINE 1: insert into inserttest (f3.if1, f3.if2) values (1,default);
insert into inserttest (f3.if2[1], f3.if2[2]) values ('foo', 'bar');
insert into inserttest (f3.if2[1], f3.if2[2]) values ('foo', 'bar'), ('baz', 'quux');
insert into inserttest (f3.if2[1], f3.if2[2]) select 'bear', 'beer';
insert into inserttest (f4[1].if2[1], f4[1].if2[2]) values ('foo', 'bar');
insert into inserttest (f4[1].if2[1], f4[1].if2[2]) values ('foo', 'bar'), ('baz', 'quux');
insert into inserttest (f4[1].if2[1], f4[1].if2[2]) select 'bear', 'beer';
select * from inserttest;
f1 | f2 | f3 | f4
| {1,2} | |
| {3,4} | |
| {5,6} | |
| {7,8} | |
| | (1,{foo}) |
| | (1,{foo}) |
| | (2,{bar}) |
| | (3,"{baz,quux}") |
| | (,"{foo,bar}") |
| | (,"{foo,bar}") |
| | (,"{baz,quux}") |
| | (,"{bear,beer}") |
| | | {"(,\"{foo,bar}\")"}
| | | {"(,\"{foo,bar}\")"}
| | | {"(,\"{baz,quux}\")"}
| | | {"(,\"{bear,beer}\")"}
(16 rows)
-- also check reverse-listing
create table inserttest2 (f1 bigint, f2 text);
create rule irule1 as on insert to inserttest2 do also
insert into inserttest (f3.if2[1], f3.if2[2])
values (new.f1,new.f2);
create rule irule2 as on insert to inserttest2 do also
insert into inserttest (f4[1].if1, f4[1].if2[2])
values (1,'fool'),(new.f1,new.f2);
create rule irule3 as on insert to inserttest2 do also
insert into inserttest (f4[1].if1, f4[1].if2[2])
select new.f1, new.f2;
\d+ inserttest2
Table "public.inserttest2"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
f1 | bigint | | | | plain | |
f2 | text | | | | extended | |
Make INSERT-from-multiple-VALUES-rows handle targetlist indirection better. Previously, if an INSERT with multiple rows of VALUES had indirection (array subscripting or field selection) in its target-columns list, the parser handled that by applying transformAssignedExpr() to each element of each VALUES row independently. This led to having ArrayRef assignment nodes or FieldStore nodes in each row of the VALUES RTE. That works for simple cases, but in bug #14265 Nuri Boardman points out that it fails if there are multiple assignments to elements/fields of the same target column. For such cases to work, rewriteTargetListIU() has to nest the ArrayRefs or FieldStores together to produce a single expression to be assigned to the column. But it failed to find them in the top-level targetlist and issued an error about "multiple assignments to same column". We could possibly fix this by teaching the rewriter to apply rewriteTargetListIU to each VALUES row separately, but that would be messy (it would change the output rowtype of the VALUES RTE, for example) and inefficient. Instead, let's fix the parser so that the VALUES RTE outputs are just the user-specified values, cast to the right type if necessary, and then the ArrayRefs or FieldStores are applied in the top-level targetlist to Vars representing the RTE's outputs. This is the same parsetree representation already used for similar cases with INSERT/SELECT syntax, so it allows simplifications in ruleutils.c, which no longer needs to treat INSERT-from-multiple-VALUES as its own special case. This implementation works by applying transformAssignedExpr to the VALUES entries as before, and then stripping off any ArrayRefs or FieldStores it adds. With lots of VALUES rows it would be noticeably more efficient to not add those nodes in the first place. But that's just an optimization not a bug fix, and there doesn't seem to be any good way to do it without significant refactoring. (A non-invasive answer would be to apply transformAssignedExpr + stripping to just the first VALUES row, and then just forcibly cast remaining rows to the same data types exposed in the first row. But this way would lead to different, not-INSERT-specific errors being reported in casting failure cases, so it doesn't seem very nice.) So leave that for later; this patch at least isn't making the per-row parsing work worse, and it does make the finished parsetree smaller, saving rewriter and planner work. Catversion bump because stored rules containing such INSERTs would need to change. Because of that, no back-patch, even though this is a very long-standing bug. Report: <> Discussion: <>
2016-08-03 22:37:03 +02:00
irule1 AS
ON INSERT TO inserttest2 DO INSERT INTO inserttest (f3.if2[1], f3.if2[2])
VALUES (new.f1, new.f2)
irule2 AS
ON INSERT TO inserttest2 DO INSERT INTO inserttest (f4[1].if1, f4[1].if2[2]) VALUES (1,'fool'::text), (new.f1,new.f2)
irule3 AS
ON INSERT TO inserttest2 DO INSERT INTO inserttest (f4[1].if1, f4[1].if2[2]) SELECT new.f1,
drop table inserttest2;
drop table inserttest;
drop type insert_test_type;
Implement table partitioning. Table partitioning is like table inheritance and reuses much of the existing infrastructure, but there are some important differences. The parent is called a partitioned table and is always empty; it may not have indexes or non-inherited constraints, since those make no sense for a relation with no data of its own. The children are called partitions and contain all of the actual data. Each partition has an implicit partitioning constraint. Multiple inheritance is not allowed, and partitioning and inheritance can't be mixed. Partitions can't have extra columns and may not allow nulls unless the parent does. Tuples inserted into the parent are automatically routed to the correct partition, so tuple-routing ON INSERT triggers are not needed. Tuple routing isn't yet supported for partitions which are foreign tables, and it doesn't handle updates that cross partition boundaries. Currently, tables can be range-partitioned or list-partitioned. List partitioning is limited to a single column, but range partitioning can involve multiple columns. A partitioning "column" can be an expression. Because table partitioning is less general than table inheritance, it is hoped that it will be easier to reason about properties of partitions, and therefore that this will serve as a better foundation for a variety of possible optimizations, including query planner optimizations. The tuple routing based which this patch does based on the implicit partitioning constraints is an example of this, but it seems likely that many other useful optimizations are also possible. Amit Langote, reviewed and tested by Robert Haas, Ashutosh Bapat, Amit Kapila, Rajkumar Raghuwanshi, Corey Huinker, Jaime Casanova, Rushabh Lathia, Erik Rijkers, among others. Minor revisions by me.
2016-12-07 19:17:43 +01:00
-- direct partition inserts should check partition bound constraint
create table range_parted (
a text,
b int
) partition by range (a, (b+0));
-- no partitions, so fail
insert into range_parted values ('a', 11);
ERROR: no partition of relation "range_parted" found for row
DETAIL: Partition key of the failing row contains (a, (b + 0)) = (a, 11).
Implement table partitioning. Table partitioning is like table inheritance and reuses much of the existing infrastructure, but there are some important differences. The parent is called a partitioned table and is always empty; it may not have indexes or non-inherited constraints, since those make no sense for a relation with no data of its own. The children are called partitions and contain all of the actual data. Each partition has an implicit partitioning constraint. Multiple inheritance is not allowed, and partitioning and inheritance can't be mixed. Partitions can't have extra columns and may not allow nulls unless the parent does. Tuples inserted into the parent are automatically routed to the correct partition, so tuple-routing ON INSERT triggers are not needed. Tuple routing isn't yet supported for partitions which are foreign tables, and it doesn't handle updates that cross partition boundaries. Currently, tables can be range-partitioned or list-partitioned. List partitioning is limited to a single column, but range partitioning can involve multiple columns. A partitioning "column" can be an expression. Because table partitioning is less general than table inheritance, it is hoped that it will be easier to reason about properties of partitions, and therefore that this will serve as a better foundation for a variety of possible optimizations, including query planner optimizations. The tuple routing based which this patch does based on the implicit partitioning constraints is an example of this, but it seems likely that many other useful optimizations are also possible. Amit Langote, reviewed and tested by Robert Haas, Ashutosh Bapat, Amit Kapila, Rajkumar Raghuwanshi, Corey Huinker, Jaime Casanova, Rushabh Lathia, Erik Rijkers, among others. Minor revisions by me.
2016-12-07 19:17:43 +01:00
create table part1 partition of range_parted for values from ('a', 1) to ('a', 10);
create table part2 partition of range_parted for values from ('a', 10) to ('a', 20);
create table part3 partition of range_parted for values from ('b', 1) to ('b', 10);
create table part4 partition of range_parted for values from ('b', 10) to ('b', 20);
-- fail
insert into part1 values ('a', 11);
ERROR: new row for relation "part1" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (a, 11).
insert into part1 values ('b', 1);
ERROR: new row for relation "part1" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (b, 1).
-- ok
insert into part1 values ('a', 1);
-- fail
insert into part4 values ('b', 21);
ERROR: new row for relation "part4" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (b, 21).
insert into part4 values ('a', 10);
ERROR: new row for relation "part4" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (a, 10).
-- ok
insert into part4 values ('b', 10);
-- fail (partition key a has a NOT NULL constraint)
insert into part1 values (null);
ERROR: new row for relation "part1" violates partition constraint
Implement table partitioning. Table partitioning is like table inheritance and reuses much of the existing infrastructure, but there are some important differences. The parent is called a partitioned table and is always empty; it may not have indexes or non-inherited constraints, since those make no sense for a relation with no data of its own. The children are called partitions and contain all of the actual data. Each partition has an implicit partitioning constraint. Multiple inheritance is not allowed, and partitioning and inheritance can't be mixed. Partitions can't have extra columns and may not allow nulls unless the parent does. Tuples inserted into the parent are automatically routed to the correct partition, so tuple-routing ON INSERT triggers are not needed. Tuple routing isn't yet supported for partitions which are foreign tables, and it doesn't handle updates that cross partition boundaries. Currently, tables can be range-partitioned or list-partitioned. List partitioning is limited to a single column, but range partitioning can involve multiple columns. A partitioning "column" can be an expression. Because table partitioning is less general than table inheritance, it is hoped that it will be easier to reason about properties of partitions, and therefore that this will serve as a better foundation for a variety of possible optimizations, including query planner optimizations. The tuple routing based which this patch does based on the implicit partitioning constraints is an example of this, but it seems likely that many other useful optimizations are also possible. Amit Langote, reviewed and tested by Robert Haas, Ashutosh Bapat, Amit Kapila, Rajkumar Raghuwanshi, Corey Huinker, Jaime Casanova, Rushabh Lathia, Erik Rijkers, among others. Minor revisions by me.
2016-12-07 19:17:43 +01:00
DETAIL: Failing row contains (null, null).
-- fail (expression key (b+0) cannot be null either)
insert into part1 values (1);
ERROR: new row for relation "part1" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (1, null).
create table list_parted (
a text,
b int
) partition by list (lower(a));
create table part_aa_bb partition of list_parted FOR VALUES IN ('aa', 'bb');
create table part_cc_dd partition of list_parted FOR VALUES IN ('cc', 'dd');
create table part_null partition of list_parted FOR VALUES IN (null);
-- fail
insert into part_aa_bb values ('cc', 1);
ERROR: new row for relation "part_aa_bb" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (cc, 1).
insert into part_aa_bb values ('AAa', 1);
ERROR: new row for relation "part_aa_bb" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (AAa, 1).
insert into part_aa_bb values (null);
ERROR: new row for relation "part_aa_bb" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (null, null).
-- ok
insert into part_cc_dd values ('cC', 1);
insert into part_null values (null, 0);
-- check in case of multi-level partitioned table
create table part_ee_ff partition of list_parted for values in ('ee', 'ff') partition by range (b);
create table part_ee_ff1 partition of part_ee_ff for values from (1) to (10);
create table part_ee_ff2 partition of part_ee_ff for values from (10) to (20);
-- test default partition
create table part_default partition of list_parted default;
-- Negative test: a row, which would fit in other partition, does not fit
-- default partition, even when inserted directly
insert into part_default values ('aa', 2);
ERROR: new row for relation "part_default" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (aa, 2).
insert into part_default values (null, 2);
ERROR: new row for relation "part_default" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (null, 2).
-- ok
insert into part_default values ('Zz', 2);
-- test if default partition works as expected for multi-level partitioned
-- table as well as when default partition itself is further partitioned
drop table part_default;
create table part_xx_yy partition of list_parted for values in ('xx', 'yy') partition by list (a);
create table part_xx_yy_p1 partition of part_xx_yy for values in ('xx');
create table part_xx_yy_defpart partition of part_xx_yy default;
create table part_default partition of list_parted default partition by range(b);
create table part_default_p1 partition of part_default for values from (20) to (30);
create table part_default_p2 partition of part_default for values from (30) to (40);
Implement table partitioning. Table partitioning is like table inheritance and reuses much of the existing infrastructure, but there are some important differences. The parent is called a partitioned table and is always empty; it may not have indexes or non-inherited constraints, since those make no sense for a relation with no data of its own. The children are called partitions and contain all of the actual data. Each partition has an implicit partitioning constraint. Multiple inheritance is not allowed, and partitioning and inheritance can't be mixed. Partitions can't have extra columns and may not allow nulls unless the parent does. Tuples inserted into the parent are automatically routed to the correct partition, so tuple-routing ON INSERT triggers are not needed. Tuple routing isn't yet supported for partitions which are foreign tables, and it doesn't handle updates that cross partition boundaries. Currently, tables can be range-partitioned or list-partitioned. List partitioning is limited to a single column, but range partitioning can involve multiple columns. A partitioning "column" can be an expression. Because table partitioning is less general than table inheritance, it is hoped that it will be easier to reason about properties of partitions, and therefore that this will serve as a better foundation for a variety of possible optimizations, including query planner optimizations. The tuple routing based which this patch does based on the implicit partitioning constraints is an example of this, but it seems likely that many other useful optimizations are also possible. Amit Langote, reviewed and tested by Robert Haas, Ashutosh Bapat, Amit Kapila, Rajkumar Raghuwanshi, Corey Huinker, Jaime Casanova, Rushabh Lathia, Erik Rijkers, among others. Minor revisions by me.
2016-12-07 19:17:43 +01:00
-- fail
insert into part_ee_ff1 values ('EE', 11);
ERROR: new row for relation "part_ee_ff1" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (EE, 11).
insert into part_default_p2 values ('gg', 43);
ERROR: new row for relation "part_default_p2" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (gg, 43).
Implement table partitioning. Table partitioning is like table inheritance and reuses much of the existing infrastructure, but there are some important differences. The parent is called a partitioned table and is always empty; it may not have indexes or non-inherited constraints, since those make no sense for a relation with no data of its own. The children are called partitions and contain all of the actual data. Each partition has an implicit partitioning constraint. Multiple inheritance is not allowed, and partitioning and inheritance can't be mixed. Partitions can't have extra columns and may not allow nulls unless the parent does. Tuples inserted into the parent are automatically routed to the correct partition, so tuple-routing ON INSERT triggers are not needed. Tuple routing isn't yet supported for partitions which are foreign tables, and it doesn't handle updates that cross partition boundaries. Currently, tables can be range-partitioned or list-partitioned. List partitioning is limited to a single column, but range partitioning can involve multiple columns. A partitioning "column" can be an expression. Because table partitioning is less general than table inheritance, it is hoped that it will be easier to reason about properties of partitions, and therefore that this will serve as a better foundation for a variety of possible optimizations, including query planner optimizations. The tuple routing based which this patch does based on the implicit partitioning constraints is an example of this, but it seems likely that many other useful optimizations are also possible. Amit Langote, reviewed and tested by Robert Haas, Ashutosh Bapat, Amit Kapila, Rajkumar Raghuwanshi, Corey Huinker, Jaime Casanova, Rushabh Lathia, Erik Rijkers, among others. Minor revisions by me.
2016-12-07 19:17:43 +01:00
-- fail (even the parent's, ie, part_ee_ff's partition constraint applies)
insert into part_ee_ff1 values ('cc', 1);
ERROR: new row for relation "part_ee_ff1" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (cc, 1).
insert into part_default values ('gg', 43);
ERROR: no partition of relation "part_default" found for row
DETAIL: Partition key of the failing row contains (b) = (43).
Implement table partitioning. Table partitioning is like table inheritance and reuses much of the existing infrastructure, but there are some important differences. The parent is called a partitioned table and is always empty; it may not have indexes or non-inherited constraints, since those make no sense for a relation with no data of its own. The children are called partitions and contain all of the actual data. Each partition has an implicit partitioning constraint. Multiple inheritance is not allowed, and partitioning and inheritance can't be mixed. Partitions can't have extra columns and may not allow nulls unless the parent does. Tuples inserted into the parent are automatically routed to the correct partition, so tuple-routing ON INSERT triggers are not needed. Tuple routing isn't yet supported for partitions which are foreign tables, and it doesn't handle updates that cross partition boundaries. Currently, tables can be range-partitioned or list-partitioned. List partitioning is limited to a single column, but range partitioning can involve multiple columns. A partitioning "column" can be an expression. Because table partitioning is less general than table inheritance, it is hoped that it will be easier to reason about properties of partitions, and therefore that this will serve as a better foundation for a variety of possible optimizations, including query planner optimizations. The tuple routing based which this patch does based on the implicit partitioning constraints is an example of this, but it seems likely that many other useful optimizations are also possible. Amit Langote, reviewed and tested by Robert Haas, Ashutosh Bapat, Amit Kapila, Rajkumar Raghuwanshi, Corey Huinker, Jaime Casanova, Rushabh Lathia, Erik Rijkers, among others. Minor revisions by me.
2016-12-07 19:17:43 +01:00
-- ok
insert into part_ee_ff1 values ('ff', 1);
insert into part_ee_ff2 values ('ff', 11);
insert into part_default_p1 values ('cd', 25);
insert into part_default_p2 values ('de', 35);
insert into list_parted values ('ab', 21);
insert into list_parted values ('xx', 1);
insert into list_parted values ('yy', 2);
select tableoid::regclass, * from list_parted;
tableoid | a | b
part_cc_dd | cC | 1
part_ee_ff1 | ff | 1
part_ee_ff2 | ff | 11
part_xx_yy_p1 | xx | 1
part_xx_yy_defpart | yy | 2
part_null | | 0
part_default_p1 | cd | 25
part_default_p1 | ab | 21
part_default_p2 | de | 35
(9 rows)
Implement table partitioning. Table partitioning is like table inheritance and reuses much of the existing infrastructure, but there are some important differences. The parent is called a partitioned table and is always empty; it may not have indexes or non-inherited constraints, since those make no sense for a relation with no data of its own. The children are called partitions and contain all of the actual data. Each partition has an implicit partitioning constraint. Multiple inheritance is not allowed, and partitioning and inheritance can't be mixed. Partitions can't have extra columns and may not allow nulls unless the parent does. Tuples inserted into the parent are automatically routed to the correct partition, so tuple-routing ON INSERT triggers are not needed. Tuple routing isn't yet supported for partitions which are foreign tables, and it doesn't handle updates that cross partition boundaries. Currently, tables can be range-partitioned or list-partitioned. List partitioning is limited to a single column, but range partitioning can involve multiple columns. A partitioning "column" can be an expression. Because table partitioning is less general than table inheritance, it is hoped that it will be easier to reason about properties of partitions, and therefore that this will serve as a better foundation for a variety of possible optimizations, including query planner optimizations. The tuple routing based which this patch does based on the implicit partitioning constraints is an example of this, but it seems likely that many other useful optimizations are also possible. Amit Langote, reviewed and tested by Robert Haas, Ashutosh Bapat, Amit Kapila, Rajkumar Raghuwanshi, Corey Huinker, Jaime Casanova, Rushabh Lathia, Erik Rijkers, among others. Minor revisions by me.
2016-12-07 19:17:43 +01:00
-- Check tuple routing for partitioned tables
-- fail
insert into range_parted values ('a', 0);
ERROR: no partition of relation "range_parted" found for row
DETAIL: Partition key of the failing row contains (a, (b + 0)) = (a, 0).
Implement table partitioning. Table partitioning is like table inheritance and reuses much of the existing infrastructure, but there are some important differences. The parent is called a partitioned table and is always empty; it may not have indexes or non-inherited constraints, since those make no sense for a relation with no data of its own. The children are called partitions and contain all of the actual data. Each partition has an implicit partitioning constraint. Multiple inheritance is not allowed, and partitioning and inheritance can't be mixed. Partitions can't have extra columns and may not allow nulls unless the parent does. Tuples inserted into the parent are automatically routed to the correct partition, so tuple-routing ON INSERT triggers are not needed. Tuple routing isn't yet supported for partitions which are foreign tables, and it doesn't handle updates that cross partition boundaries. Currently, tables can be range-partitioned or list-partitioned. List partitioning is limited to a single column, but range partitioning can involve multiple columns. A partitioning "column" can be an expression. Because table partitioning is less general than table inheritance, it is hoped that it will be easier to reason about properties of partitions, and therefore that this will serve as a better foundation for a variety of possible optimizations, including query planner optimizations. The tuple routing based which this patch does based on the implicit partitioning constraints is an example of this, but it seems likely that many other useful optimizations are also possible. Amit Langote, reviewed and tested by Robert Haas, Ashutosh Bapat, Amit Kapila, Rajkumar Raghuwanshi, Corey Huinker, Jaime Casanova, Rushabh Lathia, Erik Rijkers, among others. Minor revisions by me.
2016-12-07 19:17:43 +01:00
-- ok
insert into range_parted values ('a', 1);
insert into range_parted values ('a', 10);
-- fail
insert into range_parted values ('a', 20);
ERROR: no partition of relation "range_parted" found for row
DETAIL: Partition key of the failing row contains (a, (b + 0)) = (a, 20).
Implement table partitioning. Table partitioning is like table inheritance and reuses much of the existing infrastructure, but there are some important differences. The parent is called a partitioned table and is always empty; it may not have indexes or non-inherited constraints, since those make no sense for a relation with no data of its own. The children are called partitions and contain all of the actual data. Each partition has an implicit partitioning constraint. Multiple inheritance is not allowed, and partitioning and inheritance can't be mixed. Partitions can't have extra columns and may not allow nulls unless the parent does. Tuples inserted into the parent are automatically routed to the correct partition, so tuple-routing ON INSERT triggers are not needed. Tuple routing isn't yet supported for partitions which are foreign tables, and it doesn't handle updates that cross partition boundaries. Currently, tables can be range-partitioned or list-partitioned. List partitioning is limited to a single column, but range partitioning can involve multiple columns. A partitioning "column" can be an expression. Because table partitioning is less general than table inheritance, it is hoped that it will be easier to reason about properties of partitions, and therefore that this will serve as a better foundation for a variety of possible optimizations, including query planner optimizations. The tuple routing based which this patch does based on the implicit partitioning constraints is an example of this, but it seems likely that many other useful optimizations are also possible. Amit Langote, reviewed and tested by Robert Haas, Ashutosh Bapat, Amit Kapila, Rajkumar Raghuwanshi, Corey Huinker, Jaime Casanova, Rushabh Lathia, Erik Rijkers, among others. Minor revisions by me.
2016-12-07 19:17:43 +01:00
-- ok
insert into range_parted values ('b', 1);
insert into range_parted values ('b', 10);
-- fail (partition key (b+0) is null)
insert into range_parted values ('a');
ERROR: no partition of relation "range_parted" found for row
DETAIL: Partition key of the failing row contains (a, (b + 0)) = (a, null).
-- Check default partition
create table part_def partition of range_parted default;
-- fail
insert into part_def values ('b', 10);
ERROR: new row for relation "part_def" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (b, 10).
-- ok
insert into part_def values ('c', 10);
insert into range_parted values (null, null);
insert into range_parted values ('a', null);
insert into range_parted values (null, 19);
insert into range_parted values ('b', 20);
Implement table partitioning. Table partitioning is like table inheritance and reuses much of the existing infrastructure, but there are some important differences. The parent is called a partitioned table and is always empty; it may not have indexes or non-inherited constraints, since those make no sense for a relation with no data of its own. The children are called partitions and contain all of the actual data. Each partition has an implicit partitioning constraint. Multiple inheritance is not allowed, and partitioning and inheritance can't be mixed. Partitions can't have extra columns and may not allow nulls unless the parent does. Tuples inserted into the parent are automatically routed to the correct partition, so tuple-routing ON INSERT triggers are not needed. Tuple routing isn't yet supported for partitions which are foreign tables, and it doesn't handle updates that cross partition boundaries. Currently, tables can be range-partitioned or list-partitioned. List partitioning is limited to a single column, but range partitioning can involve multiple columns. A partitioning "column" can be an expression. Because table partitioning is less general than table inheritance, it is hoped that it will be easier to reason about properties of partitions, and therefore that this will serve as a better foundation for a variety of possible optimizations, including query planner optimizations. The tuple routing based which this patch does based on the implicit partitioning constraints is an example of this, but it seems likely that many other useful optimizations are also possible. Amit Langote, reviewed and tested by Robert Haas, Ashutosh Bapat, Amit Kapila, Rajkumar Raghuwanshi, Corey Huinker, Jaime Casanova, Rushabh Lathia, Erik Rijkers, among others. Minor revisions by me.
2016-12-07 19:17:43 +01:00
select tableoid::regclass, * from range_parted;
tableoid | a | b
part1 | a | 1
part1 | a | 1
part2 | a | 10
part3 | b | 1
part4 | b | 10
part4 | b | 10
part_def | c | 10
part_def | |
part_def | a |
part_def | | 19
part_def | b | 20
(11 rows)
Implement table partitioning. Table partitioning is like table inheritance and reuses much of the existing infrastructure, but there are some important differences. The parent is called a partitioned table and is always empty; it may not have indexes or non-inherited constraints, since those make no sense for a relation with no data of its own. The children are called partitions and contain all of the actual data. Each partition has an implicit partitioning constraint. Multiple inheritance is not allowed, and partitioning and inheritance can't be mixed. Partitions can't have extra columns and may not allow nulls unless the parent does. Tuples inserted into the parent are automatically routed to the correct partition, so tuple-routing ON INSERT triggers are not needed. Tuple routing isn't yet supported for partitions which are foreign tables, and it doesn't handle updates that cross partition boundaries. Currently, tables can be range-partitioned or list-partitioned. List partitioning is limited to a single column, but range partitioning can involve multiple columns. A partitioning "column" can be an expression. Because table partitioning is less general than table inheritance, it is hoped that it will be easier to reason about properties of partitions, and therefore that this will serve as a better foundation for a variety of possible optimizations, including query planner optimizations. The tuple routing based which this patch does based on the implicit partitioning constraints is an example of this, but it seems likely that many other useful optimizations are also possible. Amit Langote, reviewed and tested by Robert Haas, Ashutosh Bapat, Amit Kapila, Rajkumar Raghuwanshi, Corey Huinker, Jaime Casanova, Rushabh Lathia, Erik Rijkers, among others. Minor revisions by me.
2016-12-07 19:17:43 +01:00
-- ok
insert into list_parted values (null, 1);
insert into list_parted (a) values ('aA');
-- fail (partition of part_ee_ff not found in both cases)
insert into list_parted values ('EE', 0);
ERROR: no partition of relation "part_ee_ff" found for row
DETAIL: Partition key of the failing row contains (b) = (0).
Implement table partitioning. Table partitioning is like table inheritance and reuses much of the existing infrastructure, but there are some important differences. The parent is called a partitioned table and is always empty; it may not have indexes or non-inherited constraints, since those make no sense for a relation with no data of its own. The children are called partitions and contain all of the actual data. Each partition has an implicit partitioning constraint. Multiple inheritance is not allowed, and partitioning and inheritance can't be mixed. Partitions can't have extra columns and may not allow nulls unless the parent does. Tuples inserted into the parent are automatically routed to the correct partition, so tuple-routing ON INSERT triggers are not needed. Tuple routing isn't yet supported for partitions which are foreign tables, and it doesn't handle updates that cross partition boundaries. Currently, tables can be range-partitioned or list-partitioned. List partitioning is limited to a single column, but range partitioning can involve multiple columns. A partitioning "column" can be an expression. Because table partitioning is less general than table inheritance, it is hoped that it will be easier to reason about properties of partitions, and therefore that this will serve as a better foundation for a variety of possible optimizations, including query planner optimizations. The tuple routing based which this patch does based on the implicit partitioning constraints is an example of this, but it seems likely that many other useful optimizations are also possible. Amit Langote, reviewed and tested by Robert Haas, Ashutosh Bapat, Amit Kapila, Rajkumar Raghuwanshi, Corey Huinker, Jaime Casanova, Rushabh Lathia, Erik Rijkers, among others. Minor revisions by me.
2016-12-07 19:17:43 +01:00
insert into part_ee_ff values ('EE', 0);
ERROR: no partition of relation "part_ee_ff" found for row
DETAIL: Partition key of the failing row contains (b) = (0).
Implement table partitioning. Table partitioning is like table inheritance and reuses much of the existing infrastructure, but there are some important differences. The parent is called a partitioned table and is always empty; it may not have indexes or non-inherited constraints, since those make no sense for a relation with no data of its own. The children are called partitions and contain all of the actual data. Each partition has an implicit partitioning constraint. Multiple inheritance is not allowed, and partitioning and inheritance can't be mixed. Partitions can't have extra columns and may not allow nulls unless the parent does. Tuples inserted into the parent are automatically routed to the correct partition, so tuple-routing ON INSERT triggers are not needed. Tuple routing isn't yet supported for partitions which are foreign tables, and it doesn't handle updates that cross partition boundaries. Currently, tables can be range-partitioned or list-partitioned. List partitioning is limited to a single column, but range partitioning can involve multiple columns. A partitioning "column" can be an expression. Because table partitioning is less general than table inheritance, it is hoped that it will be easier to reason about properties of partitions, and therefore that this will serve as a better foundation for a variety of possible optimizations, including query planner optimizations. The tuple routing based which this patch does based on the implicit partitioning constraints is an example of this, but it seems likely that many other useful optimizations are also possible. Amit Langote, reviewed and tested by Robert Haas, Ashutosh Bapat, Amit Kapila, Rajkumar Raghuwanshi, Corey Huinker, Jaime Casanova, Rushabh Lathia, Erik Rijkers, among others. Minor revisions by me.
2016-12-07 19:17:43 +01:00
-- ok
insert into list_parted values ('EE', 1);
insert into part_ee_ff values ('EE', 10);
select tableoid::regclass, * from list_parted;
tableoid | a | b
part_aa_bb | aA |
part_cc_dd | cC | 1
part_ee_ff1 | ff | 1
part_ee_ff1 | EE | 1
part_ee_ff2 | ff | 11
part_ee_ff2 | EE | 10
part_xx_yy_p1 | xx | 1
part_xx_yy_defpart | yy | 2
part_null | | 0
part_null | | 1
part_default_p1 | cd | 25
part_default_p1 | ab | 21
part_default_p2 | de | 35
(13 rows)
Implement table partitioning. Table partitioning is like table inheritance and reuses much of the existing infrastructure, but there are some important differences. The parent is called a partitioned table and is always empty; it may not have indexes or non-inherited constraints, since those make no sense for a relation with no data of its own. The children are called partitions and contain all of the actual data. Each partition has an implicit partitioning constraint. Multiple inheritance is not allowed, and partitioning and inheritance can't be mixed. Partitions can't have extra columns and may not allow nulls unless the parent does. Tuples inserted into the parent are automatically routed to the correct partition, so tuple-routing ON INSERT triggers are not needed. Tuple routing isn't yet supported for partitions which are foreign tables, and it doesn't handle updates that cross partition boundaries. Currently, tables can be range-partitioned or list-partitioned. List partitioning is limited to a single column, but range partitioning can involve multiple columns. A partitioning "column" can be an expression. Because table partitioning is less general than table inheritance, it is hoped that it will be easier to reason about properties of partitions, and therefore that this will serve as a better foundation for a variety of possible optimizations, including query planner optimizations. The tuple routing based which this patch does based on the implicit partitioning constraints is an example of this, but it seems likely that many other useful optimizations are also possible. Amit Langote, reviewed and tested by Robert Haas, Ashutosh Bapat, Amit Kapila, Rajkumar Raghuwanshi, Corey Huinker, Jaime Casanova, Rushabh Lathia, Erik Rijkers, among others. Minor revisions by me.
2016-12-07 19:17:43 +01:00
-- some more tests to exercise tuple-routing with multi-level partitioning
create table part_gg partition of list_parted for values in ('gg') partition by range (b);
create table part_gg1 partition of part_gg for values from (minvalue) to (1);
create table part_gg2 partition of part_gg for values from (1) to (10) partition by range (b);
create table part_gg2_1 partition of part_gg2 for values from (1) to (5);
create table part_gg2_2 partition of part_gg2 for values from (5) to (10);
create table part_ee_ff3 partition of part_ee_ff for values from (20) to (30) partition by range (b);
create table part_ee_ff3_1 partition of part_ee_ff3 for values from (20) to (25);
create table part_ee_ff3_2 partition of part_ee_ff3 for values from (25) to (30);
truncate list_parted;
insert into list_parted values ('aa'), ('cc');
insert into list_parted select 'Ff', s.a from generate_series(1, 29) s(a);
insert into list_parted select 'gg', s.a from generate_series(1, 9) s(a);
insert into list_parted (b) values (1);
select tableoid::regclass::text, a, min(b) as min_b, max(b) as max_b from list_parted group by 1, 2 order by 1;
tableoid | a | min_b | max_b
part_aa_bb | aa | |
part_cc_dd | cc | |
part_ee_ff1 | Ff | 1 | 9
part_ee_ff2 | Ff | 10 | 19
part_ee_ff3_1 | Ff | 20 | 24
part_ee_ff3_2 | Ff | 25 | 29
part_gg2_1 | gg | 1 | 4
part_gg2_2 | gg | 5 | 9
part_null | | 1 | 1
(9 rows)
-- direct partition inserts should check hash partition bound constraint
-- Use hand-rolled hash functions and operator classes to get predictable
-- result on different matchines. The hash function for int4 simply returns
-- the sum of the values passed to it and the one for text returns the length
-- of the non-empty string value passed to it or 0.
create or replace function part_hashint4_noop(value int4, seed int8)
returns int8 as $$
select value + seed;
$$ language sql immutable;
create operator class part_test_int4_ops
for type int4
using hash as
operator 1 =,
function 2 part_hashint4_noop(int4, int8);
create or replace function part_hashtext_length(value text, seed int8)
RETURNS int8 AS $$
select length(coalesce(value, ''))::int8
$$ language sql immutable;
create operator class part_test_text_ops
for type text
using hash as
operator 1 =,
function 2 part_hashtext_length(text, int8);
create table hash_parted (
a int
) partition by hash (a part_test_int4_ops);
create table hpart0 partition of hash_parted for values with (modulus 4, remainder 0);
create table hpart1 partition of hash_parted for values with (modulus 4, remainder 1);
create table hpart2 partition of hash_parted for values with (modulus 4, remainder 2);
create table hpart3 partition of hash_parted for values with (modulus 4, remainder 3);
insert into hash_parted values(generate_series(1,10));
-- direct insert of values divisible by 4 - ok;
insert into hpart0 values(12),(16);
-- fail;
insert into hpart0 values(11);
ERROR: new row for relation "hpart0" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (11).
-- 11 % 4 -> 3 remainder i.e. valid data for hpart3 partition
insert into hpart3 values(11);
-- view data
select tableoid::regclass as part, a, a%4 as "remainder = a % 4"
from hash_parted order by part;
part | a | remainder = a % 4
hpart0 | 4 | 0
hpart0 | 8 | 0
hpart0 | 12 | 0
hpart0 | 16 | 0
hpart1 | 1 | 1
hpart1 | 5 | 1
hpart1 | 9 | 1
hpart2 | 2 | 2
hpart2 | 6 | 2
hpart2 | 10 | 2
hpart3 | 3 | 3
hpart3 | 7 | 3
hpart3 | 11 | 3
(13 rows)
-- test \d+ output on a table which has both partitioned and unpartitioned
-- partitions
\d+ list_parted
Partitioned table "public.list_parted"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
a | text | | | | extended | |
b | integer | | | | plain | |
Partition key: LIST (lower(a))
Partitions: part_aa_bb FOR VALUES IN ('aa', 'bb'),
part_cc_dd FOR VALUES IN ('cc', 'dd'),
part_ee_ff FOR VALUES IN ('ee', 'ff'), PARTITIONED,
part_null FOR VALUES IN (NULL),
part_xx_yy FOR VALUES IN ('xx', 'yy'), PARTITIONED,
Implement table partitioning. Table partitioning is like table inheritance and reuses much of the existing infrastructure, but there are some important differences. The parent is called a partitioned table and is always empty; it may not have indexes or non-inherited constraints, since those make no sense for a relation with no data of its own. The children are called partitions and contain all of the actual data. Each partition has an implicit partitioning constraint. Multiple inheritance is not allowed, and partitioning and inheritance can't be mixed. Partitions can't have extra columns and may not allow nulls unless the parent does. Tuples inserted into the parent are automatically routed to the correct partition, so tuple-routing ON INSERT triggers are not needed. Tuple routing isn't yet supported for partitions which are foreign tables, and it doesn't handle updates that cross partition boundaries. Currently, tables can be range-partitioned or list-partitioned. List partitioning is limited to a single column, but range partitioning can involve multiple columns. A partitioning "column" can be an expression. Because table partitioning is less general than table inheritance, it is hoped that it will be easier to reason about properties of partitions, and therefore that this will serve as a better foundation for a variety of possible optimizations, including query planner optimizations. The tuple routing based which this patch does based on the implicit partitioning constraints is an example of this, but it seems likely that many other useful optimizations are also possible. Amit Langote, reviewed and tested by Robert Haas, Ashutosh Bapat, Amit Kapila, Rajkumar Raghuwanshi, Corey Huinker, Jaime Casanova, Rushabh Lathia, Erik Rijkers, among others. Minor revisions by me.
2016-12-07 19:17:43 +01:00
-- cleanup
drop table range_parted, list_parted;
drop table hash_parted;
-- test that a default partition added as the first partition accepts any value
-- including null
create table list_parted (a int) partition by list (a);
create table part_default partition of list_parted default;
\d+ part_default
Table "public.part_default"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
a | integer | | | | plain | |
Partition of: list_parted DEFAULT
No partition constraint
insert into part_default values (null);
insert into part_default values (1);
insert into part_default values (-1);
select tableoid::regclass, a from list_parted;
tableoid | a
part_default |
part_default | 1
part_default | -1
(3 rows)
-- cleanup
drop table list_parted;
-- more tests for certain multi-level partitioning scenarios
create table mlparted (a int, b int) partition by range (a, b);
create table mlparted1 (b int not null, a int not null) partition by range ((b+0));
create table mlparted11 (like mlparted1);
alter table mlparted11 drop a;
alter table mlparted11 add a int;
alter table mlparted11 drop a;
alter table mlparted11 add a int not null;
-- attnum for key attribute 'a' is different in mlparted, mlparted1, and mlparted11
select attrelid::regclass, attname, attnum
from pg_attribute
where attname = 'a'
and (attrelid = 'mlparted'::regclass
or attrelid = 'mlparted1'::regclass
or attrelid = 'mlparted11'::regclass)
order by attrelid::regclass::text;
attrelid | attname | attnum
mlparted | a | 1
mlparted1 | a | 2
mlparted11 | a | 4
(3 rows)
alter table mlparted1 attach partition mlparted11 for values from (2) to (5);
alter table mlparted attach partition mlparted1 for values from (1, 2) to (1, 10);
-- check that "(1, 2)" is correctly routed to mlparted11.
insert into mlparted values (1, 2);
select tableoid::regclass, * from mlparted;
tableoid | a | b
mlparted11 | 1 | 2
(1 row)
-- check that proper message is shown after failure to route through mlparted1
insert into mlparted (a, b) values (1, 5);
ERROR: no partition of relation "mlparted1" found for row
DETAIL: Partition key of the failing row contains ((b + 0)) = (5).
truncate mlparted;
alter table mlparted add constraint check_b check (b = 3);
-- have a BR trigger modify the row such that the check_b is violated
create function mlparted11_trig_fn()
returns trigger AS
NEW.b := 4;
return NEW;
language plpgsql;
create trigger mlparted11_trig before insert ON mlparted11
for each row execute procedure mlparted11_trig_fn();
-- check that the correct row is shown when constraint check_b fails after
-- "(1, 2)" is routed to mlparted11 (actually "(1, 4)" would be shown due
-- to the BR trigger mlparted11_trig_fn)
insert into mlparted values (1, 2);
ERROR: new row for relation "mlparted11" violates check constraint "check_b"
DETAIL: Failing row contains (1, 4).
drop trigger mlparted11_trig on mlparted11;
drop function mlparted11_trig_fn();
-- check that inserting into an internal partition successfully results in
-- checking its partition constraint before inserting into the leaf partition
-- selected by tuple-routing
insert into mlparted1 (a, b) values (2, 3);
ERROR: new row for relation "mlparted1" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (3, 2).
-- check routing error through a list partitioned table when the key is null
create table lparted_nonullpart (a int, b char) partition by list (b);
create table lparted_nonullpart_a partition of lparted_nonullpart for values in ('a');
insert into lparted_nonullpart values (1);
ERROR: no partition of relation "lparted_nonullpart" found for row
DETAIL: Partition key of the failing row contains (b) = (null).
drop table lparted_nonullpart;
-- check that RETURNING works correctly with tuple-routing
alter table mlparted drop constraint check_b;
create table mlparted12 partition of mlparted1 for values from (5) to (10);
create table mlparted2 (b int not null, a int not null);
alter table mlparted attach partition mlparted2 for values from (1, 10) to (1, 20);
create table mlparted3 partition of mlparted for values from (1, 20) to (1, 30);
create table mlparted4 (like mlparted);
alter table mlparted4 drop a;
alter table mlparted4 add a int not null;
alter table mlparted attach partition mlparted4 for values from (1, 30) to (1, 40);
with ins (a, b, c) as
(insert into mlparted (b, a) select s.a, 1 from generate_series(2, 39) s(a) returning tableoid::regclass, *)
select a, b, min(c), max(c) from ins group by a, b order by 1;
a | b | min | max
mlparted11 | 1 | 2 | 4
mlparted12 | 1 | 5 | 9
mlparted2 | 1 | 10 | 19
mlparted3 | 1 | 20 | 29
mlparted4 | 1 | 30 | 39
(5 rows)
alter table mlparted add c text;
create table mlparted5 (c text, a int not null, b int not null) partition by list (c);
create table mlparted5a (a int not null, c text, b int not null);
alter table mlparted5 attach partition mlparted5a for values in ('a');
alter table mlparted attach partition mlparted5 for values from (1, 40) to (1, 50);
alter table mlparted add constraint check_b check (a = 1 and b < 45);
insert into mlparted values (1, 45, 'a');
ERROR: new row for relation "mlparted5a" violates check constraint "check_b"
DETAIL: Failing row contains (1, 45, a).
create function mlparted5abrtrig_func() returns trigger as $$ begin new.c = 'b'; return new; end; $$ language plpgsql;
create trigger mlparted5abrtrig before insert on mlparted5a for each row execute procedure mlparted5abrtrig_func();
insert into mlparted5 (a, b, c) values (1, 40, 'a');
ERROR: new row for relation "mlparted5a" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (b, 1, 40).
drop table mlparted5;
alter table mlparted drop constraint check_b;
-- Check multi-level default partition
create table mlparted_def partition of mlparted default partition by range(a);
create table mlparted_def1 partition of mlparted_def for values from (40) to (50);
create table mlparted_def2 partition of mlparted_def for values from (50) to (60);
insert into mlparted values (40, 100);
insert into mlparted_def1 values (42, 100);
insert into mlparted_def2 values (54, 50);
-- fail
insert into mlparted values (70, 100);
ERROR: no partition of relation "mlparted_def" found for row
DETAIL: Partition key of the failing row contains (a) = (70).
insert into mlparted_def1 values (52, 50);
ERROR: new row for relation "mlparted_def1" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (52, 50, null).
insert into mlparted_def2 values (34, 50);
ERROR: new row for relation "mlparted_def2" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (34, 50, null).
-- ok
create table mlparted_defd partition of mlparted_def default;
insert into mlparted values (70, 100);
select tableoid::regclass, * from mlparted_def;
tableoid | a | b | c
mlparted_def1 | 40 | 100 |
mlparted_def1 | 42 | 100 |
mlparted_def2 | 54 | 50 |
mlparted_defd | 70 | 100 |
(4 rows)
-- Check multi-level tuple routing with attributes dropped from the
-- top-most parent. First remove the last attribute.
alter table mlparted add d int, add e int;
alter table mlparted drop e;
create table mlparted5 partition of mlparted
for values from (1, 40) to (1, 50) partition by range (c);
create table mlparted5_ab partition of mlparted5
for values from ('a') to ('c') partition by list (c);
create table mlparted5_a partition of mlparted5_ab for values in ('a');
create table mlparted5_b (d int, b int, c text, a int);
alter table mlparted5_ab attach partition mlparted5_b for values in ('b');
truncate mlparted;
insert into mlparted values (1, 2, 'a', 1);
insert into mlparted values (1, 40, 'a', 1); -- goes to mlparted5_a
insert into mlparted values (1, 45, 'b', 1); -- goes to mlparted5_b
select tableoid::regclass, * from mlparted order by a, b, c, d;
tableoid | a | b | c | d
mlparted11 | 1 | 2 | a | 1
mlparted5_a | 1 | 40 | a | 1
mlparted5_b | 1 | 45 | b | 1
(3 rows)
alter table mlparted drop d;
truncate mlparted;
-- Remove the before last attribute.
alter table mlparted add e int, add d int;
alter table mlparted drop e;
insert into mlparted values (1, 2, 'a', 1);
insert into mlparted values (1, 40, 'a', 1); -- goes to mlparted5_a
insert into mlparted values (1, 45, 'b', 1); -- goes to mlparted5_b
select tableoid::regclass, * from mlparted order by a, b, c, d;
tableoid | a | b | c | d
mlparted11 | 1 | 2 | a | 1
mlparted5_a | 1 | 40 | a | 1
mlparted5_b | 1 | 45 | b | 1
(3 rows)
alter table mlparted drop d;
drop table mlparted5;
-- check that message shown after failure to find a partition shows the
-- appropriate key description (or none) in various situations
create table key_desc (a int, b int) partition by list ((a+0));
create table key_desc_1 partition of key_desc for values in (1) partition by range (b);
create user regress_insert_other_user;
grant select (a) on key_desc_1 to regress_insert_other_user;
grant insert on key_desc to regress_insert_other_user;
set role regress_insert_other_user;
-- no key description is shown
insert into key_desc values (1, 1);
ERROR: no partition of relation "key_desc_1" found for row
reset role;
grant select (b) on key_desc_1 to regress_insert_other_user;
set role regress_insert_other_user;
-- key description (b)=(1) is now shown
insert into key_desc values (1, 1);
ERROR: no partition of relation "key_desc_1" found for row
DETAIL: Partition key of the failing row contains (b) = (1).
-- key description is not shown if key contains expression
insert into key_desc values (2, 1);
ERROR: no partition of relation "key_desc" found for row
reset role;
revoke all on key_desc from regress_insert_other_user;
revoke all on key_desc_1 from regress_insert_other_user;
drop role regress_insert_other_user;
drop table key_desc, key_desc_1;
-- test minvalue/maxvalue restrictions
create table mcrparted (a int, b int, c int) partition by range (a, abs(b), c);
create table mcrparted0 partition of mcrparted for values from (minvalue, 0, 0) to (1, maxvalue, maxvalue);
ERROR: every bound following MINVALUE must also be MINVALUE
LINE 1: ...partition of mcrparted for values from (minvalue, 0, 0) to (...
create table mcrparted2 partition of mcrparted for values from (10, 6, minvalue) to (10, maxvalue, minvalue);
ERROR: every bound following MAXVALUE must also be MAXVALUE
LINE 1: ...r values from (10, 6, minvalue) to (10, maxvalue, minvalue);
create table mcrparted4 partition of mcrparted for values from (21, minvalue, 0) to (30, 20, minvalue);
ERROR: every bound following MINVALUE must also be MINVALUE
LINE 1: ...ition of mcrparted for values from (21, minvalue, 0) to (30,...
-- check multi-column range partitioning expression enforces the same
-- constraint as what tuple-routing would determine it to be
create table mcrparted0 partition of mcrparted for values from (minvalue, minvalue, minvalue) to (1, maxvalue, maxvalue);
create table mcrparted1 partition of mcrparted for values from (2, 1, minvalue) to (10, 5, 10);
create table mcrparted2 partition of mcrparted for values from (10, 6, minvalue) to (10, maxvalue, maxvalue);
create table mcrparted3 partition of mcrparted for values from (11, 1, 1) to (20, 10, 10);
create table mcrparted4 partition of mcrparted for values from (21, minvalue, minvalue) to (30, 20, maxvalue);
create table mcrparted5 partition of mcrparted for values from (30, 21, 20) to (maxvalue, maxvalue, maxvalue);
-- null not allowed in range partition
insert into mcrparted values (null, null, null);
ERROR: no partition of relation "mcrparted" found for row
DETAIL: Partition key of the failing row contains (a, abs(b), c) = (null, null, null).
-- routed to mcrparted0
insert into mcrparted values (0, 1, 1);
insert into mcrparted0 values (0, 1, 1);
-- routed to mcparted1
insert into mcrparted values (9, 1000, 1);
insert into mcrparted1 values (9, 1000, 1);
insert into mcrparted values (10, 5, -1);
insert into mcrparted1 values (10, 5, -1);
insert into mcrparted values (2, 1, 0);
insert into mcrparted1 values (2, 1, 0);
-- routed to mcparted2
insert into mcrparted values (10, 6, 1000);
insert into mcrparted2 values (10, 6, 1000);
insert into mcrparted values (10, 1000, 1000);
insert into mcrparted2 values (10, 1000, 1000);
-- no partition exists, nor does mcrparted3 accept it
insert into mcrparted values (11, 1, -1);
ERROR: no partition of relation "mcrparted" found for row
DETAIL: Partition key of the failing row contains (a, abs(b), c) = (11, 1, -1).
insert into mcrparted3 values (11, 1, -1);
ERROR: new row for relation "mcrparted3" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (11, 1, -1).
-- routed to mcrparted5
insert into mcrparted values (30, 21, 20);
insert into mcrparted5 values (30, 21, 20);
insert into mcrparted4 values (30, 21, 20); -- error
ERROR: new row for relation "mcrparted4" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (30, 21, 20).
-- check rows
select tableoid::regclass::text, * from mcrparted order by 1;
tableoid | a | b | c
mcrparted0 | 0 | 1 | 1
mcrparted0 | 0 | 1 | 1
mcrparted1 | 9 | 1000 | 1
mcrparted1 | 9 | 1000 | 1
mcrparted1 | 10 | 5 | -1
mcrparted1 | 10 | 5 | -1
mcrparted1 | 2 | 1 | 0
mcrparted1 | 2 | 1 | 0
mcrparted2 | 10 | 6 | 1000
mcrparted2 | 10 | 6 | 1000
mcrparted2 | 10 | 1000 | 1000
mcrparted2 | 10 | 1000 | 1000
mcrparted5 | 30 | 21 | 20
mcrparted5 | 30 | 21 | 20
(14 rows)
-- cleanup
drop table mcrparted;
-- check that a BR constraint can't make partition contain violating rows
create table brtrigpartcon (a int, b text) partition by list (a);
create table brtrigpartcon1 partition of brtrigpartcon for values in (1);
create or replace function brtrigpartcon1trigf() returns trigger as $$begin new.a := 2; return new; end$$ language plpgsql;
create trigger brtrigpartcon1trig before insert on brtrigpartcon1 for each row execute procedure brtrigpartcon1trigf();
insert into brtrigpartcon values (1, 'hi there');
ERROR: new row for relation "brtrigpartcon1" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (2, hi there).
insert into brtrigpartcon1 values (1, 'hi there');
ERROR: new row for relation "brtrigpartcon1" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (2, hi there).
-- check that the message shows the appropriate column description in a
-- situation where the partitioned table is not the primary ModifyTable node
create table inserttest3 (f1 text default 'foo', f2 text default 'bar', f3 int);
create role regress_coldesc_role;
grant insert on inserttest3 to regress_coldesc_role;
grant insert on brtrigpartcon to regress_coldesc_role;
revoke select on brtrigpartcon from regress_coldesc_role;
set role regress_coldesc_role;
with result as (insert into brtrigpartcon values (1, 'hi there') returning 1)
insert into inserttest3 (f3) select * from result;
ERROR: new row for relation "brtrigpartcon1" violates partition constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (a, b) = (2, hi there).
reset role;
-- cleanup
revoke all on inserttest3 from regress_coldesc_role;
revoke all on brtrigpartcon from regress_coldesc_role;
drop role regress_coldesc_role;
drop table inserttest3;
drop table brtrigpartcon;
drop function brtrigpartcon1trigf();
-- check that "do nothing" BR triggers work with tuple-routing (this checks
-- that estate->es_result_relation_info is appropriately set/reset for each
-- routed tuple)
create table donothingbrtrig_test (a int, b text) partition by list (a);
create table donothingbrtrig_test1 (b text, a int);
create table donothingbrtrig_test2 (c text, b text, a int);
alter table donothingbrtrig_test2 drop column c;
create or replace function donothingbrtrig_func() returns trigger as $$begin raise notice 'b: %', new.b; return NULL; end$$ language plpgsql;
create trigger donothingbrtrig1 before insert on donothingbrtrig_test1 for each row execute procedure donothingbrtrig_func();
create trigger donothingbrtrig2 before insert on donothingbrtrig_test2 for each row execute procedure donothingbrtrig_func();
alter table donothingbrtrig_test attach partition donothingbrtrig_test1 for values in (1);
alter table donothingbrtrig_test attach partition donothingbrtrig_test2 for values in (2);
insert into donothingbrtrig_test values (1, 'foo'), (2, 'bar');
NOTICE: b: foo
NOTICE: b: bar
copy donothingbrtrig_test from stdout;
NOTICE: b: baz
NOTICE: b: qux
select tableoid::regclass, * from donothingbrtrig_test;
tableoid | a | b
(0 rows)
-- cleanup
drop table donothingbrtrig_test;
drop function donothingbrtrig_func();
-- check multi-column range partitioning with minvalue/maxvalue constraints
create table mcrparted (a text, b int) partition by range(a, b);
create table mcrparted1_lt_b partition of mcrparted for values from (minvalue, minvalue) to ('b', minvalue);
create table mcrparted2_b partition of mcrparted for values from ('b', minvalue) to ('c', minvalue);
create table mcrparted3_c_to_common partition of mcrparted for values from ('c', minvalue) to ('common', minvalue);
create table mcrparted4_common_lt_0 partition of mcrparted for values from ('common', minvalue) to ('common', 0);
create table mcrparted5_common_0_to_10 partition of mcrparted for values from ('common', 0) to ('common', 10);
create table mcrparted6_common_ge_10 partition of mcrparted for values from ('common', 10) to ('common', maxvalue);
create table mcrparted7_gt_common_lt_d partition of mcrparted for values from ('common', maxvalue) to ('d', minvalue);
create table mcrparted8_ge_d partition of mcrparted for values from ('d', minvalue) to (maxvalue, maxvalue);
\d+ mcrparted
Partitioned table "public.mcrparted"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
a | text | | | | extended | |
b | integer | | | | plain | |
Partition key: RANGE (a, b)
Partitions: mcrparted1_lt_b FOR VALUES FROM (MINVALUE, MINVALUE) TO ('b', MINVALUE),
mcrparted2_b FOR VALUES FROM ('b', MINVALUE) TO ('c', MINVALUE),
mcrparted3_c_to_common FOR VALUES FROM ('c', MINVALUE) TO ('common', MINVALUE),
mcrparted4_common_lt_0 FOR VALUES FROM ('common', MINVALUE) TO ('common', 0),
mcrparted5_common_0_to_10 FOR VALUES FROM ('common', 0) TO ('common', 10),
mcrparted6_common_ge_10 FOR VALUES FROM ('common', 10) TO ('common', MAXVALUE),
mcrparted7_gt_common_lt_d FOR VALUES FROM ('common', MAXVALUE) TO ('d', MINVALUE),
\d+ mcrparted1_lt_b
Table "public.mcrparted1_lt_b"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
a | text | | | | extended | |
b | integer | | | | plain | |
Partition constraint: ((a IS NOT NULL) AND (b IS NOT NULL) AND (a < 'b'::text))
\d+ mcrparted2_b
Table "public.mcrparted2_b"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
a | text | | | | extended | |
b | integer | | | | plain | |
Partition of: mcrparted FOR VALUES FROM ('b', MINVALUE) TO ('c', MINVALUE)
Partition constraint: ((a IS NOT NULL) AND (b IS NOT NULL) AND (a >= 'b'::text) AND (a < 'c'::text))
\d+ mcrparted3_c_to_common
Table "public.mcrparted3_c_to_common"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
a | text | | | | extended | |
b | integer | | | | plain | |
Partition of: mcrparted FOR VALUES FROM ('c', MINVALUE) TO ('common', MINVALUE)
Partition constraint: ((a IS NOT NULL) AND (b IS NOT NULL) AND (a >= 'c'::text) AND (a < 'common'::text))
\d+ mcrparted4_common_lt_0
Table "public.mcrparted4_common_lt_0"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
a | text | | | | extended | |
b | integer | | | | plain | |
Partition of: mcrparted FOR VALUES FROM ('common', MINVALUE) TO ('common', 0)
Partition constraint: ((a IS NOT NULL) AND (b IS NOT NULL) AND (a = 'common'::text) AND (b < 0))
\d+ mcrparted5_common_0_to_10
Table "public.mcrparted5_common_0_to_10"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
a | text | | | | extended | |
b | integer | | | | plain | |
Partition of: mcrparted FOR VALUES FROM ('common', 0) TO ('common', 10)
Partition constraint: ((a IS NOT NULL) AND (b IS NOT NULL) AND (a = 'common'::text) AND (b >= 0) AND (b < 10))
\d+ mcrparted6_common_ge_10
Table "public.mcrparted6_common_ge_10"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
a | text | | | | extended | |
b | integer | | | | plain | |
Partition of: mcrparted FOR VALUES FROM ('common', 10) TO ('common', MAXVALUE)
Partition constraint: ((a IS NOT NULL) AND (b IS NOT NULL) AND (a = 'common'::text) AND (b >= 10))
\d+ mcrparted7_gt_common_lt_d
Table "public.mcrparted7_gt_common_lt_d"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
a | text | | | | extended | |
b | integer | | | | plain | |
Partition of: mcrparted FOR VALUES FROM ('common', MAXVALUE) TO ('d', MINVALUE)
Partition constraint: ((a IS NOT NULL) AND (b IS NOT NULL) AND (a > 'common'::text) AND (a < 'd'::text))
\d+ mcrparted8_ge_d
Table "public.mcrparted8_ge_d"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
a | text | | | | extended | |
b | integer | | | | plain | |
Partition constraint: ((a IS NOT NULL) AND (b IS NOT NULL) AND (a >= 'd'::text))
insert into mcrparted values ('aaa', 0), ('b', 0), ('bz', 10), ('c', -10),
('comm', -10), ('common', -10), ('common', 0), ('common', 10),
('commons', 0), ('d', -10), ('e', 0);
select tableoid::regclass, * from mcrparted order by a, b;
tableoid | a | b
mcrparted1_lt_b | aaa | 0
mcrparted2_b | b | 0
mcrparted2_b | bz | 10
mcrparted3_c_to_common | c | -10
mcrparted3_c_to_common | comm | -10
mcrparted4_common_lt_0 | common | -10
mcrparted5_common_0_to_10 | common | 0
mcrparted6_common_ge_10 | common | 10
mcrparted7_gt_common_lt_d | commons | 0
mcrparted8_ge_d | d | -10
mcrparted8_ge_d | e | 0
(11 rows)
drop table mcrparted;
-- check that wholerow vars in the RETURNING list work with partitioned tables
create table returningwrtest (a int) partition by list (a);
create table returningwrtest1 partition of returningwrtest for values in (1);
insert into returningwrtest values (1) returning returningwrtest;
(1 row)
-- check also that the wholerow vars in RETURNING list are converted as needed
alter table returningwrtest add b text;
create table returningwrtest2 (b text, c int, a int);
alter table returningwrtest2 drop c;
alter table returningwrtest attach partition returningwrtest2 for values in (2);
insert into returningwrtest values (2, 'foo') returning returningwrtest;
(1 row)
drop table returningwrtest;