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<!-- doc/src/sgml/logical-replication.sgml -->
<chapter id="logical-replication">
<title>Logical Replication</title>
Logical replication is a method of replicating data objects and their
changes, based upon their replication identity (usually a primary key). We
use the term logical in contrast to physical replication, which uses exact
block addresses and byte-by-byte replication. PostgreSQL supports both
mechanisms concurrently, see <xref linkend="high-availability">. Logical
replication allows fine-grained control over both data replication and
Logical replication uses a <firstterm>publish</firstterm>
and <firstterm>subscribe</firstterm> model with one or
more <firstterm>subscribers</firstterm> subscribing to one or more
<firstterm>publications</firstterm> on a <firstterm>publisher</firstterm>
node. Subscribers pull data from the publications they subscribe to and may
subsequently re-publish data to allow cascading replication or more complex
Logical replication sends changes on the publisher to the subscriber as
they occur in real-time. The subscriber applies the data in the same order
as the publisher so that transactional consistency is guaranteed for
publications within a single subscription. This method of data replication
is sometimes referred to as transactional replication.
The typical use-cases for logical replication are:
Sending incremental changes in a single database or a subset of a
database to subscribers as they occur.
Firing triggers for individual changes as they arrive on the
Consolidating multiple databases into a single one (for example for
analytical purposes).
Replicating between different major versions of PostgreSQL.
Giving access to replicated data to different groups of users.
Sharing a subset of the database between multiple databases.
The subscriber database behaves in the same way as any other PostgreSQL
instance and can be used as a publisher for other databases by defining its
own publications. When the subscriber is treated as read-only by
application, there will be no conflicts from a single subscription. On the
other hand, if there are other writes done either by an application or by other
subscribers to the same set of tables, conflicts can arise.
<sect1 id="logical-replication-publication">
A <firstterm>publication</firstterm> can be defined on any physical
replication master. The node where a publication is defined is referred to
as <firstterm>publisher</firstterm>. A publication is a set of changes
generated from a table or a group of tables, and might also be described as
a change set or replication set. Each publication exists in only one database.
Publications are different from schemas and do not affect how the table is
accessed. Each table can be added to multiple publications if needed.
Publications may currently only contain tables. Objects must be added
explicitly, except when a publication is created for <literal>ALL
Publications can choose to limit the changes they produce to
any combination of <command>INSERT</command>, <command>UPDATE</command>, and
<command>DELETE</command>, similar to how triggers are fired by
particular event types. If a table without a <literal>REPLICA
IDENTITY</literal> is added to a publication that
replicates <command>UPDATE</command> or <command>DELETE</command>
operations then subsequent <command>UPDATE</command>
or <command>DELETE</command> operations will fail on the publisher.
Every publication can have multiple subscribers.
A publication is created using the <xref linkend="sql-createpublication">
command and may later be altered or dropped using corresponding commands.
The individual tables can be added and removed dynamically using
<xref linkend="sql-alterpublication">. Both the <literal>ADD
TABLE</literal> and <literal>DROP TABLE</literal> operations are
transactional; so the table will start or stop replicating at the correct
snapshot once the transaction has committed.
<sect1 id="logical-replication-subscription">
A <firstterm>subscription</firstterm> is the downstream side of logical
replication. The node where a subscription is defined is referred to as
the <firstterm>subscriber</firstterm>. A subscription defines the connection
to another database and set of publications (one or more) to which it wants
to subscribe.
The subscriber database behaves in the same way as any other PostgreSQL
instance and can be used as a publisher for other databases by defining its
own publications.
A subscriber node may have multiple subscriptions if desired. It is
possible to define multiple subscriptions between a single
publisher-subscriber pair, in which case care must be taken to ensure
that the subscribed publication objects don't overlap.
Each subscription will receive changes via one replication slot (see
<xref linkend="streaming-replication-slots">).
Subscriptions are not dumped by <command>pg_dump</command> by default, but
this can be requested using the command-line
option <option>--include-subscriptions</option>.
The subscription is added using <xref linkend="sql-createsubscription"> and
can be stopped/resumed at any time using the
<xref linkend="sql-altersubscription"> command and removed using
<xref linkend="sql-dropsubscription">.
When a subscription is dropped and recreated, the synchronization
information is lost. This means that the data has to be resynchronized
The schema definitions are not replicated, and the published tables must
exist on the subscriber. Only regular tables may be
the target of replication. For example, you can't replicate to a view.
The tables are matched between the publisher and the subscriber using the
fully qualified table name. Replication to differently-named tables on the
subscriber is not supported.
Columns of a table are also matched by name. A different order of columns
in the target table is allowed, but the column types have to match.
<sect1 id="logical-replication-conflicts">
Logical replication behaves similarly to normal DML operations in that
the data will be updated even if it was changed locally on the subscriber
node. If incoming data violates any constraints the replication will
stop. This is referred to as a <firstterm>conflict</firstterm>. When
replicating <command>UPDATE</command> or <command>DELETE</command>
operations, missing data will not produce a conflict and such operations
will simply be skipped.
A conflict will produce an error and will stop the replication; it must be
resolved manually by the user. Details about the conflict can be found in
the subscriber's server log.
The resolution can be done either by changing data on the subscriber so
that it does not conflict with the incoming change or by skipping the
transaction that conflicts with the existing data. The transaction can be
skipped by calling the <link linkend="pg-replication-origin-advance">
<function>pg_replication_origin_advance()</function></link> function with
a <parameter>node_name</parameter> corresponding to the subscription name,
and a position. The current position of origins can be seen in the
<link linkend="view-pg-replication-origin-status">
<structname>pg_replication_origin_status</structname></link> system view.
<sect1 id="logical-replication-architecture">
Logical replication starts by copying a snapshot of the data on the
publisher database. Once that is done, changes on the publisher are sent
to the subscriber as they occur in real time. The subscriber applies data
in the order in which commits were made on the publisher so that
transactional consistency is guaranteed for the publications within any
single subscription.
Logical replication is built with an architecture similar to physical
streaming replication (see <xref linkend="streaming-replication">). It is
implemented by <quote>walsender</quote> and <quote>apply</quote>
processes. The walsender process starts logical decoding (described
in <xref linkend="logicaldecoding">) of the WAL and loads the standard
logical decoding plugin (pgoutput). The plugin transforms the changes read
from WAL to the logical replication protocol
(see <xref linkend="protocol-logical-replication">) and filters the data
according to the publication specification. The data is then continuously
transferred using the streaming replication protocol to the apply worker,
which maps the data to local tables and applies the individual changes as
they are received, in correct transactional order.
The apply process on the subscriber database always runs with
<varname>session_replication_role</varname> set
to <literal>replica</literal>, which produces the usual effects on triggers
and constraints.
<sect1 id="logical-replication-monitoring">
Because logical replication is based on a similar architecture as
<link linkend="streaming-replication">physical streaming replication</link>,
the monitoring on a publication node is similar to monitoring of a
physical replication master
(see <xref linkend="streaming-replication-monitoring">).
The monitoring information about subscription is visible in
<link linkend="pg-stat-subscription"><literal>pg_stat_subscription</literal></link>.
This view contains one row for every subscription worker. A subscription
can have zero or more active subscription workers depending on its state.
Normally, there is a single apply process running for an enabled
subscription. A disabled subscription or a crashed subscription will have
zero rows in this view.
<sect1 id="logical-replication-security">
The role used for the replication connection must have
the <literal>REPLICATION</literal> attribute. Access for the role must be
configured in <filename>pg_hba.conf</filename>.
To create a publication, the user must have the <literal>CREATE</literal>
privilege in the database.
To add tables to a publication, the user must have ownership rights on the
table. To create a publication that publishes all tables automatically,
the user must be a superuser.
To create a subscription, the user must be a superuser.
The subscription apply process will run in the local database with the
privileges of a superuser.
Privileges are only checked once at the start of a replication connection.
They are not re-checked as each change record is read from the publisher,
nor are they re-checked for each change when applied.
<sect1 id="logical-replication-config">
<title>Configuration Settings</title>
Logical replication requires several configuration options to be set.
On the publisher side, <varname>wal_level</varname> must be set to
<literal>logical</literal>, and <varname>max_replication_slots</varname>
must be set to at least the number of subscriptions expected to connect.
And <varname>max_wal_senders</varname> should be set to at least the same
as <varname>max_replication_slots</varname> plus the number of physical replicas
that are connected at the same time.
The subscriber also requires the <varname>max_replication_slots</varname>
to be set. In this case it should be set to at least the number of
subscriptions that will be added to the subscriber.
<varname>max_logical_replication_workers</varname> must be set to at
least the number of subscriptions. Additionally the
<varname>max_worker_processes</varname> may need to be adjusted to
accommodate for replication workers, at least
+ <literal>1</literal>). Note that some extensions and parallel queries
also take worker slots from <varname>max_worker_processes</varname>.
<sect1 id="logical-replication-quick-setup">
<title>Quick Setup</title>
First set the configuration options in <filename>postgresql.conf</filename>:
wal_level = logical
The other required settings have default values that are sufficient for a
basic setup.
<filename>pg_hba.conf</filename> needs to be adjusted to allow replication
(the values here depend on your actual network configuration and user you
want to use for connecting):
host replication repuser md5
Then on the publisher database:
CREATE PUBLICATION mypub FOR TABLE users, departments;
And on the subscriber database:
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION mysub CONNECTION 'dbname=foo host=bar user=repuser' PUBLICATION mypub;
The above will start the replication process of changes to
<literal>users</literal> and <literal>departments</literal> tables.