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* ts_typanalyze.c
* functions for gathering statistics from tsvector columns
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2021, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
2010-09-20 22:08:53 +02:00
* src/backend/tsearch/ts_typanalyze.c
#include "postgres.h"
Make pg_statistic and related code account more honestly for collations. When we first put in collations support, we basically punted on teaching pg_statistic, ANALYZE, and the planner selectivity functions about that. They've just used DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID independently of the actual collation of the data. It's time to improve that, so: * Add columns to pg_statistic that record the specific collation associated with each statistics slot. * Teach ANALYZE to use the column's actual collation when comparing values for statistical purposes, and record this in the appropriate slot. (Note that type-specific typanalyze functions are now expected to fill stats->stacoll with the appropriate collation, too.) * Teach assorted selectivity functions to use the actual collation of the stats they are looking at, instead of just assuming it's DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID. This should give noticeably better results in selectivity estimates for columns with nondefault collations, at least for query clauses that use that same collation (which would be the default behavior in most cases). It's still true that comparisons with explicit COLLATE clauses different from the stored data's collation won't be well-estimated, but that's no worse than before. Also, this patch does make the first step towards doing better with that, which is that it's now theoretically possible to collect stats for a collation other than the column's own collation. Patch by me; thanks to Peter Eisentraut for review. Discussion:
2018-12-14 18:52:49 +01:00
#include "catalog/pg_collation.h"
#include "catalog/pg_operator.h"
#include "commands/vacuum.h"
#include "common/hashfn.h"
#include "tsearch/ts_type.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
/* A hash key for lexemes */
typedef struct
char *lexeme; /* lexeme (not NULL terminated!) */
int length; /* its length in bytes */
} LexemeHashKey;
/* A hash table entry for the Lossy Counting algorithm */
typedef struct
LexemeHashKey key; /* This is 'e' from the LC algorithm. */
int frequency; /* This is 'f'. */
int delta; /* And this is 'delta'. */
} TrackItem;
static void compute_tsvector_stats(VacAttrStats *stats,
AnalyzeAttrFetchFunc fetchfunc,
int samplerows,
double totalrows);
static void prune_lexemes_hashtable(HTAB *lexemes_tab, int b_current);
static uint32 lexeme_hash(const void *key, Size keysize);
static int lexeme_match(const void *key1, const void *key2, Size keysize);
static int lexeme_compare(const void *key1, const void *key2);
static int trackitem_compare_frequencies_desc(const void *e1, const void *e2);
static int trackitem_compare_lexemes(const void *e1, const void *e2);
* ts_typanalyze -- a custom typanalyze function for tsvector columns
VacAttrStats *stats = (VacAttrStats *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
Form_pg_attribute attr = stats->attr;
/* If the attstattarget column is negative, use the default value */
/* NB: it is okay to scribble on stats->attr since it's a copy */
if (attr->attstattarget < 0)
attr->attstattarget = default_statistics_target;
stats->compute_stats = compute_tsvector_stats;
/* see comment about the choice of minrows in commands/analyze.c */
stats->minrows = 300 * attr->attstattarget;
* compute_tsvector_stats() -- compute statistics for a tsvector column
* This functions computes statistics that are useful for determining @@
* operations' selectivity, along with the fraction of non-null rows and
* average width.
* Instead of finding the most common values, as we do for most datatypes,
* we're looking for the most common lexemes. This is more useful, because
* there most probably won't be any two rows with the same tsvector and thus
* the notion of a MCV is a bit bogus with this datatype. With a list of the
* most common lexemes we can do a better job at figuring out @@ selectivity.
* For the same reasons we assume that tsvector columns are unique when
* determining the number of distinct values.
* The algorithm used is Lossy Counting, as proposed in the paper "Approximate
* frequency counts over data streams" by G. S. Manku and R. Motwani, in
* Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases,
* Hong Kong, China, August 2002, section 4.2. The paper is available at
* The Lossy Counting (aka LC) algorithm goes like this:
* Let s be the threshold frequency for an item (the minimum frequency we
* are interested in) and epsilon the error margin for the frequency. Let D
* be a set of triples (e, f, delta), where e is an element value, f is that
* element's frequency (actually, its current occurrence count) and delta is
* the maximum error in f. We start with D empty and process the elements in
* batches of size w. (The batch size is also known as "bucket size" and is
* equal to 1/epsilon.) Let the current batch number be b_current, starting
* with 1. For each element e we either increment its f count, if it's
* already in D, or insert a new triple into D with values (e, 1, b_current
* - 1). After processing each batch we prune D, by removing from it all
* elements with f + delta <= b_current. After the algorithm finishes we
* suppress all elements from D that do not satisfy f >= (s - epsilon) * N,
* where N is the total number of elements in the input. We emit the
* remaining elements with estimated frequency f/N. The LC paper proves
* that this algorithm finds all elements with true frequency at least s,
* and that no frequency is overestimated or is underestimated by more than
* epsilon. Furthermore, given reasonable assumptions about the input
* distribution, the required table size is no more than about 7 times w.
* We set s to be the estimated frequency of the K'th word in a natural
* language's frequency table, where K is the target number of entries in
* the MCELEM array plus an arbitrary constant, meant to reflect the fact
* that the most common words in any language would usually be stopwords
* so we will not actually see them in the input. We assume that the
* distribution of word frequencies (including the stopwords) follows Zipf's
* law with an exponent of 1.
* Assuming Zipfian distribution, the frequency of the K'th word is equal
* to 1/(K * H(W)) where H(n) is 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/n and W is the number of
* words in the language. Putting W as one million, we get roughly 0.07/K.
* Assuming top 10 words are stopwords gives s = 0.07/(K + 10). We set
* epsilon = s/10, which gives bucket width w = (K + 10)/0.007 and
* maximum expected hashtable size of about 1000 * (K + 10).
* Note: in the above discussion, s, epsilon, and f/N are in terms of a
* lexeme's frequency as a fraction of all lexemes seen in the input.
* However, what we actually want to store in the finished pg_statistic
* entry is each lexeme's frequency as a fraction of all rows that it occurs
* in. Assuming that the input tsvectors are correctly constructed, no
* lexeme occurs more than once per tsvector, so the final count f is a
* correct estimate of the number of input tsvectors it occurs in, and we
* need only change the divisor from N to nonnull_cnt to get the number we
* want.
static void
compute_tsvector_stats(VacAttrStats *stats,
AnalyzeAttrFetchFunc fetchfunc,
int samplerows,
double totalrows)
int num_mcelem;
int null_cnt = 0;
double total_width = 0;
/* This is D from the LC algorithm. */
HTAB *lexemes_tab;
HASHCTL hash_ctl;
HASH_SEQ_STATUS scan_status;
/* This is the current bucket number from the LC algorithm */
int b_current;
/* This is 'w' from the LC algorithm */
int bucket_width;
int vector_no,
LexemeHashKey hash_key;
TrackItem *item;
* We want statistics_target * 10 lexemes in the MCELEM array. This
* multiplier is pretty arbitrary, but is meant to reflect the fact that
2010-07-06 21:19:02 +02:00
* the number of individual lexeme values tracked in pg_statistic ought to
* be more than the number of values for a simple scalar column.
num_mcelem = stats->attr->attstattarget * 10;
* We set bucket width equal to (num_mcelem + 10) / 0.007 as per the
* comment above.
bucket_width = (num_mcelem + 10) * 1000 / 7;
* Create the hashtable. It will be in local memory, so we don't need to
* worry about overflowing the initial size. Also we don't need to pay any
* attention to locking and memory management.
hash_ctl.keysize = sizeof(LexemeHashKey);
hash_ctl.entrysize = sizeof(TrackItem);
hash_ctl.hash = lexeme_hash;
hash_ctl.match = lexeme_match;
hash_ctl.hcxt = CurrentMemoryContext;
lexemes_tab = hash_create("Analyzed lexemes table",
/* Initialize counters. */
b_current = 1;
lexeme_no = 0;
/* Loop over the tsvectors. */
for (vector_no = 0; vector_no < samplerows; vector_no++)
Datum value;
bool isnull;
TSVector vector;
WordEntry *curentryptr;
char *lexemesptr;
int j;
value = fetchfunc(stats, vector_no, &isnull);
* Check for null/nonnull.
if (isnull)
* Add up widths for average-width calculation. Since it's a
* tsvector, we know it's varlena. As in the regular
* compute_minimal_stats function, we use the toasted width for this
* calculation.
total_width += VARSIZE_ANY(DatumGetPointer(value));
* Now detoast the tsvector if needed.
vector = DatumGetTSVector(value);
* We loop through the lexemes in the tsvector and add them to our
* tracking hashtable.
lexemesptr = STRPTR(vector);
curentryptr = ARRPTR(vector);
for (j = 0; j < vector->size; j++)
bool found;
* Construct a hash key. The key points into the (detoasted)
* tsvector value at this point, but if a new entry is created, we
* make a copy of it. This way we can free the tsvector value
* once we've processed all its lexemes.
hash_key.lexeme = lexemesptr + curentryptr->pos;
hash_key.length = curentryptr->len;
/* Lookup current lexeme in hashtable, adding it if new */
item = (TrackItem *) hash_search(lexemes_tab,
(const void *) &hash_key,
HASH_ENTER, &found);
if (found)
/* The lexeme is already on the tracking list */
/* Initialize new tracking list element */
item->frequency = 1;
item->delta = b_current - 1;
item->key.lexeme = palloc(hash_key.length);
memcpy(item->key.lexeme, hash_key.lexeme, hash_key.length);
/* lexeme_no is the number of elements processed (ie N) */
/* We prune the D structure after processing each bucket */
if (lexeme_no % bucket_width == 0)
prune_lexemes_hashtable(lexemes_tab, b_current);
/* Advance to the next WordEntry in the tsvector */
/* If the vector was toasted, free the detoasted copy. */
if (TSVectorGetDatum(vector) != value)
/* We can only compute real stats if we found some non-null values. */
if (null_cnt < samplerows)
int nonnull_cnt = samplerows - null_cnt;
int i;
TrackItem **sort_table;
int track_len;
int cutoff_freq;
int minfreq,
stats->stats_valid = true;
/* Do the simple null-frac and average width stats */
stats->stanullfrac = (double) null_cnt / (double) samplerows;
stats->stawidth = total_width / (double) nonnull_cnt;
/* Assume it's a unique column (see notes above) */
Fix misestimation of n_distinct for a nearly-unique column with many nulls. If ANALYZE found no repeated non-null entries in its sample, it set the column's stadistinct value to -1.0, intending to indicate that the entries are all distinct. But what this value actually means is that the number of distinct values is 100% of the table's rowcount, and thus it was overestimating the number of distinct values by however many nulls there are. This could lead to very poor selectivity estimates, as for example in a recent report from Andreas Joseph Krogh. We should discount the stadistinct value by whatever we've estimated the nulls fraction to be. (That is what will happen if we choose to use a negative stadistinct for a column that does have repeated entries, so this code path was just inconsistent.) In addition to fixing the stadistinct entries stored by several different ANALYZE code paths, adjust the logic where get_variable_numdistinct() forces an "all distinct" estimate on the basis of finding a relevant unique index. Unique indexes don't reject nulls, so there's no reason to assume that the null fraction doesn't apply. Back-patch to all supported branches. Back-patching is a bit of a judgment call, but this problem seems to affect only a few users (else we'd have identified it long ago), and it's bad enough when it does happen that destabilizing plan choices in a worse direction seems unlikely. Patch by me, with documentation wording suggested by Dean Rasheed Report: <VisenaEmail.26.df42f82acae38a58.156463942b8@tc7-visena> Discussion: <>
2016-08-08 00:52:02 +02:00
stats->stadistinct = -1.0 * (1.0 - stats->stanullfrac);
* Construct an array of the interesting hashtable items, that is,
* those meeting the cutoff frequency (s - epsilon)*N. Also identify
* the minimum and maximum frequencies among these items.
* Since epsilon = s/10 and bucket_width = 1/epsilon, the cutoff
* frequency is 9*N / bucket_width.
cutoff_freq = 9 * lexeme_no / bucket_width;
2010-07-06 21:19:02 +02:00
i = hash_get_num_entries(lexemes_tab); /* surely enough space */
sort_table = (TrackItem **) palloc(sizeof(TrackItem *) * i);
hash_seq_init(&scan_status, lexemes_tab);
track_len = 0;
minfreq = lexeme_no;
maxfreq = 0;
while ((item = (TrackItem *) hash_seq_search(&scan_status)) != NULL)
if (item->frequency > cutoff_freq)
sort_table[track_len++] = item;
minfreq = Min(minfreq, item->frequency);
maxfreq = Max(maxfreq, item->frequency);
Assert(track_len <= i);
/* emit some statistics for debug purposes */
elog(DEBUG3, "tsvector_stats: target # mces = %d, bucket width = %d, "
"# lexemes = %d, hashtable size = %d, usable entries = %d",
num_mcelem, bucket_width, lexeme_no, i, track_len);
2010-07-06 21:19:02 +02:00
* If we obtained more lexemes than we really want, get rid of those
* with least frequencies. The easiest way is to qsort the array into
2010-07-06 21:19:02 +02:00
* descending frequency order and truncate the array.
if (num_mcelem < track_len)
qsort(sort_table, track_len, sizeof(TrackItem *),
/* reset minfreq to the smallest frequency we're keeping */
minfreq = sort_table[num_mcelem - 1]->frequency;
num_mcelem = track_len;
/* Generate MCELEM slot entry */
if (num_mcelem > 0)
MemoryContext old_context;
Datum *mcelem_values;
float4 *mcelem_freqs;
* We want to store statistics sorted on the lexeme value using
* first length, then byte-for-byte comparison. The reason for
* doing length comparison first is that we don't care about the
* ordering so long as it's consistent, and comparing lengths
* first gives us a chance to avoid a strncmp() call.
* This is different from what we do with scalar statistics --
* they get sorted on frequencies. The rationale is that we
* usually search through most common elements looking for a
* specific value, so we can grab its frequency. When values are
* presorted we can employ binary search for that. See
* ts_selfuncs.c for a real usage scenario.
qsort(sort_table, num_mcelem, sizeof(TrackItem *),
/* Must copy the target values into anl_context */
old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(stats->anl_context);
* We sorted statistics on the lexeme value, but we want to be
* able to find out the minimal and maximal frequency without
* going through all the values. We keep those two extra
* frequencies in two extra cells in mcelem_freqs.
* (Note: the MCELEM statistics slot definition allows for a third
* extra number containing the frequency of nulls, but we don't
* create that for a tsvector column, since null elements aren't
* possible.)
mcelem_values = (Datum *) palloc(num_mcelem * sizeof(Datum));
mcelem_freqs = (float4 *) palloc((num_mcelem + 2) * sizeof(float4));
2010-07-06 21:19:02 +02:00
* See comments above about use of nonnull_cnt as the divisor for
* the final frequency estimates.
for (i = 0; i < num_mcelem; i++)
TrackItem *item = sort_table[i];
mcelem_values[i] =
mcelem_freqs[i] = (double) item->frequency / (double) nonnull_cnt;
mcelem_freqs[i++] = (double) minfreq / (double) nonnull_cnt;
mcelem_freqs[i] = (double) maxfreq / (double) nonnull_cnt;
stats->stakind[0] = STATISTIC_KIND_MCELEM;
stats->staop[0] = TextEqualOperator;
Make pg_statistic and related code account more honestly for collations. When we first put in collations support, we basically punted on teaching pg_statistic, ANALYZE, and the planner selectivity functions about that. They've just used DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID independently of the actual collation of the data. It's time to improve that, so: * Add columns to pg_statistic that record the specific collation associated with each statistics slot. * Teach ANALYZE to use the column's actual collation when comparing values for statistical purposes, and record this in the appropriate slot. (Note that type-specific typanalyze functions are now expected to fill stats->stacoll with the appropriate collation, too.) * Teach assorted selectivity functions to use the actual collation of the stats they are looking at, instead of just assuming it's DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID. This should give noticeably better results in selectivity estimates for columns with nondefault collations, at least for query clauses that use that same collation (which would be the default behavior in most cases). It's still true that comparisons with explicit COLLATE clauses different from the stored data's collation won't be well-estimated, but that's no worse than before. Also, this patch does make the first step towards doing better with that, which is that it's now theoretically possible to collect stats for a collation other than the column's own collation. Patch by me; thanks to Peter Eisentraut for review. Discussion:
2018-12-14 18:52:49 +01:00
stats->stacoll[0] = DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID;
stats->stanumbers[0] = mcelem_freqs;
/* See above comment about two extra frequency fields */
stats->numnumbers[0] = num_mcelem + 2;
stats->stavalues[0] = mcelem_values;
stats->numvalues[0] = num_mcelem;
/* We are storing text values */
stats->statypid[0] = TEXTOID;
stats->statyplen[0] = -1; /* typlen, -1 for varlena */
stats->statypbyval[0] = false;
stats->statypalign[0] = 'i';
/* We found only nulls; assume the column is entirely null */
stats->stats_valid = true;
stats->stanullfrac = 1.0;
stats->stawidth = 0; /* "unknown" */
Phase 2 of pgindent updates. Change pg_bsd_indent to follow upstream rules for placement of comments to the right of code, and remove pgindent hack that caused comments following #endif to not obey the general rule. Commit e3860ffa4dd0dad0dd9eea4be9cc1412373a8c89 wasn't actually using the published version of pg_bsd_indent, but a hacked-up version that tried to minimize the amount of movement of comments to the right of code. The situation of interest is where such a comment has to be moved to the right of its default placement at column 33 because there's code there. BSD indent has always moved right in units of tab stops in such cases --- but in the previous incarnation, indent was working in 8-space tab stops, while now it knows we use 4-space tabs. So the net result is that in about half the cases, such comments are placed one tab stop left of before. This is better all around: it leaves more room on the line for comment text, and it means that in such cases the comment uniformly starts at the next 4-space tab stop after the code, rather than sometimes one and sometimes two tabs after. Also, ensure that comments following #endif are indented the same as comments following other preprocessor commands such as #else. That inconsistency turns out to have been self-inflicted damage from a poorly-thought-through post-indent "fixup" in pgindent. This patch is much less interesting than the first round of indent changes, but also bulkier, so I thought it best to separate the effects. Discussion: Discussion:
2017-06-21 21:18:54 +02:00
stats->stadistinct = 0.0; /* "unknown" */
* We don't need to bother cleaning up any of our temporary palloc's. The
* hashtable should also go away, as it used a child memory context.
* A function to prune the D structure from the Lossy Counting algorithm.
* Consult compute_tsvector_stats() for wider explanation.
static void
prune_lexemes_hashtable(HTAB *lexemes_tab, int b_current)
HASH_SEQ_STATUS scan_status;
TrackItem *item;
hash_seq_init(&scan_status, lexemes_tab);
while ((item = (TrackItem *) hash_seq_search(&scan_status)) != NULL)
if (item->frequency + item->delta <= b_current)
char *lexeme = item->key.lexeme;
if (hash_search(lexemes_tab, (const void *) &item->key,
elog(ERROR, "hash table corrupted");
* Hash functions for lexemes. They are strings, but not NULL terminated,
* so we need a special hash function.
static uint32
lexeme_hash(const void *key, Size keysize)
const LexemeHashKey *l = (const LexemeHashKey *) key;
return DatumGetUInt32(hash_any((const unsigned char *) l->lexeme,
* Matching function for lexemes, to be used in hashtable lookups.
static int
lexeme_match(const void *key1, const void *key2, Size keysize)
/* The keysize parameter is superfluous, the keys store their lengths */
return lexeme_compare(key1, key2);
* Comparison function for lexemes.
static int
lexeme_compare(const void *key1, const void *key2)
const LexemeHashKey *d1 = (const LexemeHashKey *) key1;
const LexemeHashKey *d2 = (const LexemeHashKey *) key2;
/* First, compare by length */
if (d1->length > d2->length)
return 1;
else if (d1->length < d2->length)
return -1;
/* Lengths are equal, do a byte-by-byte comparison */
return strncmp(d1->lexeme, d2->lexeme, d1->length);
* qsort() comparator for sorting TrackItems on frequencies (descending sort)
static int
trackitem_compare_frequencies_desc(const void *e1, const void *e2)
2017-06-21 20:39:04 +02:00
const TrackItem *const *t1 = (const TrackItem *const *) e1;
const TrackItem *const *t2 = (const TrackItem *const *) e2;
return (*t2)->frequency - (*t1)->frequency;
* qsort() comparator for sorting TrackItems on lexemes
static int
trackitem_compare_lexemes(const void *e1, const void *e2)
2017-06-21 20:39:04 +02:00
const TrackItem *const *t1 = (const TrackItem *const *) e1;
const TrackItem *const *t2 = (const TrackItem *const *) e2;
return lexeme_compare(&(*t1)->key, &(*t2)->key);