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2010-09-20 22:08:53 +02:00
# src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/
# test parser generater for ecpg
# call with backend parser as stdin
# Copyright (c) 2009-2014, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# Written by Michael Meskes <>
# Andy Colson <>
# Placed under the same license as PostgreSQL.
# Command line: [-v] [path only to ecpg.addons] [full filename of gram.y]
# -v enables verbose mode... show's some stats... thought it might be interesting
# This script loads rule names from gram.y and sets $found{rule} = 1 for each.
# Then it checks to make sure each rule in ecpg.addons was found in gram.y
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
my $verbose = 0;
if ($ARGV[0] eq '-v')
$verbose = shift;
my $path = shift || '.';
my $parser = shift || '../../../backend/parser/gram.y';
my $filename = $path . "/ecpg.addons";
if ($verbose)
print "parser: $parser\n";
print "addons: $filename\n";
my %replace_line = (
'ExecuteStmtEXECUTEnameexecute_param_clause' =>
'EXECUTE prepared_name execute_param_clause execute_rest',
=> 'CREATE OptTemp TABLE create_as_target AS EXECUTE prepared_name execute_param_clause',
'PrepareStmtPREPAREnameprep_type_clauseASPreparableStmt' =>
'PREPARE prepared_name prep_type_clause AS PreparableStmt');
my $block = '';
my $yaccmode = 0;
my $brace_indent = 0;
my (@arr, %found);
my $comment = 0;
my $non_term_id = '';
my $cc = 0;
open GRAM, $parser or die $!;
while (<GRAM>)
if (/^%%/)
if ($yaccmode != 1)
chomp; # strip record separator
next if ($_ eq '');
# Make sure any braces are split
s/{/ { /g;
s/}/ } /g;
# Any comments are split
s|\/\*| /* |g;
s|\*\/| */ |g;
# Now split the line into individual fields
my $n = (@arr = split(' '));
# Go through each field in turn
for (my $fieldIndexer = 0; $fieldIndexer < $n; $fieldIndexer++)
if ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '*/' && $comment)
$comment = 0;
elsif ($comment)
elsif ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '/*')
# start of a multiline comment
$comment = 1;
elsif ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '//')
elsif ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '}')
elsif ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '{')
if ($brace_indent > 0)
if ($arr[$fieldIndexer] eq ';' || $arr[$fieldIndexer] eq '|')
$block = $non_term_id . $block;
if ($replace_line{$block})
$block = $non_term_id . $replace_line{$block};
$block =~ tr/ |//d;
$found{$block} = 1;
$block = '';
elsif (($arr[$fieldIndexer] =~ '[A-Za-z0-9]+:')
|| $arr[ $fieldIndexer + 1 ] eq ':')
$non_term_id = $arr[$fieldIndexer];
$non_term_id =~ tr/://d;
$block = $block . $arr[$fieldIndexer];
close GRAM;
if ($verbose)
print "$cc rules loaded\n";
my $ret = 0;
$cc = 0;
open ECPG, $filename or die $!;
while (<ECPG>)
if (!/^ECPG:/)
my @Fld = split(' ', $_, 3);
if (not exists $found{ $Fld[1] })
print $Fld[1], " is not used for building parser!\n";
$ret = 1;
close ECPG;
if ($verbose)
print "$cc rules checked\n";
exit $ret;