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2010-09-20 22:08:53 +02:00
<!-- doc/src/sgml/hstore.sgml -->
<sect1 id="hstore" xreflabel="hstore">
<indexterm zone="hstore">
This module implements the <type>hstore</type> data type for storing sets of
key/value pairs within a single <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> value.
This can be useful in various scenarios, such as rows with many attributes
that are rarely examined, or semi-structured data. Keys and values are
simply text strings.
This module is considered <quote>trusted</quote>, that is, it can be
installed by non-superusers who have <literal>CREATE</literal> privilege
on the current database.
<title><type>hstore</type> External Representation</title>
The text representation of an <type>hstore</type>, used for input and output,
includes zero or more <replaceable>key</replaceable> <literal>=&gt;</literal>
<replaceable>value</replaceable> pairs separated by commas. Some examples:
k =&gt; v
foo =&gt; bar, baz =&gt; whatever
"1-a" =&gt; "anything at all"
The order of the pairs is not significant (and may not be reproduced on
output). Whitespace between pairs or around the <literal>=&gt;</literal> sign is
ignored. Double-quote keys and values that include whitespace, commas,
<literal>=</literal>s or <literal>&gt;</literal>s. To include a double quote or a
backslash in a key or value, escape it with a backslash.
Each key in an <type>hstore</type> is unique. If you declare an <type>hstore</type>
with duplicate keys, only one will be stored in the <type>hstore</type> and
there is no guarantee as to which will be kept:
SELECT 'a=&gt;1,a=&gt;2'::hstore;
A value (but not a key) can be an SQL <literal>NULL</literal>. For example:
key =&gt; NULL
The <literal>NULL</literal> keyword is case-insensitive. Double-quote the
<literal>NULL</literal> to treat it as the ordinary string <quote>NULL</quote>.
Keep in mind that the <type>hstore</type> text format, when used for input,
applies <emphasis>before</emphasis> any required quoting or escaping. If you are
passing an <type>hstore</type> literal via a parameter, then no additional
processing is needed. But if you're passing it as a quoted literal
constant, then any single-quote characters and (depending on the setting of
the <varname>standard_conforming_strings</varname> configuration parameter)
backslash characters need to be escaped correctly. See
<xref linkend="sql-syntax-strings"/> for more on the handling of string
On output, double quotes always surround keys and values, even when it's
not strictly necessary.
<title><type>hstore</type> Operators and Functions</title>
The operators provided by the <literal>hstore</literal> module are
shown in <xref linkend="hstore-op-table"/>, the functions
in <xref linkend="hstore-func-table"/>.
<table id="hstore-op-table">
<title><type>hstore</type> Operators</title>
<tgroup cols="1">
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<type>hstore</type> <literal>-&gt;</literal> <type>text</type>
Returns value associated with given key, or <literal>NULL</literal> if
not present.
<literal>'a=&gt;x, b=&gt;y'::hstore -&gt; 'a'</literal>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<type>hstore</type> <literal>-&gt;</literal> <type>text[]</type>
Returns values associated with given keys, or <literal>NULL</literal>
if not present.
<literal>'a=&gt;x, b=&gt;y, c=&gt;z'::hstore -&gt; ARRAY['c','a']</literal>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<type>hstore</type> <literal>||</literal> <type>hstore</type>
Concatenates two <type>hstore</type>s.
<literal>'a=&gt;b, c=&gt;d'::hstore || 'c=&gt;x, d=&gt;q'::hstore</literal>
<returnvalue>"a"=&gt;"b", "c"=&gt;"x", "d"=&gt;"q"</returnvalue>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<type>hstore</type> <literal>?</literal> <type>text</type>
Does <type>hstore</type> contain key?
<literal>'a=&gt;1'::hstore ? 'a'</literal>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<type>hstore</type> <literal>?&amp;</literal> <type>text[]</type>
Does <type>hstore</type> contain all the specified keys?
<literal>'a=&gt;1,b=&gt;2'::hstore ?&amp; ARRAY['a','b']</literal>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<type>hstore</type> <literal>?|</literal> <type>text[]</type>
Does <type>hstore</type> contain any of the specified keys?
<literal>'a=&gt;1,b=&gt;2'::hstore ?| ARRAY['b','c']</literal>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<type>hstore</type> <literal>@&gt;</literal> <type>hstore</type>
Does left operand contain right?
<literal>'a=&gt;b, b=&gt;1, c=&gt;NULL'::hstore @&gt; 'b=&gt;1'</literal>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<type>hstore</type> <literal>&lt;@</literal> <type>hstore</type>
Is left operand contained in right?
<literal>'a=&gt;c'::hstore &lt;@ 'a=&gt;b, b=&gt;1, c=&gt;NULL'</literal>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<type>hstore</type> <literal>-</literal> <type>text</type>
Deletes key from left operand.
<literal>'a=&gt;1, b=&gt;2, c=&gt;3'::hstore - 'b'::text</literal>
<returnvalue>"a"=&gt;"1", "c"=&gt;"3"</returnvalue>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<type>hstore</type> <literal>-</literal> <type>text[]</type>
Deletes keys from left operand.
<literal>'a=&gt;1, b=&gt;2, c=&gt;3'::hstore - ARRAY['a','b']</literal>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<type>hstore</type> <literal>-</literal> <type>hstore</type>
Deletes pairs from left operand that match pairs in the right operand.
<literal>'a=&gt;1, b=&gt;2, c=&gt;3'::hstore - 'a=&gt;4, b=&gt;2'::hstore</literal>
<returnvalue>"a"=&gt;"1", "c"=&gt;"3"</returnvalue>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<type>anyelement</type> <literal>#=</literal> <type>hstore</type>
Replaces fields in the left operand (which must be a composite type)
with matching values from <type>hstore</type>.
<literal>ROW(1,3) #= 'f1=>11'::hstore</literal>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<literal>%%</literal> <type>hstore</type>
Converts <type>hstore</type> to an array of alternating keys and
<literal>%% 'a=&gt;foo, b=&gt;bar'::hstore</literal>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<literal>%#</literal> <type>hstore</type>
Converts <type>hstore</type> to a two-dimensional key/value array.
<literal>%# 'a=&gt;foo, b=&gt;bar'::hstore</literal>
<table id="hstore-func-table">
<title><type>hstore</type> Functions</title>
<tgroup cols="1">
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>hstore</function> ( <type>record</type> )
Constructs an <type>hstore</type> from a record or row.
<returnvalue>"f1"=&gt;"1", "f2"=&gt;"2"</returnvalue>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>hstore</function> ( <type>text[]</type> )
Constructs an <type>hstore</type> from an array, which may be either
a key/value array, or a two-dimensional array.
<returnvalue>"a"=&gt;"1", "b"=&gt;"2"</returnvalue>
<returnvalue>"c"=&gt;"3", "d"=&gt;"4"</returnvalue>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>hstore</function> ( <type>text[]</type>, <type>text[]</type> )
Constructs an <type>hstore</type> from separate key and value arrays.
<literal>hstore(ARRAY['a','b'], ARRAY['1','2'])</literal>
<returnvalue>"a"=&gt;"1", "b"=&gt;"2"</returnvalue>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>hstore</function> ( <type>text</type>, <type>text</type> )
Makes a single-item <type>hstore</type>.
<literal>hstore('a', 'b')</literal>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>akeys</function> ( <type>hstore</type> )
Extracts an <type>hstore</type>'s keys as an array.
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>skeys</function> ( <type>hstore</type> )
<returnvalue>setof text</returnvalue>
Extracts an <type>hstore</type>'s keys as a set.
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>avals</function> ( <type>hstore</type> )
Extracts an <type>hstore</type>'s values as an array.
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>svals</function> ( <type>hstore</type> )
<returnvalue>setof text</returnvalue>
Extracts an <type>hstore</type>'s values as a set.
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>hstore_to_array</function> ( <type>hstore</type> )
Extracts an <type>hstore</type>'s keys and values as an array of
alternating keys and values.
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>hstore_to_matrix</function> ( <type>hstore</type> )
Extracts an <type>hstore</type>'s keys and values as a two-dimensional
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>hstore_to_json</function> ( <type>hstore</type> )
Converts an <type>hstore</type> to a <type>json</type> value,
converting all non-null values to JSON strings.
This function is used implicitly when an <type>hstore</type> value is
cast to <type>json</type>.
<literal>hstore_to_json('"a key"=&gt;1, b=&gt;t, c=&gt;null, d=&gt;12345, e=&gt;012345, f=&gt;1.234, g=&gt;2.345e+4')</literal>
<returnvalue>{"a key": "1", "b": "t", "c": null, "d": "12345", "e": "012345", "f": "1.234", "g": "2.345e+4"}</returnvalue>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>hstore_to_jsonb</function> ( <type>hstore</type> )
Converts an <type>hstore</type> to a <type>jsonb</type> value,
converting all non-null values to JSON strings.
This function is used implicitly when an <type>hstore</type> value is
cast to <type>jsonb</type>.
<literal>hstore_to_jsonb('"a key"=&gt;1, b=&gt;t, c=&gt;null, d=&gt;12345, e=&gt;012345, f=&gt;1.234, g=&gt;2.345e+4')</literal>
<returnvalue>{"a key": "1", "b": "t", "c": null, "d": "12345", "e": "012345", "f": "1.234", "g": "2.345e+4"}</returnvalue>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>hstore_to_json_loose</function> ( <type>hstore</type> )
Converts an <type>hstore</type> to a <type>json</type> value, but
attempts to distinguish numerical and Boolean values so they are
unquoted in the JSON.
<literal>hstore_to_json_loose('"a key"=&gt;1, b=&gt;t, c=&gt;null, d=&gt;12345, e=&gt;012345, f=&gt;1.234, g=&gt;2.345e+4')</literal>
<returnvalue>{"a key": 1, "b": true, "c": null, "d": 12345, "e": "012345", "f": 1.234, "g": 2.345e+4}</returnvalue>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>hstore_to_jsonb_loose</function> ( <type>hstore</type> )
Converts an <type>hstore</type> to a <type>jsonb</type> value, but
attempts to distinguish numerical and Boolean values so they are
unquoted in the JSON.
<literal>hstore_to_jsonb_loose('"a key"=&gt;1, b=&gt;t, c=&gt;null, d=&gt;12345, e=&gt;012345, f=&gt;1.234, g=&gt;2.345e+4')</literal>
<returnvalue>{"a key": 1, "b": true, "c": null, "d": 12345, "e": "012345", "f": 1.234, "g": 2.345e+4}</returnvalue>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>slice</function> ( <type>hstore</type>, <type>text[]</type> )
Extracts a subset of an <type>hstore</type> containing only the
specified keys.
<literal>slice('a=&gt;1,b=&gt;2,c=&gt;3'::hstore, ARRAY['b','c','x'])</literal>
<returnvalue>"b"=&gt;"2", "c"=&gt;"3"</returnvalue>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>each</function> ( <type>hstore</type> )
<returnvalue>setof record</returnvalue>
( <parameter>key</parameter> <type>text</type>,
<parameter>value</parameter> <type>text</type> )
Extracts an <type>hstore</type>'s keys and values as a set of records.
<literal>select * from each('a=&gt;1,b=&gt;2')</literal>
key | value
a | 1
b | 2
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>exist</function> ( <type>hstore</type>, <type>text</type> )
Does <type>hstore</type> contain key?
<literal>exist('a=&gt;1', 'a')</literal>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>defined</function> ( <type>hstore</type>, <type>text</type> )
Does <type>hstore</type> contain a non-<literal>NULL</literal> value
for key?
<literal>defined('a=&gt;NULL', 'a')</literal>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>delete</function> ( <type>hstore</type>, <type>text</type> )
Deletes pair with matching key.
<literal>delete('a=&gt;1,b=&gt;2', 'b')</literal>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>delete</function> ( <type>hstore</type>, <type>text[]</type> )
Deletes pairs with matching keys.
<literal>delete('a=&gt;1,b=&gt;2,c=&gt;3', ARRAY['a','b'])</literal>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>delete</function> ( <type>hstore</type>, <type>hstore</type> )
Deletes pairs matching those in the second argument.
<literal>delete('a=&gt;1,b=&gt;2', 'a=&gt;4,b=&gt;2'::hstore)</literal>
<entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
<function>populate_record</function> ( <type>anyelement</type>, <type>hstore</type> )
Replaces fields in the left operand (which must be a composite type)
with matching values from <type>hstore</type>.
<literal>populate_record(ROW(1,2), 'f1=>42'::hstore)</literal>
In addition to these operators and functions, values of
the <type>hstore</type> type can be subscripted, allowing them to act
like associative arrays. Only a single subscript of type <type>text</type>
can be specified; it is interpreted as a key and the corresponding
value is fetched or stored. For example,
CREATE TABLE mytable (h hstore);
INSERT INTO mytable VALUES ('a=>b, c=>d');
SELECT h['a'] FROM mytable;
(1 row)
UPDATE mytable SET h['c'] = 'new';
SELECT h FROM mytable;
"a"=>"b", "c"=>"new"
(1 row)
A subscripted fetch returns <literal>NULL</literal> if the subscript
is <literal>NULL</literal> or that key does not exist in
the <type>hstore</type>. (Thus, a subscripted fetch is not greatly
different from the <literal>-&gt;</literal> operator.)
A subscripted update fails if the subscript is <literal>NULL</literal>;
otherwise, it replaces the value for that key, adding an entry to
the <type>hstore</type> if the key does not already exist.
<type>hstore</type> has GiST and GIN index support for the <literal>@&gt;</literal>,
<literal>?</literal>, <literal>?&amp;</literal> and <literal>?|</literal> operators. For example:
CREATE INDEX hidx ON testhstore USING GIST (h);
CREATE INDEX hidx ON testhstore USING GIN (h);
Implement operator class parameters PostgreSQL provides set of template index access methods, where opclasses have much freedom in the semantics of indexing. These index AMs are GiST, GIN, SP-GiST and BRIN. There opclasses define representation of keys, operations on them and supported search strategies. So, it's natural that opclasses may be faced some tradeoffs, which require user-side decision. This commit implements opclass parameters allowing users to set some values, which tell opclass how to index the particular dataset. This commit doesn't introduce new storage in system catalog. Instead it uses pg_attribute.attoptions, which is used for table column storage options but unused for index attributes. In order to evade changing signature of each opclass support function, we implement unified way to pass options to opclass support functions. Options are set to fn_expr as the constant bytea expression. It's possible due to the fact that opclass support functions are executed outside of expressions, so fn_expr is unused for them. This commit comes with some examples of opclass options usage. We parametrize signature length in GiST. That applies to multiple opclasses: tsvector_ops, gist__intbig_ops, gist_ltree_ops, gist__ltree_ops, gist_trgm_ops and gist_hstore_ops. Also we parametrize maximum number of integer ranges for gist__int_ops. However, the main future usage of this feature is expected to be json, where users would be able to specify which way to index particular json parts. Catversion is bumped. Discussion: Author: Nikita Glukhov, revised by me Reviwed-by: Nikolay Shaplov, Robert Haas, Tom Lane, Tomas Vondra, Alvaro Herrera
2020-03-30 18:17:11 +02:00
<literal>gist_hstore_ops</literal> GiST opclass approximates a set of
key/value pairs as a bitmap signature. Its optional integer parameter
<literal>siglen</literal> determines the
signature length in bytes. The default length is 16 bytes.
Implement operator class parameters PostgreSQL provides set of template index access methods, where opclasses have much freedom in the semantics of indexing. These index AMs are GiST, GIN, SP-GiST and BRIN. There opclasses define representation of keys, operations on them and supported search strategies. So, it's natural that opclasses may be faced some tradeoffs, which require user-side decision. This commit implements opclass parameters allowing users to set some values, which tell opclass how to index the particular dataset. This commit doesn't introduce new storage in system catalog. Instead it uses pg_attribute.attoptions, which is used for table column storage options but unused for index attributes. In order to evade changing signature of each opclass support function, we implement unified way to pass options to opclass support functions. Options are set to fn_expr as the constant bytea expression. It's possible due to the fact that opclass support functions are executed outside of expressions, so fn_expr is unused for them. This commit comes with some examples of opclass options usage. We parametrize signature length in GiST. That applies to multiple opclasses: tsvector_ops, gist__intbig_ops, gist_ltree_ops, gist__ltree_ops, gist_trgm_ops and gist_hstore_ops. Also we parametrize maximum number of integer ranges for gist__int_ops. However, the main future usage of this feature is expected to be json, where users would be able to specify which way to index particular json parts. Catversion is bumped. Discussion: Author: Nikita Glukhov, revised by me Reviwed-by: Nikolay Shaplov, Robert Haas, Tom Lane, Tomas Vondra, Alvaro Herrera
2020-03-30 18:17:11 +02:00
Valid values of signature length are between 1 and 2024 bytes. Longer
signatures lead to a more precise search (scanning a smaller fraction of the index and
fewer heap pages), at the cost of a larger index.
Implement operator class parameters PostgreSQL provides set of template index access methods, where opclasses have much freedom in the semantics of indexing. These index AMs are GiST, GIN, SP-GiST and BRIN. There opclasses define representation of keys, operations on them and supported search strategies. So, it's natural that opclasses may be faced some tradeoffs, which require user-side decision. This commit implements opclass parameters allowing users to set some values, which tell opclass how to index the particular dataset. This commit doesn't introduce new storage in system catalog. Instead it uses pg_attribute.attoptions, which is used for table column storage options but unused for index attributes. In order to evade changing signature of each opclass support function, we implement unified way to pass options to opclass support functions. Options are set to fn_expr as the constant bytea expression. It's possible due to the fact that opclass support functions are executed outside of expressions, so fn_expr is unused for them. This commit comes with some examples of opclass options usage. We parametrize signature length in GiST. That applies to multiple opclasses: tsvector_ops, gist__intbig_ops, gist_ltree_ops, gist__ltree_ops, gist_trgm_ops and gist_hstore_ops. Also we parametrize maximum number of integer ranges for gist__int_ops. However, the main future usage of this feature is expected to be json, where users would be able to specify which way to index particular json parts. Catversion is bumped. Discussion: Author: Nikita Glukhov, revised by me Reviwed-by: Nikolay Shaplov, Robert Haas, Tom Lane, Tomas Vondra, Alvaro Herrera
2020-03-30 18:17:11 +02:00
Example of creating such an index with a signature length of 32 bytes:
CREATE INDEX hidx ON testhstore USING GIST (h gist_hstore_ops(siglen=32));
Implement operator class parameters PostgreSQL provides set of template index access methods, where opclasses have much freedom in the semantics of indexing. These index AMs are GiST, GIN, SP-GiST and BRIN. There opclasses define representation of keys, operations on them and supported search strategies. So, it's natural that opclasses may be faced some tradeoffs, which require user-side decision. This commit implements opclass parameters allowing users to set some values, which tell opclass how to index the particular dataset. This commit doesn't introduce new storage in system catalog. Instead it uses pg_attribute.attoptions, which is used for table column storage options but unused for index attributes. In order to evade changing signature of each opclass support function, we implement unified way to pass options to opclass support functions. Options are set to fn_expr as the constant bytea expression. It's possible due to the fact that opclass support functions are executed outside of expressions, so fn_expr is unused for them. This commit comes with some examples of opclass options usage. We parametrize signature length in GiST. That applies to multiple opclasses: tsvector_ops, gist__intbig_ops, gist_ltree_ops, gist__ltree_ops, gist_trgm_ops and gist_hstore_ops. Also we parametrize maximum number of integer ranges for gist__int_ops. However, the main future usage of this feature is expected to be json, where users would be able to specify which way to index particular json parts. Catversion is bumped. Discussion: Author: Nikita Glukhov, revised by me Reviwed-by: Nikolay Shaplov, Robert Haas, Tom Lane, Tomas Vondra, Alvaro Herrera
2020-03-30 18:17:11 +02:00
Implement operator class parameters PostgreSQL provides set of template index access methods, where opclasses have much freedom in the semantics of indexing. These index AMs are GiST, GIN, SP-GiST and BRIN. There opclasses define representation of keys, operations on them and supported search strategies. So, it's natural that opclasses may be faced some tradeoffs, which require user-side decision. This commit implements opclass parameters allowing users to set some values, which tell opclass how to index the particular dataset. This commit doesn't introduce new storage in system catalog. Instead it uses pg_attribute.attoptions, which is used for table column storage options but unused for index attributes. In order to evade changing signature of each opclass support function, we implement unified way to pass options to opclass support functions. Options are set to fn_expr as the constant bytea expression. It's possible due to the fact that opclass support functions are executed outside of expressions, so fn_expr is unused for them. This commit comes with some examples of opclass options usage. We parametrize signature length in GiST. That applies to multiple opclasses: tsvector_ops, gist__intbig_ops, gist_ltree_ops, gist__ltree_ops, gist_trgm_ops and gist_hstore_ops. Also we parametrize maximum number of integer ranges for gist__int_ops. However, the main future usage of this feature is expected to be json, where users would be able to specify which way to index particular json parts. Catversion is bumped. Discussion: Author: Nikita Glukhov, revised by me Reviwed-by: Nikolay Shaplov, Robert Haas, Tom Lane, Tomas Vondra, Alvaro Herrera
2020-03-30 18:17:11 +02:00
<type>hstore</type> also supports <type>btree</type> or <type>hash</type> indexes for
the <literal>=</literal> operator. This allows <type>hstore</type> columns to be
declared <literal>UNIQUE</literal>, or to be used in <literal>GROUP BY</literal>,
<literal>ORDER BY</literal> or <literal>DISTINCT</literal> expressions. The sort ordering
for <type>hstore</type> values is not particularly useful, but these indexes
may be useful for equivalence lookups. Create indexes for <literal>=</literal>
comparisons as follows:
CREATE INDEX hidx ON testhstore USING BTREE (h);
CREATE INDEX hidx ON testhstore USING HASH (h);
Add a key, or update an existing key with a new value:
UPDATE tab SET h['c'] = '3';
Another way to do the same thing is:
UPDATE tab SET h = h || hstore('c', '3');
If multiple keys are to be added or changed in one operation,
the concatenation approach is more efficient than subscripting:
UPDATE tab SET h = h || hstore(array['q', 'w'], array['11', '12']);
Delete a key:
UPDATE tab SET h = delete(h, 'k1');
Convert a <type>record</type> to an <type>hstore</type>:
CREATE TABLE test (col1 integer, col2 text, col3 text);
INSERT INTO test VALUES (123, 'foo', 'bar');
SELECT hstore(t) FROM test AS t;
"col1"=&gt;"123", "col2"=&gt;"foo", "col3"=&gt;"bar"
(1 row)
Convert an <type>hstore</type> to a predefined <type>record</type> type:
CREATE TABLE test (col1 integer, col2 text, col3 text);
SELECT * FROM populate_record(null::test,
'"col1"=&gt;"456", "col2"=&gt;"zzz"');
col1 | col2 | col3
456 | zzz |
(1 row)
Modify an existing record using the values from an <type>hstore</type>:
CREATE TABLE test (col1 integer, col2 text, col3 text);
INSERT INTO test VALUES (123, 'foo', 'bar');
SELECT (r).* FROM (SELECT t #= '"col3"=&gt;"baz"' AS r FROM test t) s;
col1 | col2 | col3
123 | foo | baz
(1 row)
The <type>hstore</type> type, because of its intrinsic liberality, could
contain a lot of different keys. Checking for valid keys is the task of the
application. The following examples demonstrate several techniques for
checking keys and obtaining statistics.
Simple example:
SELECT * FROM each('aaa=&gt;bq, b=&gt;NULL, ""=&gt;1');
Using a table:
CREATE TABLE stat AS SELECT (each(h)).key, (each(h)).value FROM testhstore;
Online statistics:
SELECT key, count(*) FROM
(SELECT (each(h)).key FROM testhstore) AS stat
ORDER BY count DESC, key;
key | count
line | 883
query | 207
pos | 203
node | 202
space | 197
status | 195
public | 194
title | 190
org | 189
As of PostgreSQL 9.0, <type>hstore</type> uses a different internal
representation than previous versions. This presents no obstacle for
dump/restore upgrades since the text representation (used in the dump) is
In the event of a binary upgrade, upward compatibility is maintained by
having the new code recognize old-format data. This will entail a slight
performance penalty when processing data that has not yet been modified by
the new code. It is possible to force an upgrade of all values in a table
column by doing an <literal>UPDATE</literal> statement as follows:
UPDATE tablename SET hstorecol = hstorecol || '';
Another way to do it is:
ALTER TABLE tablename ALTER hstorecol TYPE hstore USING hstorecol || '';
The <command>ALTER TABLE</command> method requires an
<literal>ACCESS EXCLUSIVE</literal> lock on the table,
but does not result in bloating the table with old row versions.
Additional extensions are available that implement transforms for
the <type>hstore</type> type for the languages PL/Perl and PL/Python. The
extensions for PL/Perl are called <literal>hstore_plperl</literal>
and <literal>hstore_plperlu</literal>, for trusted and untrusted PL/Perl.
If you install these transforms and specify them when creating a
function, <type>hstore</type> values are mapped to Perl hashes. The
extension for PL/Python is called <literal>hstore_plpython3u</literal>.
If you use it, <type>hstore</type> values are mapped to Python dictionaries.
Make contrib modules' installation scripts more secure. Hostile objects located within the installation-time search_path could capture references in an extension's installation or upgrade script. If the extension is being installed with superuser privileges, this opens the door to privilege escalation. While such hazards have existed all along, their urgency increases with the v13 "trusted extensions" feature, because that lets a non-superuser control the installation path for a superuser-privileged script. Therefore, make a number of changes to make such situations more secure: * Tweak the construction of the installation-time search_path to ensure that references to objects in pg_catalog can't be subverted; and explicitly add pg_temp to the end of the path to prevent attacks using temporary objects. * Disable check_function_bodies within installation/upgrade scripts, so that any security gaps in SQL-language or PL-language function bodies cannot create a risk of unwanted installation-time code execution. * Adjust lookup of type input/receive functions and join estimator functions to complain if there are multiple candidate functions. This prevents capture of references to functions whose signature is not the first one checked; and it's arguably more user-friendly anyway. * Modify various contrib upgrade scripts to ensure that catalog modification queries are executed with secure search paths. (These are in-place modifications with no extension version changes, since it is the update process itself that is at issue, not the end result.) Extensions that depend on other extensions cannot be made fully secure by these methods alone; therefore, revert the "trusted" marking that commit eb67623c9 applied to earthdistance and hstore_plperl, pending some better solution to that set of issues. Also add documentation around these issues, to help extension authors write secure installation scripts. Patch by me, following an observation by Andres Freund; thanks to Noah Misch for review. Security: CVE-2020-14350
2020-08-10 16:44:42 +02:00
It is strongly recommended that the transform extensions be installed in
the same schema as <filename>hstore</filename>. Otherwise there are
installation-time security hazards if a transform extension's schema
contains objects defined by a hostile user.
Oleg Bartunov <email></email>, Moscow, Moscow University, Russia
Teodor Sigaev <email></email>, Moscow, Delta-Soft Ltd., Russia
Additional enhancements by Andrew Gierth <email></email>,
United Kingdom