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$Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/manage-ag.sgml,v 2.11 2000/09/29 20:21:34 petere Exp $
<chapter id="managing-databases">
<title>Managing Databases</title>
A database is a named collection of SQL objects (<quote>database
objects</quote>); every database object (tables, function, etc.)
belongs to one and only one database. An application that connects
to the database server specifies with its connection request the
name of the database it wants to connect to. It is not possible to
access more than once database per connection. (But an application
is not restricted in the number of connections it opens to the same
or other databases.)
<acronym>SQL</> calls databases <quote>catalogs</>, but there is no
difference in practice.
In order to create or drop databases, the <productname>Postgres</>
<application>postmaster</> must be up and running (see <xref
<sect1 id="manage-ag-createdb">
<title>Creating a Database</title>
Databases are created with the query language command
<command>CREATE DATABASE</command>:
CREATE DATABASE <replaceable>name</>
where <replaceable>name</> can be chosen freely. (Depending on the
current implementation, certain characters that are special to the
underlying operating system might be prohibited. There will be
run-time checks for that.) The current user automatically becomes
the owner of the new database. It is the privilege of the owner of
a database to remove it later on (which also removes all the
objects in it, even if they have a different owner).
The creation of databases is a restricted operation. See <xref
linkend="user-attributes"> how to grant permission.
Since you need to be connected to the database server in order to
execute the <command>CREATE DATABASE</command> command, the
question remains how the <emphasis>first</> database at any given
site can be created. The first database is always created by the
<command>initdb</> command when the data storage area is
initialized. (See <xref linkend="creating-cluster">.) This
database is called <literal>template1</> and cannot be deleted. So
to create the first <quote>real</> database you can connect to
The name <quote>template1</quote> is no accident: When a new
database is created, the template database is essentially cloned.
This means that any changes you make in <literal>template1</> are
propagated to all subsequently created databases. This implies that
you should not use the template database for real work, but when
used judiciously this feature can be convenient.
As an extra convenience, there is also a program that you can
execute from the shell to create new databases,
createdb <replaceable class="parameter">dbname</replaceable>
<filename>createdb</> does no magic. It connects to the template1
database and executes the <command>CREATE DATABASE</> command,
exactly as described above. It uses <application>psql</> program
internally. The reference page on createdb contains the invocation
details. In particular, createdb without any arguments will create
a database with the current user name, which may or may not be what
you want.
<title>Alternative Locations</title>
It is possible to create a database in a location other than the
default. Remember that all database access occurs through the
database server backend, so that any location specified must be
accessible by the backend.
Alternative database locations are referenced by an environment
variable which gives the absolute path to the intended storage
location. This environment variable must have been defined before
the backend was started. Any valid environment variable name may
be used to reference an alternative location, although using
variable names with a prefix of <literal>PGDATA</> is recommended
to avoid confusion and conflict with other variables.
To create the variable in the environment of the server process
you must first shut down the server, define the variable,
initialize the data area, and finally restart the server. (See
<xref linkend="postmaster-shutdown"> and <xref
linkend="postmaster-start">.) To set an environment variable, type
in Bourne shells, or
setenv PGDATA2 /home/postgres/data
in csh or tcsh. You have to make sure that this environment
variable is always defined in the server environment, otherwise
you won't be able to access that database. Therefore you probably
2000-08-29 22:02:09 +02:00
want to set it in some sort of shell start-up file or server
start-up script.
To create a data storage area in <envar>PGDATA2</>, ensure that
<filename>/home/postgres</filename> already exists and is writable
by the user account that runs the server (see <xref
linkend="postgres-user">). Then from the command line, type
initlocation PGDATA2
The you can restart the server.
To create a database at the new location, use the command
CREATE DATABASE <replaceable>name</> WITH LOCATION = '<replaceable>location</>'
where <replaceable>location</> is the environment variable you
used, <envar>PGDATA2</> in this example. The <command>createdb</>
command has the option <option>-D</> for this purpose.
Database created at alternative locations using this method can be
accessed and dropped like any other database.
It can also be possible to specify absolute paths directly to the
<command>CREATE DATABASE</> command without defining environment
variables. This is disallowed by default because it is a security
risk. To allow it, you must compile <productname>Postgres</> with
the C preprocessor macro <literal>ALLOW_ABSOLUTE_DBPATHS</>
defined. One way to do this is to run the compilation step like
this: <userinput>gmake COPT=-DALLOW_ABSOLUTE_DBPATHS all</>.
<sect1 id="manage-ag-accessdb">
<title>Accessing a Database</title>
Once you have constructed a database, you can access it by:
<itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
running the <productname>Postgres</productname> terminal monitor program
(<application>psql</application>) which allows you to interactively
enter, edit, and execute <acronym>SQL</acronym> commands.
writing a C program using the <literal>libpq</literal> subroutine
library. This allows you to submit <acronym>SQL</acronym> commands
from C and get answers and status messages back to
your program. This interface is discussed further
in the <citetitle>PostgreSQL Programmer's Guide</citetitle>.
You might want to start up <application>psql</application>,
to try out the examples in this manual. It can be activated for the
<replaceable class="parameter">dbname</replaceable> database by typing the command:
psql <replaceable class="parameter">dbname</replaceable>
You will be greeted with the following message:
Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
Type: \copyright for distribution terms
\h for help with SQL commands
\? for help on internal slash commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit
This prompt indicates that the terminal monitor is listening
to you and that you can type <acronym>SQL</acronym> queries into a
workspace maintained by the terminal monitor.
The <application>psql</application> program responds to escape
codes that begin
with the backslash character, "\". For example, you
can get help on the syntax of various
<productname>Postgres</productname> <acronym>SQL</acronym> commands by typing:
<replaceable>dbname</replaceable>=> \h
Once you have finished entering your queries into the
workspace, you can pass the contents of the workspace
to the <productname>Postgres</productname> server by typing:
<replaceable>dbname</replaceable>=> \g
This tells the server to process the query. If you
terminate your query with a semicolon, the backslash-g is not
necessary. <application>psql</application> will automatically
process semicolon terminated queries.
To read queries from a file, instead of
entering them interactively, type:
<replaceable>dbname</replaceable>=> \i <replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable>
To get out of <application>psql</application> and return to Unix, type
<replaceable>dbname</replaceable>=&gt; \q
and <application>psql</application> will quit and return
you to your command shell. (For more escape codes, type
backslash-h at the monitor prompt.)
White space (i.e., spaces, tabs and newlines) may be
used freely in <acronym>SQL</acronym> queries.
Single-line comments are denoted by two dashes
("<literal>--</literal>"). Everything after the dashes up to the end of the
line is ignored. Multiple-line comments, and comments within a line,
are denoted by "<literal>/* ... */</literal>", a convention borrowed
from <productname>Ingres</productname>.
<sect1 id="manage-ag-dropdb">
<title>Destroying a Database</title>
Databases are destroyed with the command <command>DROP DATABASE</command>:
DROP DATABASE <replaceable>name</>
Only the owner of the database (i.e., the user that created it) can
drop databases. Dropping a databases removes all objects that were
contained within the database. The destruction of a database cannot
be undone.
You cannot execute the <command>DROP DATABASE</command> command
while connected to the victim database. You can, however, be
connected to any other database, including the template1 database,
which would be the only option for dropping the last database of a
given cluster.
For convenience, there is also a shell program to drop databases:
dropdb <replaceable class="parameter">dbname</replaceable>
(Unlike <command>createdb</>, it is not the default action to drop
the database with the current user name.)
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Local variables: