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/* ----------
* pg_lzcompress.c -
* This is an implementation of LZ compression for PostgreSQL.
* It uses a simple history table and generates 2-3 byte tags
* capable of backward copy information for 3-273 bytes with
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
* a max offset of 4095.
* Entry routines:
* int32
* pglz_compress(const char *source, int32 slen, char *dest,
* const PGLZ_Strategy *strategy);
* source is the input data to be compressed.
* slen is the length of the input data.
* dest is the output area for the compressed result.
* It must be at least as big as PGLZ_MAX_OUTPUT(slen).
* strategy is a pointer to some information controlling
* the compression algorithm. If NULL, the compiled
* in default strategy is used.
* The return value is the number of bytes written in the
* buffer dest, or -1 if compression fails; in the latter
* case the contents of dest are undefined.
* int32
* pglz_decompress(const char *source, int32 slen, char *dest,
* int32 rawsize, bool check_complete)
* source is the compressed input.
* slen is the length of the compressed input.
* dest is the area where the uncompressed data will be
* written to. It is the callers responsibility to
* provide enough space.
* The data is written to buff exactly as it was handed
* to pglz_compress(). No terminating zero byte is added.
* rawsize is the length of the uncompressed data.
* check_complete is a flag to let us know if -1 should be
* returned in cases where we don't reach the end of the
* source or dest buffers, or not. This should be false
* if the caller is asking for only a partial result and
* true otherwise.
* The return value is the number of bytes written in the
* buffer dest, or -1 if decompression fails.
* The decompression algorithm and internal data format:
* It is made with the compressed data itself.
* The data representation is easiest explained by describing
* the process of decompression.
* If compressed_size == rawsize, then the data
* is stored uncompressed as plain bytes. Thus, the decompressor
* simply copies rawsize bytes to the destination.
* Otherwise the first byte tells what to do the next 8 times.
* We call this the control byte.
* An unset bit in the control byte means, that one uncompressed
* byte follows, which is copied from input to output.
* A set bit in the control byte means, that a tag of 2-3 bytes
* follows. A tag contains information to copy some bytes, that
* are already in the output buffer, to the current location in
* the output. Let's call the three tag bytes T1, T2 and T3. The
* position of the data to copy is coded as an offset from the
* actual output position.
* The offset is in the upper nibble of T1 and in T2.
* The length is in the lower nibble of T1.
* So the 16 bits of a 2 byte tag are coded as
* 7---T1--0 7---T2--0
* This limits the offset to 1-4095 (12 bits) and the length
* to 3-18 (4 bits) because 3 is always added to it. To emit
* a tag of 2 bytes with a length of 2 only saves one control
* bit. But we lose one byte in the possible length of a tag.
* In the actual implementation, the 2 byte tag's length is
* limited to 3-17, because the value 0xF in the length nibble
* has special meaning. It means, that the next following
* byte (T3) has to be added to the length value of 18. That
* makes total limits of 1-4095 for offset and 3-273 for length.
* Now that we have successfully decoded a tag. We simply copy
* the output that occurred <offset> bytes back to the current
* output location in the specified <length>. Thus, a
* sequence of 200 spaces (think about bpchar fields) could be
* coded in 4 bytes. One literal space and a three byte tag to
* copy 199 bytes with a -1 offset. Whow - that's a compression
* rate of 98%! Well, the implementation needs to save the
* original data size too, so we need another 4 bytes for it
* and end up with a total compression rate of 96%, what's still
* worth a Whow.
* The compression algorithm
* The following uses numbers used in the default strategy.
* The compressor works best for attributes of a size between
* 1K and 1M. For smaller items there's not that much chance of
* redundancy in the character sequence (except for large areas
* of identical bytes like trailing spaces) and for bigger ones
* our 4K maximum look-back distance is too small.
* The compressor creates a table for lists of positions.
2001-03-22 05:01:46 +01:00
* For each input position (except the last 3), a hash key is
* built from the 4 next input bytes and the position remembered
* in the appropriate list. Thus, the table points to linked
* lists of likely to be at least in the first 4 characters
* matching strings. This is done on the fly while the input
* is compressed into the output area. Table entries are only
* kept for the last 4096 input positions, since we cannot use
* back-pointers larger than that anyway. The size of the hash
* table is chosen based on the size of the input - a larger table
* has a larger startup cost, as it needs to be initialized to
* zero, but reduces the number of hash collisions on long inputs.
* For each byte in the input, its hash key (built from this
* byte and the next 3) is used to find the appropriate list
* in the table. The lists remember the positions of all bytes
* that had the same hash key in the past in increasing backward
* offset order. Now for all entries in the used lists, the
* match length is computed by comparing the characters from the
* entries position with the characters from the actual input
* position.
* The compressor starts with a so called "good_match" of 128.
* It is a "prefer speed against compression ratio" optimizer.
* So if the first entry looked at already has 128 or more
* matching characters, the lookup stops and that position is
* used for the next tag in the output.
* For each subsequent entry in the history list, the "good_match"
* is lowered by 10%. So the compressor will be more happy with
* short matches the farer it has to go back in the history.
* Another "speed against ratio" preference characteristic of
* the algorithm.
* Thus there are 3 stop conditions for the lookup of matches:
* - a match >= good_match is found
* - there are no more history entries to look at
2001-03-22 05:01:46 +01:00
* - the next history entry is already too far back
* to be coded into a tag.
* Finally the match algorithm checks that at least a match
* of 3 or more bytes has been found, because that is the smallest
* amount of copy information to code into a tag. If so, a tag
* is omitted and all the input bytes covered by that are just
* scanned for the history add's, otherwise a literal character
* is omitted and only his history entry added.
* Acknowledgments:
* Many thanks to Adisak Pochanayon, who's article about SLZ
* inspired me to write the PostgreSQL compression this way.
* Jan Wieck
* Copyright (c) 1999-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* src/common/pg_lzcompress.c
* ----------
#ifndef FRONTEND
#include "postgres.h"
#include "postgres_fe.h"
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
#include <limits.h>
#include "common/pg_lzcompress.h"
/* ----------
* Local definitions
* ----------
#define PGLZ_MAX_HISTORY_LISTS 8192 /* must be power of 2 */
#define PGLZ_HISTORY_SIZE 4096
#define PGLZ_MAX_MATCH 273
/* ----------
* PGLZ_HistEntry -
* Linked list for the backward history lookup
* All the entries sharing a hash key are linked in a doubly linked list.
* This makes it easy to remove an entry when it's time to recycle it
* (because it's more than 4K positions old).
* ----------
typedef struct PGLZ_HistEntry
2002-09-04 22:31:48 +02:00
struct PGLZ_HistEntry *next; /* links for my hash key's list */
struct PGLZ_HistEntry *prev;
int hindex; /* my current hash key */
const char *pos; /* my input position */
} PGLZ_HistEntry;
/* ----------
* The provided standard strategies
* ----------
static const PGLZ_Strategy strategy_default_data = {
32, /* Data chunks less than 32 bytes are not
* compressed */
INT_MAX, /* No upper limit on what we'll try to
* compress */
25, /* Require 25% compression rate, or not worth
* it */
1024, /* Give up if no compression in the first 1KB */
128, /* Stop history lookup if a match of 128 bytes
* is found */
10 /* Lower good match size by 10% at every loop
* iteration */
2007-11-15 22:14:46 +01:00
const PGLZ_Strategy *const PGLZ_strategy_default = &strategy_default_data;
static const PGLZ_Strategy strategy_always_data = {
0, /* Chunks of any size are compressed */
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
0, /* It's enough to save one single byte */
INT_MAX, /* Never give up early */
128, /* Stop history lookup if a match of 128 bytes
* is found */
6 /* Look harder for a good match */
2007-11-15 22:14:46 +01:00
const PGLZ_Strategy *const PGLZ_strategy_always = &strategy_always_data;
/* ----------
* Statically allocated work arrays for history
* ----------
static int16 hist_start[PGLZ_MAX_HISTORY_LISTS];
static PGLZ_HistEntry hist_entries[PGLZ_HISTORY_SIZE + 1];
* Element 0 in hist_entries is unused, and means 'invalid'. Likewise,
* INVALID_ENTRY_PTR in next/prev pointers mean 'invalid'.
#define INVALID_ENTRY_PTR (&hist_entries[INVALID_ENTRY])
/* ----------
* pglz_hist_idx -
* Computes the history table slot for the lookup by the next 4
* characters in the input.
* NB: because we use the next 4 characters, we are not guaranteed to
* find 3-character matches; they very possibly will be in the wrong
* hash list. This seems an acceptable tradeoff for spreading out the
* hash keys more.
* ----------
#define pglz_hist_idx(_s,_e, _mask) ( \
((((_e) - (_s)) < 4) ? (int) (_s)[0] : \
(((_s)[0] << 6) ^ ((_s)[1] << 4) ^ \
((_s)[2] << 2) ^ (_s)[3])) & (_mask) \
/* ----------
* pglz_hist_add -
* Adds a new entry to the history table.
* If _recycle is true, then we are recycling a previously used entry,
* and must first delink it from its old hashcode's linked list.
* NOTE: beware of multiple evaluations of macro's arguments, and note that
* _hn and _recycle are modified in the macro.
* ----------
#define pglz_hist_add(_hs,_he,_hn,_recycle,_s,_e, _mask) \
do { \
int __hindex = pglz_hist_idx((_s),(_e), (_mask)); \
int16 *__myhsp = &(_hs)[__hindex]; \
PGLZ_HistEntry *__myhe = &(_he)[_hn]; \
if (_recycle) { \
if (__myhe->prev == NULL) \
(_hs)[__myhe->hindex] = __myhe->next - (_he); \
else \
__myhe->prev->next = __myhe->next; \
if (__myhe->next != NULL) \
__myhe->next->prev = __myhe->prev; \
} \
__myhe->next = &(_he)[*__myhsp]; \
__myhe->prev = NULL; \
__myhe->hindex = __hindex; \
__myhe->pos = (_s); \
/* If there was an existing entry in this hash slot, link */ \
/* this new entry to it. However, the 0th entry in the */ \
/* entries table is unused, so we can freely scribble on it. */ \
/* So don't bother checking if the slot was used - we'll */ \
/* scribble on the unused entry if it was not, but that's */ \
/* harmless. Avoiding the branch in this critical path */ \
/* speeds this up a little bit. */ \
/* if (*__myhsp != INVALID_ENTRY) */ \
(_he)[(*__myhsp)].prev = __myhe; \
*__myhsp = _hn; \
if (++(_hn) >= PGLZ_HISTORY_SIZE + 1) { \
(_hn) = 1; \
(_recycle) = true; \
} \
} while (0)
/* ----------
* pglz_out_ctrl -
* Outputs the last and allocates a new control byte if needed.
* ----------
#define pglz_out_ctrl(__ctrlp,__ctrlb,__ctrl,__buf) \
do { \
if ((__ctrl & 0xff) == 0) \
{ \
*(__ctrlp) = __ctrlb; \
__ctrlp = (__buf)++; \
__ctrlb = 0; \
__ctrl = 1; \
} \
} while (0)
/* ----------
* pglz_out_literal -
* Outputs a literal byte to the destination buffer including the
* appropriate control bit.
* ----------
#define pglz_out_literal(_ctrlp,_ctrlb,_ctrl,_buf,_byte) \
do { \
pglz_out_ctrl(_ctrlp,_ctrlb,_ctrl,_buf); \
*(_buf)++ = (unsigned char)(_byte); \
_ctrl <<= 1; \
} while (0)
/* ----------
* pglz_out_tag -
* Outputs a backward reference tag of 2-4 bytes (depending on
* offset and length) to the destination buffer including the
* appropriate control bit.
* ----------
#define pglz_out_tag(_ctrlp,_ctrlb,_ctrl,_buf,_len,_off) \
do { \
pglz_out_ctrl(_ctrlp,_ctrlb,_ctrl,_buf); \
_ctrlb |= _ctrl; \
_ctrl <<= 1; \
if (_len > 17) \
{ \
(_buf)[0] = (unsigned char)((((_off) & 0xf00) >> 4) | 0x0f); \
(_buf)[1] = (unsigned char)(((_off) & 0xff)); \
(_buf)[2] = (unsigned char)((_len) - 18); \
(_buf) += 3; \
} else { \
(_buf)[0] = (unsigned char)((((_off) & 0xf00) >> 4) | ((_len) - 3)); \
(_buf)[1] = (unsigned char)((_off) & 0xff); \
(_buf) += 2; \
} \
} while (0)
/* ----------
* pglz_find_match -
* Lookup the history table if the actual input stream matches
* another sequence of characters, starting somewhere earlier
* in the input buffer.
* ----------
static inline int
pglz_find_match(int16 *hstart, const char *input, const char *end,
int *lenp, int *offp, int good_match, int good_drop, int mask)
PGLZ_HistEntry *hent;
int16 hentno;
int32 len = 0;
int32 off = 0;
2005-10-15 04:49:52 +02:00
* Traverse the linked history list until a good enough match is found.
hentno = hstart[pglz_hist_idx(input, end, mask)];
hent = &hist_entries[hentno];
while (hent != INVALID_ENTRY_PTR)
const char *ip = input;
const char *hp = hent->pos;
int32 thisoff;
int32 thislen;
* Stop if the offset does not fit into our tag anymore.
thisoff = ip - hp;
if (thisoff >= 0x0fff)
2005-10-15 04:49:52 +02:00
* Determine length of match. A better match must be larger than the
* best so far. And if we already have a match of 16 or more bytes,
* it's worth the call overhead to use memcmp() to check if this match
* is equal for the same size. After that we must fallback to
* character by character comparison to know the exact position where
* the diff occurred.
thislen = 0;
if (len >= 16)
if (memcmp(ip, hp, len) == 0)
thislen = len;
ip += len;
hp += len;
while (ip < end && *ip == *hp && thislen < PGLZ_MAX_MATCH)
while (ip < end && *ip == *hp && thislen < PGLZ_MAX_MATCH)
* Remember this match as the best (if it is)
if (thislen > len)
len = thislen;
off = thisoff;
* Advance to the next history entry
hent = hent->next;
2005-10-15 04:49:52 +02:00
* Be happy with lesser good matches the more entries we visited. But
* no point in doing calculation if we're at end of list.
if (hent != INVALID_ENTRY_PTR)
if (len >= good_match)
good_match -= (good_match * good_drop) / 100;
* Return match information only if it results at least in one byte
* reduction.
if (len > 2)
*lenp = len;
*offp = off;
return 1;
return 0;
/* ----------
* pglz_compress -
* Compresses source into dest using strategy. Returns the number of
* bytes written in buffer dest, or -1 if compression fails.
* ----------
pglz_compress(const char *source, int32 slen, char *dest,
const PGLZ_Strategy *strategy)
unsigned char *bp = (unsigned char *) dest;
unsigned char *bstart = bp;
int hist_next = 1;
bool hist_recycle = false;
const char *dp = source;
const char *dend = source + slen;
unsigned char ctrl_dummy = 0;
unsigned char *ctrlp = &ctrl_dummy;
unsigned char ctrlb = 0;
unsigned char ctrl = 0;
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
bool found_match = false;
int32 match_len;
int32 match_off;
int32 good_match;
int32 good_drop;
int32 result_size;
int32 result_max;
int32 need_rate;
int hashsz;
int mask;
* Our fallback strategy is the default.
if (strategy == NULL)
strategy = PGLZ_strategy_default;
* If the strategy forbids compression (at all or if source chunk size out
* of range), fail.
if (strategy->match_size_good <= 0 ||
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
slen < strategy->min_input_size ||
slen > strategy->max_input_size)
return -1;
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
* Limit the match parameters to the supported range.
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
good_match = strategy->match_size_good;
if (good_match > PGLZ_MAX_MATCH)
good_match = PGLZ_MAX_MATCH;
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
else if (good_match < 17)
good_match = 17;
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
good_drop = strategy->match_size_drop;
if (good_drop < 0)
good_drop = 0;
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
else if (good_drop > 100)
good_drop = 100;
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
need_rate = strategy->min_comp_rate;
if (need_rate < 0)
need_rate = 0;
else if (need_rate > 99)
need_rate = 99;
* Compute the maximum result size allowed by the strategy, namely the
* input size minus the minimum wanted compression rate. This had better
* be <= slen, else we might overrun the provided output buffer.
if (slen > (INT_MAX / 100))
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
/* Approximate to avoid overflow */
result_max = (slen / 100) * (100 - need_rate);
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
result_max = (slen * (100 - need_rate)) / 100;
* Experiments suggest that these hash sizes work pretty well. A large
* hash table minimizes collision, but has a higher startup cost. For a
* small input, the startup cost dominates. The table size must be a power
* of two.
if (slen < 128)
hashsz = 512;
else if (slen < 256)
hashsz = 1024;
else if (slen < 512)
hashsz = 2048;
else if (slen < 1024)
hashsz = 4096;
hashsz = 8192;
mask = hashsz - 1;
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
* Initialize the history lists to empty. We do not need to zero the
* hist_entries[] array; its entries are initialized as they are used.
memset(hist_start, 0, hashsz * sizeof(int16));
* Compress the source directly into the output buffer.
while (dp < dend)
* If we already exceeded the maximum result size, fail.
* We check once per loop; since the loop body could emit as many as 4
* bytes (a control byte and 3-byte tag), PGLZ_MAX_OUTPUT() had better
* allow 4 slop bytes.
if (bp - bstart >= result_max)
return -1;
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
* If we've emitted more than first_success_by bytes without finding
* anything compressible at all, fail. This lets us fall out
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
* reasonably quickly when looking at incompressible input (such as
* pre-compressed data).
if (!found_match && bp - bstart >= strategy->first_success_by)
return -1;
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
* Try to find a match in the history
if (pglz_find_match(hist_start, dp, dend, &match_len,
&match_off, good_match, good_drop, mask))
* Create the tag and add history entries for all matched
* characters.
pglz_out_tag(ctrlp, ctrlb, ctrl, bp, match_len, match_off);
while (match_len--)
pglz_hist_add(hist_start, hist_entries,
hist_next, hist_recycle,
dp, dend, mask);
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
dp++; /* Do not do this ++ in the line above! */
/* The macro would do it four times - Jan. */
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
found_match = true;
* No match found. Copy one literal byte.
pglz_out_literal(ctrlp, ctrlb, ctrl, bp, *dp);
pglz_hist_add(hist_start, hist_entries,
hist_next, hist_recycle,
dp, dend, mask);
This patch addresses some issues in TOAST compression strategy that were discussed last year, but we felt it was too late in the 8.3 cycle to change the code immediately. Specifically, the patch: * Reduces the minimum datum size to be considered for compression from 256 to 32 bytes, as suggested by Greg Stark. * Increases the required compression rate for compressed storage from 20% to 25%, again per Greg's suggestion. * Replaces force_input_size (size above which compression is forced) with a maximum size to be considered for compression. It was agreed that allowing large inputs to escape the minimum-compression-rate requirement was not bright, and that indeed we'd rather have a knob that acted in the other direction. I set this value to 1MB for the moment, but it could use some performance studies to tune it. * Adds an early-failure path to the compressor as suggested by Jan: if it's been unable to find even one compressible substring in the first 1KB (parameterizable), assume we're looking at incompressible input and give up. (Possibly this logic can be improved, but I'll commit it as-is for now.) * Improves the toasting heuristics so that when we have very large fields with attstorage 'x' or 'e', we will push those out to toast storage before considering inline compression of shorter fields. This also responds to a suggestion of Greg's, though my original proposal for a solution was a bit off base because it didn't fix the problem for large 'e' fields. There was some discussion in the earlier threads of exposing some of the compression knobs to users, perhaps even on a per-column basis. I have not done anything about that here. It seems to me that if we are changing around the parameters, we'd better get some experience and be sure we are happy with the design before we set things in stone by providing user-visible knobs.
2008-03-08 00:20:21 +01:00
dp++; /* Do not do this ++ in the line above! */
/* The macro would do it four times - Jan. */
2007-11-15 22:14:46 +01:00
* Write out the last control byte and check that we haven't overrun the
* output size allowed by the strategy.
*ctrlp = ctrlb;
result_size = bp - bstart;
if (result_size >= result_max)
return -1;
/* success */
return result_size;
/* ----------
* pglz_decompress -
* Decompresses source into dest. Returns the number of bytes
* decompressed in the destination buffer, and *optionally*
* checks that both the source and dest buffers have been
* fully read and written to, respectively.
* ----------
pglz_decompress(const char *source, int32 slen, char *dest,
int32 rawsize, bool check_complete)
const unsigned char *sp;
const unsigned char *srcend;
unsigned char *dp;
unsigned char *destend;
sp = (const unsigned char *) source;
srcend = ((const unsigned char *) source) + slen;
dp = (unsigned char *) dest;
destend = dp + rawsize;
while (sp < srcend && dp < destend)
* Read one control byte and process the next 8 items (or as many as
* remain in the compressed input).
unsigned char ctrl = *sp++;
int ctrlc;
for (ctrlc = 0; ctrlc < 8 && sp < srcend && dp < destend; ctrlc++)
if (ctrl & 1)
* Set control bit means we must read a match tag. The match
* is coded with two bytes. First byte uses lower nibble to
* code length - 3. Higher nibble contains upper 4 bits of the
* offset. The next following byte contains the lower 8 bits
* of the offset. If the length is coded as 18, another
* extension tag byte tells how much longer the match really
* was (0-255).
int32 len;
int32 off;
len = (sp[0] & 0x0f) + 3;
off = ((sp[0] & 0xf0) << 4) | sp[1];
sp += 2;
if (len == 18)
len += *sp++;
2005-10-15 04:49:52 +02:00
* Now we copy the bytes specified by the tag from OUTPUT to
* OUTPUT (copy len bytes from dp - off to dp). The copied
* areas could overlap, to preven possible uncertainty, we
* copy only non-overlapping regions.
len = Min(len, destend - dp);
while (off < len)
* When offset is smaller than length - source and
* destination regions overlap. memmove() is resolving
* this overlap in an incompatible way with pglz. Thus we
* resort to memcpy()-ing non-overlapping regions.
* Consider input: 112341234123412341234
* At byte 5 here ^ we have match with length 16 and
* offset 4. 11234M(len=16, off=4)
* We are decoding first period of match and rewrite match
* 112341234M(len=12, off=8)
* The same match is now at position 9, it points to the
* same start byte of output, but from another position:
* the offset is doubled.
* We iterate through this offset growth until we can
* proceed to usual memcpy(). If we would try to decode
* the match at byte 5 (len=16, off=4) by memmove() we
* would issue memmove(5, 1, 16) which would produce
* 112341234XXXXXXXXXXXX, where series of X is 12
* undefined bytes, that were at bytes [5:17].
memcpy(dp, dp - off, off);
len -= off;
dp += off;
off += off;
memcpy(dp, dp - off, len);
dp += len;
2005-10-15 04:49:52 +02:00
* An unset control bit means LITERAL BYTE. So we just copy
* one from INPUT to OUTPUT.
*dp++ = *sp++;
* Advance the control bit
ctrl >>= 1;
* Check we decompressed the right amount. If we are slicing, then we
* won't necessarily be at the end of the source or dest buffers when we
* hit a stop, so we don't test them.
if (check_complete && (dp != destend || sp != srcend))
return -1;
* That's it.
return (char *) dp - dest;
/* ----------
* pglz_max_compressed_size -
* Calculate the maximum compressed size for a given amount of raw data.
* Return the maximum size, or total compressed size if maximum size is
* larger than total compressed size.
* We can't use PGLZ_MAX_OUTPUT for this purpose, because that's used to size
* the compression buffer (and abort the compression). It does not really say
* what's the maximum compressed size for an input of a given length, and it
* may happen that while the whole value is compressible (and thus fits into
* PGLZ_MAX_OUTPUT nicely), the prefix is not compressible at all.
* ----------
pglz_maximum_compressed_size(int32 rawsize, int32 total_compressed_size)
int32 compressed_size;
* pglz uses one control bit per byte, so we need (rawsize * 9) bits. We
* care about bytes though, so we add 7 to make sure we include the last
* incomplete byte (integer division rounds down).
* XXX Use int64 to prevent overflow during calculation.
compressed_size = (int32) ((int64) rawsize * 9 + 7) / 8;
* Maximum compressed size can't be larger than total compressed size.
compressed_size = Min(compressed_size, total_compressed_size);
return compressed_size;