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* postinit.c--
* postgres initialization utilities
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/init/postinit.c,v 1.10 1997/08/12 22:54:54 momjian Exp $
* InitPostgres() is the function called from PostgresMain
* which does all non-trival initialization, mainly by calling
* all the other initialization functions. InitPostgres()
* is only used within the "postgres" backend and so that routine
* is in tcop/postgres.c InitPostgres() is needed in cinterface.a
* because things like the bootstrap backend program need it. Hence
* you find that in this file...
* If you feel the need to add more initialization code, it should be
* done in InitPostgres() or someplace lower. Do not start
* putting stuff in PostgresMain - if you do then someone
* will have to clean it up later, and it's not going to be me!
* -cim 10/3/90
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "postgres.h"
#include "version.h"
#include <storage/ipc.h>
#include <storage/backendid.h>
#include <storage/buf_internals.h>
#include <storage/smgr.h>
#include <storage/proc.h>
#include <utils/relcache.h>
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "access/xact.h"
#include "storage/bufmgr.h"
#include "access/transam.h" /* XXX dependency problem */
#include "utils/tqual.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
#include "storage/bufpage.h" /* for page layout, for InitMyDatabaseId() */
#include "storage/sinval.h"
#include "storage/sinvaladt.h"
#include "storage/lmgr.h"
#include "miscadmin.h" /* for global decls */
#include "utils/portal.h" /* for EnablePortalManager, etc. */
#include "utils/exc.h" /* for EnableExceptionHandling, etc. */
#include "fmgr.h" /* for EnableDynamicFunctionManager, etc. */
#include "utils/elog.h"
#include "utils/palloc.h"
#include "utils/mcxt.h" /* for EnableMemoryContext, etc. */
#include "catalog/catname.h"
#include "catalog/pg_database.h"
#include "port-protos.h"
#include "libpq/libpq-be.h"
static IPCKey PostgresIpcKey;
#ifndef private
#ifndef EBUG
#define private static
#else /* !defined(EBUG) */
#define private
#endif /* !defined(EBUG) */
#endif /* !defined(private) */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* InitPostgres support
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
/* --------------------------------
* InitMyDatabaseId() -- Find and record the OID of the database we are
* to open.
* The database's oid forms half of the unique key for the system
* caches and lock tables. We therefore want it initialized before
* we open any relations, since opening relations puts things in the
* cache. To get around this problem, this code opens and scans the
* pg_database relation by hand.
* This algorithm relies on the fact that first attribute in the
* pg_database relation schema is the database name. It also knows
* about the internal format of tuples on disk and the length of
* the datname attribute. It knows the location of the pg_database
* file.
* This code is called from InitDatabase(), after we chdir() to the
* database directory but before we open any relations.
* --------------------------------
int dbfd;
int fileflags;
int nbytes;
int max, i;
HeapTuple tup;
Page pg;
PageHeader ph;
char *dbfname;
Form_pg_database tup_db;
* At bootstrap time, we don't need to check the oid of the database
* in use, since we're not using shared memory. This is lucky, since
* the database may not be in the tables yet.
if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode()) {
dbfname = (char *) palloc(strlen(DataDir) + strlen("pg_database") + 2);
sprintf(dbfname, "%s%cpg_database", DataDir, SEP_CHAR);
fileflags = O_RDONLY;
if ((dbfd = open(dbfname, O_RDONLY, 0666)) < 0)
elog(FATAL, "Cannot open %s", dbfname);
/* ----------------
* read and examine every page in pg_database
* Raw I/O! Read those tuples the hard way! Yow!
* Why don't we use the access methods or move this code
* someplace else? This is really pg_database schema dependent
* code. Perhaps it should go in lib/catalog/pg_database?
* -cim 10/3/90
* mao replies 4 apr 91: yeah, maybe this should be moved to
* lib/catalog. however, we CANNOT use the access methods since
* those use the buffer cache, which uses the relation cache, which
* requires that the dbid be set, which is what we're trying to do
* here.
* ----------------
pg = (Page) palloc(BLCKSZ);
ph = (PageHeader) pg;
while ((nbytes = read(dbfd, pg, BLCKSZ)) == BLCKSZ) {
max = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(pg);
/* look at each tuple on the page */
for (i = 0; i <= max; i++) {
int offset;
/* if it's a freed tuple, ignore it */
if (!(ph->pd_linp[i].lp_flags & LP_USED))
/* get a pointer to the tuple itself */
offset = (int) ph->pd_linp[i].lp_off;
tup = (HeapTuple) (((char *) pg) + offset);
* if the tuple has been deleted (the database was destroyed),
* skip this tuple. XXX warning, will robinson: violation of
* transaction semantics happens right here. we should check
* to be sure that the xact that deleted this tuple actually
* committed. only way to do this at init time is to paw over
* the log relation by hand, too. let's be optimistic.
* XXX This is an evil type cast. tup->t_xmax is char[5] while
* TransactionId is struct * { char data[5] }. It works but
* if data is ever moved and no longer the first field this
* will be broken!! -mer 11 Nov 1991.
if (TransactionIdIsValid((TransactionId)tup->t_xmax))
* Okay, see if this is the one we want.
* XXX 1 july 91: mao and mer discover that tuples now squash
* t_bits. Why is this?
* 24 july 92: mer realizes that the t_bits field is only
* used in the event of null values. If no
* fields are null we reduce the header size
* by doing the squash. t_hoff tells you exactly
* how big the header actually is. use the PC
* means of getting at sys cat attrs.
tup_db = (Form_pg_database)GETSTRUCT(tup);
if (strncmp(GetDatabaseName(),
16) == 0)
MyDatabaseId = tup->t_oid;
goto done;
if (!OidIsValid(MyDatabaseId))
"Database %s does not exist in %s",
* DoChdirAndInitDatabaseNameAndPath --
* Set current directory to the database directory for the database
* named <name>.
* Also set global variables DatabasePath and DatabaseName to those
* values. Also check for proper version of database system and
* database. Exit program via elog() if anything doesn't check out.
* Arguments:
* Path and name are invalid if it invalid as a string.
* Path is "badly formated" if it is not a string containing a path
* to a writable directory.
* Name is "badly formated" if it contains more than 16 characters or if
* it is a bad file name (e.g., it contains a '/' or an 8-bit character).
* Exceptions:
* BadState if called more than once.
* BadArg if both path and name are "badly formated" or invalid.
* BadArg if path and name are both "inconsistent" and valid.
* This routine is inappropriate in bootstrap mode, since the directories
* and version files need not exist yet if we're in bootstrap mode.
static void
DoChdirAndInitDatabaseNameAndPath(char *name) {
char *reason;
/* Failure reason returned by some function. NULL if no failure */
struct stat statbuf;
char errormsg[1000];
if (stat(DataDir, &statbuf) < 0)
sprintf(errormsg, "Database system does not exist. "
"PGDATA directory '%s' not found. Normally, you "
"create a database system by running initdb.",
else {
char myPath[MAXPGPATH]; /* DatabasePath points here! */
if (strlen(DataDir) + strlen(name) + 10 > sizeof(myPath))
sprintf(errormsg, "Internal error in postinit.c: database "
"pathname exceeds maximum allowable length.");
else {
sprintf(myPath, "%s/base/%s", DataDir, name);
if (stat(myPath, &statbuf) < 0)
"Database '%s' does not exist. "
"(We know this because the directory '%s' "
"does not exist). You can create a database "
"with the SQL command CREATE DATABASE. To see "
"what databases exist, look at the subdirectories "
"of '%s/base/'.",
name, myPath, DataDir);
else {
ValidatePgVersion(DataDir, &reason);
if (reason != NULL)
"InitPostgres could not validate that the database "
"system version is compatible with this level of "
"Postgres. You may need to run initdb to create "
"a new database system. %s",
else {
ValidatePgVersion(myPath, &reason);
if (reason != NULL)
"InitPostgres could not validate that the "
"database version is compatible with this level "
"of Postgres, even though the database system "
"as a whole appears to be at a compatible level. "
"You may need to recreate the database with SQL "
else {
/* The directories and PG_VERSION files are in order.*/
int rc; /* return code from some function we call */
rc = chdir(myPath);
if (rc < 0)
"InitPostgres unable to change "
"current directory to '%s', errno = %s (%d).",
myPath, strerror(errno), errno);
else errormsg[0] = '\0';
if (errormsg[0] != '\0')
elog(FATAL, errormsg);
/* Above does not return */
/* --------------------------------
* InitUserid
* initializes crap associated with the user id.
* --------------------------------
/* --------------------------------
* InitCommunication
* This routine initializes stuff needed for ipc, locking, etc.
* it should be called something more informative.
* Note:
* This does not set MyBackendId. MyBackendTag is set, however.
* --------------------------------
char *postid;
char *postport;
IPCKey key = 0;
/* ----------------
* try and get the backend tag from POSTID
* ----------------
MyBackendId = -1;
postid = getenv("POSTID");
if (!PointerIsValid(postid)) {
MyBackendTag = -1;
} else {
MyBackendTag = atoi(postid);
Assert(MyBackendTag >= 0);
/* ----------------
* try and get the ipc key from POSTPORT
* ----------------
postport = getenv("POSTPORT");
if (PointerIsValid(postport)) {
SystemPortAddress address = atoi(postport);
if (address == 0)
elog(FATAL, "InitCommunication: invalid POSTPORT");
if (MyBackendTag == -1)
elog(FATAL, "InitCommunication: missing POSTID");
key = SystemPortAddressCreateIPCKey(address);
* Enable this if you are trying to force the backend to run as if it
* is running under the postmaster.
* This goto forces Postgres to attach to shared memory instead of
* using malloc'ed memory (which is the normal behavior if run
* directly).
* To enable emulation, run the following shell commands (in addition
* to enabling this goto)
* % setenv POSTID 1
* % setenv POSTPORT 4321
* % postmaster &
* % kill -9 %1
* Upon doing this, Postmaster will have allocated the shared memory
* resources that Postgres will attach to if you enable
* This comment may well age with time - it is current as of
* 8 January 1990
* Greg
goto forcesharedmemory;
} else if (IsUnderPostmaster) {
"InitCommunication: under postmaster and POSTPORT not set");
} else {
/* ----------------
* assume we're running a postgres backend by itself with
* no front end or postmaster.
* ----------------
if (MyBackendTag == -1) {
MyBackendTag = 1;
key = PrivateIPCKey;
/* ----------------
* initialize shared memory and semaphores appropriately.
* ----------------
PostgresIpcKey = key;
/* --------------------------------
* InitStdio
* this routine consists of a bunch of code fragments
* that used to be randomly scattered through cinit().
* they all seem to do stuff associated with io.
* --------------------------------
/* --------------------------------
* InitPostgres --
* Initialize POSTGRES.
* Note:
* Be very careful with the order of calls in the InitPostgres function.
* --------------------------------
bool PostgresIsInitialized = false;
extern int NBuffers;
* this global is used by wei for testing his code, but must be declared
* here rather than in postgres.c so that it's defined for cinterface.a
* applications.
/*int testFlag = 0;*/
int lockingOff = 0;
InitPostgres(char *name) /* database name */
bool bootstrap; /* true if BootstrapProcessing */
/* ----------------
* see if we're running in BootstrapProcessing mode
* ----------------
bootstrap = IsBootstrapProcessingMode();
/* ----------------
* turn on the exception handler. Note: we cannot use elog, Assert,
* AssertState, etc. until after exception handling is on.
* ----------------
/* ----------------
* A stupid check to make sure we don't call this more than once.
* But things like ReinitPostgres() get around this by just diddling
* the PostgresIsInitialized flag.
* ----------------
/* ----------------
* Memory system initialization.
* (we may call palloc after EnableMemoryContext())
* Note EnableMemoryContext() must happen before EnablePortalManager().
* ----------------
EnableMemoryContext(true); /* initializes the "top context" */
EnablePortalManager(true); /* memory for portal/transaction stuff */
/* ----------------
* initialize the backend local portal stack used by
* internal PQ function calls. see src/lib/libpq/be-dumpdata.c
* This is different from the "portal manager" so this goes here.
* -cim 2/12/91
* ----------------
/* ----------------
* attach to shared memory and semaphores, and initialize our
* input/output/debugging file descriptors.
* ----------------
* initialize the local buffer manager
if (!TransactionFlushEnabled())
on_exitpg(FlushBufferPool, (caddr_t) NULL);
if (bootstrap) {
} else {
/* ********************************
* code after this point assumes we are in the proper directory!
* ********************************
/* ----------------
* initialize the database id used for system caches and lock tables
* ----------------
/* ----------------
* initialize the transaction system and the relation descriptor
* cache. Note we have to make certain the lock manager is off while
* we do this.
* ----------------
* Part of the initialization processing done here sets a read
* lock on pg_log. Since locking is disabled the set doesn't have
* intended effect of locking out writers, but this is ok, since
* we only lock it to examine AMI transaction status, and this is
* never written after initdb is done. -mer 15 June 1992
RelationInitialize(); /* pre-allocated reldescs created here */
InitializeTransactionSystem(); /* pg_log,etc init/crash recovery here */
/* ----------------
* anyone knows what this does? something having to do with
* system catalog cache invalidation in the case of multiple
* backends, I think -cim 10/3/90
* Sets up MyBackendId a unique backend identifier.
* ----------------
/* ----------------
* Set up a per backend process in shared memory. Must be done after
* InitSharedInvalidationState() as it relies on MyBackendId being
* initialized already. XXX -mer 11 Aug 1991
* ----------------
if (MyBackendId > MaxBackendId || MyBackendId <= 0) {
elog(FATAL, "cinit2: bad backend id %d (%d)",
/* ----------------
* initialize the access methods.
* ----------------
/* ----------------
* initialize all the system catalog caches.
* ----------------
/* ----------------
* set ourselves to the proper user id and figure out our postgres
* user id. If we ever add security so that we check for valid
* postgres users, we might do it here.
* ----------------
/* ----------------
* ok, all done, now let's make sure we don't do it again.
* ----------------
PostgresIsInitialized = true;
/* on_exitpg(DestroyLocalRelList, (caddr_t) NULL); */
/* ----------------
* Done with "InitPostgres", now change to NormalProcessing unless
* we're in BootstrapProcessing mode.
* ----------------
if (!bootstrap)
/* if (testFlag || lockingOff) */
if (lockingOff)