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* pg_dump.h
* Common header file for the pg_dump utility
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: pg_dump.h,v 1.87 2002/05/28 22:26:57 tgl Exp $
#ifndef PG_DUMP_H
#define PG_DUMP_H
2000-07-04 16:25:28 +02:00
#include "pg_backup.h"
#include "pqexpbuffer.h"
* The data structures used to store system catalog information
* NOTE: the structures described here live for the entire pg_dump run;
* and in most cases we make a struct for every object we can find in the
* catalogs, not only those we are actually going to dump. Hence, it's
* best to store a minimal amount of per-object info in these structs,
* and retrieve additional per-object info when and if we dump a specific
* object. In particular, try to avoid retrieving expensive-to-compute
* information until it's known to be needed.
typedef struct _namespaceInfo
char *oid;
char *nspname;
char *usename; /* name of owner, or empty string */
char *nspacl;
bool dump; /* true if need to dump definition */
} NamespaceInfo;
typedef struct _typeInfo
char *oid;
char *typname; /* name as seen in catalog */
/* Note: format_type might produce something different than typname */
NamespaceInfo *typnamespace; /* link to containing namespace */
char *usename; /* name of owner, or empty string */
char *typelem; /* OID */
char *typrelid; /* OID */
char typtype; /* 'b', 'c', etc */
bool isArray; /* true if user-defined array type */
bool isDefined; /* true if typisdefined */
} TypeInfo;
typedef struct _funcInfo
char *oid;
char *proname;
NamespaceInfo *pronamespace; /* link to containing namespace */
char *usename; /* name of owner, or empty string */
Oid lang;
int nargs;
char **argtypes; /* OIDs */
char *prorettype; /* OID */
char *proacl;
bool dumped; /* true if already dumped */
} FuncInfo;
typedef struct _aggInfo
2000-07-04 16:25:28 +02:00
char *oid;
char *aggname;
char *aggbasetype; /* OID */
NamespaceInfo *aggnamespace; /* link to containing namespace */
char *usename;
char *aggacl;
char *fmtbasetype; /* formatted type name */
} AggInfo;
typedef struct _oprInfo
char *oid;
char *oprname;
NamespaceInfo *oprnamespace; /* link to containing namespace */
char *usename;
char *oprcode; /* as OID, not regproc name */
} OprInfo;
2000-07-04 16:25:28 +02:00
typedef struct _tableInfo
* These fields are collected for every table in the database.
char *oid;
char *relname;
NamespaceInfo *relnamespace; /* link to containing namespace */
char *usename; /* name of owner, or empty string */
char *relacl;
char relkind;
bool hasindex; /* does it have any indexes? */
bool hasrules; /* does it have any rules? */
bool hasoids; /* does it have OIDs? */
int ncheck; /* # of CHECK expressions */
int ntrig; /* # of triggers */
bool interesting; /* true if need to collect more data */
bool dump; /* true if we want to dump it */
* These fields are computed only if we decide the table is interesting
* (it's either a table to dump, or a direct parent of a dumpable table).
int numatts; /* number of attributes */
char **attnames; /* the attribute names */
char **atttypnames; /* attribute type names */
int *atttypmod; /* type-specific type modifiers */
* Note: we need to store per-attribute notnull and default stuff for
* all interesting tables so that we can tell which constraints were
* inherited.
bool *notnull; /* Not null constraints on attributes */
char **adef_expr; /* DEFAULT expressions */
bool *inhAttrs; /* true if each attribute is inherited */
bool *inhAttrDef; /* true if attr's default is inherited */
bool *inhNotNull; /* true if NOT NULL is inherited */
* Stuff computed only for dumpable tables.
int numParents; /* number of (immediate) parent tables */
int *parentIndexes; /* TableInfo indexes of immediate parents */
char *viewoid; /* OID of view - should be >= oid of table
* important because views may be
* constructed manually from rules, and
* rule may ref things created after the
* base table was created. */
} TableInfo;
typedef struct _inhInfo
char *inhrelid; /* OID of a child table */
char *inhparent; /* OID of its parent */
} InhInfo;
/* global decls */
extern bool force_quotes; /* double-quotes for identifiers flag */
extern bool g_verbose; /* verbose flag */
2000-07-04 16:25:28 +02:00
extern Archive *g_fout; /* the script file */
/* placeholders for comment starting and ending delimiters */
extern char g_comment_start[10];
extern char g_comment_end[10];
extern char g_opaque_type[10]; /* name for the opaque type */
/* pg_dump is really two programs in one
one version works with postgres v4r2
and the other works with postgreSQL
the common routines are declared here
* common utility functions
2000-07-04 16:25:28 +02:00
extern TableInfo *dumpSchema(Archive *fout,
int *numTablesPtr,
const bool aclsSkip,
2000-07-04 16:25:28 +02:00
const bool schemaOnly,
const bool dataOnly);
2001-03-22 05:01:46 +01:00
typedef enum _OidOptions
zeroAsOpaque = 1,
zeroAsAny = 2,
zeroAsStar = 4,
zeroAsNone = 8
} OidOptions;
extern int findTableByOid(TableInfo *tbinfo, int numTables, const char *oid);
extern char *findOprByOid(OprInfo *oprinfo, int numOprs, const char *oid);
extern int findFuncByOid(FuncInfo *finfo, int numFuncs, const char *oid);
extern void check_conn_and_db(void);
extern void exit_nicely(void);
extern void parseNumericArray(const char *str, char **array, int arraysize);
* version specific routines
extern NamespaceInfo *getNamespaces(int *numNamespaces);
extern TypeInfo *getTypes(int *numTypes);
extern FuncInfo *getFuncs(int *numFuncs);
extern AggInfo *getAggregates(int *numAggregates);
extern OprInfo *getOperators(int *numOperators);
extern TableInfo *getTables(int *numTables);
extern InhInfo *getInherits(int *numInherits);
extern void getTableAttrs(TableInfo *tbinfo, int numTables);
2000-07-04 16:25:28 +02:00
extern void dumpDBComment(Archive *outfile);
extern void dumpNamespaces(Archive *fout,
NamespaceInfo *nsinfo, int numNamespaces);
2000-07-04 16:25:28 +02:00
extern void dumpTypes(Archive *fout, FuncInfo *finfo, int numFuncs,
TypeInfo *tinfo, int numTypes);
extern void dumpProcLangs(Archive *fout, FuncInfo finfo[], int numFuncs);
extern void dumpFuncs(Archive *fout, FuncInfo finfo[], int numFuncs);
extern void dumpAggs(Archive *fout, AggInfo agginfo[], int numAggregates);
extern void dumpOprs(Archive *fout, OprInfo *oprinfo, int numOperators);
extern void dumpTables(Archive *fout, TableInfo tblinfo[], int numTables,
const bool aclsSkip,
const bool schemaOnly, const bool dataOnly);
extern void dumpIndexes(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tbinfo, int numTables);
#endif /* PG_DUMP_H */