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-- Test for pg_get_object_address
-- Clean up in case a prior regression run failed
SET client_min_messages TO 'warning';
DROP ROLE IF EXISTS regress_addr_user;
RESET client_min_messages;
CREATE USER regress_addr_user;
-- Test generic object addressing/identification functions
SET search_path TO 'addr_nsp';
CREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY addr_ts_dict (template=simple);
CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION addr_ts_conf (copy=english);
CREATE TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE addr_ts_temp (lexize=dsimple_lexize);
(start = prsd_start, gettoken = prsd_nexttoken, end = prsd_end, lextypes = prsd_lextype);
CREATE TABLE addr_nsp.gentable (
a serial primary key CONSTRAINT a_chk CHECK (a > 0),
b text DEFAULT 'hello');
CREATE VIEW addr_nsp.genview AS SELECT * from addr_nsp.gentable;
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW addr_nsp.genmatview AS SELECT * FROM addr_nsp.gentable;
CREATE TYPE addr_nsp.gencomptype AS (a int);
CREATE TYPE addr_nsp.genenum AS ENUM ('one', 'two');
CREATE FOREIGN TABLE addr_nsp.genftable (a int) SERVER addr_fserv;
CREATE AGGREGATE addr_nsp.genaggr(int4) (sfunc = int4pl, stype = int4);
CREATE DOMAIN addr_nsp.gendomain AS int4 CONSTRAINT domconstr CHECK (value > 0);
CREATE POLICY genpol ON addr_nsp.gentable;
CREATE USER MAPPING FOR regress_addr_user SERVER "integer";
ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE regress_addr_user IN SCHEMA public GRANT ALL ON TABLES TO regress_addr_user;
FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION varchar_transform(internal),
TO SQL WITH FUNCTION int4recv(internal));
CREATE PUBLICATION addr_pub FOR TABLE addr_nsp.gentable;
WARNING: tables were not subscribed, you will have to run ALTER SUBSCRIPTION ... REFRESH PUBLICATION to subscribe the tables
Implement multivariate n-distinct coefficients Add support for explicitly declared statistic objects (CREATE STATISTICS), allowing collection of statistics on more complex combinations that individual table columns. Companion commands DROP STATISTICS and ALTER STATISTICS ... OWNER TO / SET SCHEMA / RENAME are added too. All this DDL has been designed so that more statistic types can be added later on, such as multivariate most-common-values and multivariate histograms between columns of a single table, leaving room for permitting columns on multiple tables, too, as well as expressions. This commit only adds support for collection of n-distinct coefficient on user-specified sets of columns in a single table. This is useful to estimate number of distinct groups in GROUP BY and DISTINCT clauses; estimation errors there can cause over-allocation of memory in hashed aggregates, for instance, so it's a worthwhile problem to solve. A new special pseudo-type pg_ndistinct is used. (num-distinct estimation was deemed sufficiently useful by itself that this is worthwhile even if no further statistic types are added immediately; so much so that another version of essentially the same functionality was submitted by Kyotaro Horiguchi: though this commit does not use that code.) Author: Tomas Vondra. Some code rework by Álvaro. Reviewed-by: Dean Rasheed, David Rowley, Kyotaro Horiguchi, Jeff Janes, Ideriha Takeshi Discussion:
2017-03-24 18:06:10 +01:00
CREATE STATISTICS addr_nsp.gentable_stat ON (a,b) FROM addr_nsp.gentable;
-- test some error cases
SELECT pg_get_object_address('stone', '{}', '{}');
ERROR: unrecognized object type "stone"
SELECT pg_get_object_address('table', '{}', '{}');
2015-12-11 04:05:27 +01:00
ERROR: name list length must be at least 1
SELECT pg_get_object_address('table', '{NULL}', '{}');
ERROR: name or argument lists may not contain nulls
-- unrecognized object types
DO $$
objtype text;
FOR objtype IN VALUES ('toast table'), ('index column'), ('sequence column'),
('toast table column'), ('view column'), ('materialized view column')
PERFORM pg_get_object_address(objtype, '{one}', '{}');
EXCEPTION WHEN invalid_parameter_value THEN
RAISE WARNING 'error for %: %', objtype, sqlerrm;
WARNING: error for toast table: unsupported object type "toast table"
WARNING: error for index column: unsupported object type "index column"
WARNING: error for sequence column: unsupported object type "sequence column"
WARNING: error for toast table column: unsupported object type "toast table column"
WARNING: error for view column: unsupported object type "view column"
WARNING: error for materialized view column: unsupported object type "materialized view column"
-- miscellaneous other errors
select * from pg_get_object_address('operator of access method', '{btree,integer_ops,1}', '{int4,bool}');
ERROR: operator 1 (int4, bool) of operator family integer_ops for access method btree does not exist
select * from pg_get_object_address('operator of access method', '{btree,integer_ops,99}', '{int4,int4}');
ERROR: operator 99 (int4, int4) of operator family integer_ops for access method btree does not exist
select * from pg_get_object_address('function of access method', '{btree,integer_ops,1}', '{int4,bool}');
ERROR: function 1 (int4, bool) of operator family integer_ops for access method btree does not exist
select * from pg_get_object_address('function of access method', '{btree,integer_ops,99}', '{int4,int4}');
ERROR: function 99 (int4, int4) of operator family integer_ops for access method btree does not exist
DO $$
objtype text;
names text[];
args text[];
('table'), ('index'), ('sequence'), ('view'),
('materialized view'), ('foreign table'),
('table column'), ('foreign table column'),
('aggregate'), ('function'), ('type'), ('cast'),
('table constraint'), ('domain constraint'), ('conversion'), ('default value'),
('operator'), ('operator class'), ('operator family'), ('rule'), ('trigger'),
('text search parser'), ('text search dictionary'),
('text search template'), ('text search configuration'),
('policy'), ('user mapping'), ('default acl'), ('transform'),
('operator of access method'), ('function of access method'),
('publication relation')
FOR names IN VALUES ('{eins}'), ('{addr_nsp, zwei}'), ('{eins, zwei, drei}')
FOR args IN VALUES ('{}'), ('{integer}')
PERFORM pg_get_object_address(objtype, names, args);
RAISE WARNING 'error for %,%,%: %', objtype, names, args, sqlerrm;
WARNING: error for table,{eins},{}: relation "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for table,{eins},{integer}: relation "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for table,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: relation "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for table,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: relation "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for table,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: cross-database references are not implemented: "eins.zwei.drei"
WARNING: error for table,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: cross-database references are not implemented: "eins.zwei.drei"
WARNING: error for index,{eins},{}: relation "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for index,{eins},{integer}: relation "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for index,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: relation "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for index,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: relation "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for index,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: cross-database references are not implemented: "eins.zwei.drei"
WARNING: error for index,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: cross-database references are not implemented: "eins.zwei.drei"
WARNING: error for sequence,{eins},{}: relation "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for sequence,{eins},{integer}: relation "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for sequence,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: relation "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for sequence,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: relation "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for sequence,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: cross-database references are not implemented: "eins.zwei.drei"
WARNING: error for sequence,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: cross-database references are not implemented: "eins.zwei.drei"
WARNING: error for view,{eins},{}: relation "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for view,{eins},{integer}: relation "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for view,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: relation "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for view,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: relation "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for view,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: cross-database references are not implemented: "eins.zwei.drei"
WARNING: error for view,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: cross-database references are not implemented: "eins.zwei.drei"
WARNING: error for materialized view,{eins},{}: relation "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for materialized view,{eins},{integer}: relation "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for materialized view,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: relation "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for materialized view,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: relation "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for materialized view,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: cross-database references are not implemented: "eins.zwei.drei"
WARNING: error for materialized view,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: cross-database references are not implemented: "eins.zwei.drei"
WARNING: error for foreign table,{eins},{}: relation "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for foreign table,{eins},{integer}: relation "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for foreign table,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: relation "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for foreign table,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: relation "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for foreign table,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: cross-database references are not implemented: "eins.zwei.drei"
WARNING: error for foreign table,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: cross-database references are not implemented: "eins.zwei.drei"
WARNING: error for table column,{eins},{}: column name must be qualified
WARNING: error for table column,{eins},{integer}: column name must be qualified
WARNING: error for table column,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: relation "addr_nsp" does not exist
WARNING: error for table column,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: relation "addr_nsp" does not exist
WARNING: error for table column,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: schema "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for table column,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: schema "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for foreign table column,{eins},{}: column name must be qualified
WARNING: error for foreign table column,{eins},{integer}: column name must be qualified
WARNING: error for foreign table column,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: relation "addr_nsp" does not exist
WARNING: error for foreign table column,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: relation "addr_nsp" does not exist
WARNING: error for foreign table column,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: schema "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for foreign table column,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: schema "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for aggregate,{eins},{}: aggregate eins(*) does not exist
WARNING: error for aggregate,{eins},{integer}: aggregate eins(integer) does not exist
WARNING: error for aggregate,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: aggregate addr_nsp.zwei(*) does not exist
WARNING: error for aggregate,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: aggregate addr_nsp.zwei(integer) does not exist
WARNING: error for aggregate,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: cross-database references are not implemented: eins.zwei.drei
WARNING: error for aggregate,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: cross-database references are not implemented: eins.zwei.drei
WARNING: error for function,{eins},{}: function eins() does not exist
WARNING: error for function,{eins},{integer}: function eins(integer) does not exist
WARNING: error for function,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: function addr_nsp.zwei() does not exist
WARNING: error for function,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: function addr_nsp.zwei(integer) does not exist
WARNING: error for function,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: cross-database references are not implemented: eins.zwei.drei
WARNING: error for function,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: cross-database references are not implemented: eins.zwei.drei
WARNING: error for type,{eins},{}: type "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for type,{eins},{integer}: type "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for type,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: name list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for type,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: name list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for type,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: name list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for type,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: name list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for cast,{eins},{}: argument list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for cast,{eins},{integer}: type "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for cast,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: name list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for cast,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: name list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for cast,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: name list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for cast,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: name list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for table constraint,{eins},{}: must specify relation and object name
WARNING: error for table constraint,{eins},{integer}: must specify relation and object name
WARNING: error for table constraint,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: relation "addr_nsp" does not exist
WARNING: error for table constraint,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: relation "addr_nsp" does not exist
WARNING: error for table constraint,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: schema "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for table constraint,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: schema "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for domain constraint,{eins},{}: argument list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for domain constraint,{eins},{integer}: type "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for domain constraint,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: name list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for domain constraint,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: name list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for domain constraint,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: name list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for domain constraint,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: name list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for conversion,{eins},{}: conversion "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for conversion,{eins},{integer}: conversion "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for conversion,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: conversion "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for conversion,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: conversion "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for conversion,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: cross-database references are not implemented: eins.zwei.drei
WARNING: error for conversion,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: cross-database references are not implemented: eins.zwei.drei
WARNING: error for default value,{eins},{}: column name must be qualified
WARNING: error for default value,{eins},{integer}: column name must be qualified
WARNING: error for default value,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: relation "addr_nsp" does not exist
WARNING: error for default value,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: relation "addr_nsp" does not exist
WARNING: error for default value,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: schema "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for default value,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: schema "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for operator,{eins},{}: argument list length must be exactly 2
WARNING: error for operator,{eins},{integer}: argument list length must be exactly 2
WARNING: error for operator,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: argument list length must be exactly 2
WARNING: error for operator,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: argument list length must be exactly 2
WARNING: error for operator,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: argument list length must be exactly 2
WARNING: error for operator,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: argument list length must be exactly 2
WARNING: error for operator class,{eins},{}: name list length must be at least 2
WARNING: error for operator class,{eins},{integer}: name list length must be at least 2
WARNING: error for operator class,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: access method "addr_nsp" does not exist
WARNING: error for operator class,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: access method "addr_nsp" does not exist
WARNING: error for operator class,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: access method "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for operator class,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: access method "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for operator family,{eins},{}: name list length must be at least 2
WARNING: error for operator family,{eins},{integer}: name list length must be at least 2
WARNING: error for operator family,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: access method "addr_nsp" does not exist
WARNING: error for operator family,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: access method "addr_nsp" does not exist
WARNING: error for operator family,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: access method "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for operator family,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: access method "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for rule,{eins},{}: must specify relation and object name
WARNING: error for rule,{eins},{integer}: must specify relation and object name
WARNING: error for rule,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: relation "addr_nsp" does not exist
WARNING: error for rule,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: relation "addr_nsp" does not exist
WARNING: error for rule,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: schema "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for rule,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: schema "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for trigger,{eins},{}: must specify relation and object name
WARNING: error for trigger,{eins},{integer}: must specify relation and object name
WARNING: error for trigger,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: relation "addr_nsp" does not exist
WARNING: error for trigger,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: relation "addr_nsp" does not exist
WARNING: error for trigger,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: schema "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for trigger,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: schema "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for text search parser,{eins},{}: text search parser "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for text search parser,{eins},{integer}: text search parser "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for text search parser,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: text search parser "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for text search parser,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: text search parser "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for text search parser,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: cross-database references are not implemented: eins.zwei.drei
WARNING: error for text search parser,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: cross-database references are not implemented: eins.zwei.drei
WARNING: error for text search dictionary,{eins},{}: text search dictionary "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for text search dictionary,{eins},{integer}: text search dictionary "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for text search dictionary,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: text search dictionary "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for text search dictionary,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: text search dictionary "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for text search dictionary,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: cross-database references are not implemented: eins.zwei.drei
WARNING: error for text search dictionary,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: cross-database references are not implemented: eins.zwei.drei
WARNING: error for text search template,{eins},{}: text search template "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for text search template,{eins},{integer}: text search template "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for text search template,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: text search template "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for text search template,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: text search template "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for text search template,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: cross-database references are not implemented: eins.zwei.drei
WARNING: error for text search template,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: cross-database references are not implemented: eins.zwei.drei
WARNING: error for text search configuration,{eins},{}: text search configuration "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for text search configuration,{eins},{integer}: text search configuration "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for text search configuration,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: text search configuration "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for text search configuration,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: text search configuration "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for text search configuration,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: cross-database references are not implemented: eins.zwei.drei
WARNING: error for text search configuration,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: cross-database references are not implemented: eins.zwei.drei
WARNING: error for policy,{eins},{}: must specify relation and object name
WARNING: error for policy,{eins},{integer}: must specify relation and object name
WARNING: error for policy,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: relation "addr_nsp" does not exist
WARNING: error for policy,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: relation "addr_nsp" does not exist
WARNING: error for policy,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: schema "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for policy,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: schema "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for user mapping,{eins},{}: argument list length must be exactly 1
2015-11-17 03:16:42 +01:00
WARNING: error for user mapping,{eins},{integer}: user mapping for user "eins" on server "integer" does not exist
WARNING: error for user mapping,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: argument list length must be exactly 1
2015-11-17 03:16:42 +01:00
WARNING: error for user mapping,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: user mapping for user "addr_nsp" on server "integer" does not exist
WARNING: error for user mapping,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: argument list length must be exactly 1
2015-11-17 03:16:42 +01:00
WARNING: error for user mapping,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: user mapping for user "eins" on server "integer" does not exist
WARNING: error for default acl,{eins},{}: argument list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for default acl,{eins},{integer}: unrecognized default ACL object type i
WARNING: error for default acl,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: argument list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for default acl,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: unrecognized default ACL object type i
WARNING: error for default acl,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: argument list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for default acl,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: unrecognized default ACL object type i
WARNING: error for transform,{eins},{}: argument list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for transform,{eins},{integer}: type "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for transform,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: name list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for transform,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: name list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for transform,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: name list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for transform,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: name list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for operator of access method,{eins},{}: name list length must be at least 3
WARNING: error for operator of access method,{eins},{integer}: name list length must be at least 3
WARNING: error for operator of access method,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: name list length must be at least 3
WARNING: error for operator of access method,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: name list length must be at least 3
WARNING: error for operator of access method,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: argument list length must be exactly 2
WARNING: error for operator of access method,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: argument list length must be exactly 2
WARNING: error for function of access method,{eins},{}: name list length must be at least 3
WARNING: error for function of access method,{eins},{integer}: name list length must be at least 3
WARNING: error for function of access method,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: name list length must be at least 3
WARNING: error for function of access method,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: name list length must be at least 3
WARNING: error for function of access method,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: argument list length must be exactly 2
WARNING: error for function of access method,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: argument list length must be exactly 2
WARNING: error for publication relation,{eins},{}: argument list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for publication relation,{eins},{integer}: relation "eins" does not exist
WARNING: error for publication relation,{addr_nsp,zwei},{}: argument list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for publication relation,{addr_nsp,zwei},{integer}: relation "addr_nsp.zwei" does not exist
WARNING: error for publication relation,{eins,zwei,drei},{}: argument list length must be exactly 1
WARNING: error for publication relation,{eins,zwei,drei},{integer}: cross-database references are not implemented: "eins.zwei.drei"
-- these object types cannot be qualified names
SELECT pg_get_object_address('language', '{one}', '{}');
ERROR: language "one" does not exist
SELECT pg_get_object_address('language', '{one,two}', '{}');
ERROR: name list length must be exactly 1
SELECT pg_get_object_address('large object', '{123}', '{}');
ERROR: large object 123 does not exist
SELECT pg_get_object_address('large object', '{123,456}', '{}');
ERROR: name list length must be exactly 1
SELECT pg_get_object_address('large object', '{blargh}', '{}');
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type oid: "blargh"
SELECT pg_get_object_address('schema', '{one}', '{}');
ERROR: schema "one" does not exist
SELECT pg_get_object_address('schema', '{one,two}', '{}');
ERROR: name list length must be exactly 1
SELECT pg_get_object_address('role', '{one}', '{}');
ERROR: role "one" does not exist
SELECT pg_get_object_address('role', '{one,two}', '{}');
ERROR: name list length must be exactly 1
SELECT pg_get_object_address('database', '{one}', '{}');
ERROR: database "one" does not exist
SELECT pg_get_object_address('database', '{one,two}', '{}');
ERROR: name list length must be exactly 1
SELECT pg_get_object_address('tablespace', '{one}', '{}');
ERROR: tablespace "one" does not exist
SELECT pg_get_object_address('tablespace', '{one,two}', '{}');
ERROR: name list length must be exactly 1
SELECT pg_get_object_address('foreign-data wrapper', '{one}', '{}');
ERROR: foreign-data wrapper "one" does not exist
SELECT pg_get_object_address('foreign-data wrapper', '{one,two}', '{}');
ERROR: name list length must be exactly 1
SELECT pg_get_object_address('server', '{one}', '{}');
ERROR: server "one" does not exist
SELECT pg_get_object_address('server', '{one,two}', '{}');
ERROR: name list length must be exactly 1
SELECT pg_get_object_address('extension', '{one}', '{}');
ERROR: extension "one" does not exist
SELECT pg_get_object_address('extension', '{one,two}', '{}');
ERROR: name list length must be exactly 1
SELECT pg_get_object_address('event trigger', '{one}', '{}');
ERROR: event trigger "one" does not exist
SELECT pg_get_object_address('event trigger', '{one,two}', '{}');
ERROR: name list length must be exactly 1
SELECT pg_get_object_address('access method', '{one}', '{}');
ERROR: access method "one" does not exist
SELECT pg_get_object_address('access method', '{one,two}', '{}');
ERROR: name list length must be exactly 1
SELECT pg_get_object_address('publication', '{one}', '{}');
ERROR: publication "one" does not exist
SELECT pg_get_object_address('publication', '{one,two}', '{}');
ERROR: name list length must be exactly 1
SELECT pg_get_object_address('subscription', '{one}', '{}');
ERROR: subscription "one" does not exist
SELECT pg_get_object_address('subscription', '{one,two}', '{}');
ERROR: name list length must be exactly 1
-- test successful cases
WITH objects (type, name, args) AS (VALUES
('table', '{addr_nsp, gentable}'::text[], '{}'::text[]),
('index', '{addr_nsp, gentable_pkey}', '{}'),
('sequence', '{addr_nsp, gentable_a_seq}', '{}'),
-- toast table
('view', '{addr_nsp, genview}', '{}'),
('materialized view', '{addr_nsp, genmatview}', '{}'),
('foreign table', '{addr_nsp, genftable}', '{}'),
('table column', '{addr_nsp, gentable, b}', '{}'),
('foreign table column', '{addr_nsp, genftable, a}', '{}'),
('aggregate', '{addr_nsp, genaggr}', '{int4}'),
('function', '{pg_catalog, pg_identify_object}', '{pg_catalog.oid, pg_catalog.oid, int4}'),
('type', '{pg_catalog._int4}', '{}'),
('type', '{addr_nsp.gendomain}', '{}'),
('type', '{addr_nsp.gencomptype}', '{}'),
('type', '{addr_nsp.genenum}', '{}'),
('cast', '{int8}', '{int4}'),
('collation', '{default}', '{}'),
('table constraint', '{addr_nsp, gentable, a_chk}', '{}'),
('domain constraint', '{addr_nsp.gendomain}', '{domconstr}'),
('conversion', '{pg_catalog, ascii_to_mic}', '{}'),
('default value', '{addr_nsp, gentable, b}', '{}'),
('language', '{plpgsql}', '{}'),
-- large object
('operator', '{+}', '{int4, int4}'),
('operator class', '{btree, int4_ops}', '{}'),
('operator family', '{btree, integer_ops}', '{}'),
('operator of access method', '{btree,integer_ops,1}', '{integer,integer}'),
('function of access method', '{btree,integer_ops,2}', '{integer,integer}'),
('rule', '{addr_nsp, genview, _RETURN}', '{}'),
('trigger', '{addr_nsp, gentable, t}', '{}'),
('schema', '{addr_nsp}', '{}'),
('text search parser', '{addr_ts_prs}', '{}'),
('text search dictionary', '{addr_ts_dict}', '{}'),
('text search template', '{addr_ts_temp}', '{}'),
('text search configuration', '{addr_ts_conf}', '{}'),
('role', '{regress_addr_user}', '{}'),
-- database
-- tablespace
('foreign-data wrapper', '{addr_fdw}', '{}'),
('server', '{addr_fserv}', '{}'),
('user mapping', '{regress_addr_user}', '{integer}'),
('default acl', '{regress_addr_user,public}', '{r}'),
('default acl', '{regress_addr_user}', '{r}'),
-- extension
-- event trigger
('policy', '{addr_nsp, gentable, genpol}', '{}'),
('transform', '{int}', '{sql}'),
('access method', '{btree}', '{}'),
('publication', '{addr_pub}', '{}'),
('publication relation', '{addr_nsp, gentable}', '{addr_pub}'),
Implement multivariate n-distinct coefficients Add support for explicitly declared statistic objects (CREATE STATISTICS), allowing collection of statistics on more complex combinations that individual table columns. Companion commands DROP STATISTICS and ALTER STATISTICS ... OWNER TO / SET SCHEMA / RENAME are added too. All this DDL has been designed so that more statistic types can be added later on, such as multivariate most-common-values and multivariate histograms between columns of a single table, leaving room for permitting columns on multiple tables, too, as well as expressions. This commit only adds support for collection of n-distinct coefficient on user-specified sets of columns in a single table. This is useful to estimate number of distinct groups in GROUP BY and DISTINCT clauses; estimation errors there can cause over-allocation of memory in hashed aggregates, for instance, so it's a worthwhile problem to solve. A new special pseudo-type pg_ndistinct is used. (num-distinct estimation was deemed sufficiently useful by itself that this is worthwhile even if no further statistic types are added immediately; so much so that another version of essentially the same functionality was submitted by Kyotaro Horiguchi: though this commit does not use that code.) Author: Tomas Vondra. Some code rework by Álvaro. Reviewed-by: Dean Rasheed, David Rowley, Kyotaro Horiguchi, Jeff Janes, Ideriha Takeshi Discussion:
2017-03-24 18:06:10 +01:00
('subscription', '{addr_sub}', '{}'),
('statistics', '{addr_nsp, gentable_stat}', '{}')
SELECT (pg_identify_object(addr1.classid, addr1.objid, addr1.objsubid)).*,
-- test roundtrip through pg_identify_object_as_address
ROW(pg_identify_object(addr1.classid, addr1.objid, addr1.objsubid)) =
ROW(pg_identify_object(addr2.classid, addr2.objid, addr2.objsubid))
FROM objects, pg_get_object_address(type, name, args) addr1,
pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) ioa(typ,nms,args),
pg_get_object_address(typ, nms, ioa.args) as addr2
ORDER BY addr1.classid, addr1.objid, addr1.objsubid;
type | schema | name | identity | ?column?
default acl | | | for role regress_addr_user in schema public on tables | t
default acl | | | for role regress_addr_user on tables | t
type | pg_catalog | _int4 | integer[] | t
type | addr_nsp | gencomptype | addr_nsp.gencomptype | t
type | addr_nsp | genenum | addr_nsp.genenum | t
type | addr_nsp | gendomain | addr_nsp.gendomain | t
function | pg_catalog | | pg_catalog.pg_identify_object(pg_catalog.oid,pg_catalog.oid,integer) | t
aggregate | addr_nsp | | addr_nsp.genaggr(integer) | t
sequence | addr_nsp | gentable_a_seq | addr_nsp.gentable_a_seq | t
table | addr_nsp | gentable | addr_nsp.gentable | t
table column | addr_nsp | gentable | addr_nsp.gentable.b | t
index | addr_nsp | gentable_pkey | addr_nsp.gentable_pkey | t
view | addr_nsp | genview | addr_nsp.genview | t
materialized view | addr_nsp | genmatview | addr_nsp.genmatview | t
foreign table | addr_nsp | genftable | addr_nsp.genftable | t
foreign table column | addr_nsp | genftable | addr_nsp.genftable.a | t
role | | regress_addr_user | regress_addr_user | t
server | | addr_fserv | addr_fserv | t
user mapping | | | regress_addr_user on server integer | t
foreign-data wrapper | | addr_fdw | addr_fdw | t
access method | | btree | btree | t
operator of access method | | | operator 1 (integer, integer) of pg_catalog.integer_ops USING btree | t
function of access method | | | function 2 (integer, integer) of pg_catalog.integer_ops USING btree | t
default value | | | for addr_nsp.gentable.b | t
cast | | | (bigint AS integer) | t
table constraint | addr_nsp | | a_chk on addr_nsp.gentable | t
domain constraint | addr_nsp | | domconstr on addr_nsp.gendomain | t
conversion | pg_catalog | ascii_to_mic | pg_catalog.ascii_to_mic | t
language | | plpgsql | plpgsql | t
schema | | addr_nsp | addr_nsp | t
operator class | pg_catalog | int4_ops | pg_catalog.int4_ops USING btree | t
operator | pg_catalog | | pg_catalog.+(integer,integer) | t
rule | | | "_RETURN" on addr_nsp.genview | t
trigger | | | t on addr_nsp.gentable | t
operator family | pg_catalog | integer_ops | pg_catalog.integer_ops USING btree | t
policy | | | genpol on addr_nsp.gentable | t
Implement multivariate n-distinct coefficients Add support for explicitly declared statistic objects (CREATE STATISTICS), allowing collection of statistics on more complex combinations that individual table columns. Companion commands DROP STATISTICS and ALTER STATISTICS ... OWNER TO / SET SCHEMA / RENAME are added too. All this DDL has been designed so that more statistic types can be added later on, such as multivariate most-common-values and multivariate histograms between columns of a single table, leaving room for permitting columns on multiple tables, too, as well as expressions. This commit only adds support for collection of n-distinct coefficient on user-specified sets of columns in a single table. This is useful to estimate number of distinct groups in GROUP BY and DISTINCT clauses; estimation errors there can cause over-allocation of memory in hashed aggregates, for instance, so it's a worthwhile problem to solve. A new special pseudo-type pg_ndistinct is used. (num-distinct estimation was deemed sufficiently useful by itself that this is worthwhile even if no further statistic types are added immediately; so much so that another version of essentially the same functionality was submitted by Kyotaro Horiguchi: though this commit does not use that code.) Author: Tomas Vondra. Some code rework by Álvaro. Reviewed-by: Dean Rasheed, David Rowley, Kyotaro Horiguchi, Jeff Janes, Ideriha Takeshi Discussion:
2017-03-24 18:06:10 +01:00
statistics | addr_nsp | gentable_stat | addr_nsp.gentable_stat | t
collation | pg_catalog | "default" | pg_catalog."default" | t
transform | | | for integer on language sql | t
text search dictionary | addr_nsp | addr_ts_dict | addr_nsp.addr_ts_dict | t
text search parser | addr_nsp | addr_ts_prs | addr_nsp.addr_ts_prs | t
text search configuration | addr_nsp | addr_ts_conf | addr_nsp.addr_ts_conf | t
text search template | addr_nsp | addr_ts_temp | addr_nsp.addr_ts_temp | t
subscription | | addr_sub | addr_sub | t
publication | | addr_pub | addr_pub | t
publication relation | | | gentable in publication addr_pub | t
Implement multivariate n-distinct coefficients Add support for explicitly declared statistic objects (CREATE STATISTICS), allowing collection of statistics on more complex combinations that individual table columns. Companion commands DROP STATISTICS and ALTER STATISTICS ... OWNER TO / SET SCHEMA / RENAME are added too. All this DDL has been designed so that more statistic types can be added later on, such as multivariate most-common-values and multivariate histograms between columns of a single table, leaving room for permitting columns on multiple tables, too, as well as expressions. This commit only adds support for collection of n-distinct coefficient on user-specified sets of columns in a single table. This is useful to estimate number of distinct groups in GROUP BY and DISTINCT clauses; estimation errors there can cause over-allocation of memory in hashed aggregates, for instance, so it's a worthwhile problem to solve. A new special pseudo-type pg_ndistinct is used. (num-distinct estimation was deemed sufficiently useful by itself that this is worthwhile even if no further statistic types are added immediately; so much so that another version of essentially the same functionality was submitted by Kyotaro Horiguchi: though this commit does not use that code.) Author: Tomas Vondra. Some code rework by Álvaro. Reviewed-by: Dean Rasheed, David Rowley, Kyotaro Horiguchi, Jeff Janes, Ideriha Takeshi Discussion:
2017-03-24 18:06:10 +01:00
(46 rows)
--- Cleanup resources
SET client_min_messages TO 'warning';
DROP OWNED BY regress_addr_user;
DROP USER regress_addr_user;