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-- Sanity checks for common errors in making operator/procedure system tables:
-- pg_operator, pg_proc, pg_cast, pg_aggregate, pg_am,
-- pg_amop, pg_amproc, pg_opclass, pg_opfamily.
-- None of the SELECTs here should ever find any matching entries,
-- so the expected output is easy to maintain ;-).
-- A test failure indicates someone messed up an entry in the system tables.
-- NB: we assume the oidjoins test will have caught any dangling links,
-- that is OID or REGPROC fields that are not zero and do not match some
-- row in the linked-to table. However, if we want to enforce that a link
-- field can't be 0, we have to check it here.
-- NB: run this test earlier than the create_operator test, because
-- that test creates some bogus operators...
-- Helper functions to deal with cases where binary-coercible matches are
-- allowed.
-- This should match IsBinaryCoercible() in parse_coerce.c.
create function binary_coercible(oid, oid) returns bool as $$
SELECT ($1 = $2) OR
EXISTS(select 1 from pg_catalog.pg_cast where
castsource = $1 and casttarget = $2 and
castmethod = 'b' and castcontext = 'i') OR
($2 = 'pg_catalog.anyarray'::pg_catalog.regtype AND
EXISTS(select 1 from pg_catalog.pg_type where
oid = $1 and typelem != 0 and typlen = -1))
$$ language sql strict stable;
-- This one ignores castcontext, so it considers only physical equivalence
-- and not whether the coercion can be invoked implicitly.
create function physically_coercible(oid, oid) returns bool as $$
SELECT ($1 = $2) OR
EXISTS(select 1 from pg_catalog.pg_cast where
castsource = $1 and casttarget = $2 and
castmethod = 'b') OR
($2 = 'pg_catalog.anyarray'::pg_catalog.regtype AND
EXISTS(select 1 from pg_catalog.pg_type where
oid = $1 and typelem != 0 and typlen = -1))
$$ language sql strict stable;
-- **************** pg_proc ****************
-- Look for illegal values in pg_proc fields.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.proname
FROM pg_proc as p1
WHERE p1.prolang = 0 OR p1.prorettype = 0 OR
p1.pronargs < 0 OR
p1.pronargdefaults < 0 OR
p1.pronargdefaults > p1.pronargs OR
array_lower(p1.proargtypes, 1) != 0 OR
array_upper(p1.proargtypes, 1) != p1.pronargs-1 OR
0::oid = ANY (p1.proargtypes) OR
procost <= 0 OR
CASE WHEN proretset THEN prorows <= 0 ELSE prorows != 0 END;
-- prosrc should never be null or empty
SELECT p1.oid, p1.proname
FROM pg_proc as p1
WHERE prosrc IS NULL OR prosrc = '' OR prosrc = '-';
-- proiswindow shouldn't be set together with proisagg or proretset
SELECT p1.oid, p1.proname
FROM pg_proc AS p1
WHERE proiswindow AND (proisagg OR proretset);
-- pronargdefaults should be 0 iff proargdefaults is null
SELECT p1.oid, p1.proname
FROM pg_proc AS p1
WHERE (pronargdefaults <> 0) != (proargdefaults IS NOT NULL);
-- probin should be non-empty for C functions, null everywhere else
SELECT p1.oid, p1.proname
FROM pg_proc as p1
WHERE prolang = 13 AND (probin IS NULL OR probin = '' OR probin = '-');
SELECT p1.oid, p1.proname
FROM pg_proc as p1
WHERE prolang != 13 AND probin IS NOT NULL;
-- Look for conflicting proc definitions (same names and input datatypes).
-- (This test should be dead code now that we have the unique index
-- pg_proc_proname_args_nsp_index, but I'll leave it in anyway.)
SELECT p1.oid, p1.proname, p2.oid, p2.proname
FROM pg_proc AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.oid != p2.oid AND
p1.proname = p2.proname AND
p1.pronargs = p2.pronargs AND
p1.proargtypes = p2.proargtypes;
-- Considering only built-in procs (prolang = 12), look for multiple uses
-- of the same internal function (ie, matching prosrc fields). It's OK to
-- have several entries with different pronames for the same internal function,
-- but conflicts in the number of arguments and other critical items should
-- be complained of. (We don't check data types here; see next query.)
-- Note: ignore aggregate functions here, since they all point to the same
-- dummy built-in function.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.proname, p2.oid, p2.proname
FROM pg_proc AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.oid < p2.oid AND
p1.prosrc = p2.prosrc AND
p1.prolang = 12 AND p2.prolang = 12 AND
(p1.proisagg = false OR p2.proisagg = false) AND
(p1.prolang != p2.prolang OR
p1.proisagg != p2.proisagg OR
p1.prosecdef != p2.prosecdef OR
p1.proisstrict != p2.proisstrict OR
p1.proretset != p2.proretset OR
p1.provolatile != p2.provolatile OR
p1.pronargs != p2.pronargs);
-- Look for uses of different type OIDs in the argument/result type fields
-- for different aliases of the same built-in function.
-- This indicates that the types are being presumed to be binary-equivalent,
-- or that the built-in function is prepared to deal with different types.
-- That's not wrong, necessarily, but we make lists of all the types being
-- so treated. Note that the expected output of this part of the test will
-- need to be modified whenever new pairs of types are made binary-equivalent,
-- or when new polymorphic built-in functions are added!
-- Note: ignore aggregate functions here, since they all point to the same
-- dummy built-in function. Likewise, ignore range constructor functions.
SELECT DISTINCT p1.prorettype, p2.prorettype
FROM pg_proc AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.oid != p2.oid AND
p1.prosrc = p2.prosrc AND
p1.prolang = 12 AND p2.prolang = 12 AND
NOT p1.proisagg AND NOT p2.proisagg AND
p1.prosrc NOT LIKE E'range\\_constructor_' AND
p2.prosrc NOT LIKE E'range\\_constructor_' AND
(p1.prorettype < p2.prorettype)
ORDER BY 1, 2;
SELECT DISTINCT p1.proargtypes[0], p2.proargtypes[0]
FROM pg_proc AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.oid != p2.oid AND
p1.prosrc = p2.prosrc AND
p1.prolang = 12 AND p2.prolang = 12 AND
NOT p1.proisagg AND NOT p2.proisagg AND
p1.prosrc NOT LIKE E'range\\_constructor_' AND
p2.prosrc NOT LIKE E'range\\_constructor_' AND
(p1.proargtypes[0] < p2.proargtypes[0])
ORDER BY 1, 2;
SELECT DISTINCT p1.proargtypes[1], p2.proargtypes[1]
FROM pg_proc AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.oid != p2.oid AND
p1.prosrc = p2.prosrc AND
p1.prolang = 12 AND p2.prolang = 12 AND
NOT p1.proisagg AND NOT p2.proisagg AND
p1.prosrc NOT LIKE E'range\\_constructor_' AND
p2.prosrc NOT LIKE E'range\\_constructor_' AND
(p1.proargtypes[1] < p2.proargtypes[1])
ORDER BY 1, 2;
SELECT DISTINCT p1.proargtypes[2], p2.proargtypes[2]
FROM pg_proc AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.oid != p2.oid AND
p1.prosrc = p2.prosrc AND
p1.prolang = 12 AND p2.prolang = 12 AND
NOT p1.proisagg AND NOT p2.proisagg AND
(p1.proargtypes[2] < p2.proargtypes[2])
ORDER BY 1, 2;
SELECT DISTINCT p1.proargtypes[3], p2.proargtypes[3]
FROM pg_proc AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.oid != p2.oid AND
p1.prosrc = p2.prosrc AND
p1.prolang = 12 AND p2.prolang = 12 AND
NOT p1.proisagg AND NOT p2.proisagg AND
(p1.proargtypes[3] < p2.proargtypes[3])
ORDER BY 1, 2;
SELECT DISTINCT p1.proargtypes[4], p2.proargtypes[4]
FROM pg_proc AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.oid != p2.oid AND
p1.prosrc = p2.prosrc AND
p1.prolang = 12 AND p2.prolang = 12 AND
NOT p1.proisagg AND NOT p2.proisagg AND
(p1.proargtypes[4] < p2.proargtypes[4])
ORDER BY 1, 2;
SELECT DISTINCT p1.proargtypes[5], p2.proargtypes[5]
FROM pg_proc AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.oid != p2.oid AND
p1.prosrc = p2.prosrc AND
p1.prolang = 12 AND p2.prolang = 12 AND
NOT p1.proisagg AND NOT p2.proisagg AND
(p1.proargtypes[5] < p2.proargtypes[5])
ORDER BY 1, 2;
SELECT DISTINCT p1.proargtypes[6], p2.proargtypes[6]
FROM pg_proc AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.oid != p2.oid AND
p1.prosrc = p2.prosrc AND
p1.prolang = 12 AND p2.prolang = 12 AND
NOT p1.proisagg AND NOT p2.proisagg AND
(p1.proargtypes[6] < p2.proargtypes[6])
ORDER BY 1, 2;
SELECT DISTINCT p1.proargtypes[7], p2.proargtypes[7]
FROM pg_proc AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.oid != p2.oid AND
p1.prosrc = p2.prosrc AND
p1.prolang = 12 AND p2.prolang = 12 AND
NOT p1.proisagg AND NOT p2.proisagg AND
(p1.proargtypes[7] < p2.proargtypes[7])
ORDER BY 1, 2;
-- Look for functions that return type "internal" and do not have any
-- "internal" argument. Such a function would be a security hole since
-- it might be used to call an internal function from an SQL command.
-- As of 7.3 this query should find only internal_in.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.proname
FROM pg_proc as p1
WHERE p1.prorettype = 'internal'::regtype AND NOT
'internal'::regtype = ANY (p1.proargtypes);
-- Check for length inconsistencies between the various argument-info arrays.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.proname
FROM pg_proc as p1
WHERE proallargtypes IS NOT NULL AND
array_length(proallargtypes,1) < array_length(proargtypes,1);
SELECT p1.oid, p1.proname
FROM pg_proc as p1
array_length(proargmodes,1) < array_length(proargtypes,1);
SELECT p1.oid, p1.proname
FROM pg_proc as p1
array_length(proargnames,1) < array_length(proargtypes,1);
SELECT p1.oid, p1.proname
FROM pg_proc as p1
WHERE proallargtypes IS NOT NULL AND proargmodes IS NOT NULL AND
array_length(proallargtypes,1) <> array_length(proargmodes,1);
SELECT p1.oid, p1.proname
FROM pg_proc as p1
WHERE proallargtypes IS NOT NULL AND proargnames IS NOT NULL AND
array_length(proallargtypes,1) <> array_length(proargnames,1);
SELECT p1.oid, p1.proname
FROM pg_proc as p1
WHERE proargmodes IS NOT NULL AND proargnames IS NOT NULL AND
array_length(proargmodes,1) <> array_length(proargnames,1);
-- Insist that all built-in pg_proc entries have descriptions
SELECT p1.oid, p1.proname
FROM pg_proc as p1 LEFT JOIN pg_description as d
ON p1.tableoid = d.classoid and p1.oid = d.objoid and d.objsubid = 0
WHERE d.classoid IS NULL AND p1.oid <= 9999;
-- **************** pg_cast ****************
-- Catch bogus values in pg_cast columns (other than cases detected by
-- oidjoins test).
FROM pg_cast c
WHERE castsource = 0 OR casttarget = 0 OR castcontext NOT IN ('e', 'a', 'i')
OR castmethod NOT IN ('f', 'b' ,'i');
-- Check that castfunc is nonzero only for cast methods that need a function,
-- and zero otherwise
FROM pg_cast c
WHERE (castmethod = 'f' AND castfunc = 0)
OR (castmethod IN ('b', 'i') AND castfunc <> 0);
-- Look for casts to/from the same type that aren't length coercion functions.
-- (We assume they are length coercions if they take multiple arguments.)
-- Such entries are not necessarily harmful, but they are useless.
FROM pg_cast c
WHERE castsource = casttarget AND castfunc = 0;
FROM pg_cast c, pg_proc p
WHERE c.castfunc = p.oid AND p.pronargs < 2 AND castsource = casttarget;
-- Look for cast functions that don't have the right signature. The
-- argument and result types in pg_proc must be the same as, or binary
-- compatible with, what it says in pg_cast.
-- As a special case, we allow casts from CHAR(n) that use functions
-- declared to take TEXT. This does not pass the binary-coercibility test
-- because CHAR(n)-to-TEXT normally invokes rtrim(). However, the results
-- are the same, so long as the function is one that ignores trailing blanks.
FROM pg_cast c, pg_proc p
WHERE c.castfunc = p.oid AND
(p.pronargs < 1 OR p.pronargs > 3
OR NOT (binary_coercible(c.castsource, p.proargtypes[0])
OR (c.castsource = 'character'::regtype AND
p.proargtypes[0] = 'text'::regtype))
OR NOT binary_coercible(p.prorettype, c.casttarget));
FROM pg_cast c, pg_proc p
WHERE c.castfunc = p.oid AND
((p.pronargs > 1 AND p.proargtypes[1] != 'int4'::regtype) OR
(p.pronargs > 2 AND p.proargtypes[2] != 'bool'::regtype));
-- Look for binary compatible casts that do not have the reverse
-- direction registered as well, or where the reverse direction is not
-- also binary compatible. This is legal, but usually not intended.
-- As of 7.4, this finds the casts from text and varchar to bpchar, because
-- those are binary-compatible while the reverse way goes through rtrim().
-- As of 8.2, this finds the cast from cidr to inet, because that is a
-- trivial binary coercion while the other way goes through inet_to_cidr().
-- As of 8.3, this finds the casts from xml to text, varchar, and bpchar,
-- because those are binary-compatible while the reverse goes through
-- texttoxml(), which does an XML syntax check.
-- As of 9.1, this finds the cast from pg_node_tree to text, which we
-- intentionally do not provide a reverse pathway for.
SELECT castsource::regtype, casttarget::regtype, castfunc, castcontext
FROM pg_cast c
WHERE c.castmethod = 'b' AND
WHERE k.castmethod = 'b' AND
k.castsource = c.casttarget AND
k.casttarget = c.castsource);
-- **************** pg_operator ****************
-- Look for illegal values in pg_operator fields.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.oprname
FROM pg_operator as p1
WHERE (p1.oprkind != 'b' AND p1.oprkind != 'l' AND p1.oprkind != 'r') OR
p1.oprresult = 0 OR p1.oprcode = 0;
-- Look for missing or unwanted operand types
SELECT p1.oid, p1.oprname
FROM pg_operator as p1
WHERE (p1.oprleft = 0 and p1.oprkind != 'l') OR
(p1.oprleft != 0 and p1.oprkind = 'l') OR
(p1.oprright = 0 and p1.oprkind != 'r') OR
(p1.oprright != 0 and p1.oprkind = 'r');
-- Look for conflicting operator definitions (same names and input datatypes).
SELECT p1.oid, p1.oprcode, p2.oid, p2.oprcode
FROM pg_operator AS p1, pg_operator AS p2
WHERE p1.oid != p2.oid AND
p1.oprname = p2.oprname AND
p1.oprkind = p2.oprkind AND
p1.oprleft = p2.oprleft AND
p1.oprright = p2.oprright;
-- Look for commutative operators that don't commute.
-- DEFINITIONAL NOTE: If A.oprcom = B, then x A y has the same result as y B x.
-- We expect that B will always say that B.oprcom = A as well; that's not
-- inherently essential, but it would be inefficient not to mark it so.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.oprcode, p2.oid, p2.oprcode
FROM pg_operator AS p1, pg_operator AS p2
WHERE p1.oprcom = p2.oid AND
(p1.oprkind != 'b' OR
p1.oprleft != p2.oprright OR
p1.oprright != p2.oprleft OR
p1.oprresult != p2.oprresult OR
p1.oid != p2.oprcom);
-- Look for negatory operators that don't agree.
-- DEFINITIONAL NOTE: If A.oprnegate = B, then both A and B must yield
-- boolean results, and (x A y) == ! (x B y), or the equivalent for
-- single-operand operators.
-- We expect that B will always say that B.oprnegate = A as well; that's not
-- inherently essential, but it would be inefficient not to mark it so.
-- Also, A and B had better not be the same operator.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.oprcode, p2.oid, p2.oprcode
FROM pg_operator AS p1, pg_operator AS p2
WHERE p1.oprnegate = p2.oid AND
(p1.oprkind != p2.oprkind OR
p1.oprleft != p2.oprleft OR
p1.oprright != p2.oprright OR
p1.oprresult != 'bool'::regtype OR
p2.oprresult != 'bool'::regtype OR
p1.oid != p2.oprnegate OR
p1.oid = p2.oid);
-- A mergejoinable or hashjoinable operator must be binary, must return
-- boolean, and must have a commutator (itself, unless it's a cross-type
-- operator).
SELECT p1.oid, p1.oprname FROM pg_operator AS p1
WHERE (p1.oprcanmerge OR p1.oprcanhash) AND NOT
(p1.oprkind = 'b' AND p1.oprresult = 'bool'::regtype AND p1.oprcom != 0);
-- What's more, the commutator had better be mergejoinable/hashjoinable too.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.oprname, p2.oid, p2.oprname
FROM pg_operator AS p1, pg_operator AS p2
WHERE p1.oprcom = p2.oid AND
(p1.oprcanmerge != p2.oprcanmerge OR
p1.oprcanhash != p2.oprcanhash);
-- Mergejoinable operators should appear as equality members of btree index
-- opfamilies.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.oprname
FROM pg_operator AS p1
WHERE p1.oprcanmerge AND NOT EXISTS
(SELECT 1 FROM pg_amop
WHERE amopmethod = (SELECT oid FROM pg_am WHERE amname = 'btree') AND
amopopr = p1.oid AND amopstrategy = 3);
-- And the converse.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.oprname, p.amopfamily
FROM pg_operator AS p1, pg_amop p
WHERE amopopr = p1.oid
AND amopmethod = (SELECT oid FROM pg_am WHERE amname = 'btree')
AND amopstrategy = 3
AND NOT p1.oprcanmerge;
-- Hashable operators should appear as members of hash index opfamilies.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.oprname
FROM pg_operator AS p1
WHERE p1.oprcanhash AND NOT EXISTS
(SELECT 1 FROM pg_amop
WHERE amopmethod = (SELECT oid FROM pg_am WHERE amname = 'hash') AND
amopopr = p1.oid AND amopstrategy = 1);
-- And the converse.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.oprname, p.amopfamily
FROM pg_operator AS p1, pg_amop p
WHERE amopopr = p1.oid
AND amopmethod = (SELECT oid FROM pg_am WHERE amname = 'hash')
AND NOT p1.oprcanhash;
-- Check that each operator defined in pg_operator matches its oprcode entry
-- in pg_proc. Easiest to do this separately for each oprkind.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.oprname, p2.oid, p2.proname
FROM pg_operator AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.oprcode = p2.oid AND
p1.oprkind = 'b' AND
(p2.pronargs != 2
OR NOT binary_coercible(p2.prorettype, p1.oprresult)
OR NOT binary_coercible(p1.oprleft, p2.proargtypes[0])
OR NOT binary_coercible(p1.oprright, p2.proargtypes[1]));
SELECT p1.oid, p1.oprname, p2.oid, p2.proname
FROM pg_operator AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.oprcode = p2.oid AND
p1.oprkind = 'l' AND
(p2.pronargs != 1
OR NOT binary_coercible(p2.prorettype, p1.oprresult)
OR NOT binary_coercible(p1.oprright, p2.proargtypes[0])
OR p1.oprleft != 0);
SELECT p1.oid, p1.oprname, p2.oid, p2.proname
FROM pg_operator AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.oprcode = p2.oid AND
p1.oprkind = 'r' AND
(p2.pronargs != 1
OR NOT binary_coercible(p2.prorettype, p1.oprresult)
OR NOT binary_coercible(p1.oprleft, p2.proargtypes[0])
OR p1.oprright != 0);
-- If the operator is mergejoinable or hashjoinable, its underlying function
-- should not be volatile.
SELECT p1.oid, p1.oprname, p2.oid, p2.proname
FROM pg_operator AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.oprcode = p2.oid AND
(p1.oprcanmerge OR p1.oprcanhash) AND
p2.provolatile = 'v';
-- If oprrest is set, the operator must return boolean,
-- and it must link to a proc with the right signature
-- to be a restriction selectivity estimator.
-- The proc signature we want is: float8 proc(internal, oid, internal, int4)
SELECT p1.oid, p1.oprname, p2.oid, p2.proname
FROM pg_operator AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.oprrest = p2.oid AND
(p1.oprresult != 'bool'::regtype OR
p2.prorettype != 'float8'::regtype OR p2.proretset OR
p2.pronargs != 4 OR
p2.proargtypes[0] != 'internal'::regtype OR
p2.proargtypes[1] != 'oid'::regtype OR
p2.proargtypes[2] != 'internal'::regtype OR
p2.proargtypes[3] != 'int4'::regtype);
-- If oprjoin is set, the operator must be a binary boolean op,
-- and it must link to a proc with the right signature
-- to be a join selectivity estimator.
Clean up the loose ends in selectivity estimation left by my patch for semi and anti joins. To do this, pass the SpecialJoinInfo struct for the current join as an additional optional argument to operator join selectivity estimation functions. This allows the estimator to tell not only what kind of join is being formed, but which variable is on which side of the join; a requirement long recognized but not dealt with till now. This also leaves the door open for future improvements in the estimators, such as accounting for the null-insertion effects of lower outer joins. I didn't do anything about that in the current patch but the information is in principle deducible from what's passed. The patch also clarifies the definition of join selectivity for semi/anti joins: it's the fraction of the left input that has (at least one) match in the right input. This allows getting rid of some very fuzzy thinking that I had committed in the original 7.4-era IN-optimization patch. There's probably room to estimate this better than the present patch does, but at least we know what to estimate. Since I had to touch CREATE OPERATOR anyway to allow a variant signature for join estimator functions, I took the opportunity to add a couple of additional checks that were missing, per my recent message to -hackers: * Check that estimator functions return float8; * Require execute permission at the time of CREATE OPERATOR on the operator's function as well as the estimator functions; * Require ownership of any pre-existing operator that's modified by the command. I also moved the lookup of the functions out of OperatorCreate() and into operatorcmds.c, since that seemed more consistent with most of the other catalog object creation processes, eg CREATE TYPE.
2008-08-16 02:01:38 +02:00
-- The proc signature we want is: float8 proc(internal, oid, internal, int2, internal)
-- (Note: the old signature with only 4 args is still allowed, but no core
-- estimator should be using it.)
SELECT p1.oid, p1.oprname, p2.oid, p2.proname
FROM pg_operator AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.oprjoin = p2.oid AND
(p1.oprkind != 'b' OR p1.oprresult != 'bool'::regtype OR
p2.prorettype != 'float8'::regtype OR p2.proretset OR
Clean up the loose ends in selectivity estimation left by my patch for semi and anti joins. To do this, pass the SpecialJoinInfo struct for the current join as an additional optional argument to operator join selectivity estimation functions. This allows the estimator to tell not only what kind of join is being formed, but which variable is on which side of the join; a requirement long recognized but not dealt with till now. This also leaves the door open for future improvements in the estimators, such as accounting for the null-insertion effects of lower outer joins. I didn't do anything about that in the current patch but the information is in principle deducible from what's passed. The patch also clarifies the definition of join selectivity for semi/anti joins: it's the fraction of the left input that has (at least one) match in the right input. This allows getting rid of some very fuzzy thinking that I had committed in the original 7.4-era IN-optimization patch. There's probably room to estimate this better than the present patch does, but at least we know what to estimate. Since I had to touch CREATE OPERATOR anyway to allow a variant signature for join estimator functions, I took the opportunity to add a couple of additional checks that were missing, per my recent message to -hackers: * Check that estimator functions return float8; * Require execute permission at the time of CREATE OPERATOR on the operator's function as well as the estimator functions; * Require ownership of any pre-existing operator that's modified by the command. I also moved the lookup of the functions out of OperatorCreate() and into operatorcmds.c, since that seemed more consistent with most of the other catalog object creation processes, eg CREATE TYPE.
2008-08-16 02:01:38 +02:00
p2.pronargs != 5 OR
p2.proargtypes[0] != 'internal'::regtype OR
p2.proargtypes[1] != 'oid'::regtype OR
p2.proargtypes[2] != 'internal'::regtype OR
Clean up the loose ends in selectivity estimation left by my patch for semi and anti joins. To do this, pass the SpecialJoinInfo struct for the current join as an additional optional argument to operator join selectivity estimation functions. This allows the estimator to tell not only what kind of join is being formed, but which variable is on which side of the join; a requirement long recognized but not dealt with till now. This also leaves the door open for future improvements in the estimators, such as accounting for the null-insertion effects of lower outer joins. I didn't do anything about that in the current patch but the information is in principle deducible from what's passed. The patch also clarifies the definition of join selectivity for semi/anti joins: it's the fraction of the left input that has (at least one) match in the right input. This allows getting rid of some very fuzzy thinking that I had committed in the original 7.4-era IN-optimization patch. There's probably room to estimate this better than the present patch does, but at least we know what to estimate. Since I had to touch CREATE OPERATOR anyway to allow a variant signature for join estimator functions, I took the opportunity to add a couple of additional checks that were missing, per my recent message to -hackers: * Check that estimator functions return float8; * Require execute permission at the time of CREATE OPERATOR on the operator's function as well as the estimator functions; * Require ownership of any pre-existing operator that's modified by the command. I also moved the lookup of the functions out of OperatorCreate() and into operatorcmds.c, since that seemed more consistent with most of the other catalog object creation processes, eg CREATE TYPE.
2008-08-16 02:01:38 +02:00
p2.proargtypes[3] != 'int2'::regtype OR
p2.proargtypes[4] != 'internal'::regtype);
-- Insist that all built-in pg_operator entries have descriptions
SELECT p1.oid, p1.oprname
FROM pg_operator as p1 LEFT JOIN pg_description as d
ON p1.tableoid = d.classoid and p1.oid = d.objoid and d.objsubid = 0
WHERE d.classoid IS NULL AND p1.oid <= 9999;
-- Check that operators' underlying functions have suitable comments,
-- namely 'implementation of XXX operator'. In some cases involving legacy
-- names for operators, there are multiple operators referencing the same
-- pg_proc entry, so ignore operators whose comments say they are deprecated.
-- We also have a few functions that are both operator support and meant to
-- be called directly; those should have comments matching their operator.
WITH funcdescs AS (
SELECT p.oid as p_oid, proname, o.oid as o_oid,
obj_description(p.oid, 'pg_proc') as prodesc,
'implementation of ' || oprname || ' operator' as expecteddesc,
obj_description(o.oid, 'pg_operator') as oprdesc
FROM pg_proc p JOIN pg_operator o ON oprcode = p.oid
WHERE o.oid <= 9999
SELECT * FROM funcdescs
WHERE prodesc IS DISTINCT FROM expecteddesc
AND oprdesc NOT LIKE 'deprecated%'
AND prodesc IS DISTINCT FROM oprdesc;
-- **************** pg_aggregate ****************
-- Look for illegal values in pg_aggregate fields.
SELECT ctid, aggfnoid::oid
FROM pg_aggregate as p1
WHERE aggfnoid = 0 OR aggtransfn = 0 OR aggtranstype = 0;
-- Make sure the matching pg_proc entry is sensible, too.
SELECT a.aggfnoid::oid, p.proname
FROM pg_aggregate as a, pg_proc as p
WHERE a.aggfnoid = p.oid AND
(NOT p.proisagg OR p.proretset);
-- Make sure there are no proisagg pg_proc entries without matches.
SELECT oid, proname
FROM pg_proc as p
WHERE p.proisagg AND
NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_aggregate a WHERE a.aggfnoid = p.oid);
-- If there is no finalfn then the output type must be the transtype.
SELECT a.aggfnoid::oid, p.proname
FROM pg_aggregate as a, pg_proc as p
WHERE a.aggfnoid = p.oid AND
a.aggfinalfn = 0 AND p.prorettype != a.aggtranstype;
-- Cross-check transfn against its entry in pg_proc.
-- NOTE: use physically_coercible here, not binary_coercible, because
-- max and min on abstime are implemented using int4larger/int4smaller.
SELECT a.aggfnoid::oid, p.proname, ptr.oid, ptr.proname
FROM pg_aggregate AS a, pg_proc AS p, pg_proc AS ptr
WHERE a.aggfnoid = p.oid AND
a.aggtransfn = ptr.oid AND
OR NOT (ptr.pronargs = p.pronargs + 1)
OR NOT physically_coercible(ptr.prorettype, a.aggtranstype)
OR NOT physically_coercible(a.aggtranstype, ptr.proargtypes[0])
OR (p.pronargs > 0 AND
NOT physically_coercible(p.proargtypes[0], ptr.proargtypes[1]))
OR (p.pronargs > 1 AND
NOT physically_coercible(p.proargtypes[1], ptr.proargtypes[2]))
OR (p.pronargs > 2 AND
NOT physically_coercible(p.proargtypes[2], ptr.proargtypes[3]))
-- we could carry the check further, but that's enough for now
-- Cross-check finalfn (if present) against its entry in pg_proc.
SELECT a.aggfnoid::oid, p.proname, pfn.oid, pfn.proname
FROM pg_aggregate AS a, pg_proc AS p, pg_proc AS pfn
WHERE a.aggfnoid = p.oid AND
a.aggfinalfn = pfn.oid AND
OR NOT binary_coercible(pfn.prorettype, p.prorettype)
OR pfn.pronargs != 1
OR NOT binary_coercible(a.aggtranstype, pfn.proargtypes[0]));
-- If transfn is strict then either initval should be non-NULL, or
-- input type should match transtype so that the first non-null input
-- can be assigned as the state value.
SELECT a.aggfnoid::oid, p.proname, ptr.oid, ptr.proname
FROM pg_aggregate AS a, pg_proc AS p, pg_proc AS ptr
WHERE a.aggfnoid = p.oid AND
a.aggtransfn = ptr.oid AND ptr.proisstrict AND
a.agginitval IS NULL AND
NOT binary_coercible(p.proargtypes[0], a.aggtranstype);
-- Cross-check aggsortop (if present) against pg_operator.
-- We expect to find only "<" for "min" and ">" for "max".
SELECT DISTINCT proname, oprname
FROM pg_operator AS o, pg_aggregate AS a, pg_proc AS p
WHERE a.aggfnoid = p.oid AND a.aggsortop = o.oid
-- Check datatypes match
SELECT a.aggfnoid::oid, o.oid
FROM pg_operator AS o, pg_aggregate AS a, pg_proc AS p
WHERE a.aggfnoid = p.oid AND a.aggsortop = o.oid AND
(oprkind != 'b' OR oprresult != 'boolean'::regtype
OR oprleft != p.proargtypes[0] OR oprright != p.proargtypes[0]);
-- Check operator is a suitable btree opfamily member
SELECT a.aggfnoid::oid, o.oid
FROM pg_operator AS o, pg_aggregate AS a, pg_proc AS p
WHERE a.aggfnoid = p.oid AND a.aggsortop = o.oid AND
WHERE amopmethod = (SELECT oid FROM pg_am WHERE amname = 'btree')
AND amopopr = o.oid
AND amoplefttype = o.oprleft
AND amoprighttype = o.oprright);
-- Check correspondence of btree strategies and names
SELECT DISTINCT proname, oprname, amopstrategy
FROM pg_operator AS o, pg_aggregate AS a, pg_proc AS p,
pg_amop as ao
WHERE a.aggfnoid = p.oid AND a.aggsortop = o.oid AND
amopopr = o.oid AND
amopmethod = (SELECT oid FROM pg_am WHERE amname = 'btree')
ORDER BY 1, 2;
-- Check that there are not aggregates with the same name and different
-- numbers of arguments. While not technically wrong, we have a project policy
-- to avoid this because it opens the door for confusion in connection with
-- ORDER BY: novices frequently put the ORDER BY in the wrong place.
-- See the fate of the single-argument form of string_agg() for history.
-- The only aggregates that should show up here are count(x) and count(*).
SELECT p1.oid::regprocedure, p2.oid::regprocedure
FROM pg_proc AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.oid < p2.oid AND p1.proname = p2.proname AND
p1.proisagg AND p2.proisagg AND
array_dims(p1.proargtypes) != array_dims(p2.proargtypes)
-- For the same reason, aggregates with default arguments are no good.
SELECT oid, proname
FROM pg_proc AS p
WHERE proisagg AND proargdefaults IS NOT NULL;
-- **************** pg_opfamily ****************
-- Look for illegal values in pg_opfamily fields
SELECT p1.oid
FROM pg_opfamily as p1
WHERE p1.opfmethod = 0 OR p1.opfnamespace = 0;
-- **************** pg_opclass ****************
-- Look for illegal values in pg_opclass fields
SELECT p1.oid
FROM pg_opclass AS p1
WHERE p1.opcmethod = 0 OR p1.opcnamespace = 0 OR p1.opcfamily = 0
OR p1.opcintype = 0;
-- opcmethod must match owning opfamily's opfmethod
SELECT p1.oid, p2.oid
FROM pg_opclass AS p1, pg_opfamily AS p2
WHERE p1.opcfamily = p2.oid AND p1.opcmethod != p2.opfmethod;
-- There should not be multiple entries in pg_opclass with opcdefault true
-- and the same opcmethod/opcintype combination.
SELECT p1.oid, p2.oid
FROM pg_opclass AS p1, pg_opclass AS p2
WHERE p1.oid != p2.oid AND
p1.opcmethod = p2.opcmethod AND p1.opcintype = p2.opcintype AND
p1.opcdefault AND p2.opcdefault;
-- **************** pg_amop ****************
-- Look for illegal values in pg_amop fields
SELECT p1.amopfamily, p1.amopstrategy
FROM pg_amop as p1
WHERE p1.amopfamily = 0 OR p1.amoplefttype = 0 OR p1.amoprighttype = 0
OR p1.amopopr = 0 OR p1.amopmethod = 0 OR p1.amopstrategy < 1;
SELECT p1.amopfamily, p1.amopstrategy
FROM pg_amop as p1
WHERE NOT ((p1.amoppurpose = 's' AND p1.amopsortfamily = 0) OR
(p1.amoppurpose = 'o' AND p1.amopsortfamily <> 0));
-- amoplefttype/amoprighttype must match the operator
SELECT p1.oid, p2.oid
FROM pg_amop AS p1, pg_operator AS p2
WHERE p1.amopopr = p2.oid AND NOT
(p1.amoplefttype = p2.oprleft AND p1.amoprighttype = p2.oprright);
-- amopmethod must match owning opfamily's opfmethod
SELECT p1.oid, p2.oid
FROM pg_amop AS p1, pg_opfamily AS p2
WHERE p1.amopfamily = p2.oid AND p1.amopmethod != p2.opfmethod;
-- amopsortfamily, if present, must reference a btree family
SELECT p1.amopfamily, p1.amopstrategy
FROM pg_amop AS p1
WHERE p1.amopsortfamily <> 0 AND NOT EXISTS
(SELECT 1 from pg_opfamily op WHERE op.oid = p1.amopsortfamily
AND op.opfmethod = (SELECT oid FROM pg_am WHERE amname = 'btree'));
-- check for ordering operators not supported by parent AM
SELECT p1.amopfamily, p1.amopopr, p2.oid, p2.amname
FROM pg_amop AS p1, pg_am AS p2
WHERE p1.amopmethod = p2.oid AND
p1.amoppurpose = 'o' AND NOT p2.amcanorderbyop;
-- Cross-check amopstrategy index against parent AM
SELECT p1.amopfamily, p1.amopopr, p2.oid, p2.amname
FROM pg_amop AS p1, pg_am AS p2
WHERE p1.amopmethod = p2.oid AND
p1.amopstrategy > p2.amstrategies AND p2.amstrategies <> 0;
-- Detect missing pg_amop entries: should have as many strategy operators
-- as AM expects for each datatype combination supported by the opfamily.
-- We can't check this for AMs with variable strategy sets.
SELECT p1.amname, p2.amoplefttype, p2.amoprighttype
FROM pg_am AS p1, pg_amop AS p2
WHERE p2.amopmethod = p1.oid AND
p1.amstrategies <> 0 AND
p1.amstrategies != (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_amop AS p3
WHERE p3.amopfamily = p2.amopfamily AND
p3.amoplefttype = p2.amoplefttype AND
p3.amoprighttype = p2.amoprighttype AND
p3.amoppurpose = 's');
-- Currently, none of the AMs with fixed strategy sets support ordering ops.
SELECT p1.amname, p2.amopfamily, p2.amopstrategy
FROM pg_am AS p1, pg_amop AS p2
WHERE p2.amopmethod = p1.oid AND
p1.amstrategies <> 0 AND p2.amoppurpose <> 's';
-- Check that amopopr points at a reasonable-looking operator, ie a binary
-- operator. If it's a search operator it had better yield boolean,
-- otherwise an input type of its sort opfamily.
SELECT p1.amopfamily, p1.amopopr, p2.oid, p2.oprname
FROM pg_amop AS p1, pg_operator AS p2
WHERE p1.amopopr = p2.oid AND
p2.oprkind != 'b';
SELECT p1.amopfamily, p1.amopopr, p2.oid, p2.oprname
FROM pg_amop AS p1, pg_operator AS p2
WHERE p1.amopopr = p2.oid AND p1.amoppurpose = 's' AND
p2.oprresult != 'bool'::regtype;
SELECT p1.amopfamily, p1.amopopr, p2.oid, p2.oprname
FROM pg_amop AS p1, pg_operator AS p2
WHERE p1.amopopr = p2.oid AND p1.amoppurpose = 'o' AND NOT EXISTS
(SELECT 1 FROM pg_opclass op
WHERE opcfamily = p1.amopsortfamily AND opcintype = p2.oprresult);
-- Make a list of all the distinct operator names being used in particular
-- strategy slots. This is a bit hokey, since the list might need to change
-- in future releases, but it's an effective way of spotting mistakes such as
-- swapping two operators within a family.
SELECT DISTINCT amopmethod, amopstrategy, oprname
FROM pg_amop p1 LEFT JOIN pg_operator p2 ON amopopr = p2.oid
ORDER BY 1, 2, 3;
-- Check that all opclass search operators have selectivity estimators.
-- This is not absolutely required, but it seems a reasonable thing
-- to insist on for all standard datatypes.
SELECT p1.amopfamily, p1.amopopr, p2.oid, p2.oprname
FROM pg_amop AS p1, pg_operator AS p2
WHERE p1.amopopr = p2.oid AND p1.amoppurpose = 's' AND
(p2.oprrest = 0 OR p2.oprjoin = 0);
-- Check that each opclass in an opfamily has associated operators, that is
-- ones whose oprleft matches opcintype (possibly by coercion).
SELECT p1.opcname, p1.opcfamily
FROM pg_opclass AS p1
WHERE p2.amopfamily = p1.opcfamily
AND binary_coercible(p1.opcintype, p2.amoplefttype));
-- Operators that are primary members of opclasses must be immutable (else
-- it suggests that the index ordering isn't fixed). Operators that are
-- cross-type members need only be stable, since they are just shorthands
-- for index probe queries.
SELECT p1.amopfamily, p1.amopopr, p2.oprname, p3.prosrc
FROM pg_amop AS p1, pg_operator AS p2, pg_proc AS p3
WHERE p1.amopopr = p2.oid AND p2.oprcode = p3.oid AND
p1.amoplefttype = p1.amoprighttype AND
p3.provolatile != 'i';
SELECT p1.amopfamily, p1.amopopr, p2.oprname, p3.prosrc
FROM pg_amop AS p1, pg_operator AS p2, pg_proc AS p3
WHERE p1.amopopr = p2.oid AND p2.oprcode = p3.oid AND
p1.amoplefttype != p1.amoprighttype AND
p3.provolatile = 'v';
-- Multiple-datatype btree opfamilies should provide closed sets of equality
-- operators; that is if you provide int2 = int4 and int4 = int8 then you
-- should also provide int2 = int8 (and commutators of all these). This is
-- important because the planner tries to deduce additional qual clauses from
-- transitivity of mergejoinable operators. If there are clauses
-- int2var = int4var and int4var = int8var, the planner will want to deduce
-- int2var = int8var ... so there should be a way to represent that. While
-- a missing cross-type operator is now only an efficiency loss rather than
-- an error condition, it still seems reasonable to insist that all built-in
-- opfamilies be complete.
-- check commutative closure
SELECT p1.amoplefttype, p1.amoprighttype
FROM pg_amop AS p1
WHERE p1.amopmethod = (SELECT oid FROM pg_am WHERE amname = 'btree') AND
p1.amopstrategy = 3 AND
p1.amoplefttype != p1.amoprighttype AND
p2.amopfamily = p1.amopfamily AND
p2.amoplefttype = p1.amoprighttype AND
p2.amoprighttype = p1.amoplefttype AND
p2.amopstrategy = 3);
-- check transitive closure
SELECT p1.amoplefttype, p1.amoprighttype, p2.amoprighttype
FROM pg_amop AS p1, pg_amop AS p2
WHERE p1.amopfamily = p2.amopfamily AND
p1.amoprighttype = p2.amoplefttype AND
p1.amopmethod = (SELECT oid FROM pg_am WHERE amname = 'btree') AND
p2.amopmethod = (SELECT oid FROM pg_am WHERE amname = 'btree') AND
p1.amopstrategy = 3 AND p2.amopstrategy = 3 AND
p1.amoplefttype != p1.amoprighttype AND
p2.amoplefttype != p2.amoprighttype AND
p3.amopfamily = p1.amopfamily AND
p3.amoplefttype = p1.amoplefttype AND
p3.amoprighttype = p2.amoprighttype AND
p3.amopstrategy = 3);
-- We also expect that built-in multiple-datatype hash opfamilies provide
-- complete sets of cross-type operators. Again, this isn't required, but
-- it is reasonable to expect it for built-in opfamilies.
-- if same family has x=x and y=y, it should have x=y
SELECT p1.amoplefttype, p2.amoplefttype
FROM pg_amop AS p1, pg_amop AS p2
WHERE p1.amopfamily = p2.amopfamily AND
p1.amoplefttype = p1.amoprighttype AND
p2.amoplefttype = p2.amoprighttype AND
p1.amopmethod = (SELECT oid FROM pg_am WHERE amname = 'hash') AND
p2.amopmethod = (SELECT oid FROM pg_am WHERE amname = 'hash') AND
p1.amopstrategy = 1 AND p2.amopstrategy = 1 AND
p1.amoplefttype != p2.amoplefttype AND
p3.amopfamily = p1.amopfamily AND
p3.amoplefttype = p1.amoplefttype AND
p3.amoprighttype = p2.amoplefttype AND
p3.amopstrategy = 1);
-- **************** pg_amproc ****************
-- Look for illegal values in pg_amproc fields
SELECT p1.amprocfamily, p1.amprocnum
FROM pg_amproc as p1
WHERE p1.amprocfamily = 0 OR p1.amproclefttype = 0 OR p1.amprocrighttype = 0
OR p1.amprocnum < 1 OR p1.amproc = 0;
-- Cross-check amprocnum index against parent AM
SELECT p1.amprocfamily, p1.amprocnum, p2.oid, p2.amname
FROM pg_amproc AS p1, pg_am AS p2, pg_opfamily AS p3
WHERE p1.amprocfamily = p3.oid AND p3.opfmethod = p2.oid AND
p1.amprocnum > p2.amsupport;
-- Detect missing pg_amproc entries: should have as many support functions
-- as AM expects for each datatype combination supported by the opfamily.
2011-05-19 00:14:45 +02:00
-- GiST/GIN are special cases because each has an optional support function.
SELECT p1.amname, p2.opfname, p3.amproclefttype, p3.amprocrighttype
FROM pg_am AS p1, pg_opfamily AS p2, pg_amproc AS p3
WHERE p2.opfmethod = p1.oid AND p3.amprocfamily = p2.oid AND
p1.amname <> 'gist' AND p1.amname <> 'gin' AND
p1.amsupport != (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_amproc AS p4
WHERE p4.amprocfamily = p2.oid AND
p4.amproclefttype = p3.amproclefttype AND
p4.amprocrighttype = p3.amprocrighttype);
2011-05-19 00:14:45 +02:00
-- Similar check for GiST/GIN, allowing one optional proc
SELECT p1.amname, p2.opfname, p3.amproclefttype, p3.amprocrighttype
FROM pg_am AS p1, pg_opfamily AS p2, pg_amproc AS p3
WHERE p2.opfmethod = p1.oid AND p3.amprocfamily = p2.oid AND
(p1.amname = 'gist' OR p1.amname = 'gin') AND
(SELECT count(*) FROM pg_amproc AS p4
WHERE p4.amprocfamily = p2.oid AND
p4.amproclefttype = p3.amproclefttype AND
p4.amprocrighttype = p3.amprocrighttype)
NOT IN (p1.amsupport, p1.amsupport - 1);
-- Also, check if there are any pg_opclass entries that don't seem to have
2011-05-19 00:14:45 +02:00
-- pg_amproc support. Again, GiST/GIN have to be checked specially.
SELECT amname, opcname, count(*)
FROM pg_am am JOIN pg_opclass op ON opcmethod = am.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_amproc p ON amprocfamily = opcfamily AND
amproclefttype = amprocrighttype AND amproclefttype = opcintype
WHERE am.amname <> 'gist' AND am.amname <> 'gin'
GROUP BY amname, amsupport, opcname, amprocfamily
HAVING count(*) != amsupport OR amprocfamily IS NULL;
SELECT amname, opcname, count(*)
FROM pg_am am JOIN pg_opclass op ON opcmethod = am.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_amproc p ON amprocfamily = opcfamily AND
amproclefttype = amprocrighttype AND amproclefttype = opcintype
WHERE am.amname = 'gist' OR am.amname = 'gin'
GROUP BY amname, amsupport, opcname, amprocfamily
HAVING (count(*) != amsupport AND count(*) != amsupport - 1)
OR amprocfamily IS NULL;
-- Unfortunately, we can't check the amproc link very well because the
-- signature of the function may be different for different support routines
-- or different base data types.
-- We can check that all the referenced instances of the same support
-- routine number take the same number of parameters, but that's about it
-- for a general check...
SELECT p1.amprocfamily, p1.amprocnum,
p2.oid, p2.proname,
p4.amprocfamily, p4.amprocnum,
p5.oid, p5.proname,
FROM pg_amproc AS p1, pg_proc AS p2, pg_opfamily AS p3,
pg_amproc AS p4, pg_proc AS p5, pg_opfamily AS p6
WHERE p1.amprocfamily = p3.oid AND p4.amprocfamily = p6.oid AND
p3.opfmethod = p6.opfmethod AND p1.amprocnum = p4.amprocnum AND
p1.amproc = p2.oid AND p4.amproc = p5.oid AND
(p2.proretset OR p5.proretset OR p2.pronargs != p5.pronargs);
-- For btree, though, we can do better since we know the support routines
-- must be of the form cmp(lefttype, righttype) returns int4.
SELECT p1.amprocfamily, p1.amprocnum,
p2.oid, p2.proname,
FROM pg_amproc AS p1, pg_proc AS p2, pg_opfamily AS p3
WHERE p3.opfmethod = (SELECT oid FROM pg_am WHERE amname = 'btree')
AND p1.amprocfamily = p3.oid AND p1.amproc = p2.oid AND
(amprocnum != 1
OR proretset
OR prorettype != 'int4'::regtype
OR pronargs != 2
OR proargtypes[0] != amproclefttype
OR proargtypes[1] != amprocrighttype);
-- For hash we can also do a little better: the support routines must be
-- of the form hash(lefttype) returns int4. There are several cases where
-- we cheat and use a hash function that is physically compatible with the
-- datatype even though there's no cast, so this check does find a small
-- number of entries.
SELECT p1.amprocfamily, p1.amprocnum, p2.proname, p3.opfname
FROM pg_amproc AS p1, pg_proc AS p2, pg_opfamily AS p3
WHERE p3.opfmethod = (SELECT oid FROM pg_am WHERE amname = 'hash')
AND p1.amprocfamily = p3.oid AND p1.amproc = p2.oid AND
(amprocnum != 1
OR proretset
OR prorettype != 'int4'::regtype
OR pronargs != 1
OR NOT physically_coercible(amproclefttype, proargtypes[0])
OR amproclefttype != amprocrighttype)
-- Support routines that are primary members of opfamilies must be immutable
-- (else it suggests that the index ordering isn't fixed). But cross-type
-- members need only be stable, since they are just shorthands
-- for index probe queries.
SELECT p1.amprocfamily, p1.amproc, p2.prosrc
FROM pg_amproc AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.amproc = p2.oid AND
p1.amproclefttype = p1.amprocrighttype AND
p2.provolatile != 'i';
SELECT p1.amprocfamily, p1.amproc, p2.prosrc
FROM pg_amproc AS p1, pg_proc AS p2
WHERE p1.amproc = p2.oid AND
p1.amproclefttype != p1.amprocrighttype AND
p2.provolatile = 'v';