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1996-08-19 00:14:33 +02:00
pgtcl is a tcl package for front-end programs to interface with PostgreSQL
1996-08-19 00:14:33 +02:00
backends. PgTcl does not use the libpq library but communicates to
the backend directly via the frontend-backend protocol. Thus, it is
more efficient than previous postgres->tcl bindings which are layered
on top of libpq. In addition, pgtcl can handle multiple backend
connections from a single frontend application.
If you have any questions or bug reports, please send them to
Jolly Chen at
The pgtcl package provides the following commands.
pg_connect - opens a connection to the backend server
pg_disconnect - closes a connection
pg_exec - send a query to the backend
pg_select - loop over the result of a select statement
1996-08-19 00:14:33 +02:00
pg_result - manipulate the results of a query
pg_lo_creat - create a large object
pg_lo_open - open a large object
pg_lo_close - close a large object
pg_lo_read - read a large object
pg_lo_write - write a large object
pg_lo_lseek - seek to a position on a large object
pg_lo_tell - return the current seek position of a large object
pg_lo_unlink - delete a large object
pg_lo_import - import a Unix file into a large object
pg_lo_export - export a large object into a Unix file
1) pg_connect: opens a connection to the backend
pg_connect dbName [-host hostName] [-port portNumber] [-tty pqtty] [-options optionalBackendArgs]]
the return result is either an error message or a handle for a database
connection. Handles start with the prefix "pgp"
2) pg_disconnect: closes a connection
pg_disconnect connection
The argument passed in must be a connection pointer.
3) pg_exec: send a query string to the backend
pg_exec connection query
the return result is either an error message or a handle for a query
result. Handles start with the prefix "pgp"
4) pg_select: loop over the result of a select statement
pg_select connection query var proc
The query must be a select statement. Anything else returns an error.
The var variable is an array name used in the loop. It is filled
out with the result of the query for each tuple using the field
names as the associative indeces. Proc is the procedure that is
run for each tuple found.
example: (DB is set to database name)
set conn [pg_connect $DB]
pg_select $conn "SELECT * from table" array {
puts [format "%5d %s" array(control) array(name)]
pg_disconnect $conn
5) pg_result: get information about a query result
1996-08-19 00:14:33 +02:00
pg_result result ?option?
the options are:
the status of the result
if the last query was an insert, returns the oid of the
inserted tuple
the connection that produced the result
-assign arrayName
assign the results to an array
the number of tuples in the query
returns a list of the name/type pairs of the tuple attributes
-getTuple tupleNumber
returns the values of the tuple in a list
clear the result buffer. Do not reuse after this
The pg_lo* routines are interfaces to the Inversion large objects in postgres.
The functions are designed to mimic the analogous file system functions in
the standard Unix file system interface.
The pg_lo* routines should typically be used within a BEGIN/END transaction
block becaus the file descriptor returned by pg_lo_open is only valid for
the current transaction. pg_lo_import and pg_lo_export MUST be used
in a BEGIN/END transaction block.
* pg_lo_creat: create a large object
g_lo_creat conn mode
mode can be any OR'ing together of INV_READ, INV_WRITE, and INV_ARCHIVE.
The OR delimiter character is "|".
e.g. [pg_lo_creat $conn "INV_READ|INV_WRITE"]
returns the oid of the large object created.
* pg_lo_open: open a large object
pg_lo_open conn objOid mode
where mode can be either "r", "w", or "rw"
returns a file descriptor for use in later pg_lo* routines
* pg_lo_close: close a large object
pg_lo_close conn fd
* pg_lo_read: read a large object
pg_lo_read conn fd bufVar len
reads at most len bytes from a large object into a variable named bufVar.
Note that the third argument should be a variable name.
* pg_lo_write: write a large object
pg_lo_write conn fd buf len
write at most len bytes to a large object.
The third argument should be the actual string to write, not a variable name.
* pg_lo_lseek: seek to a position on a large object
pg_lo_lseek conn fd offset whence
whence can be "SEEK_CUR", "SEEK_END", or "SEEK_SET"
* pg_lo_tell: return the current seek position of a large object
pg_lo_tell conn fd
* pg_lo_unlink: delete a large object
pg_lo_unlink conn lobjId
* pg_lo_import: import a Unix file into a large object
pg_lo_import conn filename
pg_lo_import must be called within a BEGIN/END transaction block
* pg_lo_export: export a large object into a Unix file
pg_lo_export conn lobjId filename
pg_lo_export must be called within a BEGIN/END transaction block
Here's a small example of how to use the routines:
# getDBs :
# get the names of all the databases at a given host and port number
# with the defaults being the localhost and port 5432
# return them in alphabetical order
proc getDBs { {host "localhost"} {port "5432"} } {
# datnames is the list to be result
set conn [pg_connect template1 -host $host -port $port]
set res [pg_exec $conn "SELECT datname FROM pg_database ORDER BY datname"]
set ntups [pg_result $res -numTuples]
for {set i 0} {$i < $ntups} {incr i} {
lappend datnames [pg_result $res -getTuple $i]
pg_disconnect $conn
return $datnames